MAKE BIG MONEY in spare time selling: Tubes, Antennas, Speakers, Test Equipment, Lite Bulbs, Hi -Fl, etc. No invest- ment. Free information: Allied Sales, Pimento, IN 47866. Records, Ltd., 65-37 Austin Street, Rego STEREO REVIEW (812) 495-6555. Park, N.Y. 11374). ADVERTISERS' INDEX MILLIONS IN MAIL! Free Secrets. Transworld-17, Box 6226, Toledo, Ohio 43614. Performance:Very good OCTOBER 1978 Recording:Excellent AUDIOPHILES WANTED!! Put your knowledge to use, earn READER PAGE an excellent spare time income. We need campus Dealers to This is a very auspicious song -recital debut SERVICE NO. ADVERTISER NUMBER sell name brand stereo equipment at substantial discounts in for Haan Hagegard, the likable Papageno of your area. No investment necessary. For information and ap- 3 A.A.L. Speakers . 145 plication please write: ABCO, Dept SR, 1201 East Main Ingmar Bergman's cinematic Magic Flute, 4 Acoustic Research 153 Street, Meriden, Conn. 06450. Call (203) 238-7979. ADS 155 who is scheduled to make his Metropolitan Advent Corporation 26 27 GET RICH!! Secret law erases debt. Free report exposes mil- Opera debut this season. The favorable im- 83 83 Aa National Guard 109,110 1171 5 Aiwa 127 lionaire'$$ secrets. Blueprints, No. DD10, 453 W 256, NYC pression gained from his previous operatic re- Akai America, Ltd, 10471. 145 cital (Caprice 1062) is confirmed: HagegArd is 6 Allison Acoustics 126 7 $650 WEEKLY for beginners!! Free report: Mailorder Consul- Ampex Corp, 9 a vitalsinger distinguished by a youthful 8 Angel/EMI Records tants MDD10, 453 W. 256, Bronx, NY 10471. 150 sound (he is only thirty-three at this writing) 9 Arista Records 124 10 HOW TO MAKE $100 weekly/kitchen table! Free brochure. Audio Discount Warehouse. Sales 154 and a soft -grained, malleable timbre. More- 11 Audio Dynamics -Cartridge American, Box 428-ZG, Pomona, Kansas 66076. 172 over, he phrases with distinction and enunci- 13 Audio Pulse 86 14 Audio Technica U.S.. Inc. 142 REPRESENTATIVES increase your profits! Make $$$. ates his texts with admirable clarity. The Audio-Technica U.S., Inc. 44, 120 DEUTSCHE Radiowerke offers high quality IMPORTED voice rings out firmly in the upper mid -range; 15 Audiovox 157 Headphones, SPEAKERS, Microphones. 6311 Yucca Street, some top notes are delivered with a sense of 16 Ball Corporation 163 Hollywood, California 90028. 17 Bang & Olufsen of America 165 effort, and music calling for a low tessitura BASF 25 COLLEGE DEALERS - WRITE for details on college prog- (An die Musik) reveals a certain lack of sup- Bose Corporation 73 ram. Fast shipments, low prices, excellent profit. Sound Re- 18 Bozak, Inc 130 production, 460 Central Ave., East Orange, N.J. 07018. port. The singer's musicianship is never in 12 BSR (USA). Ltd. -Turntables 22, 23 doubt, however, and Thomas Schuback is an 19 BSR (USA). Ltd. -Quanta 116 GET RICH with Secret Law that smashes debts and brings 20 Chrysler Corporation 123 you $500 to $5 Million cash. Free report! Credit 4K10, 333 absolutely first-class partner. 22 dbx, Inc. 31 North Michigan, Chicago 60601. The program has been ingeniously planned: 23 Discount Music Club 36 24 Discount Sound 17150 $3000.00 MONTHLY. Start immediately. Stuff envelopes at all the songs are poetic dedications of one sort Discwasher. 4, 49, home. Information, send self-addressed stamped envelope. or another, addressed to music, death, hope, 50 Dual 38,39 Village, Box 508-HGI, West Covina, CA 91793, 25 Electro-Voice, Inc. 128 the moon, flowers, etc. There are a few trifles 21 Empire Scientific Corp 2 $400.00 FIRST WEEK with Ad Clocks or money back. Your among the masterly inspirations, but such un- 99 Empire Scientific Corp 131 own Advertising Business. Action Ad Clock, Room AC -374 - 32 Epicure Products, Inc. 61 familiar gems as Schubert's An den Mond, 27 HL, 1512 Jarvis, Chicago, IL 60626. Fantastic Photo Electronics 166 Brahms' An einVeilchen, and Foerster's Fisher Corp 113 $500.00 Weekly possible mailing circulars! Free information. 28 Ford Motor Company 75 charming, Mahlerish An die Laute all deserve 29 Wayne, Box 644, Ottawa, Kansas 66067. Garrard 21 to be heard, especially when interpreted in so 30 Hammond Industries 143 MAIL. ORDER MILLIONAIRE helps beginners make $500 sympathetic a fashion. The engineering and 31 Hi-Fi Buys 158 weekly. Free report reveals secret plan) Executive (1K10), 26 Hitachi 7 Howard Sams 333 North Michigan, Chicago 60601. disc surfaces on this import are flawless. [The 67, 68, 69 33 Illinois Audio 138 record is also scheduled to be released here 34 Infinity Systems, Inc. 13 MOVIE FILMS on the HNH label, at a dollar less.] G.J. 35 International Hi-Fi Dist 169 36 J & R Music World tee 16mm SOUND Features, Shorts, New, Used for Sale. Free Jack Daniels 147 Catalog. National Cinema, 333 W. 57th St., N.Y., N.Y. 10019. ELENA OBRAZTSOVA: Opera Arias. Cilia: 38 Jensen Sound Laboratories 46,47 Adriana Lecouvreur: Acerba volutta. Mascag- 37 Jensen Sound Laboratories 117 39 JVC America 41 EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES ni: Cavalleria Rusticana: Voi to sapete, o Kenwood Electronics 121 mamma. Verdi: 1l Trovatore: Stride la vampa; 40 Kirsch 130 LEARN WHILE ASLEEP. Hypnotize! Astonishing details, 41 KLH 15 strange catalog free) Autosuggestion, Box 24-ZD, Olympia, Condotta ell'era in ceppi (with Jaime Luys, Kool Cigarettes 17 Washington, 98507. tenor). Don Carlo: 0 don fatale. Saint -Satins: 2 Koss Corporation Cover 4 42 Lafayette Radio Eelctronics 119 Samson et Dalila: Printemps qui commence; 43 SERVICES 3M Company 172 Mon coeur s'ouvre a to voix; Amour! viens Marariz, Inc. 176, Cover 3 45 Maxell Corp. of America 100 WRITING, RESEARCH, EDITING. All disciplines. Original! aider ma faiblesse! Bizet: Carmen: Habanera 46 Maxell Corp. of America 118 Professional Team. Confidential. Reasonable. Superior li- (with Ambrosian Opera Chorus); Seguidille 47 MCA Records 112 brary facilities. Writers Unlimited, Box 4391, Washington, D.C. 48 McIntosh Laboratory, Inc. 40 20012. (202) 723-1715. Mastercharge - VISA accepted. (with Geoffrey Pogson, tenor). Elena Obrazt- 49 Mitsubishi 32, 33 sova (mezzo-soprano); Philharmonia Orches- 51 Motorola, Inc. 129 52 MXR Innovations. Inc. 136 PERSONALS tra, Giuseppe Patane and Robin Stapleton Nikko Electronics of America 124 cond.ANGEL 0S-37501 $7.98, © 4XS-37501 '53 Nonronics 14 MAKE FRIENDS WORLDWIDE through international corre- 54 Oldsmobile 45 spondence. Illustrated brochure free. Hermes-Verlag, Box $7.98. 55 Oldsmobile 134 110660/Z, D-1000 Berlin 11, Germany. 56 Onkyo 99 Performance: Vital but uneven Phase Linear 16 FRITZ REINER SOCIETY-Founded 1973. Details: Gary Recording: Very good QSD (Quality Sound Direct) 166 Hornik, 17543 Willow, Country Club Hills, IL 60477. Radio Shack '137 Herbert von Karajan describes her talent as R.J. Reynolds/Vantage 93 MISCELLANEOUS 85 Rotel of America 151 "fabulous," and Elena Obraztsova is indeed 59 S.A.E. 70,71 60 Sansui Electronics Corp. 133 FREE CATALOG of flags, pennants, banners, Send $1.00 for a formidable artist whose singing communi- 61 Sanyo 63 Sharper Image postage. Products International, 509 Connie, Manchester, cates a fierce, voluptuous intensity. On rec- 16111 MO 63011. 62 Sherwood Electronics Labs, Inc 10, ords, though, without the counterbalancing 63 Shure Brothers 140 strength of her magnetic theatrical personal- 64 Shure Brothers 141 ity, we cannot help noticing the technical Sonic Research, Inc. 132 1919 TAPE RECORDING TAPE RECORDING& 65 Sony Corporation of America 125 MINS 1979 flaws: sliding attacks, spread tone, impure in- 66 Sony Corporation of America 53 & BUYING GUIDE 67 Sony Corporation of America 55 tonation. The excitement generated by her 68 Soundcraftsmen 59 portrayals sometimes manages to sweep ev- 69 Sound Machine 158 70 Sound Reproduction. Inc. 162 erything before it: her Santuzza, Princess, 71 Sparkomatic 37 Theonepublication you need to Speakerlab provide the how-to and what -to - and Eboli are stirringly projected here, and 166 t 72 Spectro Acoustics, Inc 30 buy when it comes to choosing her Azucena is under better vocal control 44 Stanton Magnetics 65 tape equipment. A unique and than she displays in the complete Trovatore 73 Stereo Corporation of America .162 valuable reference source you'll refer to all Stereo Discounters 166 year long for tips, advice, and specs on virtually under Karajan. Obraztsova's affinity for the 74 Tandberg of America, Inc......... ..34 everything available In the field. This packed - French repertoire seems less impressive: her 75 Tandberg of America, Inc. 35 with -information Buying Guide isthetape Dalila and Carmen are sizzlingly but less idi- 76 TOP Bectroncis 19 recording publication you've been waiting for! 77 TIN Electronics 57 Order from TAPE RECORDING & BUYING GUIDE, omatically portrayed. ("Mon coeur" and the 78 TDK Electronics 165 Dept. 01054, P.O. Box 278, Pratt Station, Siguidille particularly suffer from unfocused 79 Teac Corporation 42, 43 Brooklyn, N.Y. 11205Enclose $3* (postage and 80 Teac Corporation 115 handling included). singing.) Both conductors offer strong sup- 8t Technics by Panasonic 29 *Residents of CA, CO, DC, FL, IL, MI, MO, port, but Giuseppe Patane balances the or- 82 Top Discount Audio 171 NY STATE, and VT add applicable sales tax. 50 United Audio 38, 39 chestra more effectively than does Robin Sta- 1 U.S. Pioneer Cover 2, 1 pleton, who is heavy on percussion. G.J. 84 Wisconsin Discount Stereo 143 Yamaha International Corp. 139 OCTOBER1978.
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