saerTaSoriso konferencia saqarTvelo – bizantia – qristianuli aRmosavleTi moxsenebaTa Tezisebi albomi International Conference GEORGIA – BYZANTIUM – CHRISTIAN EAST ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS ALBUM TBBbilisi . TBILISI 2017 korneli kekeliZis saxelobis saqarTvelos xelnawerTa erovnuli centri KORNELI KEKELIDZE GEORGIAN NATIONAL CENTRE OF MANUSCRIPTS saqarTvelos ganaTlebisa da mecnierebis saministro MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF GEOREGIA saredaqcio-sagamomcemlo jgufi zaza abaSiZe, eka duRaSvili, lado mirianaSvili, vladimer peraniZe, qeTevan tatiSvili, nino qavTaria EDITORIAL-PUBLISHING GROUP Zaza Abashidze, Eka Dughashvili, Lado Mirianashvili, Vladimer Peranidze, Ketevan Tatishvili, Nino Kavtaria ISBN 978-9941-9539-3-4 © korneli kekeliZis saxelobis saqarTvelos xelnawerTa erovnuli centri, 2017 winasityvaoba saqarTvelos, mTeli Tavisi arsebobis manZilze, mWidro politikuri, ekonomikuri da kulturuli urTierTobebi hqonda mezobel saxelmwifoebTan da Soreul qveynebTanac. Sumeri, aqadi, midia, asureTi, Zveli sparseTi, saberZneTi, Zveli somxeTi, Semdeg parTia, selevkidebi, ponto, romi – es is saxelmwifoebia, romlebTanac uZvelesi droidan ur- TierTobdnen qarTvelebi Cv.w.aR-mde III-I aTaswleulebSi. mniSvnelovan savaWro-satranzito sivrceSi arsebul qar- Tul saxelmwifoebs kolxidasa da iberias Tavisi wvlili SehqondaT sxva erebis kulturis Camoyalibebasa da gan- viTarebaSi. Tavis mxriv, unikaluri qarTuli civilizacia yalibdeboda mezobeli ganviTarebuli erebis kulturuli monapovaris SeTvisebiT. saqarTvelos kulturuli da saxlmwifoebrivi ganvi- Tarebis sruliad axali etapi dakavSirebulia qristianobis gavrcelebasa da mis saxelmwifo religiad gamocxadebas- Tan IV s. I meoTxedSi. am droidan moyolebuli saqarTve- los mWidro kontaqtebi aqvs ukve qristianul qveynebTan da upirveles yovlisa, aRmosavleT romis imperiasTan, mas- Si Semaval qristianobis udides centrebTan (palestina, antioqia, sinas mTa) da mezobel somxeTTan. gansakuTrebiT aRsaniSnavia saqarTvelos da qarTuli eklesiis urTierTo- ba wmida miwasa da aTonis mTasTan. aRmosavleTis qristianul centrebTan urTierToba ar Senelebula da qarTuli monastrebis iq funqcionireba ar Sewyvetila am teritoriebis bizantiisagan CamoSorebisa da muslimTa xelSi gadasvlis Semdegac. 3 cxadia, saukuneebis ganmavlobaSi msoflio qristianul imperiasTan da umniSvnelovanes samonastro centrebTan urTierToba, bizantiasa da qristianul aRmosavleTSi mra- vali qarTuli eklesia-monastris arseboba didad uwyobda xels qarTuli qristianuli xelovnebis, mwerlobis, zoga- dad, kulturis ganviTarebas. qarTuli qristianuli kulturis siaxloves bizantiur- Tan da amave dros, mis erovnul xasiaTsa da TviTmyofado- bas cxadyofen qarTuli xuroTmoZRvrebis, kedlis mxat- vrobis, tixruli minanqris, xatweris, Weduri xelovnebis, xelnawerebis gaformebis unikaluri nimuSebi. qarTuli mwerlobisa da kulturis zogadi suraTis ga- TvaliswinebiT SeiZleba iTqvas, igi msoflio qristianuli kulturis umniSvnelovanesi nawilia.kerZod, am ukanaskne- lis aRmosavlur qristianuli (palestinuri da bizantiu- ri) mimdinareobisa, swored amitom igi monawileobs Sua- saukuneebis zogadi qristianuli kulturis Camoyalibebasa da garkveulwilad globalizaciaSi. qarTuli qristianuli kultura ganuyofeli da mniSvnelovani nawilia im saerTo qristianuli Rirebulebebisa, romelTa safuZvelzec aR- mocenda evropuli kultura. k. kekeliZis saxelobis saqarTvelos xelnawerTa erov- nul centrSi daculia xelnawerTa unikaluri koleqcia. saerTaSoriso samecniero konferenciis „saqarTvelo-bi- zantia-qristianuli aRmosavleTi“ farglebSi msurs mis monawileebs gadavceT albomi „k. kekeliZis saxelobis sa- qarTvelos xelnawerTa erovnul centris saganZuridan“, romlis meSveobiT isini am umdidresi koleqciis ramdenime nimuSs gaecnobian. zaza abaSiZe saerTaSoriso samecnierokonferenciis „saqarTvelo-bizantia-qristianuli aRmosavleTi“ saorganizacio komiteti 4 INTRODUCTION During the entire period of her existence, Georgia has been main- taining close political, economical and cultural relations with neighbour- ing states and far away countries. Since ancient times, in the 3rd-1st millenniums BC, the Georgians kept contacts with the following states: Sumer, Akkadian Empire, Median Kingdom, Assyria, Ancient Persia, Greece, Ancient Armenia; then there were the Parthian Empire, Seleu- cid Empire, the Kingdom of Pontus and Rome. The Georgian states of Colchis and Iberia, lying in an active transit trade area, contributed to culture-shaping and development process of other nations. For its part, the unique Georgian civilization was being formed thanks to mastering the cultural achievements of neighbouring developed nations. An absolutely new stage in cultural and state development of Geor- gia was connected with the spreading of Christianity and its official adoption as a state-religion in the first quarter of the IV century. Since then, Georgia has maintained close contacts with Christian countries, with Eastern Roman Empire in the first place and its constituent great centers of Christianity (Palestine, Antioch, Mount Sinai), as well as with the neighbouring Armenia. Of special note are the relations of Georgia and Georgian Church with the Holy Land and Mount Athos. The intensity of relationships with Christian centers of the East did not diminish even after the Byzantine territories were ceded to Muslims. It is clear that the centuries-old relationships with the largest Chris- tian Empire and significant monastery centers, as well as functioning of numerous Georgian monasteries in the Christian East had promoted the development of Georgian Christian art, literature and culture in general. 5 Unique works of Georgian architecture, wall paintings, cloison- né enamelware, artworks of icon painting, repoussé metal art and man- uscript illumination reveal close cultural proximity of Georgian Christian culture to the Byzantine one, while at the same time maintaining its national character and originality. Taking into account an overall picture of Georgian literature and culture, it can be stated that it has become the most significant part of Christian, namely eastern Orthodox (Palestinian and Byzantine) world culture. That’s exactly why Medieval Georgia got involved in building and to some extent in globalization of general Christian culture. The Geor- gian culture is an integral and significant part of those general Christian values on bases of which the European culture emerged. The unique collection of Georgian manuscripts is preserved at K. Kekelidze Georgian National Center of Manuscripts. In the framework of the International scientific conference “Georgia-Byzantium-Christian East” I would like to present an album “From the Treasury of K. Keke- lidze Georgian National Center of Manuscripts” to the participants. The album will help you familiarize yourselves with several samples from the richest collection of the Center. Abstracts of the presentations are appended to the album. Zaza Abashidze The Organizing Committee of International Scientific Conference “Georgia-Byzantium-Christian East” 6 albomi korneli kekeliZis saxelobis saqarTvelos xelnawerTa erovnuli centris saganZuridan albomiALBUM korneli kekeliZis saxelobis From saqarTvelosthe Treasury of KornelixelnawerTa Kekelidze erovnuli Georgian centrisNational Center saganZuridan of Manuscripts ALBUM From the Treasury of Korneli Kekelidze Georgian National Center of Manuscripts moxsenebaTa Tezisebi ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS ioseb alimbaraSvili goris saxelmwifo universiteti gori, saqarTvelo berZnuli kvali manglisis monasterSi dimitri meRvineTxucesiSvilisa da mari broses mimoweris mixedviT statiaSi saubaria qarTuli xuroTmoZRvrebis erT-er- Ti brwyinvale nimuSis manglisis monastris istoriisa da misi warwerebis Sesaxeb, peterburgis mecnierebaTa akade- miis wevris, cnobili qarTvelologis mari brosesa da misi korespondentis, aseve cnobili mkvlevris, dimitri meRvi- neTxucesiSvilis mimoweris mixedviT, romelic daculia pe- terburgis mecnierebaTa akademiis aRmosavleTmcodneobis institutSi, mari broses fondSi. rogorc cnobilia, qvis eklesia manglisSi jer kidev IV s. 30-ian wlebSi aSenda. V s. II naxevarSi vaxtang gorgasalma aq axali eklesia aago da manglisis saepiskoposo daaarsa. mTavari eklesia, romelsac dimitri meRvineTxucesiSvi- li dawvrilebiT aRwers, XI s-is I meoTxedSi iqna agebuli giorgi I-is (1014-1027 ww.) mier. 1824 wlidan manglisSi idga erevnis grenaderTa polki, romelmac TandaTanobiT adgilze dausaxlebeli terito- riebis kolonizacia ganaxorciela. jariskacebi da maTi ojaxis wevrebi xSirad azianebdnen taZars samSeneblo ma- salis mopovebis mizniT. polkis meTauris nikoloz mu- 11 raviovis (Semdeg mefisnacvali kavkasiaSi 1854-1856 wle- bSi) brZanebiT ganxorcielda taZris aRdgena, ris gamoc specialurad moiwvies berZeni ostatebi. dimitri meRvi- neTxucesiSvili brosesadmi gagzavnil taZris aRwerilo- baSi uTiTebs taZris Tavdapirveli mSeneblobisas berZeni ostatebis kvals, magram XIX s. 50-ian wlebSi Catarebulma remontma imsxverpla an mniSvnelovnad daaziana Zeglis is- toriuli xasiaTis mravali warwera. taZridan 2 kilometrSi daiwyes axali eklesiis mSe- nebloba, sadac Zveli taZris nangrevebidan mihqondaT CuqurTmiani da warweriani qvebi, ris Sedegad uamravi war- wera ganadgurda, Tumca, arc mogvianebiT daadga taZars kargi dRe, rodesac iq dasaxlebulma kolonistebma gaagr- Zeles Zveli taZris Zarcva. zemoaRniSnulidan gamomdinare, dimitri meRvineTxuce- siSvilis mier manglisis taZris restavraciamde mari brose- saTvis gagzavnil warwerebs Zalze didi mniSvneloba aqvs. statiaSi dimitri meRvineTxucesiSvilisa da mari broses mier manglisis taZris Sesaxeb mimowera Sedarebuli da gaanalizebulia xsenebuli Zeglis TiTqmis yvela cnobi- li mkvlevris – eqvTime TayaiSvilis,
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