G‘AYRATJON TAJIBAYEV TOTAL ENGLISH oʻquv qoʻllanma Vodiy Media Namangan 2018 UO‘K: 811.111 KBK: 81.2-2Ing T – 04 TOTAL ENGLISH. Tajibayev Gʻayratjon Shovdorovich / oʻquv qoʻllanma . Namangan: Vodiy Media, 2018. –284 b. ISBN 978-9943-5147-1-3 Ushbu oʻquv qoʻllanmaga kiritilgan mavzularning aksariyati ingliz tili darslarida sinovdan oʻtkazilgan. Oʻrganuvchilarning ogʻzaki nutqlari, tinglab tushinish, oʻqish va yozish savodxonliklarini rivojlantirishga qaratilgan materiallar ingliz tilida soʻzlashuvchi xalqlar, ularning madaniyati, qadriyatlari va urf-odatlari haqidagi ma`lumotlar hamda hozirgi kunda Oʻzbekistonda roʻy berayotgan ijobiy oʻzgarishlar, shiddat bilan rivojlanib borayotgan iqtisodiyot va ijtimoiy hayot haqidagi yangiliklardan iboratdir. Oʻquv qoʻllanma fonetika qism, 21 ta dars, soʻz birikmalari va iboralarni oʻzlashtirish mashqlari, 21 ta mustaqil ta’lim darslaridan iborat boʻlib, har bir dars grammatik savodxonlik, grammatik mashqlar, matn, mavzuga oid faol soʻzlar va iboralar, dialoglar, mavzu yuzasidan amaliy mashqlar, bahsli savollar va rasmlar bilan boyitilgan. Taqrizchilar: f.f.d. professor S.Rahimov p.f.n. S.Misirov Qoʻllanma Namangan davlat universiteti Oʻquv-uslubiy kengashining 2017-yil 20-sentabrdagi yigʻilish qarori bilan nashrga tavsiya etilgan ISBN 978-9943-5147-1-3 © «Vodiy Media» nashriyoti © Tajibayev Gʻayratjon Shovdorovich, 2018 2 PHONETIC SECTION Phonetic review: Vowels and consonants Vowels: [i:], [ı], [e], [æ], [α:], [o], [o:], [u], [u:], [Λ], [ə:], [ə], [eı], [aı], [au], [oı], [ou], [ıə], [εə], [uə]; Consonants: [p], [b], [t], [d], [k], [g], [f], [v], [θ], [ð], [s], [z], [∫], [з], [t∫], [dз], [h], [j], [w], [l], [r], [m], [n], [ŋ]. 1. Unli harflarning oʻqish qoidalari a Yopiq Ochiq boʻgʻinda a+r a+re boʻgʻinda [eı] [α:] [εə] [æ] name man far dare made bad park mare take bag dark rare face lamp farm fare date flat hard bare ai Ay air au aw al+consonants [eı] [eı] [εə] wait day air auto [ou] law hall rain may hair pause saw ball mail pay lair autumn dawn wall bail say fair auk pawn walk main way pair Paul maw talk ass ast ask asp, aft ath [α:] [α:] [α:] [α:] [α:] pass fast ask grasp path brass vast mask after bath grass last bask draft father glass past task craft rather 3 e ochiq boʻgʻinda yopiq boʻgʻinda e+r e+re [i:] [e] [ə:] [iə] be pen her here me bed herd mere he ten fern Pete end term mete Bell nerve e ea ee ea+d eigh ew [i:] [i:] [e] [ei] [ju:], [u:] +r, tea bee head eight i, j meat meet dead weight flew dean need bread freight blew leaf feel ready height grew deep dread weight new c+(ei) ey eer ear ear+unli [(s)i:] [ei] [iə] [iə] [ə:] receive they beer ear learn deceive grey peer dear earn ceiling obey deer beard pearl perceive leer fear heard veer hear i ochiq boʻgʻinda yopiq boʻgʻinda i+r i+re [ai] [i] [ə:] [aiə] nine did girl tire five mill first fire mine lit fir hire tie pit firm wire lie If bird mire ie ia, oi ild, ind ihg [i:] [aiə] [ai] [ai] piece trail mild night niece liar wild might chief dial mind right field lion find high Via kind fight 4 o ochiq boʻgʻinda yopiq boʻgʻinda o+r o+re [ou] no not port bore vote hot sport more rode box form tore hope off corn before note stop born oa oi, oy oo+k oo+l,m,n [ou] [u] [u:] oak toil book fool boat boil look doom toast oil nook moon load boy took too toad toy rook o+ld ou ow+unli ough+t [ou] [au] [au] bold out town ought fold about down fought told pound brown brought old Loud thought hold o+m,n,th our, ower [Λ] [auə] some other our come mother hour son brother sour front tower month flower u Ochiq boʻgʻinda Yopiq boʻgʻinda u+r u+re [ju:] [Λ] [ə:] [(j)uə] use but turn cure tune cup burn pure due run hurt lure mute mud fur u+ll, sh gu+jarangli unli [u] [g] 5 pull full guide guest bull push guess guard Y y - soʻz boshida unlilardan oldin Ochiq boʻgʻinda Yopiq boʻgʻinda y+r y+re [j] [aı] [i] [ə:] [aıə] yes by myth Byrd tyre yet fly system yard try yoke type 1 - fonetik mashq a) Vowels (unlilar) [i:] – [bi:, si:, ni:d, mi:t, li:v] [eı] – [deı, seı, neım, feıs, leıt, geıt, deıt] [ı] – [bıt, sıt, dıd, mıs, ıt] [ou] – [gou, nou, oupn, bout, smouk] [e] – [bed, ted, pen, ten, end, men] [aı] – [maı, taım, faın, laın, naıs, laıf] [æ] – [kæt, ræt, mæn, bæg, mæp, bæt] [au] – [nau, hau, bau, taun, daun, ə’baut] [α:] – [kα:t, bα:n, k α:, f α:, pα:k] [oı] – [boı, toı, noız, voıs, t∫oıs] [o] – [hot, not, pot, stop, lot] [ıə] – [nıə, nıə, klıə, dıə] [o:] – [fo:m, ko:n, mo:, lo:d, spo:t] [εə] – [bεə, t∫ εə, kεə, mεə, dεə] [u] – [kuk, tuk, buk, luk, fut] [(j)uə] – [puə, ∫uə, kjuə, pjuə, fjuə] [u:], [ju:] – [tu:, su:n, nju:, fju:] [aıə] – [faıə, taıə, taıəd, kwaıət] [Λ] – [bΛs, kΛp, klΛb, kΛm] [auə] – [sauə, flauə, pauə, tauə, ∫auə] [ə:] – [gə:l, bə:n, tə:n, fə:st] b) Consonants (undoshlar) [r] – [ri:d, raıt, reın, rum, ‘verı, ‘sorı] [θ] – [θık, θın, θi:m, feıθ, mıθ, smıθ] [ŋ] – [so ŋ, lo ŋ, ro ŋ, ‘mo:ni ŋ, ‘i:vni ŋ] [ð] – [ðen, ðæm, ðæt, ðıs, ði:s, ðouz] [h] – [hi:, heı, hæv, hæz, hed, hə:d, [w] – [wi:, wet, wen, wεə, wei, wit∫] hα:d] 2 - fonetik mashq dıd sıt ‘sıtı ıt sıd - sıd dıg nıt ‘kıtı ız dık - dıg kıd sık ‘tıkıt ın tık - tıg sın kıs ‘dıgı 3 – fonetik mashq θθθ – ððð θθθ - θın sın- θın - tın sss – θθθ θθθ - θık sık – θık - tık zzz - ððð ððð - ðis 6 4 – fonetik mashq ten get det – ded sıt – set bızı – benı gets pen pet bet – bed bıt – bet pıtı – betı pets men net set – sed dıg – beg mını - menı bedz dıd - ded kidz 5 – fonetik mashq bi: - bi:n – bi:t dıd – di:d kα: - k α:m - k α:t pul – pu:l ə→gud buk di: - di:d – di:p lıd – li:d f α: - f α:m - p α:k ful – fu:l ə→gud kuk ni: - ni:d – ni:t lıv – li:v b α: - b α:d - b α:k fut – fu:d →luk ət ðə buk si: - si:d – si:t fıld – fi:ld ə→f α: st α: put – bu:t li: - li:g – li:k sın – si:n → α:sk f α:ðə 6-fonetik mashq sə: - sə:v - sə:f ə:n fə:m /fəum got - gəut ten / tə:n / to:n fə: - lə:n - nə:s ə:lı pə:l / pəul kot - kəut hed / hə:d /ho:n bə: - bə:d - bə:θ ə:θ gə:l / gəul sok - səuk ben / bə:n /bo:d bed / bə:d /bo:d 7-fonetik mashq læb – læp æd dıd – ded – dæd leı – leıd – leıt eı saı – saıt – saıd kæb – kæp æm hıt – hed – hæd meı – meıd – meıt eıd laı – laıd – laıt næd - næt æt sıt – set – sæt seı – seıv - seıf eıt taı – taıd - taıt 8-fonetk mashq 9– fonetik mashq (Soʻzlarni toʻgʻri oʻqing) sit, lame, back, miss, sack, gave, tip, tide, tap, late, mad, made, nine, fill, cake, thick, bat, pin, pine, hate, act, ice, plot, face, hid, fate, stamp, spot, pile, land, mist, mole, mark, gold, cap, nose, fix, harm, merry, horn, start, form, exact, examination, exist, sixty, appendix, expend, exotic, except, exile 10 – fonetik mashq (Soʻzlarni toʻgʻri oʻqing) speed, loaf, loom, reach, rose, fill, coal, aim, cube, weave, faint, steam, tool, freeze, mutton, crystal, tense, shoot, trainer, coast, raze, float, beach, least, boot, fee, rein, author, veil, weight, lain, coin, neighbor, neutral, grew, pie, pool, took, toy, 7 autumn, how, know, narrow, true, group, bread, peace, believe, feel, wheel, sore, ore, nasty, salt, lure, sure, jerk, jaw, fruit, toe, paw, hair, dear, chair, peer, learn, car, moor; a merry song; a big boat; a simple riddle; a little star; a black bag; an old goat; a good cook; a fat cock; a good accent; an old oak; a good tool; a white bear; a poor fellow; a new dish; a low couch; a big mouth; a narrow path; a broken chair; an old gypsy; chilly weather; brown bread; good maize; bitter beer, fresh air; red hair; bad flour; repeat each word; correct these mistakes; close the window; take the pill. 11 - fonetik mashq (Soʻzlarning oʻqilishini [transkripsiyasini] yozing) a) can, crane, car, care, pot, poke, pork, pore, hen, she, her, here, fish, fine, firm, fire, my, myth, Byrd, tyre, cup, cube, curly, cure. b) five, tip, bed, pipe, land, fry, rule, ton, tone, pupil, love, cut, shade, brother, shall, bus, snack, blame, poke, found, aloud, green, town, toy, farm, yellow, glove, warm, some, won, worse, nothing, who, what, where, whose, mild, world, month, worth, company, worship, none, find, wild, ought, above, brought, share, store, here, cure, fur, term, more, firm, spare, wire, mere. Mustaqil oʻzlashtirish mashqlari Sound 1 [i:] 1. A friend in need is a friend indeed. 2. A sailor went to sea To sea what he could see But all he could see Was sea, sea, sea 3. If all the seas were one sea, what a great sea that would be 4. The great Greek growers grow great Greek grapes Sound 2 [ı] 1. It’s a pity that little Kitty lives in a big city. 2. Six little kittens lost their mittens. It is a pity, they were so pretty 3. She sells sea shells on the sea shore. 4. Six sick hicks nick six slick bricks with picks and sticks Sound 3 [e] 1.
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