DECLASSIFIED r .. -"" " ),\:. .:- ~ 4 " 90S2sY",j .0" ~'9 s~ 901 7c,,-3 DOWNGRADED AT 3 YEAR ItlTERVA!.Si­ DECLASSIFIED AfTER 12 y£A2$ OlR .5200.10 noD ~.,..-, ... -' . .' .;~. ~ .' ,. ......-, - .,." . ..;' _~ ~ ~, ,-" _ :..7' , ,~ '. '5'" t , . ,- :~ ", ~ L .. ;-t:~, ... :- DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • • 28/dj db5~156 :JU N28 1969 SECRET (Unclassified upon removal of enclosure (1) FIRST ENDORSEMENT on CG, III MAl' ltr 3K/jld 5750 Ser: 0072169 of 17Jun69 From: Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific •.. ~: Commandant of the Marine Corps (Code A03D) Subj: Command Chronology 1. The subject chronology has been reviewed for completeness and is forwarded herewith. • ~~~ R. D. WHITE By direction Copy to: CG, III MAl' 2 DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS HEADQUARTERS ••III MARINE AMPHIBIOUS FORCE MILITARY ASSISTANCE COMMAND. VIETNAM FPO. SAN FRANCISCO 96602 IN REPLY All,... R TO: 3K/j1d 5750 Sere SECRET 17 JUN 1969 sr;CRET (Uno1assified upon removal of eno1osure (1) 0072 169 FromI Comnanding General Tor Conrnandant of the l-tarine Corps (Code A03D) Vial Commanding General, Fleet Marine Foroe, Paoifio Subjl Comnand Chronology (U) Refl (a) MCO P5750.1A (b) FMFPaoO 5750.0A Enol I (1) III MAF Conrnand Chronology, ~r11 1969 1. In aooordanoe with referenoes (a) and (b), enolosure (1) is submitted herewitho ~~ BY DIRECTION COpy N' L OF-z'COPIES ~ SECRET DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED SECREt'Ji • BE.A'DQU.ARTEBS III Marine .uzphibiou8 Porce Mi1ita1'1 Assistanoe Oommand, VietD8ll !PO, San J'ra.ncisoo 96602 0CIIMAND CHRONOLOGY 1 April 1969 - 30 April 1969 IlmEX PART I ORG.AmZ1TIONAL DA.!A. PART II lfARRA'fiVE SUMKARY PART III SEQUDTIAL LISnNG or SIGNIPIOAm EVERTS PART IV - SUPPORTING DOOUHEN'lS €e~v -U-- O'~_COPI£S GROUP-4 [J owngraded ot 3 year Intervale; DOLOSlJRE (1) y~~~~~~ t. Declassified after 12 1 DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • pmI • 0IG4NIZAfiOIlA RID 1. DESIGNATION III Marine AJaphibioU8 Foroe Lieute.aant General BeDId IICKERSOB Jr., U. S. Marine Oozps l-,o.APr69 DJrY!Y OOlIKADKB Kajor General Oarl A. YOtnlGDALI, U. S. Marine OOZPI 1-30APr69 gpBORDIWI 11l1ITS mv Corps LieuteDaJ1t General Riaba.N G. S!ILWBLL, U. 8. ADay 1-30AP:r69 3d Marine Divilli.on Mqor General ~o.Dd G. DAVIS, U. S. Mar1J'18 Oorp. 1-1'AP'r69 Major General Willi.. IC. JOHBS, U. S. Marine COrpl l4-30JP1'69 lOlst Airborne Division Major General Melvin WS, (»mobile) U. S. ADq l-30AP1'69 let Marine Diviiii. on Major General Omo.Dd It. SIHPSOIl, U. 8. Marine 001PI 1-30APr69 1 at Marine Airoraft Wing Major aeural Charles J. QUIL!IR, U. S. Harine Oozps 1-30Jp1'69 Major General Charles M. GETTY8, n, S. A.Dq 1-30Ap:r69 Poroe Logistio CngmSM Brigadier General J8IIe. A. DELEY, U. S. Marine Cozps 1-,OAp:r69 DOLOSURE (1) 2 DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Headquarters and Semce Oompany Oolonel Willi8ID K. WHITE, III Marine AlnphibiOUB Foroe U. 8. Marine 0011>8 Headquarters Oommandant 1-13Jpr69 Lieutenant Oolonel Robert M. WINTER, U. S. Marine Corps 14-24Apr69 Oolonel Don D. EZELL, U. S. Marine Co1'1)8 25-30Apr69 ATTACHED UNITS 1st Radio Battalion Lieutenant Oolonel Patrick J. FENNELL, U. S. Marine OOZ'Ps 1-30Apr69 29th Oivil Af'fairs Oompany Lieutenant Oolonel Robert R. RAJ'FERfY, U. S. Amy 1-30Apr69 7th Psychological Operations Major Michael lORTINI, U. S. Amy Battalion 1-30Jpr69 2. LOOA'fiON 1-30 April 1969, East Danang, QUang NaJ1 Province, Republic of' VietllaJll. 3. STAFF OFFICERS Deputy Oomma.nding General, Air Major General Oharles J. Q,UILTER, U. S. Marine Corps 1-30Apr69 Chief' of' Staf'f' Brigadier General George E. DOOLEY, U. S. Marine Corps 1-30Apr69 Deputy Chief of Staff Colonel Lewis G. POGGDIEYER, U. 8. Marine COZ'Ps l-30Apr69 Deputy Ohief of Staff, Plans Brigadier General Warren K. BENNETT, U. S. Amy 1-30Apr69 ENCLOSURE (1) DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Assistant Chief of Staff, 0...1 Colonel Willi8Jll J. HOWATT, U. S. Marine Ool"Ps l-30Apr69 Assistant Chief of Staff, G- 2 Colonel John S. CANTON, U. S. Marine OOl"P8 l-30Apr69 Assistant Chief of Staff, 0...3 Brigadier General Ross T. DWYER Jr. , U. S. Marine Oorps l-30Apr69 Deputy 0...3 Colonel Marion C. DALBY, U. S. Marine Oorps l-l7Apr69 Colonel Robert H. BARROW, U. S. Marine Oorps 1e-~Jpr69 Assistant Ohief of Staff, 0...4 Oolonel Lawrenoe C. NORTON, U. S. Marine Coxps 1-30Apr69 Assistant Ohief of Staff, 0...5 Oolonel Howal.'d A. WESTPHALL, U. S. Marine CO%ps l-18Apr69 Oolonel Gilbert R. HERSHEY, U. S. Marine Co%ps 19-3OAPr69 Assistant Ohief of Staff, 0-6 Oolonel Bill E. HORNER, u. S. Marine Corps l-30Apr69 Force Psychological Operations Oolonel Harold CHASE, Offioer U. S. Marine Corps 1-30Apr69 Force SUpply Offioer Oolonel Alfred O. TAVES, U. S. Manne Corps l-30Apr69 Force Staff Judge Advocate Colonel Paul W. SEABAUGH, U. S. Marine OOl"Ps l-30Apr69 ENCLOSURE (1) 4 DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Foroe Engineer Offioer Colonel Kenneth R. BLAND, U. S. Marine Oorps l-30Apr69 Foroe Adjutant Major J8JDes H. LYLES, U. S. Marine Oorps l-30Apr69 Assistant Chief of Staff, Major Thomas F. DEACHER, Comptroller U. S. Marine Oorps l-30Apr69 Foroe Infomation Servioes Colonel Paul M. MORIARTY, Offioer U. S. Marine Oorps 1-30jpr69 Offioer in Charge, COC Lieutenant Colonel Larry P. CHARON, U. S. Marine Oorps 1-30jpr69 Force :Food Semoe Officer Lieutenant Colonel Leslie P. DAY, U. S. Marine Oorps l-30Apr69 :Foroe Chaplain Oaptain Robert W. RA:DCLIP.r.E, U. S. }la-V)" l-30Apr69 Foroe SUrgeon Oaptain John R. STOVER Jr. , U. S. Navy l-30Apr69 Foroe Dental Offioer Captain John G. OHUDZINSKI, U. S. Navy l-30Apr69 Foroe Motor Transport Offioer Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth D. BARNES, U. S. Marine C01'P8 l-30APr69 staff Secretary Lieutenant Colonel J8JDes W. STEJ4PLE, U. S. Marine Oorps l-30APr69 Protocol Officer Major Willi8JD D. BERJAMIN, U. S. MaTine Oorps l-30jpr69 ENCLOSURE (1) DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • • Foroe Special Servioes Offioer Oolonel William BIEHL Jr., U. S. Marine Corps l-30Apr69 Direotor, Transportation Control Lieutenant Colonel Orville F. Center MARKS, U. S. Army l-30APr69 Foroe Inspeotor Oolonel J8I1eB W. SHANK, U. S. Malt"ine Oorps l-30jpr69 USMO Liaison Offioer, MAOV Oolonel Oarl I. SCHMIDT, USMO Liaison Offioer, 7th AF U. S. Karine Corps l-30Apr69 USMC Liaison Officer, RODIO Lieutenant Oolonel JOhn E. POllmEX'fER, U. S. Marine Oorps 1-30jpr69 G DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED 4. ~V~~~p:_MONT!ILY STREN2'I'H a. .J.lI.1'farine AmP!1ij>.1~.!t~..tssss: H_e.!.d!J!l~r~~r.s £!li.££.~~ ~E~ USNC USN USA USAF USMC USN USA USAF H&S Co, III MAF 15 2 0 0 373 9 0 0 Hq Staff, III MAF 224 10 25 1 453 8 8 0 1ST RJ.D BN 29 0 0 0 362 9 0 0 CAe'S 42 0 0 0 1876 110 0 0 29TH Ct. Co (att ) 0 0 49 0 0 0 89 0 7TH PayOps Co ( sup) 0 0 32 0 0 0 192 0 I ., •. , '! " f f l (I, b. 11.!.1~LP.!llpbib.i2uSForc.~ OffJ.£~.F.2. Erli.!!ed. US~1C USN USA USAF US~;C USN USA USf,F 5053 436 5366 21 72796 2864 54576 25 . .,, ENOLOSURE ( I ) DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED PART II NARRATIVE SUMMARY 1. INTRODUCTION. A. GENERAL. During April 1969, III Marine Amphibious Force Headquarters was located in East Danang, Republic of Vietnam. The average personnel strength was 141, 137; an inorease o£ 3,142 over the previous month. B. ACTIVITIES. III Marine Amphibious Force continues to be guided by COMUSMACV Letter of Instruction (LOI 3-66) dated 30 March 1966 in pursuit of its objectives for April 1969. 2. OVERALL EVALUATION. The level of enemy activity continued to decline during the £lrst two weeks o£ April. At mid-month there was a significant increase in activity, however, by the last week o£ the month the enemy tempo o£ activity had slipped back to the level of the first part of the month. Allied installations in the Danang area were the principle targets o£ a rocket attack on 20 April. An estimated 25 rounds of l22mm rockets impacted at various locations in the China Beach and MAG-16 areas and in the vicinity of the Danang Air Base resulting in 2 USMC KIA, 46 USMC WIA and 5 USN WIA. During the month Quang Tri and Quang Nam Provinces were the focal points of the most significant engagements. On 3 April elements o£ 1/5 Marines (Quang Nam Province) en­ gaged an estimated 20-30 enemy while conducting a sweep resulting in 7 USMC WIA and 13 VC KIA. On 5 April elements of 3/1 Marines (Quang Nam Province) while conducting a sweep were engaged by an unknown number of enemy with small arms and automatic weapons £ire. The engagement re­ sulted in 9 USMC KIA, 13 USMC WIA and 22 NVA KIA. On 9 April a patrol from the 3rd flecon Bn (Quang Tri Province) observed an estimated 30-!~O enemy. The patrol called in artillery and engaged the enemy with small arms fire resulting in 19 NVA KIA and 1 IWC. On 17 April a patrol from 1st Recon Bn (Quang Nam Province) called an artillery mission on 20 enemy causing 12 NVA KIA. Forty­ £ive minutes later the patrol called a second mission on an estimated 90 enemy resulting in 20 NVA KIA. On 18 April elements of 3/5 Cavalry (Quang Tri Province) were attacked by an estimated NVA Company employing sapper teams and supported by mortars. The attack resulted in 11 USA KIA, 23 USA WIA, 13 NVA KIA, 1 IWC and 2 CSWC.
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