* TODAY: eCN AXE CUTS DEEP *·NAMIBIA AIDS DAY SHOCKER * SWAPO CONGRESS COUNTDOWN * Bringing Africa South Vol.2 No.467 R1 (GST Inc.) Tuesday December, 3 1991 INSIDE * Multi-party move in Kenya * D-Day for Zlm's white farmers * US hostage freed *Economic trends Leaves open seat in parliament GWEN LISTER VETERAN Namibian politician, Fanuel Koz­ onguizi, has announced his decision to leave the Democratic Turnhalle Alliance (DT A) and give up his seat in the National Assembly. Kozonguizi, a founder statement had been among the WODlen left out in cold member of the South West­ most dedicated to the ideals of Africa National Union (Swanu) the UN". with pensions and other com­ in 1959, has been associated Kozonguizi said when Chief A CR VEL blow for Na­ KA TE BURLlNG mibian women expecting pensatory benefits in line with with the DTA since its incep­ Kapuuo was rebuffed at the paid maternity leave from bate this session, but so far ILO standards. tion in 1977. UN and seemingly had no al­ there has been no sign of the However, given the labour Approached by The Namib­ ternative but to join the the long-overdue labour ian after the DTA Central Com­ Turnhalle, "he asked me to code has struck with news bill. code's history of delay and Rumours of 11th-hour re­ procrastination, many observ­ mittee meeting over the week­ assist, not necessarily to sup­ will that the code no longer drafting began circulating a few ers are cynical about the likeli­ end from which he was ex­ port South Africa, but in fight­ provide for paid leave by days ago, amid reports of an­ hood of a speedy social secu­ cluded, Kozonguizi said he ing South Africa from within" . employers. ger on the part of key women's rity law. Such a law would be would have preferred to make The man who is tipped to be Though the draft labour code groups, who were apparently equally, if not more, complex his decision known at a DTA the new 'Ombudsman s"aid he guaranteed 12 weeks mater­ not consulted about the changes. than the labour code - which Congress which had not been entered the Constituent Assem- " nity leave on half pay, recent According to Katherine It­ has been receiving so-called held as planned on October 30 bly ofthe Republic ofNamibia changes to the document ap­ ula of the Labour Ministry, the priority attention since Inde­ this year. "on the suggestion of'Chief pear to have scrapped the most recent draft does indeed pendence. His primary reason for leav­ Kuaimo Riruako when he employer's responsibility for leave maternity leave payment ing the DTA had been prompted dC?cided to play third fiddle to maternity pay. up to social security benefits by his exclusion from DTA Mishake Muyongo and Dirk ' The changes came to light to be provided for in separate policy-making and a lack of Mudge. 1 obliged. The elec­ during a conference held in legislation. trust in him by sections of the tions were for a Constituent Windhoek last week by the ' ~There have been so many leadership. Assembly and 1 thought as a International Labour Ofganisa­ drafts that its difficult to work He had already informed the lawyer 1 should be able to play hen (ILO). The new sugges- out the final position," she said, DTA caucus as well as the some role, however modest. ~ Is that payment for mater­ adding that she was unsure of Council of Headmen of Chief "1 did not even get onto the ty leave should be met by the new version's finer points. Kuaimo Riruako of his deci­ .'\ll-Party Drafting Commit­ social security benefits, though ltula said she thought the sion, Kozonguizi added. tee, " he added. that would depend on another chlU1-ges reflected a perceived Kozonguizi became involved When the Constituent As­ round of long-winded legal reluctance on the part of em­ with the DTA through the late sembly was converted to the drafting. The initial position ployers to accept responsibil­ Chief Clemens Kapuuo. He National Assembly, or parlia­ of the unions on maternity leave ity for maternity leave, and emphasises that although he ment, he automatically became - 12 weeks on full pay - was that the alterations had been had no personal quarrel with a member. eventually watered down to a made by the Government in Swapo at the time "when the "In this new situation, my half-pay compromise months consultation with the ILO. UN decided to ~ognise Swapo logic and indeed common sense ago, when those concerned "I think the unions were also as the sole and authentic repre­ told me that the DTA needed thought the labour code was consulted, but not women's sentative of the people of to revise its policies. During all but finished. Since then groups, " she said. Namibia 1 felt very strongly the struggle for independence labour orgnisations and con­ ltula estimated that social that it was a gross misrepre­ the difference for example with cerned presmre groups have security legislation, without sentation of the Namibian situ­ Swapo was that the DTA stood been sitting tight for the new which working women will ation and a monumental mis­ for peaceful negotiations as take considering that some of code to come before the Na- continue to be economica,lly Continued on page 2 , lional Assembly. stranded by pregnancy, would the people excluded by that I I After a series of delays, the be drafted early next year. She Government vowed that the said it would not only deal code would be tabled for de- with maternity leave, but also Swapo gets ready Stockpile of SA Ahead of historic summit STAFF REPORTER jet fuel in Na:m THE Swapo Central Committee spent Sunday and yesterday in a drawn-out meeting discussing a historic A STOCKPILE of military jet fuel stored at the former South party congress set to start on Saturday. African military base at Grootfontein in northern Namibia is the subject of negotiations between the South African and DANCE, SONG AND DRAMA •.• The Zemba cultural The meeting was longer than tee has 38 members of whom Namibia governments. group combine all three in their contribution to Na­ originally expected, according nearly all attended the meeting According to the newsletter on the Oil Embargo Against mibia's Cultural Music Extravaganza. The group is one to the party's deputy secretary at a party farm near Wind­ for publicity and information hoek. This is a cut from the South Africa, the one million litres of fuel, worth over R3 of many who, together with more weil-known Namibian million, was stored in 1989, Kandy Nehova, as the agenda original 50 and there are ex­ performers like Jackson Kaujeua, Willie Mbuende and was heavily loaded with key pected to be significant shake­ The current talks reportedly focus on allowing South Afri­ the National Symphony Orchestra, have been taking can experts to visit the base. issues which had to be deter­ ups in committee members and They want to examine whether the fuel is still useable after part in the fund-raising cultural celebration. Tonight's mined for the congress. many other aspects of the party's having been in containers for about three years or whether it performance at the NTN theatre will befree. For more A fuller press statement is organisation at the congress. details and report, see page 6. Photograph:Steve Fel­ expected later today. has become too contaminated. Continued on page 2 ton. The party's central commit- Namibia denies leak The current central conunittee Can you help police? has been responsible for gui d~ NEITHER President Nujoma nor any other Swapo or Namibian ing the ruling party through 30 Government officials leaked or gave any documents to a delega­ THE Namibian Police have . years of liberation struggle and tion from the Pan Africanist Congress, according to the Ministry asked for the public's help in bringing Namibia to independ­ of Foreign Affairs. The news came after a report in a South I solving the murder of Hans ence, as well as setting up the African newspaper that President Nujoma had given the P AC Booysen. new Government. Swapo head minutes of a frontline states briefing by the African National Booysen's body was found in and chief co-ordinator Congress. Municipal area number 3 in Interest and speculation are The document, which the PAC says it received through sources Windhoek on November 25. running high about the future in New York, caused it to accuse the ANC of working with the He was found with multiple of the party including who will South African Government. stab wounds to his face and be invited to speak at the con­ Last week the P AC even walked out of all-party talks but press body. Booysen's identity num­ gress and what will be on the 1 reports called it only' a hiccup'. ber is 4709 160900 188. 000 delegates' agenda. Its.out­ Foreign Affairs denies that President Nujoma has any dream to Anyone who knows Booy­ come will chart Namibia's act as. convenor of a historic all-party conference for South sen or who saw him over the future and business observers, Africa: "It is for the people of South Africa themselves to decide weekend of November 23-24, diplomats and others will be on the future of their country ... the N amibian Government stands or on Monday, November 25, watching it closely. So far few ready to assist in whatever way deemed desirable by the people or who can possibly shed light details have emerged to the of South Africa, especially by all the leaders of the newly­ on the circumstances surround­ general public.
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