1955 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE · 4129 I do not know about the State of Arkansas, Chairman BARDEN. Well, we have brought that we regard ourselves as still equal to but the State of North Carolina has been about this condition, have we not? that challenge. bled pretty nearly white and we have every Mr. HAYS. Yes. For that reason I hope that the committee form of taxation that anybody could think of Chairman BARDEN. And we are going to Will defend what it does and will feel that and at the present moment the legislature further aggravate it this year because we it is something that 1s historic. is wrestling with the problem of trying to are Just going right along and everybody is Chairman BARDEN. That 1s a very fine raise about $26 million additional revenue. requesting a bigger budget and a bigger ap­ statement and I think we can meet the Now, to these folks that just go along and propriation and here comes the foreign bill challenge, but here 1s the problem: It 1s vote for every big appropriation on the that will take all the rest of it and create much easier for us to cast a. ballot than it 1s theory that we can spend ourselves rich, a bigger overdraft. for folks down there to dig up some more then they had better turn their light on But we still wrestle with it. I say we money. That is what disturbe me. We their own backyards and the States and see are going to have to do something with the passed a resolution out of this committee where we are going to wind up. schools. unanimously that went to the floor of the Your State has not any more loose reve­ Mr. HAYS. May I make one comment on House and was passed by the House and nue running around in it than mine. The that? You have been very patient. then went to the Senate and for some rea­ Federal Government took out of the State Chairman BARDEN. Yes, sir. son it died a slow death, requiring this Fed­ of Arkansas last year the modest little sum Mr. HAYS. I feel that sometime, Mr. Chair­ eral Government to have some central point of $148 million in income tax alone. man, we tend to deplore this centralization whereby we could find what this Federal So I do not know. I join with you in hop­ in Washington because it is 1n sharp con­ Government is spending in the field of edu­ ing that we can put a limitation on this bill trast to the old Jeffersonian patterns. We cation, and yet, no, apparently somebody has for a certain number of years, but we have say the Government is away from the people not the nerve to even look at the picture the solution of this problem right here in. and we are incapable of making these de­ because the best investigation this com­ the Congress, and we have the problem right cisions as responsible servants because of mittee could make from the best research in our laps. its hugeness. that we put on it, we found that this Fed­ But instead of helping solve it by giving I think maybe we underestimate our ca­ eral Government in the field of education the States some consideration, we talk about, is spending more money that it cost to run well, we do not want any Federal control pacity to meet these changes in our society. But you and I are as close to the people the entire public-school system of the United over the State. States. No, I don't want any; we have too much down there in our townships as the governor as it is now. in the State capitol used to be. That is an appalling fact, yet we appar­ But let me tell you this: When you are We can act with as much. sensitivity to ently have not the nerve to just look at taking all the money from the State that the local needs as the State government. My the result of our acts. State needs to run its government, some­ feeling is that when a bill is brought out, So I get very much confused when I see body eventually will have to take over and and I trust that this committee will recom­ apparently the carelessness with which we run it because the State will not have the mend some form of aid, there is going to continue to invade the State sources of sources of revenue. be glory in it for all of us, but I actually revenue, and I know and you know they are I just felt like saying that and that is the wish I could be a member of this committee on their knees so far as sources of revenue sermon I preach often without the slightest to look back on what is going to be one of are concerned. provocation. the significant events of 1955. I do hope It disturbs me greatly. Thank you so Mr. HAYS. I always profit by hearing you that as it is dot.e we can say that we have much. issue a warning because I know how you not done it with indifference to the dangers Mr. HAYS. I appreciate your patience with feel. that the chairman wisely mentioned, but me. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE this year, in this session of the Congress, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES A message from the Senate, by Mr. we have had the finest group of pages I have known in my entire service in this THURSDAY, MARCH 31,. 1955 Ast, one of its clerks, announced that the Senate had passed without amend­ body. They have been courteous, help­ ful, and friendly. They are a wonderful The House met at 12 o'clock noon. ment bills and a concurrent r~solution of the House of the following titles: group of youngsters who genuinely are Rev. Harold A. Wisner, First Presby­ trying to assist us in every way they can. terian Church, Galesville, Wis., offered H. R. 4941. An act to amend the Foreign I feel we should pay tribute to them for the following prayer: Service Act of 1946, as amended, and for other purposes; their helpfulness and, of course, I include Eternal Father, sometimes Thou doth H. R. 4951. An act directing a redetermina­ the very fine work of Turner N. Robert­ speak in moments of quiet; at other tion of the national marketing quota for son, our chief page, who directs their times Thou dost speak through the work burley tobacco for the 1955-56 marketing activities, and without whom I do. not of men's minds and actions. Speak this year, and for other purposes; and know how this great deliberative body H. Con. Res. 103. Concurrent resolution would function. day, individually, through both these establishing that when the two Houses methods. Increase, in the spirits of adjourn Monday, April 4, 1955, they stand these now bowed before Thee, a keen adjourned until Wednesday, April 13, 1955. sense of their responsibility to 160 mil­ PARCEL POST lion Americans and over 2 billion human The message also announced that the Mr. JONES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, beings with divine rights. Senate had passed a bill of the following I ask unanimous consent to address the Continue building, O God, some of the title, in which the concurrence of the House for 1 minute and to revise and ex­ old wastes, and continue repairing some House is requested: tend my remarks. of the desolations of other generations S. 1436. An act to preserve the tobacco The SPEAKER. Is there objection to acreage history of farms which voluntarily the request of the gentleman from that this land may be made glad with withdraw from the production of tobacco, Thy laws. Establish every work done and to provide that the benefits of future Missouri? here that is established on truth and increases 1n tobacco acreage allotments shall There was no objection. equity so that the hopes and desires of first be extended to farms on which there Mr. JONES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, people may be fulfilled. have been decreases in such allotments. last week I inserted in the CONGRESSIONAL This day. be pleased to direct and RECORD, on page 3062, a letter from a con­ prosper the consultations of this august stituent of mine in which he called at­ body. THE CAPITOL PAGES tention to some of the silly regulations Forgive, O God, those national sins Mr. SIKES. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan­ which have been prevailing for the last which do so easily beset us and which imous consent to-address the House for 2 years relative to the mailing of parcel­ issue because of the human element. 1 minute. post packages. That incident brought forth many comments from many sec­ Inspire now these representatives of The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from tions of the country. From one of my the people who have a noble task to do postmasters, he mentions: on this day. Florida? - Through Jesus Christ our Lord. There was no objection. The elimination of the burdensome law Mr. Mr. which restricts acceptance of parcel-post Amen. SIKES. Speaker, I take these matter for first-class offices will be appre.­ few moments to lay emphasis on a mat­ ciated, I am sure; by all of your constit­ The Journal of the proceedings of ter which, I know, has not escaped the uents. Every day we have to turn pack­ yesterday was read and approved.
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