northshore covers_Layout 1 8/14/12 9:27 AM Page 991 September/October 2012 Your Business & Lifestyle Magazine UNO battles 9 Tips to Better Southeastern Baby Boomer for student Health PAGE 27 recruitment PAGE 20 A timeless Mediterranean menu Political prisoners: St. Tammany Democrats starting to speak out northshore covers_Layout 1 8/14/12 9:27 AM Page 992 Octoberr is NationalNational BreastBreast CanceCancerer AAwAwarenesswarenesss Month. Callll too scheduleschhedule d l yyourouur mammogmammogramramm appointmentt todatoday!d y! 301301 N.N. HWYWY. 190,190, STETE. C-2,C-2, COVINGTONOVINGTON | 985-773-1500985-773-1500 THEHE ARTRT OFOF MEDICINEEDICINE ATAT THEHE W OMENOMEN’S PAVILIONAAVVILION The Women’sWWomen’omen’s PavilionPavilion of St. TammanyTTammanammany PParisharish Hospital enfolds youyou in a calming environmentenvironment of healing arartsts while deliveringdelivering on thethhe promisepromise of unparalleledunparallleled quality care:care: the latestlatest technology,technnology, the most respectedrespeccted specialists and the caringcaring stafff of the Women’sWWomen’omen’s Pavilion.Paavilion.vilion. World-classWorld-class healthcare.hehealthcaralthcare. Close to homhome.me. STPHSTPH.ORGORG | STHFOUNDATIONSTHFOUNDAATTION.ORGORG CONGRATULATIONSONGRAATULTULAATIOTIOONS! DANIELANIEL RUPLEYUPLEY M.D.,M.D., 2012 HEALTHCAREEALLTTHCARRE HEROERO The entireentire STPH carecare teamm of 1,700 compassionatecompassionate eemploemployees,yees, 400 associatedassociated phphysiciansysiciansy and 150 dedicadedicatedted vvolunteersolunteers ccongcongratulateratulate DrDr.. RupleRupleyy foforr this wwell-deservedell-deserved honorhonor,r, and wwee thank CityBusiness for rrecognizingecognizingg his dedicadedicationtion to carcaring.ing. 10:42:41 AM northshore sept-oct12 1-21_Layout 1 8/14/12 10:39 AM Page 1 Now,Now, healthyhealthy choiceschoices leadlead toto ggreatreat rerewardswards IntroducingIntroducing HumanaVitalityHumannaVitality® a breakthroughbreakthrough approachapproach toto wellness.wellness. Finally,Finally, there’sthere’s a wellnesswellneess programprogram that is actuallyactually fun,fun, engaging,engngaging, and rewardingrewarding in wwaysays yyou’dou’d neneverver expexpect.pect. It’s ccalledalled HumanaVitHumanaVitality,ality, and it offoffersfersers greatgreat rewardsrewards fforor good behabehaviors.viors. FFindindd out hohoww rrewardingewarding good healthh ccanan be. CContactontact youryour brbrokeroker or Humana at (5(504)504) 219-6600 forfor moremore infinformation.formation.ormatiion. LLearnearn mormoree at Humana.com/VitHumana.com/Vitality.ality. GCHH5O3HH 512 September/October 2012 1 northshore sept-oct12 1-21_Layout 1 8/14/12 1:26 PM Page 2 What’sInside September/October 2012 FEATURES Finding Their Voice St. Tammany’s Democrats make up a political minority, but they’re beginning to break their silence . 39 Areas of Need Challenges persist in the West 30s neighborhood of Covington, but work continues to bring change . 42 Against the Flow More professionals are making the trip from the South Shore to work in St. Tammany . 44 NORTH SHORE BUSINESS Top Private Companies Specialization allows select North Shore businesses to sustain revenues in a difficult economy . 13 Education The University of New Orleans needs to expand its 14 enrollment and sees growth opportunities in St. Tammany . 20 On the cover: Nunda Smith and Kevin Lazaroe of CCTV Imports show off the Health Care secret agent gear that’s available to home and business owners. Physicians provide specialized advice for baby boomers Photo by Tracie Morris Schaefer who want to remain healthy and active for years to come . 27 Who’s Who Lists: Top Private Companies . 17 Private Schools . 22 Two- and Four-Year Colleges . 25 NORTH SHORE LIVING Window Shopping Football gear . 31 Off the Menu Mediterranean menu provides timeless staples . 32 31 36 Favorite Spaces Keeping room offers an option for open kitchen . 36 IN EVERY ISSUE NORTH SHORE FACES From the Publisher . 5 Around the Parish Editor . 6 32 People moving up, events, Go.See.Do . 8 ribbon cuttings and more who’s who . 48 Shorts . 10 2 September/October 2012 northshore sept-oct12 1-21_Layout 1 8/14/12 10:40 AM Page 3 northshore sept-oct12 1-21_Layout 1 8/14/12 10:40 AM Page 4 Celebrating Life in St. Tammany September/October 2012 K K K K K Publisher: Lisa Blossman CityBusiness Editor: Greg LaRose Citizens Bank & Trust Co. EDITORIAL Serving St. Tammany Since 1945 Art Director: Lisa Finnan Associate Editor: Christian Moises Main Office Mandeville-City Hall Staff Writers: Richard A. Webster 222 N. New Hampshire St. 3100 E. Causeway Approach Rd. Ben Myers Covington, LA Mandeville, LA Jennifer Larino (985) 892-3776 (985) 626-8114 New Media Specialist: Maria Clark Market Researcher: Duncan Brown Abita Springs Covington Barkers Corner-Lee Rd. ADVERTISING 22109 Level St. 73021 Hwy. 25 79030 Hwy. 437 Abita Springs, LA Covington, LA Covington, LA Advertising Executives: Cassie Foreman, (985) 898-4785 (985) 898-4749 (985) 892-4234 Jaclyn Meith Discover CBT… PRODUCTION Production Manager: Julie Bernard We Make a Difference Pre-press Manager: Shelley Costa Art and Production Coordinator: Samantha Verges ADMINISTRATION Director of Operations: Gina Brignac Office Coordinator: Marilyn Miller CIRCULATION Send address changes to Subscription Services, 10 Milk Street, Suite 1000, Boston, MA 02108 Customer service: (800) 451-9998. The entire contents of this magazine are copyrighted by NOPG, LLC, 2012, with all rights reserved. Reproduction or use, without permission, of editorial or graphic content in any manner is prohibited. North Shore Report (USPS #28) is published six times a year by NOPG LLC, 3445 North Causeway Blvd., Suite 901, Metairie, LA 70002 (504) 834-9292 It is the policy of this publication to employ people on the basis of their qualifications and with assurance of equal opportunity and treatment regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, sexual orientation, religion, national origin or handicap. CityBusiness® is a registered trademark of CityBusiness/Twin Cities Inc. New Orleans Publishing Group LLC, is an affiliate of The Dolan Company: James P. Dolan, president, chief executive officer and chairman; Scott J. Pollei, executive vice president and chief operating officer; Mark Stodder, executive vice president, business information; Vicki Duncomb, vice president and chief financial officer Director, Publishing Operations: Chris Eddings Senior Vice President, NOPG: Mark Singletary 4 September/October 2012 northshore sept-oct12 1-21_Layout 1 8/14/12 10:40 AM Page 5 from the publisher Lisa Blossman Congress considers in-person visits the most influential Over the summer, I attended the Louisiana Associated General Contractors annual meeting. As expected, there was lots of discussion CONSTITUENT IMPACT about construction issues and opportunities in Louisiana. Joseph Jarboe, president of AGC of America, made an interesting Members of Congress were asked which methods were most influential in helping them form opinions: presentation about how important the upcoming elections will be to the future of our country and how people can make a difference in shaping Very influential Somewhat influential future legislative decisions. In-person visits 46 percent 51 percent The accompanying graphic emphasizes the fact constituents have Contact from constituent representing others 36 percent 60 percent more power than they may realize. The Congressional Management Individual letters 20 percent 70 percent Foundation conducted a survey and ranked the most influential advoca- Individual emails 19 percent 69 percent cy strategies for swaying undecided members of Congress. Not surprisingly, in-person meetings yielded the best results. It’s Phone calls 14 percent 72 percent refreshing to know in-person visits have not lost out to email conversations. Telephone town hall comments 17 percent 68 percent So visit your elected officials, voice your concerns and together we Lobbyist visit 8 percent 74 percent will make a difference. • News editorial endorsement 10 percent 65 percent Source: Associated General Contractors of America Publisher Lisa Blossman can be reached at (504) 293-9226 or [email protected]. ! " # $$"# % " " !"# $% &'$ ()!*(!+)(+ ', (-./0.(*1/) % September/October 2012 5 northshore sept-oct12 1-21_Layout 1 8/14/12 10:40 AM Page 6 from the editor Greg LaRose Football, not falling leaves, indicates changing seasons The seasonal change has begun in St. Tammany, favorite mighty mite takes the field. mistakes of the past are forgotten at the sound although the evidence won’t be found in the These games wrap up in time for everyone of the first whistle — for a little while anyway. foliage for a few more weeks. You’ll find it instead to support their favorite college team, either in We embrace the optimism the season brings in the back of SUVs and minivans. person or in the friendly confines of a man cave. and try to cling on to it throughout autumn. It’s here that the olfactory cocktail of sweat, Regardless of the setting, food and drink are And if our campaign is successful, it will be grass and dirt is mixed. It’s where helmets, ample in supply. And come Sunday, diehard those thoughts that stay with us through the shoulder pads and uniforms are crammed next Saints fans repeat the latter half of Saturday’s long stretch of winter, spring and summer. to ice chests, folding chairs and tailgating fare. routine. Basketball, baseball
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