50Th Illinois Infantry Soldier Roster

50Th Illinois Infantry Soldier Roster

. 1 . 522 ADJUTANT GENERAL S REPORT. FIFTIETH INFANTKY REGIMENT. Three Years' Service. FIELD AND STAFF. Date of Date Name and Rank. Residence. rank or en Remarks. of muster. listment. Colonels. Moses M. Bane Quincy Aug. 21,186i Aug. 20,1861 Resigned June 11, 1864 William Hanna Camp Point. June 11,1864 Not must'rd M.O.July 13. '65, as Lt. Col. Lieutenant Colonels. William Swarthout ... Quincy Sept. 12.1861 Sept. 12,1861 Resigned Mar. 27,1863... Thomas W. Gaines ... Pay son Mar. 27.1863 May 12, 1863 Resigned July 18, 1864 . William 3nuna Camp Point. July 18.1865 I Promoted Mervin B. Converse . Springfield . July 1. 1865 Not musfrdlM.O. July 13. '65. as Q.M Majors. Qeorsre W. Randall ... Camp Point. Sept. 12,1861 Sept, 12.1861 Resigned Apr. 28.1862 Samuel R. Glenn Ripley Apr. 28.1862 July 23. 18621 Discharged Oct. 9. 1862 . Thomas W. Gaines ... Payson Oct. 9. 1862 Nov. 20. 18621 Promoted Colonel William Hanna Camp Point. Mar. 27,1863 May 12.18631 " Horace L. Burnham .. Payson July 18.1864 Mar. 29. 1865 Mustered out July 13. 1865 . Adjutants. Thomas J. Brown Toledo. Ohio , Sept. 12.1861 Sept. 12.1861 Resigned Apr. 28.1862 . Theodore W. Letton.. Quincy Apr. 28.1862 Resigned Aug. 26, 1864 , Walter S. Wood Avon Aug. 26.1864 Apr. 2. 1865 Resigned Apr. 14.1865 . Charles F. Hubert .... Beverly June 26.1865 July 2. 1865 Mustered out July 13.1 Quartermasters. William Keal Sept. 12.1861 Sept. 12.1861 Mustered out Aug. 28,1863.. Henry King Aug. 28,1863 Nov. 26.1863 Mustered out Oct. 28, 1864 . Mervin B. Converse.. Mar. 9.1865 Apr. 4. 1865 Promoted Lt. Colonel burgeons, Henry W. Kendall.... Payson . Sept. 12.1861 Sept. 12.1861 Mustered out Oct. 26,1864. James A. Williams ... Lincoln Nov. 25.1864 Nov. 25.1864 Mustered out July 13,1865. First Ass't Surgeon. Garner H. Bane Liberty . Sept. 12.1861 Sept. 12.1861 Resigned Nov. 22.1862 Second 1 suH Surgeon. Albert G. Pickett Paris Dec. 18.1862 Resigned Oct. 31, 1864 Chaplain. Sept. 12.'61 Matthew M. Bigreer... Clayton Sept. 72,1861 Mustered out July 13,1865 . Jan. 16.'64J . FIFTIETH INFANTRY. 523 NON-COMMISSIONED STAFF. Date of Date and Rank. rank or en- Name of muster. listment. Sergeant Majors. Adam M. Hughes Payson Aug. 20.1861 Sept. 12. 1861 Killed at Shiloh. Apr. 6. '62 Mervin B. Converse .. Avon ... Sept. 10,1861 Promoted 1st Lieut. Co. G. Theodore Griffin i Pulaski Aug. 20.1861 Prom. 1st Lieut. 1st Ala. Inf. A. D James Henry Clayton. Re-enlisted as Vet. in Co. B. Prom. Capt. in 111th U. S. C. T.. Sept. 19, 1864. James W. DeVancy. [Bernadotte, Dec. Dec. 31, 1863 Red. and assign'd to Co. Q. Charles F. Hubert .. Beverly Jan. Jan. 16. 1864 Pro. Adjutant. July 2. 1865. Q. M. Sergeants, \ Andrew J. Ransom . Avon Sept. 10.1861 Sept. 12.1861 Disch. July 15.'62; disabil. .. to Samuel E. Hews I Payson Oct. 30.1861 Red. and assign'd Co. K. Henry King: LaHarpe . Nov. 25.1861 Promoted Quartermaster . Albert Jordan Detroit . Sept. 12.1861 Sept. 12.1861 Re-enlisted as Vet. in Co. E. Com. 1st Lt. Co. H... Com. Sergeants James DeBall Aug. 21.1861 Sept. 12.1861 Discharged Feb. 1,1862.... John W. Kisher ... Payson Aug. 20.1861 Discharged for disability. George Walker Re-enlisted as Vet. in Co. C. M.O. July 13, 1865 ... Hospital Stewards. I George Morris Payson , Aug. 30.1861 Sept. 12.1861|Discharged June 15,lfc62... Charles C. Snrague ... Sept. 12.1861 ! Mustered out Sept. 27. 1864. William W. Pond Liberty Jan. 1.1864 Jan. 15. 1864 Mustered out July 13.1865. Principal Musicians. Adam S. Carper Dallas City Aug. 18.1861 Sept. 12,1861 Discharged May 16.1862 ... Clarence D. Poling Mendon Aug. 20.1861 Re-enlisted as Vet. in Co. A. M. O.July 13. 1865... David H- Worman Re-enlisted as Vet. in Co. A. M. O. July 13,1865... BAND. Name and Rank. , 1 524 ADJUTANT GENERAL S REPORT. COMPANY A. Date of Date Name and Rank. Residence. rank or en- of muster. listment. Captains. Edgar Pickett Marcelline Sept. 12,1861 Sept. 12,1861 Resigned Feb. 5.1862... Henry P. W. Cramer.. Mendon Feb. 5, 1862 Apr. 2, 1862 Resigned Sept. 15. 1864. 21,1864 John S . Worman Sept, 15,1864 Sept. Mustered out July 13. First Lieutenants. Henry P. W. Cramer.. Mendon Sept. 12.1861 Sept. 12,1861 Promoted Sergeant Moody Marcelline Feb. 5. 1862 Apr, 2, 1862 Resigned July 26.1863 Henry C. Bissell July 26.1863 Nov. 26.1863 Resigned Sept. 20. 1864 John S. Worman Mendon Sept. 20,1864 Sept. 20.1864 Promoted Levi Wright Sept. 15,1864 Sept. 21,1864 Mustered out July 13.1865. Second Lieutenants. Sergeant Moody Marcelline ..... Sept. 12,1 Sept. 12,1861 Promoted Henry C. Bissell Feb. 5, 1862 June 2.1862 John S. Worman Mendon July 26,1863 Feb. 27.1864 Levi Wright Sept. 20,1864 John P. Randolph...^.. Woodville !!!!!'. July 10.1865 Not must'd. M. O. July l3V'65,'as'Serg't! First Sergeant. Benjamin P. Moody... Marcelline Aug. 20.1861 Sept. 12.1861 I. O. Sept. 23, '64, as private Sergeants. John S. Worman Mendon Aug. 20.1861 Sept. 12,1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran Henry C. Bissell Marcelline Promoted 2d Lieutenant .. John McLaughlin Died at Palmyra, Mo., Jan. 27,1862 Oeorge Eschrich Seneca, N. Y... Re-enlisted as Veteran Corporals. Roberta. Daily Aug. 20.1861 Sept, 12,1861 Reduced to ranks. Died at Quincy, 111., by poison- ing. May 13, 1864 William G. Moore Lima Disch. Sept. 27,'64; 1st 8gt. Temple H. Davis Marcelline Re-enlisted as Veteran Andrew Robertson Mendon Died at Chillicothe, Mo., Nov. 26. 1861 Samuel G. Cooke Greenbury, Mo Oct. 14. 1861 Oct. 14.1861 Discharged Sept. 9. 1864... Thomas B. Anderson. Naples Aug. 20,1861 Sept. 12,1861 Disch. Sept. 27, '64. as Serg. Levi Wright Mendon , Re-enlisted as Veteran Armstrong C. Fooshee Discharged Sept. 27, 1864.. Musicians. Clarence D. Poling.. Mendon. Aug. Sept. 12.1861 Prom. Principal Musician. David H. Worman .. Wagoner. John C. Lewis Aug. Sept. 12,1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran. Privates. Allison, Amos J Woodville Aug. 20,1861 Sept. 12. Discharged Sept. 27. 1864.. Allison Orlando M . Re-enlisted as Veteran — Burk, Charles Mendon Died at St. Joseph. Mo. Dec. 4.1861 Ballard, Cyrus Marcelline Borts, John M Mansfleld,Ohio. Re-enlisted as Veteran — Brook, Benjamin Ellington , Bilings, Edward Marcelline Sept. 17,1861 Sept. 17, 1861 Disch. June 27. '62; disabil Bowman, Jacob Big Neck Aug. 20,1861 Sept. 12, 1861 Disch. Oct. 2, '62: disabil... Cecil, Henry C Liberty Re-enlisted as Veteran — Clark, John Mendon Cheny. Jasper Congar, Wilson Fowler Station Coffee, Louis Ursa Died at Quincy. Dec. 12,'61. Cecil. John W Big Neck Re-enlisted asVeteran.... Cecil. John H Cheny, Julius Mendon Deserted Dec. 23. 1861..!!!". Cauder, Valentine .. Big Neck... Re-enlisted as Veteran Cope, William Green«burg, Mo Sept. 17. Sept. 17, 1861 Clark, Franklin Mendon Oct. 14.1861 Oct. 14, 1861 Discharged Oct. 20, 1864!!!! Daily, Henry J Aug. 20.1861 Sept. 12. 1861 Killed at Corinth, Oct. 3,'62 Donnahoe, Francis.. Died at Savannah, Apr. 29, 1862; wounds Pansell, Christian. .. Died at St. Louis, Oct. 13, 1862: wounds . Fisher. Jacob Belleville. Died at St Louis, May 27, 1862; wounds Felgar. William H.. Mendon... Oct. 14.1861 Oct. 14. 1861 Deserted Nov. 15,1861 . FIFTIETH INFANTRY. 525 Date of Date Name and Rank. rank or en- of muster. listment. Graham, William Big Neck Aug. 20,1861 Sept. 12.1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran Greaver, John Pleas'ntview, M Disch. Julyl. '62; disabil.. Gibony. Michael Mendon Re-enlisted as Veteran Haiston, Peter I Marcelline Harding, Mordecai Big Neck Deserted Jan. 22,1862..!!!! Hensley, John Marcelline Disch. May 15, '62; disabil. Hughes, Carter V Mendon Died at Mendon. 111.. May 7.1862 Haworth, George W .. Coatsburg '9. '. Haiston, Lewis G Marcelline bisch." Sept' '62 : 'di sabil! Hazlett, Alex'derC.M. Indiana co., Pa. Re-enlisted as Veteran Haiston, John Marcelline Hess, Samuel Hess, John Nov. 20. 1861 Nov. 20.1861 Jordan, William E.... Aug. 20. 1861 Sept. 12.1861 Jordan, Louman Jordan, John C Mendon Disch. June 18. '62; disabil. Jordan, James M Re-enlisted as Veteran.... '. Jones, Kichard Pittsburg.' Pa! '. Dropped from rolls Sept. 22,1862 Jacks, Benjamin F Big Neck Discharged Sept. 27.1864.. Joy, Rufus K Mendon Krumry, Andrew Re-enlisted as Veteran Big Knox, Charles H Neck Mustered out Sept. 28,1864 , Kendall, Elijah Greensburg, Mo Sept. 17.1861 Sept. 17. 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran Leach, Edwin Mendon Aug. 20. 1861 Sept. 12,1861 Lumley, Thomas B ... Marcelline Lindsey, Samuel C Coatsburg Discharged Sept. 27,1864.. Leggatt, William Mendon 14.1861 Oct. Discharged Oct. 22,1864 ... Lunn, James H Re-enlisted as Veteran..., Minor, Abner C Aug. 20. 1861 Sept. Disch. June 27, '62; disabil. McGrew, Andrew Big Neck Deserted Apr. 3,1862 McDonald, John W ... Woodville Re-enlisted as Veteran McKeavitt, Peter Chillicothe, Mo. Oct. 22, 1861 Oct. Disch. June 27. '62; disabil Murphy, Bartholomew NewYork.N.Y. Nov. 1,1861 Nov. Re-enlisted asVeteran Owen, Edward P Woodville Aug. 20, 1861 Sept. Owings, Edward W... Quincy Died at Quincy May 13. '62! O'Donnelly, Barnard. Marcelline Died at Shiloh Apr. 12. '62; wounds Odell, William A Lima Re-enlisted as Veteran Poling, George W Mendon Discharged Sept. 27.1864.. Penick, William Big Neck Disch. Jan. 10. '62; disabil. Puckett, William Lima Mustered out Sept. 8,1864. Purcell, Charles H.... Marcelline Died. St. Louis. May 31. '62.

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