Index ablation zone of a glacier 112, 130 agriculture 453–4 Antarctica 21, 273–4 accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) Airy ellipsoid 240 antediluvian man 14 363 26Al/10Be exposure ages 118 Anthropocene 465–7 accumulation zone of a glacier 112 albedo 19, 130 anthropogenic effects 466 active layer 278 Albers cone projection 240 anti-syngenetic ice wedges 299 Adige River 116 Allerød Interstadial 360 aquifers 130 Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Alpine glaciations 35, 47 ArcInfo 230 Emission and Reflection (ASTER) ice-stream networks 116–18 Arctic exploration by airship 243–4 maps 233, 234 meltwater 129–30 Arctic glacial extent 255 aeolian processes 356 Würmian Glaciation maximum Arduino, Giovanni 30 dunes 369–78 55 Argentina 269 loess 378–81 Alpine Ice Sheet 269–70 Asia sands 378 Alpine Quaternary stratigraphy High 20–1 Afghanistan 260 COPYRIGHTED46–9 MATERIALice age glaciations 46 Africa 272 Altai Flood 218 asthenosphere 251 ice-age glaciations 46 Ancylus Lake 416, 421 atomic mass spectrometry (AMS) 75 Agassiz, Louis 3, 4, 5–6, 172, 265–7 Angamma Delta 338–9 Australia 21, 272 age determination using crystal lattice Anglian Stage 78–81 ice-age glaciations 46 defects 73–4 Antarctic Ice Sheet 274 axis of rotation tilt 19, 20 The Ice Age, First Edition. Jürgen Ehlers, Philip D. Hughes and Philip L. Gibbard. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Published 2016 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Companion website: www.wiley.com/go/ehlers/iceage 541 bindex 541 24 September 2015 9:20 AM 542 THE ICE AGE Baden–Württemberg 52 Brückner, Eduard 46 climatic fluctuations 18–24 Baffin Island 202, 203 Brunhes Chron 34, 393 ice ages 43 Baginton-Lillington Gravel 82 Buch, Leopold von 4 coastal erosion 413 Baikal Lake 263, 264 Buckland, Reverend William 4, 7 Columbia Basin 217 Baltic River system 58–-9 compaction 38 Baltic Sea 414–22 Caithness 410 compressive flow 113 barchans 372 Calabrian Stage 28 coral reefs 248–9 Barents Sea glaciers 244–6 calcite shells 38 Barbados 250 basal meltout till 140, 141 Caldenius, Carl 267–8 Cordilleran Ice Sheet 98, 217 basal sliding glacial flow 120 Cambisol 326 cosmic ray dating 74–5 Bavelian Stage Complex 50 carbon dioxide (CO2) cosmogenic isotopes 49 Belchen plateau 50 Holocene increase 363 Cossonay 55 benthic foraminifera 38 recent increase 464–5 Cotswold Hills 82 Bergamo 49 variation in atmosphere 19, 21 Cotta, Bernhard 7 Berwyn Mountains 76 Carboniferous glaciations 21 Courbassière, Glacier de 9 Bessel ellipsoid 240 causes of ice ages 18–24 course of the Ice Age 27 Biber glacial period 50 Chad Basin 343 British Pleistocene succession 76–86 Biblical Flood 4 Chad Lake 338–43 deep-sea traces 35–42 Biharian superzone 314 channels 193–200 global view 100–4 bioturbation 34 Channelled Scablands 218 morphostratigraphy 46–9 Blanc, Mont 258 Charcot Seamount 63 North America 86–100 bleached loam 334–6 Chari-Palaeodelta 340, 342 Northern Germany and adjacent B-maximum orientation 156 Chernozem 327 areas 58–74 bog eyes 327 Cheshire Plain 85, 86 Quaternary Period beginning 27–8 bogs 327 Chihuahua Desert 336 stratigraphic record 33–5 Bølling Interstadial 360 Chile 269 systematics 43–6 Bolders Bank Formation 410 China 102 traces of older glaciations 49–58 boulder clay 145 chronostratigraphic charts of crag-and-tail features 127 Bouvet Island 275 Quaternary Period 31–2 crevasses 130 Braderup section 60 clasts Cromer Ridge 408 Brazil 345–6 erratics 148–9, 159, 160, 219 crust of the Earth 251 Bretz, J. Harland 217–18 indicator clasts 159–63 cryopediments 288 British Isles 76–8 orientation 155–8 cryoplanation 286–8 Anglian Stage 78–81 transport 147–55 cryoturbation 278, 291–2 Devensian Ice Sheet 84–6 clays 35 crystal lattice defect age determination East Anglia 198 varved 207 73–4 glaciation limits 79 cliff erosion 413 Cultural Landmark point features Hoxnian Interglacial Stage 81 climate models and reconstructions (CLPOINT) 230 Ipswichian Stage 84 degree-day modelling 444–5 Cuvier, Georges 4 location map 77 empirical, curved or linear Cvijić, Jovan 271 retreat timing 82 relationships 443–4 tills 145 energy-balance modelling 445 Dansgaard–Oeschger events 43 Wolstonian Stage Glaciations glacier modelling and climate 442–5 Danube Glaciation 50 81–4 ice cores 427–9 Danube River 48 Bronze Age 454–5 ice-sheet modelling 431–42 Darcy’s law 130 brown coal diapirs 293 marine circulation 429–31 Darwin, Charles 4, 12–13, 265 Brúarjökull 114 climate zone shifts 336–45 Debeli namet glacier 110 bindex 542 24 September 2015 9:20 AM INDEX 543 declination 33 dunes 369–78 Eridanos System 58–-9 deep-sea evidence 35–42 generations 374 erosion at sea margins 413 deformable bed glacial movement 120 Durmitor massif 111, 174 erosion from glacial flow 115 deformation till 139 erratics 148–9, 159, 160, 219 deformed subglacial sediments 142 Earth eskers 127, 200–2 deglaciation area and extent of snow and ice 108 European glaciations 44, 101–2 ice decay 350–4 dating the surface 74–5 European river systems kettle holes 354–7 forebulge 251 Elsterian Glaciation 63 landforms, contributions to 349 geoid shape 226, 240 Reuverian 59 Little Ice Age (LIA) 363–7 ice ages 14–16 European Terrestrial Reference System pressure release 357–8 magnetic field changes 33 (ETRS89) 233 sudden transition 359–63 orbit 19, 20 Euseigne 142 degree-day modelling 444–5 sea-level rise from glacial melting 107 eustasy 246–52 deltas 207 structure 251 eustatic fluctuations 249 Deluge I 255 earth pillars 142 Eutric Regosol 324 Deluge II 255 Earth Resources Technology Satellite Evenlode river 400 dendrochronology 364–6 (LandSat) 237 extending flow 113 Denmark microfossils 171–2 Earth Topographic map (ETOPO) 233 Eyjafjallajökull volcano 91, 133 Denton, George 245 East Anglia 198 Eyre Lake 344–5 deserts, current global location 337 East-Greenland-type pingos 302, 303 Devensian Ice Sheet 84–6 eccentricity of Earth’s orbit 19, 20 fatigue 283 Devil’s Hole 408 Eem River 69 firn 112 diamictons 137 Eemian interglacial 27, 54, 69 fjords 191–3 diapirs 293 diatomite sedimentation rate 322 flow till 139, 140, 143 Digital Chart of the World (DCW) temperatures 325 flow velocity of glaciers 113, 114 229–30, 231 vegetational succession 320–1 flow zones of glaciers 113–14 digital maps 229–35 Elbe River 396–400 flutes 125 Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) particle-size distribution 399 Folldal 201, 212 230 electron spin resonance (ESR) 74 foraminifera 172, 315–16 Dimlington 86 ellipsoids for mapping 240 forebulge 251 Dionne, Jean-Claude 5 Elsterian Glaciation 60, 62–6 fossil soils 329–31 Dömnitz Interglacial 67 European river system 63 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 237 Doha 345 extent in Germany 65 freeze–thaw cycles 278, 286, 291 Don Formation 94 Elsterian till 164 frost cracks 297–301 Donau glacial period 50 end moraines 172–3, 174 frost fracturing 284–5 Donau gravel 50 search for 176–7 frost shattering 284–5, 287 Donegal Bay drumlins 126 energy-balance modelling 445 frost weathering 283–6 Dowdeswell, Julian 274 English Channel 62–3 draas 371 engorged eskers 201 Geer, Gerard de 209 Drava River 116 Enhanced Thermic Mapper (ETM) Geikie, James 12, 13 drift-ice transport 4–5 images 237–9 geoid shape 226, 240 Drift Theory 10 Enns River 53 geological timescale 15 dropstones 156 Enns valley 56 Germany 58–52 drumlins 125–6 epigenetic ice wedges 299 Eemian Interglacial 69 dry valleys 386 equilibrium-line altitude (ELA) 104, Elsterian Glaciation 62–6 drying lakes 459–65 112, 443, 444 Holsteinian Interglacial 66 Djurdjura Mountains 272 Erd, Klaus 66 QEMSCAN till analysis 166–71 bindex 543 24 September 2015 9:20 AM 544 THE ICE AGE Germany (continued) Global Topographic map (GTOPO) Hirnantian 14 Rhine area 28 230, 231 historical background to the Ice Age Saalian Complex Stage 66–9 errors 232 Theory 3 till types 145, 146 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 5 causes of ice ages 18–24 Weichselian Glaciation 70–4 gold deposits 154–5 difficulties with religious scripture youngest volcanoes 393–4 Gondwana 21 4–13 Girard, Heinrich 220 Google Earth 239 ice ages of the Earth 14–16 glacial polish 118 Google Maps 235 Histosols 327 glacial series 46–8 Gorleben 61, 62 Holocene series 18 glacial valleys 220 Gorner glacier 9 Holocene 362–3 glacial–interglacial cycles 19 Gottsche, Christian Carl 176–7, 193 geobotanical subdivision 362 glaciation Götzinger, Gustav 22 North America 99–100 extensive 21 Gower Pensinsula 81 Holsteinian Interglacial 66 Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) Goz–Kerki spit system 339 temperatures 325 39–42, 104, 262, 336 Grahmann, Rudolf 22 homo sapiens 452 glaciers grain size 35, 36 Hoxnian Interglacial Stage 81 ablation zone 112, 130 phi scale 148 Hudson Bay 99-100, 119 accumulation zone 112 Wentworth classification 148 Hughes, Terence J. 245, 254–7 dynamics 182–8 gravel 35 human interference 447–8 equilibrium-line altitude (ELA) 112, fine 164–6 agriculture 453–4 443, 444 gravel terraces 202–7 Anthropocene 465–7 erosion, characteristic 115 Great Patagonian Glaciation (GPG) 268 Bronze Age 454–5 flow surges 114 green Sahara 337 drying lakes, melting glaciers and flow velocity 113, 114 Greenland Ice Core Project (GRIP) 428 other problems 459–65 flow zones 113–14 Greenland Ice Sheet 108, 109 Iron Age 454–5 global area 107 Grimes Graves 297 land grab, recent 457–9 ice-sheet development 118–19, 121 Gripp, Karl 295–6, 351 Middle Ages 457 ice-sheet dynamics 121–9 Grosswald, Mikhail 245–6, 252, 257 Middle Stone Age 452 ice-stream networks 116–18 Gulf Stream 279–80 Neanderthals and homo sapiens 452 ice streams 114 Günz Glaciation 47, 50, 51 Neolithic period 453–4 melting 459–65 Gürich, Georg 22 Roman civilisation 455–6 meltwater 129–34 spreading
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