Index to Academy Oral Histories Edward Anhalt Edward Anhalt (Screenwriter) Call number: OH157 A.B. Dick Company (office equipment), 28 Abbene, Bernard V., 797–799 Abbott, L. B., 674 ABRAHAM (television), 229 Abraham (Abram), 292, 439, 720 Abrahams, Mort, 575, 677 Academy Awards, 114, 184–185, 188, 192, 196, 224, 231, 270-272, 279, 405–406, 420, 435–436, 483, 529, 755 Academy Center for Motion Picture Study see Margaret Herrick Library Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, 75, 320, 327, 335, 341, 447, 457, 529, 799 Academy Samuel Goldwyn Theater see Samuel Goldwyn Theater accounting, 171, 175, 254, 278–280, 298–299, 341, 477, 492, 521, 597–598, 652, 659–660, 667–669, 679, 729, 748 acting, 26, 109, 168, 173-175, 185, 190, 216, 224–228, 243–244, 247–250, 255–256, 264–265, 271, 275– 280, 284, 297–298, 303, 307–309, 312–313, 316, 334–335, 342–345, 351–355, 359–360, 367–368, 372– 374, 380, 389, 392–397, 405, 422–426, 429, 434–436, 439–440, 457, 486, 494–502, 505, 513, 517, 526, 536–537, 545, 556, 559, 567, 570, 574-576, 592, 597–598, 610–611, 631-633, 641, 650, 655–657, 661– 665, 672, 677–678, 684–687, 699–700, 704–708, 721–722, 727-729, 737, 755, 768–769, 773, 776, 782, 792, 797, 809 acting coaches, 656 Actors Studio (Los Angeles), 656 “The Acts of the Apostles" (project), 293, 339, 432, 640, 730, 740, 808 Adams, John, 623 Adler, E. Maurice “Buddy”, 312–316 Adler, Jay, 209, 215 advertising, 38–41, 244, 266, 303, 379, 400, 573, 615, 639, 676, 724, 806 advertising films, 40–41 AEG Gesellschaft, 319 aerial cinematography, 42, 82, 84–85, 93–142, 171, 250, 291, 294, 328, 481–483, 491–494, 581–583, 690, 694–695 THE AFRICAN QUEEN, 302 African-Americans, depiction of, 224–227, 233–234, 258, 330, 367, 371-375, 394, 398, 470–472, 492– 493, 623, 802–803 African-Americans in the film industry, 224–227, 339–340, 367, 450–452, 470–472 ageism, 490, 748–749 agents, 174, 177, 185, 251, 315, 378–379, 386, 393, 448–449, 473, 489, 496, 627, 657–658, 671–672, 676, 692, 724, 754, 764 Ahmanson Theater (Los Angeles), 551 Air America (airline), 748 Air France (airline), 351 AIR POWER AND ARMIES, 99–100, 114–117, 121–122, 126-128, 140, 142, 331 airplanes in films, 42, 82, 84–85, 93–142, 171, 250, 291, 294, 328, 481–483, 491–494, 581–583, 690, 694– 695 Akeley cameras, 141–142 Albee, Josh, 631 Albert, Eddie, 167, 169 alcohol in films, 50, 67, 78, 84, 147, 204, 213, 262, 282, 285, 316–317, 369, 452, 456, 465, 592, 626–627, 765, 770, 774 ALEXANDER, 808 ALEXANDER NEVSKY, 144 “Alexander the Great" (project), 604–605, 713, 807–808 Alexis Petrovich (Russia), 772, 787–788 Aley, Albert, 447 ALL IN THE FAMILY (television), 416 ALL THE KING'S MEN, 204 Allen, Beth, 658 Allen, Irving, 168, 172, 653 Allen, Irwin, 168, 617–618 Allen, Jay Presson, 282, 416–417 Allen, Woody, 236 Alley, Norman, 30–32, 42 Allyson, June, 147 “The Almost People" (project), 605–609 Alpert, Hollis, 298 Ambassador Hotel (Los Angeles), 448 Andrews. Dana, 505 American Broadcasting Company (ABC), 690–691, 767–768 American Cinematographer (magazine), 26, 37, 42, 59, 66, 69, 71, 97 American Civil War, 220–221, 320 American Documentary Films Inc., 51–52 American Express, 564, 568 American Film Theatre, 155, 201, 557, 563–580, 601, 624–625, 677 American Indian Movement, 633–634 American Institute of Planners, 51 American Medical Association, 258 American Movie Classics (AMC), 650 American Red Cross, 66 American Society of Cinematographers (ASC), 26, 37, 42 American Telephone & Telegraph (AT&T), 26, 57 American Tragedy: The Uncensored Story of the Simpson Defense (book), 489, 777 American Zoetrope, 644 Ames, Aldrich, 132 Andersen's (restaurants), 102 Anderson, Courtney, 115–116 Andrews, Anthony, 679 Andrews, Edward, 396 Angorola, Richard, 633 _____, Addie (aunt), 18, 20 _____, Morris (uncle), 18, 20 Anhalt, _____ (father), 12–13, 703 Anhalt, _____ (grandmother), 319–320 Anhalt, _____ (great-grandfather), 320 Anhalt, Camilla Carr (wife), 365, 658, 660, 664, 676, 741 Anhalt, Edna (wife), 160-162, 165–168, 175-177, 196, 199, 202-204, 212-214, 220–221, 224, 230–231, 236, 239, 254, 300, 315, 378, 387, 800 Anhalt, Edward childhood, 11–22, 27 education, 11–13, 21–22 as documentary filmmaker, 26-27, 44-53 as newsreel cameraman, 31–32 as film editor, 29–31, 93–142, 163–164, 276, 358, 767–769 at Columbia Broadcasting System, 36–37, 57–60, 63–66, 69–70 in World War II, 22–25, 30–35, 38–39, 42–46, 55–57, 71–78, 81–86, 89–144, 148–151, 156–157, 162, 165, 191, 204–207 in United States Army, 71–74 in United States Army Air Corps, 71-127 and Office of Strategic Services, 127–160 as “Andrew Holt,” 89, 151–152, 166–174, 179–180 becomes screenwriter, 161–162 and Korean war, 197–198 as producer, 187, 199–215, 224, 254, 260–262, 298–300, 387, 706 as actor, 43, 300, 532, 706–707, 799–800 as test director, 349–351 as director, 269–271, 276, 401, 490–504, 590 as playwright, 622, 667–669 as educator, 797–799 and Sheaf Company, 614–615, 657–660 and American Film Theatre, 563–580, 601–603, 624–625 and Fleischer-Anhalt Art Gallery, 550–551 and Writers Guild of America, 316–318, 445–489 Anhalt, Huguette (wife), 12, 550 Anhalt, Jacqueline Richards (wife), 220, 503, 550–551, 681–683, 699, 703 animal actors, 167-169, 172, 242–243, 283, 347, 618–620 animal trainers, 310, 618–620 animation, 106-108, 116, 121 ANNE OF THE THOUSAND DAYS, 433 Anouilh, Jean, 421, 428, 437–440 Answer to History (book), 742 Antheil, George, 204, 236–237 anthology films, 503–504 Anti-Defamation League of the B’nai B’rith (ADL), 229, 717–719, 735-737, 801 anti-Semitism, 11, 28, 98, 123–124, 154–156, 186, 238, 245, 253-255, 258, 267–268, 291–292, 310, 319, 324, 327, 361–363, 373–376, 383–385, 425, 439, 470, 472–473, 533, 579, 583–584, 654, 671–672, 682-684, 687–689, 693–698, 702–706, 711, 714, 717–723, 728-730, 734–738, 741 Anzer, William, 90, 92 Applebaum, Irving, 170 Appleton, Louis, 166–167, 170 Appleton, Louis Jr., 174 Arafat, Yasser, 98, 291–292, 294–295, 328–329, 332, 536, 636, 639, 687, 713 “Arafat and Rabin" see "Two Hands That Shook the World" Arafat: In the Eyes of the Beholder (book), 639 Archer, Anne, 665 architecture, 12, 132 Argosy (magazine), 89 Arizona State University, 799 Armao, Robert, 742, 745–747 Armed Forces Radio Service, 139 Armstrong, Ray, 78 Armstrong, Robert, 180 THE ARMY-NAVY SCREEN MAGAZINE (film series), 117, 122–123 Arnold, Elliott, 456 Arnold, Henry H. “Hap”, 94, 96, 119–120, 134 Arroyo, Luis, 396–397 art direction, 170, 176, 189, 219, 238, 268, 278, 300, 310, 321–322, 325, 342, 356, 365–367, 421, 430–431, 490–494, 528, 589, 593–594, 599–600, 757, 778, 793 Artists Managers Guild, 448 Asner, Ed, 508 assistant directing, 168, 172-174, 178, 219, 226, 351, 560–561 Associated Film Distribution, 651 Association of Documentary Film Producers, 44–53 Association of Motion Picture and Television Producers see Association of Motion Picture Producers Association of Motion Picture Producers, 457–460, 474-476, 486 Astor, Burt, 560 Astoria studios (New York), 72, 116–117 atomic bomb (1945), 271, 493, 499 atomic testing, 125, 152 attorneys, 133, 200, 306–307, 391, 480, 487-489, 537–540, 546, 575, 674–675, 700–702, 750, 757–761 attorneys in motion pictures, 487-489, 546, 568, 637-639, 674–675, 684–685, 698–702, 709, 716–717, 723, 731, 750–751, 757–761 attorneys in motion pictures see also litigation Atwood, Angela, 451 Aubrey, James, 615, 653 Auster, Paul, 498 auteur theory, 462 Authors and Celebrities Forum, 801 automobile racing, 182, 228, 515-520 automobiles in films, 182, 228, 250–252, 325, 446, 453, 515–520, 626–627 AVALANCHE, 168, 172–175 Avery, Stephen Moorehouse, 84–85 AWAKE AND SING (play), 223–224 Axelrod, George, 677–678, 680 Aylmer, Felix, 429 Bacall, Lauren, 382–383 backlots, 176, 310–311, 321–322, 356, 367-369, 491, 599–600 Baer, Parley, 307, 310 Baerwald, Susan, 764, 776–777 Bailey, F. Lee, 537–540, 546 Bakaleinekoff, Mischa, 178 Baker, _____, 93 Baker, Fay, 181 Baker, Herbert, 452 Baldwin, Elias "Lucky," 532 Ballard, Lucien, 511–512 ballet in films see dance in film; choreography “Ballet Mechanique" (music), 236-238 Ballet Theater Group (dance), 70 Ballin, Albert, 319 Balsam, Martin, 482–483, 803 Balzer, George, 81–82, 85 Banco Ambrosiano (Italy), 747–748 Banco di Roma (Italy), 748 Banco di Santo Spirito (Vatican City), 747–748 Bancroft, George, 251 Bank of America, 78 Banner Productions, 519, 521 Barabbas, Jesus 726–727, 739–740 Bardot, Brigitte, 351 Bare, Richard, 86, 88 Bare Knuckles and Back Rooms (book), 666 Barlow, Roger, 44, 47 Barnes, Binnie, 795 Barrett, James Lee, 714 Bartell, Jack, 606 Bartlett, Sy, 558–559 Barwood Films, 337, 653 baseball, 19 Basehart, Richard, 505 BASIC INSTINCT, 265 Bass, Saul, 165, 303 Bassman, Don, 541 Bates, Bert, 516 “The Battle for the City" (project), 557–558, 712 BATTLE OF SAN PIETRO, 45–46, 110 BATTLESHIP POTEMKIN, 162–164, 358, 769 Baumes, Wilfred Lloyd, 682 Bavaria Film (distributor), 248 Baxter, Warner, 176, 180–181 BAYWATCH (television), 601 BE CAREFUL, 113 Beal, John, 97, 115, 209, 219 Beatty, Adelle, 382–383 Beatty, Warren, 611–612 BEAU GESTE, 155 Beauchamp, Clem, 212 Beck, Dave, 607 Beckerman, Sidney, 617 BECKET, 275–276, 321, 329–330, 351, 402, 421–441, 445, 449, 509, 577, 669, 677, 687, 772–773, 779– 780, 801 BECKET (play), 421–424, 435, 437, 667–668 Becket, Thomas, 329–330, 427, 438, 667 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 238 Bel Geddes, Barbara, 191, 278 Bel Geddes, Norman, 278 Bel-Air Hotel (Los Angeles), 213 Bell and Howell Company, 29 Belli, Melvin, 674–675 “The Belli Files" (project), 674–675 Ben-Ami, Jacob, 324 Benedict, Paul, 634 Ben-Gurion Airport (Tel Aviv), 746 Ben-Gurion,
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