Original Research Obstetrical ultrasound training of and practise by general practitioners in the private sector, Free State Foulkes S, MBChB, MFamMed Department of Family Medicine, University of the Free State Joubert G, BA, MSc Department of Biostatistics, University of the Free State Faber BL, MBChB, MMed (O+G) Hiemstra LA, MBChB, MPraxMed Department of Family Medicine, University of the Free State Correspondence: Prof. Gina Joubert, Department of Biostatistics, University of the Free State, PO Box 339 (G31), 9300, Bloemfontein. Fax: 051-4012939, Tel: 051-4013117, E-mail: [email protected] Keywords: general practitioners, ultrasound ABSTRACT Background: The aim of the study was to determine the level of obstetrical ultrasound training and practice of general practitioners in the Free State private sector. Methods: In this descriptive study, questionnaires were mailed to all general practitioners in the Free State private sector. The questionnaire included demographic information about the practitioner, the ultrasound profile of the practice, and the type of machine used. Results: Four hundred and eighty-one questionnaires were sent to general practitioners and 229 (47.6%) were returned. Of the 176 practising respondents, 47 (26.8%) used ultrasound. The majority of ultrasound examinations done per month were obstetrical. Eight practitioners had relevant qualifications for using ultrasound and more than a third (18, 38.3%) had no training in ultrasound use. Less than half (19, 40.4%) of the practitioners that use ultrasound were aware of the South African Association of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (SASUOG). Conclusions: The response to the questionnaire was low and may have influenced the results. The study indicates that there are general practitioners who perform ultrasound examinations without training. As general practitioners mainly do obstetrical ultrasound, it is recommended that the SASUOG play a bigger role in their training. A diploma course in ultrasound and support from medical aid organisations to only pay full fees to doctors who can prove that they have sufficient ultrasound training and competence will be ideal. (SA Fam Pract 2004;46(6): 25-27) Introduction of health care. obstetrics. The patient is intensely Prof. Ian Donald (1910-1987), an Ultrasound is often used in ob- involved in the ultrasound investiga- obstetrician from Scotland, intro- stetrics and gynaecology. A detailed tion and has the right to know the duced the diagnostic use of ultra- investigation of the developing foetus qualification level of the practitioner sound in clinical medicine. He pio- can be done long before birth, in- concerned. It is imperative to be neered the use of ultrasound in cluding the determination of multiple aware of the limitations of ultrasound. obstetrics and gynaecology to eval- pregnancies, foetal abnormalities, For example, if the patient presents uate the foetus without exposure to confirmation of gestational age and for the first time in the third trimester the dangers of X-ray. The idea was foetal well-being, and ectopic preg- of pregnancy, it is impossible to de- conceived from the use of ultrasound nancy can be diagnosed. Ultrasound termine foetal age.3 Results must to identify submarines during the equipment is sophisticated and ex- always be interpreted in conjunction Second World War.1 Prof. Donald’s pensive and the interpretation of with clinical data. first publication in the Lancet, in results is often difficult and uncertain. Rumours of missed diagnoses of 1958, included the use of ultrasound Since the procedure is so easy, mis- gross abnormalities and incorrect to identify pelvic tumours, molas and use by health care professionals treatment of patients by inadequately multiple pregnancies.2 Ultrasound without adequate training is possible. trained or inexperienced practition- has since become an integral part Ultrasound is a dynamic part of ers are common. There are docu- SA Fam Pract 2004;46(6) 25 Original Research mented cases of missed diagnoses had emigrated) were thus excluded training in ultrasound during their of hydrocephalus and anencephalus from the study. postgraduate studies (MFamMed 5, in pregnant women during the ultra- Practitioners who did not respond diploma 3). The median number of sound investigation.4 Ultrasound in- were contacted telephonically. The years that the general practitioners vestigations may be done for finan- questionnaire was again faxed to had used ultrasound was six (range cial gain, which has important the practitioner if he/she used ultra- 0 to 20 years). financial implications for medical aid sound. A record was also kept of The majority of ultrasound companies, added to the patient practitioners who are in the private examinations done per month were suffering financially and emotionally sector but who do not use ultra- obstetrical (median 20, range 0 to from the incorrect or unnecessary sound. 150), followed by gynaecological use of ultrasound. A pilot study to test the question- (median 3, range 0 to 30). Most prac- Accreditation of the ultrasound naire was done with the help of titioners (34, 72.3%) did all their practitioner before the service may registrars at the Department of ultrasound investigations them- be rendered is a prerequisite in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and selves, and only one of them did not various countries.5 Accreditation is the Department of Radiology at the sign the reports personally. Those not, however, a prerequisite in South University of the Free State. Unclear who indicated that the investigations Africa. There is concern that health questions were modified and addi- were done by someone else (13, care professionals without the tional questions were added, where 27.7%) included practitioners who necessary training misuse ultrasound necessary. The Ethics Committee of referred to other doctors for further as a diagnostic tool in this country. the Faculty of Health Sciences of the management or for a second opin- The aim of the study was to University of the Free State approved ion. Most practitioners (43, 93.5%) determine the level of obstetrical the protocol. All information was did not experience a problem when ultrasound training and practise of confidential and participation was they wanted to refer a patient. Prac- general practitioners in the Free State voluntary. titioners referred their patients for a private practice sector. second opinion to the following: gen- Results eral practitioner (3, 6.4%), gynaecol- Methods Four hundred and eighty-one ogist (35, 74.5%), and radiologist This was a descriptive study. Ques- questionnaires were sent to general (26, 55.3%). tionnaires were mailed to general practitioners and 229 (47.6%) were The practitioners’ awareness of practitioners in the private practice returned. Of these, 53 practitioners the South African Society for Ultra- sector of the Free State. The were not in private practice (despite sound in Obstetrics and Gynae- questionnaire included demographic the careful checking of name lists). cology (SASUOG) (40.4%) and information about the practitioner, Forty-seven (26.7%) of the 176 participation in SASUOG workshops the ultrasound profile of the practice, responding doctors in private prac- and/or courses (10.6%) are given in and the type of machine used. The tice used ultrasound. Table I. The type of training received questionnaire and accompanying The following results only include by practitioners using ultrasound is letter were available in English and the practitioners who answered the given in Table II. More than a third Afrikaans. questionnaire and used ultrasound. (18, 38.3%) had no training. Names and addresses of practi- The practitioners’ ages ranged from The majority of general practi- tioners were obtained from the Health 29 to 82 years (median 40 years), tioners (44, 93.6%) had one ultra- Professions Council. Many practi- six (12.8%) were female and 41 sound machine and three (6.4%) tioners listed were not, however, (87.2%) were male. had two machines. Forty-two per- working in the private sector. Thus, Approximately half of the practi- cent of the machines were bought the names on the list were compared tioners (26, 55.3%) had only one more than five years before the sur- to those on a list obtained from a qualification (MBChB), 16 (34.0%) vey was done, and one machine medical representative from a had two qualifications and five was 16 years old. The age of the pharmaceutical company that (10.6%) had three qualifications. machine plays a definite role in the serves the Free State, a list from Only eight (18.6%) practitioners had quality of the ultrasound investiga- Oranjemed (Independent Practice Table I: General practitioners’ awareness of SASUOG (n = 47 practitioners) Organisation of the Free State), and the telephone directory of the Free Frequency Percentage State. Practitioners not in the private Aware of Society 19 40.4% sector (medical officers and doctors Member of Society 5 10.6% who were specialising, retired, or SASUOG course participation 5 10.6% 26 SA Fam Pract 2004;46(6) Original Research Table II: Type of ultrasound training (n = 47 practitioners) Number of practitioners Percentage Short courses 19 40.4% Practical courses 7 14.9% Self-study 3 6.4% In-service training 1 2.1% No training 18 38.3% Table III: Type of ultrasound transducer (n = 46 machines) Head type Number Percentage Sector 15 30% Curvilinear 23 46% Sector and Linear 1 2% Curvilinear and Vaginal 5 10% Curvilinear and Sector 1 2% Curvilinear, Sector and
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