REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD 40 Free House_- Real Ales Bar snacks G^ZETTE _ _ ISSUE NO.212 JANUARY 2014 I - I I No iob roo smor rngr .rtiror., I Books & Maps RLduced rores for Senior I I I citizens I I Tel. 01748 884218 I I Tetephone 07875 253178 | STUBBS ELECTRICAL NORMAN F. BROWN CHARTERED Your Locol Electricol Service SURVEYOR5 & E5TATE A6ENT5 O Rewires/alterations SALES - LETTINGS - MANACEMITN'I' o Showers/storage heaters FREE'NO OBLIGATION' o Fire alarms/emergency lights MARKET APPRAISAL O Underfloor heating AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST O Fault finding 14 Queens Road, Richmond, Norlh Yorkslrirc, DLlO 4AG O Landlords' ceftificates T etz (017 4$ 82247 3 1822967 a PAT Testing www.norrnanfbrown.co.uk o Solar electric Contact Stephen on: T 0t748 822907 M:07980 l30Ol4 E: [email protected] ctrical.co.uk -i_o= ' '-:'' AND v '-: REPAI a, t o f M. - PLUMBING ! GUY J For all your o o plumbing requirements o a AGA'S & RAYBURN'S SERVICED RichardD 5,rnilh ! = Tel: 01748 - 825640 PA NTING & DECOFATING o s. A ghpp7 Al'eru. ta ynu ql.l, ^ To adveftise in the Gazette Quality Local o Vran Tradesmen please S''li;x::^',#* @ FREE NO OBUGIIBLIGATION o6 (rfim npur/J magazinp o contact the editor ! Wurt.k{,qL, FIXEDJD QUOTATIO OTATIONS 01748 88611U505. For { COMPLETEETE DIDECORATING,RATING SERVICE { t (""tfrp fiwa Dq,bo, adveftising rates please AtL APESS; BOTH IilTERNALIA IAL & EXTERUTEXTERI COVERED i o contact the treasurer t48 ! =.f 0L748 824824483 F 01748 884474. Mobile:07932 032501 . Emailr dspaintingl Slurdy,y Hous6 IFarm, ",ilx",""#31?i|lf***Whashton DLl 9 REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD 3 ( lAZlrl'l"l'li MANAGEMENT TEAM REETH & DISTRICT CAZETTE I,TD No material may be reproduced in whole or in part wilhout pcnnission. Whilst January Services 2014 ( lrnn'nron: Molcolm Gordner every care is taken, the publishers cannot I olqc llouse, Healough, Richmond DL1l 6LD sth Jan. 9.15 am St. Mary's Muker Eucharist be held legally responsible for any errors URC It'l/l : 01748 884113 10.30 am Low Row rrx or opinions in Articles, Listings or Covenant Service with I nrrrrl : [email protected] Reeth Methodist Advertisements. Arkengarthdale l)('( r'ctnry & Upper Dole Distribution: Published by the 11.00 am St. Edmund's, Marske Family Seruice Sue Alderson Reeth & District GazetteLtd. Trinity Low Row Eucharist Holy I lolnrt' View, Low Row, Richmond, DL 11 6PE c/o THE TREASURER DAVID TRUSSON Reeth Evangelical Congregational I r'l : 01748 886292 The Lodge, Marrick 6.00 Pm St. Andrew's Grinton Evening Prayer BCP I nrrul [email protected] Richmond, North Yorkshire. DLI I 7LQ 6.30 Reeth Evangelical Congregational Pm I lcrrsrrlcr' : lovid Trusson Tel./Fax : 01748884414 2.30 pm Gunnerside Methodist llr I orlgc, Morr.ick, Richmond, DL11 7LQ Email: [email protected] St. Andrew's Grinton l2th Jan. 9.30 am Eucharist Ir'l : 01748 884474 at Fremington Sunday School "Cazette" - ADVERTISING l'r'rrrlrrr lron Monoqer: Jomes Alderson St Michael's Downholme Holy Communion To ensure prompt attention for new adverts, (,1 r'r'11yy61y5, 10.30 am Low Row URC Grinton, Richmond, DL11 6HJ setting up, changes to current advert runs as Reeth Methodist I rl : 01748 884312 well as articles for inclusion, please contact: 11.00 am Reeth Evangelical Congregational I rnrul :[email protected] The EDITOR - G. M. Lundberg St. Edmund's, Marske Morning Service [rr,;lrrlrufjon: Wendy Gordner Gallows Top, Low Row, Richmond, North Yorks. DL11 6PP 11.15 am St. Mary's Arkengafthdale Holy Communion BCP I or'9c I l6u5g, Heolough, Richmond, DLll 6LD :01748 886111 or 886505 2.00 pm Keld URC Holy Communion r,l :01748884113 Email : r eethgozett e@gmoi Lcom ,r 6.00 Pm St. Mary's Muker Evening Prayer : rl rr;r riptfqnlgq-etory_: Alex Hewlett , Reeth Evangelical Congregational I l.rl Vir oroge, Reeth, Richmond, DL11 6TR OAZ,ETfE DEADLINES 19th Jan. 9.15 pm St. Mary's Muker Holy Communion BCP l rl : 2760040 Ol27 In order thot we con distribute the 10,30 am Low Row URC I ntrtrl : [email protected] Reeth Methodist Gozette ot the beginnirg of eoch I tlrlor,& Advertisinq Editor: Georqe Lundberg Arkengarthdale Methodist tnonth, it is necessory to hove o Gtrllows Top, Low Row, Richmond, DLl1 6PP 11.00 am Holy Trinity Low Row Eucharist Deodline Dote. The Deodline Dotes I r:l : 01748 886111/886505 Reeth Evangelical Congregational for the next few months ore os Tel/Fox :OL748 886111 St. Edmund's, Marske Eucharist follows: Fmoil [email protected] 2.30 Pm Gunnerside Methodist Covenant Seruice FEBRUARY JANUARY 1OTH Assistont Editor: Emmc Lundberg 6.30 Pm Reeth Evangelical Congregational A,IARCH FEBRUARY 1OTH 6nllows Top, Low Row, Richmond, DLl1 6PP . Week of Prayer for Christian APRTL AAARCH 1OTH 23d Jan. 7.30 pm St. Mary's Arkengarthdale :01748 Unity Service Tel 886505 PLEASE NOTE We connot guorcnlee any St. Andrew's Grinton Emoil : emmo [email protected] entry but submission by the deodline is of 26th Jan. 9.30 am Eucharist at Fremington Sunday School Pnoducfion/distribution : Trevor Brown consideroble help. St Michael's Downholme Holy Communion Ihe Cottoge, Heolough, Richmond, DL11 6UA 10.30 Low Row URC am Tel :01748 884111 COVER PICTURE Reeth Methodist Family Seruice KELD LANTERN PARADE Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) 11.00 Reeth Evangelical Congregational am l4cctings are at Quaker House, 7 Grove Square Leyburn Isobel Bainbridge, 5 & Rory Baker 6 with St. Edmund's, Marske Eucharist ovcry Sunday at 10.30am. Additionally on the 4th Sunday their LED lanterns ready to take paft in o[ each month at the Scout Hut, Lane, the parade to mark 60 years of mains 11.15 am St. Mary's Arkengafthdale Holy Communion BCP Quakers Riclrmond at 10.30am. For further information tel. ludith electricity in Keld. 2.00 pm Keld URC Calow on 01748 884320 or www.dalesquakers.org.uk 8th November 2013 6.30 pm Reeth Evangelical Congregational REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD 4 REETH AND DISTRICT GAZETTE LTD 5 TOUR DE FRANCE PLANNINc 6OES people oll over the world - with the odded lrrnt;r' of routes olong with downloodoble (iAondoys, Tuesdoys, Wednesdoys ond INTO OVERDRTVE bonus thot it olso coincides with the 6Oth 111,q1r,r rrnd descriptions, ond informotion Fridoys) or the Communicotions Teoh on onniversory of the creotion of the Nqtionol rrl,oul rlcssic hill climbs ond the Tour de 01756 7516t6. Stoff ond Members of the Yorkshire Doles Pork. I t ([t( (a RICHAAOND & LEYBURN Notionol Pork Authority ore stepping up o "An estimoted 400,000 people ote Arrrl llrc yDNPA hos been helping cofd,s, EMBROIDERER5' 6UILD gear in fheir preporotions for next yeor's expected to line the route within the ,r,,,rnrrnotJotion providers ond tourist Tour de Fronce 6rond Ddport. Notionol Pork ond for oll the businesses rrllrrrr lrons to offer 5ike-friendly The next meeting ol the Richmond & The Grand Ddport Stoge 1 will leove Leeds ond communities, it's o chonce to boost l,rr rlrlrr,,; by providing lreebike stonds ond Leyburn Bronch of the Embroiderers'6uild on July 5 for o breoth-toking, 190- their incomes like never before. And we lrrhr' r'rngs to instoll outside their premises, is on Thursday, Jonuory 16th 2014 ot kilometre ride through the Notionol Pork ore pulling out oll the stops to encouroge rr.; wr.ll os free cycle repoir kits. The 1.30 pm ot Hormby Villoge Holl. We will be to Horrogote. The route will go olong the spectotors to visit us ogoin when the Arrllrolrly's Recreotion ond Tourism teom 'Broinstorming ond Plonning' for the yeor Whorfedole, Bishopdole, Wensleydole ond Tour de Fronce hos long gone. lrr r.; <rlso storted sending out oheod which includes preporotion for the Swoledqle. with climbs over Kidstones from "ff's on obsolutely huge thing to hoppen l rrlw:;le-tters to porish councils ond ony North Eost Region competitions: 'Just One Wharfedole into Bishopdole, Buttertubs ond it hos to be plonned to the finest rrrt,,r'r,.; led businesses, keeping them up to Colour' qnd 'White on White' . Visitors ore Poss from Wensleydole to Swoledole ond detoil - everything from litter collection to ,l,rlc wrth the lotest Tour informotion in welcome. Ring 01748 886790 for more then out of 6rinton towards Leyburn. troffic - if we ore to moke sure it goes I lr,' Nrr tionol Pork detoils. And on the following doy the cyclists will smoothly ond hqs o minimum impoct on the l lr YDNPA olso lounched its own four- THE ROYAL BRITI5H LEGION POPPY skirt through the southern edge of the lond ond the wildlife. Thot meons we ore nrrrrulr: long video highlighting the omozing APPEAL Notionol Pork os they ride post Bolton working closely with porish, district ond r',t,tl rycle routes in the Notionol Pork - This y"ff the poppy oppeol roised Abbey on their woy from York to county councils, the emergency services r .rrrlrlc te with commentory by world- f,1654.04 for the British Legion so thonk sheffield. ond oll the other orgonisotions ond groups r','rrownru d cycling commentotor Phil Liggett. you to evetyone for giving so generously. With just over seven months to go, there thot hove o stoke in the Notionol Pork." ',rr lrrr lhe video - which con be viewed on f would like to thonk oll the House to hove olreody been numerous meetings with Notionql Pork Authority Rongers ore I lr, Authority's website House lodies who kindly give up their time Notionol Pork communities, londowners, ond meeting with formers ond londowners olong urww r y( lcthedoles.org.uk,/f ilm - hos to collect in their villoges.
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