__ Common Goldeneye RAILS, GALLINULES, __ Baird's Sandpiper __ Black-tailed Gull __ Black-capped Petrel Birds of __ Barrow's Goldeneye AND COOTS __ Little Stint __ Common Gull __ Fea's Petrel __ Smew __ Least Sandpiper __ Short-billed Gull __ Cory's Shearwater New York State __ Clapper Rail __ Hooded Merganser __ White-rumped __ Ring-billed Gull __ Sooty Shearwater __ King Rail © New York State __ Common Merganser __ Virginia Rail Sandpiper __ Western Gull __ Great Shearwater Ornithological __ Red-breasted __ Corn Crake __ Buff-breasted Sandpiper __ California Gull __ Manx Shearwater Association Merganser __ Sora __ Pectoral Sandpiper __ Herring Gull __ Audubon's Shearwater Ruddy Duck __ Semipalmated __ __ Iceland Gull __ Common Gallinule STORKS Sandpiper www.nybirds.org GALLINACEOUS BIRDS __ American Coot __ Lesser Black-backed __ Wood Stork __ Northern Bobwhite __ Purple Gallinule __ Western Sandpiper Gull FRIGATEBIRDS DUCKS, GEESE, SWANS __ Wild Turkey __ Azure Gallinule __ Short-billed Dowitcher __ Slaty-backed Gull __ Magnificent Frigatebird __ Long-billed Dowitcher __ Glaucous Gull __ Black-bellied Whistling- __ Ruffed Grouse __ Yellow Rail BOOBIES AND GANNETS __ American Woodcock Duck __ Spruce Grouse __ Black Rail __ Great Black-backed Gull __ Brown Booby __ Wilson's Snipe __ Fulvous Whistling-Duck __ Willow Ptarmigan CRANES __ Sooty Tern __ Northern Gannet __ Greater Prairie-Chicken __ Spotted Sandpiper __ Bridled Tern __ Snow Goose __ Sandhill Crane ANHINGAS __ Solitary Sandpiper __ Least Tern __ Ross’s Goose __ Gray Partridge STILTS, AVOCETS __ Anhinga __ Greater White-fronted __ Ring-necked Pheasant __ Lesser Yellowlegs __ Gull-billed Tern __ Black-necked Stilt CORMORANTS Goose GREBES __ American Avocet __ Willet __ Caspian Tern __ Spotted Redshank __ Black Tern __ Great Cormorant __ Pink-footed Goose __ Pied-billed Grebe OYSTERCATCHERS __ Brant __ Common Greenshank __ White-winged Tern __ Double-crested __ Horned Grebe __ American Oystercatcher Cormorant __ Barnacle Goose __ Greater Yellowlegs __ Roseate Tern __ Red-necked Grebe LAPWINGS AND __ Neotropic Cormorant __ Cackling Goose __ Wood Sandpiper __ Common Tern __ Eared Grebe PLOVERS __ Canada Goose __ Wilson's Phalarope __ Arctic Tern PELICANS __ Western Grebe __ Northern Lapwing __ Mute Swan __ Red-necked Phalarope __ Forster's Tern __ American White Pelican __ Clark’s Grebe __ Black-bellied Plover __ Trumpeter Swan __ Red Phalarope __ Royal Tern __ Brown Pelican PIGEONS, DOVES __ American Golden-Plover __ Tundra Swan SKUAS, JAEGERS __ Sandwich Tern BITTERNS, HERONS, __ Rock Pigeon __ Pacific Golden-Plover __ Wood Duck __ Great Skua __ Elegant Tern AND ALLIES __ Band-tailed Pigeon __ Killdeer __ Garganey __ South Polar Skua __ Black Skimmer __ American Bittern __ Eurasian Collared-Dove __ Common Ringed Plover __ Blue-winged Teal __ Pomarine Jaeger TROPICBIRDS __ Least Bittern __ Passenger Pigeon __ Semipalmated Plover __ Cinnamon Teal __ Parasitic Jaeger __ White-tailed Tropicbird __ Great Blue Heron __ Inca Dove __ Piping Plover __ Northern Shoveler __ Long-tailed Jaeger __ Red-billed Tropicbird __ Great Egret __ Common Ground Dove __ Wilson's Plover __ Gadwall MURRES, PUFFINS, AND LOONS __ Little Egret __ White-winged Dove SANDPIPERS __ Eurasian Wigeon ALLIES __ Red-throated Loon __ Western Reef-Heron __ Mourning Dove __ Upland Sandpiper __ American Wigeon __ Dovekie __ Pacific Loon __ Snowy Egret CUCKOOS __ Whimbrel __ Mallard __ Common Murre __ Common Loon __ Little Blue Heron __ Yellow-billed Cuckoo __ Eskimo Curlew __ American Black Duck __ Thick-billed Murre __ Yellow-billed Loon __ Tricolored Heron __ Black-billed Cuckoo __ Long-billed Curlew __ Northern Pintail __ Razorbill __ Reddish Egret NIGHTJARS __ Eurasian Curlew ALBATROSSES __ Green-winged Teal __ Black Guillemot __ Cattle Egret __ Common Nighthawk __ Bar-tailed Godwit __ Yellow-nosed Albatross __ Canvasback __ Long-billed Murrelet __ Green Heron __ Chuck-will's-widow __ Black-tailed Godwit SOUTHERN STORM- __ Redhead __ Ancient Murrelet __ Black-crowned Night- __ Eastern Whip-poor-will __ Hudsonian Godwit PETRELS __ Ring-necked Duck __ Atlantic Puffin Heron SWIFTS __ Marbled Godwit __ Wilson's Storm-Petrel __ Yellow-crowned Night- __ Tufted Duck GULLS, TERNS, AND __ Chimney Swift __ Ruddy Turnstone __ White-faced Storm-Petrel Heron __ Greater Scaup SKIMMERS __ Red Knot NORTHERN STORM- __ Lesser Scaup HUMMINGBIRDS __ Black-legged Kittiwake IBISES, SPOONBILLS __ Ruff PETRELS __ King Eider __ Ruby-throated __ Ivory Gull __ White Ibis __ Broad-billed Sandpiper __ Leach's Storm-Petrel __ Common Eider Hummingbird __ Sabine's Gull __ Glossy Ibis __ Sharp-tailed Sandpiper __ Band-rumped Storm-Petrel __ Harlequin Duck __ Anna's Hummingbird __ Bonaparte's Gull __ White-faced Ibis __ Stilt Sandpiper FULMARS, __ Labrador Duck __ Calliope Hummingbird __ Gray-hooded Gull __ Roseate Spoonbill __ Curlew Sandpiper SHEARWATERS, AND __ Surf Scoter __ Rufous Hummingbird __ Black-headed Gull VULTURES __ Red-necked Stint PETRELS __ White-winged Scoter __ Broad-billed __ Little Gull __ Black Vulture Hummingbird __ Sanderling __ Northern Fulmar __ Black Scoter __ Ross's Gull __ Turkey Vulture __ Dunlin __ Trindade Petrel __ Long-tailed Duck __ Laughing Gull OSPREY __ Purple Sandpiper __ Mottled Petrel __ Bufflehead __ Franklin's Gull __ Osprey HAWKS, KITES, EAGLES PARROTS __ Horned Lark __ Varied Thrush __ Nelson's Sparrow __ Cerulean Warbler __ White-tailed Kite __ Monk Parakeet MARTINS, SWALLOWS WHEATEARS __ Saltmarsh Sparrow __ Northern Parula __ Swallow-tailed Kite FLYCATCHERS __ Bank Swallow __ Northern Wheatear __ Baird's Sparrow __ Magnolia Warbler __ Golden Eagle __ Ash-throated Flycatcher __ Tree Swallow OLD WORLD __ Henslow's Sparrow __ Bay-breasted Warbler __ Northern Harrier __ Great Crested __ Northern Rough-winged SPARROWS __ Savannah Sparrow __ Blackburnian Warbler __ Sharp-shinned Hawk Flycatcher Swallow __ House Sparrow __ Song Sparrow __ Yellow Warbler __ Cooper's Hawk __ Tropical Kingbird __ Purple Martin WAGTAILS AND PIPITS __ Lincoln's Sparrow __ Chestnut-sided Warbler __ Northern Goshawk __ Couch's Kingbird __ Barn Swallow __ 'Yellow' Wagtail __ Swamp Sparrow __ Blackpoll Warbler __ Bald Eagle __ Cassin's Kingbird __ Cliff Swallow __ American Pipit __ Green-tailed Towhee __ Black-throated Blue __ Mississippi Kite __ Western Kingbird __ Cave Swallow FINCHES AND __ Spotted Towhee Warbler __ Red-shouldered Hawk __ Eastern Kingbird KINGLETS CROSSBILLS __ Eastern Towhee __ Palm Warbler __ Broad-winged Hawk __ Gray Kingbird __ Ruby-crowned Kinglet __ Brambling YELLOW-BR. CHATS __ Pine Warbler __ Swainson's Hawk __ Scissor-tailed Flycatcher __ Golden-crowned Kinglet __ Evening Grosbeak __ Yellow-breasted Chat __ Yellow-rumped Warbler __ Red-tailed Hawk __ Fork-tailed Flycatcher WAXWINGS __ Pine Grosbeak BLACKBIRDS __ Yellow-throated Warbler __ Rough-legged Hawk __ Olive-sided Flycatcher __ Bohemian Waxwing __ Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch __ Yellow-headed Blackbird __ Prairie Warbler OWLS __ Eastern Wood-Pewee __ Cedar Waxwing __ House Finch __ Bobolink __ Grace's Warbler __ Barn Owl __ Yellow-bellied Flycatcher NUTHATCHES __ Purple Finch __ Eastern Meadowlark __ Black-throated Gray Warbler __ Eastern Screech-Owl __ Acadian Flycatcher __ Red-breasted Nuthatch __ Common Redpoll __ Western Meadowlark r __ Great Horned Owl __ Alder Flycatcher __ White-breasted Nuthatch __ Hoary Redpoll __ Orchard Oriole __ Townsend's Warble r __ Snowy Owl __ Willow Flycatcher __ Brown-headed Nuthatch __ Red Crossbill __ Bullock's Oriole __ Hermit Warble __ White-winged Crossbill __ Baltimore Oriole __ Black-throated Green __ Northern Hawk Owl __ Least Flycatcher CREEPERS __ Scott's Oriole Warbler __ Burrowing Owl __ Hammond's Flycatcher __ Brown Creeper __ European Goldfinch __ Pine Siskin __ Red-winged Blackbird __ Canada Warbler __ Barred Owl __ Pacific-slope Flycatcher GNATCATCHERS __ American Goldfinch __ Bronzed Cowbird __ Wilson's Warbler __ Great Gray Owl __ Eastern Phoebe __ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher __ Long-eared Owl __ Say's Phoebe LONGSPURS AND SNOW __ Brown-headed Cowbird __ Painted Redstart WRENS __ Short-eared Owl __ Vermilion Flycatcher BUNTINGS __ Rusty Blackbird TANAGERS, CARDINALS __ Rock Wren AND ALLIES __ Boreal Owl VIREOS __ Lapland Longspur __ Brewer's Blackbird __ House Wren __ Summer Tanager __ Northern Saw-whet Owl __ White-eyed Vireo __ Chestnut-collared __ Common Grackle __ Winter Wren __ Scarlet Tanager KINGFISHERS __ Bell's Vireo Longspur __ Boat-tailed Grackle __ Sedge Wren __ Western Tanager __ Belted Kingfisher __ Yellow-throated Vireo __ Smith's Longspur WOOD-WARBLERS __ Marsh Wren __ Ovenbird __ Northern Cardinal WOODPECKERS __ Cassin's Vireo __ Snow Bunting __ Carolina Wren __ Worm-eating Warbler __ Rose-breasted __ Lewis's Woodpecker __ Blue-headed Vireo NEW WORLD __ Bewick's Wren __ Louisiana Waterthrush Grosbeak __ Red-headed __ Philadelphia Vireo SPARROWS AND MIMICS __ Northern Waterthrush __ Black-headed Grosbeak Woodpecker __ Warbling Vireo ALLIES __ Gray Catbird __ Golden-winged Warbler __ Blue Grosbeak __ Red-bellied Woodpecker __ Red-eyed Vireo __ Cassin's Sparrow __ Brown Thrasher __ Blue-winged Warbler __ Lazuli Bunting __ Williamson's Sapsucker SHRIKES __ Bachman's Sparrow __ Sage Thrasher __ Black-and-white Warbler __ Indigo Bunting __ Yellow-bellied __ Loggerhead Shrike __ Grasshopper Sparrow __ Northern Mockingbird __ Prothonotary Warbler __ Painted Bunting Sapsucker __ Northern Shrike __ Lark Sparrow STARLINGS __ Swainson's Warbler __ Dickcissel __ American Three-toed __
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