Chapter I a Brief History of the Marathas

Chapter I a Brief History of the Marathas

• Chapter I A brief history of the Marathas Pla~.or the Ch.ptnr the [The chapter deals with the ~aratha history on Itol10w- ln, 11ne8 :- (1) The probuble onl':in or the terms tjl,arathas' and '~ah8ra.htra' • A briet historical suryey ot ancient ~nd medla8va1 Maharashtra. (li) The Maratha., as they are called, ca•• into pro­ m1nence 1n "the middle or the 17th century, wh1ch marks t~e be,inning or th~ Maratha h1story. Their history .r~118 into two distinct ~eriod., i.e. from 1645 to 1706 and fr~ 1707 to 1818. (111) The rirst period encompasa.s the reglme or Shivajl. the founder of the klngdom (1645-16801 and that ot his two 80ns, namely, wambh~jl (1680-16891 and Raj.­ ram (16g9 .. l700). (lvl In th~ second period, the king remained nomlnal and the state power ~radua1ly slipped into the handa or his chi.r-miniet~r, the Peshwa. The Peahw&s had their ~eredltary office at Poona. As many as nine persons trom their family held this orrice in succession. The second part or the hlstory, thus, embraces t.he regimes ot nina successive P.ahwas. ] 10 11 The historY of the ..aratha. 18 the hlatorlc&l reoord or the .ar.thl-8pea~lnr people ot Mahar•• htra durlnc the' p ••t tbr • centuri•• (Map 10. 11. n .arl, tl •••• th ,eop1. of thi. 1.nd were known •• "Ratth•• ", " .h~&tth ••q 1 or ~ .htr.kut.a~. The .ook Bdiet V ot Albok. proyid•• the •• r11 ••t record or the exl.'enee or the ~ ~shtrlka.­ a. the people ot the necaan In the )rd oentury B.C. Op1nlon8 ,, dilter .e to how aDd when the pr••• nt te~. Po.erathaa" and " .har•• btr.~ came Into u.e. There 1. ~ , ood de.l ot .peculat10n •• re,.rd. the origla ot the aboye two teras," but It 1. certaln tba' the, auat haye coae to .tay In the ••1"1, ~hrl.tlan era • There ,,1". • any inecrlption. in the ancient cayes ot Karla , Bhaja and Bed,. (all 1ft the Poone distriot of '~h.r•• h'ra) In which the male and t ...le archite.t. hay. b.en d •••ribed as "~ahar.tthi" and ~Mabarat'hln i· respeotl ••1,. Thi. 2 ladlca'•• that the ~ ••htrlka." acquired the a... ~ aha· 1 G. $. Sard•• a' : !lw ula,orr of thl tiar."a., Vol. I, p. 1). 2~Th' t.rm ' ••htrlk' 1. the Senakrltla. fors of tb. '.nn t la.tile' -- thtt people who w.r. mo.' probably the lnb,bitants or ra. elne. the ~tthaa the rulina peopl •• 1n .outh Indl.~ _. Dr. Ramkrishna Bhand.rk,r (B.rly Hta'orr of the Dece,n, p~. 26-~8}. 1 MAP No.1 MAHARASHTRA IN INDIA • () o 400 80 , ! ! 12 -riitthi" t so:retitlle 1n the fir-st century I~.D. The term 't erath.. ' i e the rurth.u· dftrt vati v~ of the t!- aharatthi ' and the country inhabited by the ~arathas ber:an to be called The pre.ent l .• rathi tomrue ot the ;. aratha. il the direct deacendent l'lt the literary Prakrit 'gaha­ rashtri', t.he l.n~ua,e or :'.aharaahtra. Anciept and V.edl,eyal lhe Mnclent '~tthaa ruling over V,h@r,shtr. ; A brier . hl.torical 'Pryey the Deccan Ctime to be divided into, and known by the namae of. many families, such as. the ~atY8han68 (7) B.C. to 218 k.U.J • • the ;haluky",. (e.rly 6th e~nturj I •• iJ. to 757 A. D. }, the .aahtr.kutas {who also called themselves .s .• &tthae 6Snd ruled upto 97) A.D.J who, 1n turn. ~er. overpowered by another dynasty of the Chalukyas. Thp.8e 6halukyas were, however. defeated by anoth~r dynasty or the Tadwvaa in lIS? A.D. The rulers ot this dynaaty ruled from Deol'lri (pre.ent Oaulatabad) for about one ~nd a ouarter of a century until their kingdom was lubjur.ated by ~l;u'd-Dln Khaljl t ~ hualin: ruler) of the t:halji dynasty of Uelhi t In 1)12 ,~.D. The next two Sultana or this dynasty extlnruiahed the last vestigee or the Hindu power in ~outh India. 3 nb''''ut 1000 .fl. u. the i usllma her-an to knock at th" pates of India. dnd b~ the ~nd of the twelfth c~ntury, Delhi passed into their hand.. They rec.ulred lD nundred years more to reach :: aharashtrl from Ue1h1. 1) hS the newly concuered territories in the Deccan were beyond the ran~e or efficient control from Delhi. H.'an tilies 28far~&1In was posted as a deputy to the "'rtperor or Uelhi to run admln1ltr.tlon 1n ~outh India trom D~ulatab.d . Ja ~ararkhan. however. estab1tshe4 his own kin,dom, better known as the Bahmanl kin~dom 1n 1)47 h.D. and severed his connectiona with Uelhl. H1s kln~dom exl.ted tor two centuries and "'a. suba.(1uently apl it up. in 1526 ",.ll •• into five independent sultanate. ot Bljapur, Golconda, Ahmednavar, Serar and Bidar (~ap No.2). or the •• (l'Ve su1tan~e., only thre~t namely, Bijapur. Golconda .nd Ah~edna"ar existed tor a lon~er time. Ih.,th. tallJ1~ief 1 In the •• rvice or the above thr.e £I~. to pr!minence in ~h. ear y 17th state., many Yaratha r.milie., century such •• the Jadhavs, Bhonsles. ('horped.a, Nimbalkara and several others came to prominence. They rendered heroic eervlces to their re.pect1, •.~ultana tor, which th~y were ,ranted j.~ir8 or rent-tree lands. They, therefore, enjoyed respectable position at their courts and were usually CoIled as manaabdara. In tho firat cuarter or the sevent.enth century, !Jheahaji Bhons1e, a t· aratha manaabdar came into prominence ----------------~---------- ----------------------------- Jal..atarkhan. better known Iii 8 I\bul-~.u.arrar Ala-ud-d1n :ihah or Uasan {~an}7u Bahzruanl . MAP No 2 t 600 Km. 0 I . "" I ~'::?;~J,. ~~ .................. : ........... " . THE FIVE . : SULTANATES OF THE r--.:--~D E CC AN THE. SUL-TANATES OF THE. DEC.:AN IN ,')26 A. D 14 PEl W&8 rrarsr &1 and did not spare bn~ efr,rt to d~rend the state sp&inet t\.p rlslnr u':"'hyl pre~5ure fro't the north c.nd that of 4 Bijapur 1n t~.~ south. But the state, insplte of heroic defence bv ~h.h~ji 'r'nsle, 11 not survive lon er &nd was subju lilted by the eOr'"'blnttd art!' tes of i-~t,lrbn ~~bCad and Bl.'ia't·ur Its t~rrltory WeS divided and annexed by 5 th~ two stat88 (~ap No.3' and, thus, by the ~nd of the year 16)6 11. • .0. only t~o kino-dar S ot (~j.ja~'ur dnd oleond4i t apart from t":e A ul-hal territory, existed 1n t·'t" Deccan. Shihajl Bhonpl~, th- wain pl11&r of the e~-A~mednarar dynasty t •• as allowed to hold on his old ja ~ir of Poona &nd ~upa (which he possessed 1n reeD nit ton to his services for thf' I.hmednsf"ar kin: dom) und hi It seryteel werflt utl1 tsftd bv the kin,. cf Btj~pur. expeditions to t~p ~~rn~tic which thereafter forrred hi. ~a1n ~phere or aetivlty. J~ set up his headcuarters first I.ike Shar.aji Bhon~lp, t there were many othE'lr 'ilrlithb familiAs in the services of 4The ~hnedn8F6r ~ultbnat for1ed ~ buffer zone between the .IIp"he.l l~mp1re of the nort~ and the . uharr.:r:ed".n states of the south and h~nce was subject to the ~111tary ~res­ sure fron. beth th~ sides. 5 By tinnexinp: a part of the 1'0 medna;ar ~ i nr.dotl. t the souti"lern' ost part of the . urhal u:pire, tt:.. t 18, the pro­ vince of .:.urangab.d ·~rr.brticed the parts of NCislk, I handeeh t t~ e whole of BeT'or end a l)art of tJ'1e Nortl" tonkan. '1 he remainln"" portion of tre kin· dor. fell to thr> share of the Bi~apur Jultbnat. MAP No 3 I) B A z f III ~oo K'115 I".lDIA IN 16.36 A D 15 .'ljapur. r-olconda and that of Delhi. but one 1s more con­ cerned with Sh&h.jl fer his son. Shlvaji. turned out to be Shahajl died on ~3rd January, 1664. tie left behind three 80ns, two of whom, nallely Sarnbhaji lind .:>hl vaji, ','ere born from the firat wife and th~ third eon, \Yonkoji, tram the second one. where.8 Vyankojl came lnto po8s8.s10n or his jaYir of TanJor. 1n the :arnatic. Jh1vaj1 looked .ft~r his paternal jaglr at Poona 1n f .aharashtra. Thua the ~.aratha8 atarted lunction- inp as a powerful group during the early part of the ••yent ••nth eentury ,hen Sh.h~j~han W~. ruling at Uelhi ~s the ; u.f"hal li! ..peror. '1'11. first ouarter of thft .eyenteenth century ~ltn8s ••d two .1~nlr!cant 6 event., n&mely, the e.t~b11.hment or an ~n~lt.h t.ctory at Surat in 1612 and the birth of 7 ~hiyaji on 6th April. 1('2'1 61t ~hlYn.r. near Junnar (1n the present roon& district). .,hl VMj 1, the found er of the I"arath. Kingdom. w.. s brou~ht up in hi8 paternal jag1r at 6"heae two eventa were- aiy,n1ficant 1n t.he aonae that the Britiah trade 1n India W~. followed by their power which finally subdued the r ·.r4l6tha 14!mplre of wh1ch ';hl vajl ~a8 the founder.

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