St ii mofttfts 6f sirders, bombing^ lllifmed robberies netting over $4 mil- " ybu 'II never take this town. Chicago is a consulate in downtown Chicago an hour wiait^/the street corner and called On Idott^. Twenty-three individuals were Nazi town. We're the Nazi center fomhe before the Black-led weekly "Free South motorists to "Honk If Yoti Hate the Klan." Bted as mertibers of the Order, most whole country. White power" Africa" picket was scheduled to begin. Others tried to take away the racists' signs. now in jail serving terms of 5 to 100 —message left on JBAKC's Carrying signs that read, "Stop Commu• The KKK/Nazis attacked several peo• ars. Qne of its leaders died iii a shootout answering machine nism in South Africa, Support Apar• ple in the crowd by jabbing with their th the FBI. The FBI says it has broken theid," they waved swastika flags and flagpoles, striking with Nazi shields, and iback of the movement. We diaiigree. Chicago is being targetted by the Klan American flags, and chanted "white throwing kicks and punches. Many in the ar research reveals that the Order came and Nazis. New white supremacist organ• power." A_young Black passerby respond• crowd fought back and succeeded in push• ; of a sophisticated strategy that united izations—the Illinois Knights of the KKK, ed by grabbing one of the signs, jumping ing the racists across the street. Three iblic Klan and Nazi groups to build an Romantic Violence.the SS Action Group- up on a nearby car and chanting "Black activists were taken to the hospital with tinderground army. Those public organi- have established themselves iff and around Power!" Shortly before the Free South head injuries. A few of the Klansmen were ations remained untouched by govern- the city. The American Nazi Party and Africa rally began, the Klansmen and also bleeding. ^ ment arrest or indictment despite growing the America First Committee have stepped Nazis left the area. The next week, the The Nazis/Klan returned to their cars, •evidence of their involvement with the up their activity. Black man who had stood up to the Klan opened their trunks and pulled out a tire [^^Order. These groups used to operate only in was jumped and badly beaten by two jack and other similar weapons. As they A close look at the Order's violent his- the largely right-wing, all-white neighbor• white men. He thinks his attackers were headed back to the park, one Klansmen ^tory reveals the danger of the re-emergence hoods of Chicago. Now they have ven• among the Klansmen and Nazis he had ran toward the crowd, swinging the heavy " af a new wave of racist violence. tured further into more racially-mixed, confronted at the consulate. tire jack. x. , « The Order was founded in Metaline progressive areas. Neighborhoods that That same evening, the KKK/Nazis pic• continued on page 3 If alls, Washington, in October, 1983, by only a year ago had very little racist graffiti keted in front of a hotel in the Lakeview Robert Matthews and a small circle of now are plastered with swastikas and area of Chicago (a racially mixed, largely Ltansmen and Neo-Nazis. It later drew stickers that say "Death to Race Mixers" liberal community). Inside, two hundred members from racist organizations and "Communism is Jewish." Flyers cal• people listened to a speaker on the Holo• In This Issue round the country. The Order is dedi- ling on "white patriots" to join the Klan caust and discussed the rising threat of ited to overthrowing the U.S. govern- are distributed widely. Neo-Nazi activity in Chicago. page 4 aent to set up a "racially pure homeland" These groups' tactics include threats, Two days later, the situation became Klan TV Dr white people. Short term goals includ- harassment, violence, and murder. During more violent. About 60 people had gather• 1 raising a war chest for the white supre- the past year two deaths were considered ed to participate in the "Stamp Out Racist Centers for Black iiacist movement and carrying out assas- racial murders—in both cases, a member Graffiti" project, sponsored by JBAKC. pages ations of people they considered "race of a white supremacist group was charged. The project grew out of increasing concern Survival litors." As racist organizing has increased, so has over the growth of neo-Nazis and racist Activities of The Order included a num- racist violence of all kinds. violence in the city. The plan was to paint A Look at the Puerto er of bank and armored car robberies, At the end of September, 1985, over over the many swastikas and white power tting more than $4 million, over $3 mil- the span of only 48 hours, the Ku Klux graffiti on walls and bus stops all over the Rican independence oti of which has never been recovered, Klan and Nazis made three public appear• Lakeview area. Movement page 10 ier members were also involved in ances in Chicago, each time attempting to As the activity was starting, about jnterfeiting, a bombing of a Boise, disrupt anti-racist gatherings. They did not twelve Klansmen and Nazis jumped out tio synagogue, and two murders. come out to have peaceful pickets, or to of their cars and formed a picket line right Fighting for Freedom 1 the time of their arrests in December, exercise their "right to free speech." They in front of the crowd. They carried their News on Political Prisoners and January, 1985, Order members came to attack—with flagpoles sharpened sharpened American and Nazi flags, page 11 been planning a $30 million armed into spears, with wooden shields with swastika shields and placards, chanted jbery of the Brinks vault in San Fran• sharpened edges. Their purpose was to "white power" and tried to provoke indi• Commentary on co. Central to this plot were Ronald show that they are organizing and to in• viduals into a fight. People refused 40 give Libya page 15 Sng and Charles Ostrout, two members timidate white people who support Black them any ground, and drowned out the liberation here and in South Africa. "white power" chants with chants of continued on page 7 First, they went to the South African "KKK—Out of Our Community." Some KONTRA KOSTA KOUNTY: Suspicious Hanging 1- ^ Concord, California, November 2,1985: N.C. Two Black men, ta.lking to two white women on a street comer, were stabbed Marines from Camp Lejeune, North ify two white men in Klan robes. Concord Carolina, have been training Klansmen in is a virtually all white suburb, 25 miles Glenn Miller's White Patriot Party for east oif San Francisco. For almost a week, combat, including practice in river-cross• the police suppressed all news of this racist ing, escape and evasion, live-firing exer• attack. Then, the Concord police chief, cises, survival tactics, hand-to-hand com• George Straka, called it "an individual act" bat and reconnaissance and ambush, since by "a couple of jerks." In fact, it turned at least 1984. The Southern Poverty Law out that Klan calling cards were found in Center has affidavits from former Klan the pockets of the "jerks," Harold Gallant members and photographs as substantia• and George Harless, when they were ar• tion, obtained in the course of their current rested for the stabbings. The two Black lawsuit against the White Patriot Party. men, tony Lamarr Hall and Jeffrey Miller, , The White Patriot Party (WPP) is led retained the NAACP and filed a civil by Glenn Miller, a former Green Beret, rights suit. In January, 1986, George Har• then a Nazi, then the head of the Carolina less pled guihy to assault with a deadly Knights of the KKK. Recently, he changed weapon. Gallant's trial is set for summer. the name of the N.C. Klan organization The same night as the stabbings, only Protest at Concord police station. to the White Patriot Party, which now miles away, Timothy Lee, a 23-year-old statements, people in the area notified the lant and Harless appeared with a dozen claims 2500 members. NAACP that they had heard screams the supporters. On February 22, JBAKC Black gay man, was found hanging in the As aictive duty Marines, the trainers can brought over a 100 people to the Concord Concord subway station parking lot. The night Lee was killed. give the Klan up-to-date information on Police Station to protest the attacks and same Concord police department ruled it Contra Costa County has a long history the latest technology the army has to offer. to expose the on-going police cover-up. a suicide. The Coroner's office proceeded of racist terror. In the last six years alone, Though the Marines supplied the WPP to destroy the strap that was used to hang there have been armed Klan attacks on a At the same time as the attacks in Con• with fatigues, pistol belts and canteens, him, ending one avenue of investigation. Black housing project: arson, cross-burn• cord, the Klan TV show. Race and Rea• the state Bureau of Investigation offfciais Lee's family charges that Lee was ings, physical attacks and harassment of son, wept back on San Francisco said they have not found evidence that lynched, pointing out that his own name Black families; and the growth of the television after being off the air for 90 the paramilitary, white supremacist group and his sisters's name were misspelled in Richmond "Cowboys," a Klan-type group days. A new chapter of the White Student obtained weapons from the military base.
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