Chief of Staff, US Air Force Gen T. Michael Moseley Commander, Air Education and Training Command Gen William R. Looney III Commander, Air University Lt Gen Stephen R. Lorenz http://www.af.mil Chief, Professional Journals Lt Col Paul D. Berg Deputy Chief, Professional Journals Maj James C. Ulman Editor Maj Roger Burdette Professional Staff Marvin W. Bassett, Contributing Editor http://www.aetc.randolph.af.mil James S. Howard, Contributing Editor Debbie Banker, Editorial Assistant Steven C. Garst, Director of Art and Production Daniel M. Armstrong, Illustrator L. Susan Fair, Illustrator Ann Bailey, Prepress Production Manager Air and Space Power Journal Web Site Catherine Parker, Managing Editor The Air and Space Power Journal (ISSN 1554-2505), Air http://www.au.af.mil Force Recurring Publication 10-1, published quarterly, is the professional journal of the United States Air Force. It is designed to serve as an open forum for the presentation and stimulation of innovative thinking on military doctrine, strategy, force structure, readiness, and other matters of national defense. The views and opinions expressed or implied in the Journal are those Air and Space Power Journal 401 Chennault Circle of the authors and should not be construed as carrying Maxwell AFB AL 36112-6004 the official sanction of the Department of Defense, Air Force, Air Education and Training Command, Air e-mail: [email protected] University, or other agencies or departments of the US Visit Air and Space Power Journal online government. at http://www.airpower.maxwell.af.mil. Articles in this edition may be reproduced in whole or in part without permission. If they are reproduced, the Air and Space Power Journal requests a courtesy line. IInsidenside ccover.inddover.indd 2 55/16/2007/16/2007 33:15:58:15:58 PPMM Summer 2007 Volume XXI, No. 2 AFRP 10-1 Senior Leader Perspectives Transforming Air Force Education for the Long War and Beyond . 5 Lt Gen Stephen R. Lorenz, USAF Airpower’s Crucial Role in Irregular Warfare . 10 Maj Gen Allen G. Peck, USAF Leadership: An Old Dog’s View . 16 C. R. Anderegg Focus Area Developing Airmen: Educating and Training Leaders . 26 Lt Col Paul D. Berg, USAF, Chief, Professional Journals Features Inventory Management of Officers with Advanced Academic Degrees: The Case for a New Approach . 42 Lt Col Raymond W. Staats, PhD, USAF Lt Col Marty Reynolds, USAF Maj Aaron D. Troxell, USAF Defining Information Operations Forces: What Do We Need? . 53 Maj Timothy P. Franz, USAF Maj Matthew F. Durkin, USAF Maj Paul D. Williams, PhD, USAF Maj Richard A. Raines, PhD, USAF, Retired Lt Col Robert F. Mills, PhD, USAF, Retired Intellectual Modernization of the C-5: Making the Galaxy Expeditionary . 67 Col Mark C. “Marshal” Dillon, USAF Leadership by the Socratic Method . 80 Maj Aaron A. Tucker, USAF The Mandate to Revolutionize Military Logistics . 90 COL Bradley E. Smith, USA A Model for Managing Decision-Making Information in the GIG-Enabled Battlespace . 100 Maj Samuel D. Bass, USAF Maj Rusty O. Baldwin, PhD, USAF, Retired Departments Prelaunch Notes Introducing the Chinese ASPJ and Presenting the Latest Chronicles Online Journal Articles . 19 Ricochets and Replies . 20 2007-2 contents.indd 1 4/27/07 11:05:45 AM The Merge Tactical Satellites: The Rest of the Story . 27 LTC Bob Guerriero, USA Tactical Satellites: It’s Not “Can We?” but “Should We?” . 30 Lt Col Edward B. “Mel” Tomme, USAF, Retired The Inadvisability of Posthumously Promoting Billy Mitchell . 34 Col Phillip S. Meilinger, USAF, Retired PIREP Leading from the Front, Rear, and Center: A Squadron Commander’s Approach . 37 Lt Col Christopher T. Daniels, USAF Quick Looks Preferential Treatment for Military Members Based on Personality Type . 64 1st Lt Ryan Kaiser, USAF Fit (and Ready) to Fight: Strengthening Combat Readiness through Controlled-Aggression Training . 78 2d Lt Nickolas Stewart, USAF Doctrine Note Revised USAF Doctrine Publication: Air Force Doctrine Document 2-7, Special Operations . 88 Lt Col Alexander M. Wathen, USAF, Retired Vignette What Difference Can You Make? . 109 CMSgt John P. Hearn, USAF, Retired Book Reviews Leading Change . 112 John P. Kotter Reviewer: Dr. Richard I. Lester Air Power in the New Counterinsurgency Era: The Strategic Importance of USAF Advisory and Assistance Missions . 113 Alan J. Vick et al. Reviewer: Maj Paul A. Hibbard, USAF Fortress France: The Maginot Line and French Defenses in World War II . 114 J. E. Kaufmann and H. W. Kaufmann Reviewer: CSM James H. Clifford, USA, Retired Las Metáforas de una Guerra Perpetua: Estudios sobre Pragmática del Discurso en el Conflicto Armado Colombiano . 115 Fernando Estrada Gallego Reviewer: Lt Col Paul D. Berg, USAF Inside the Iron Works: How Grumman’s Glory Days Faded . 116 George M. Skurla and William H. Gregory Reviewer: Col Joseph J. McCue, USAF, Retired 2007-2 contents.indd 2 4/27/07 11:05:45 AM B-17 at War . 117 Bill Yenne Reviewer: Lt Col Robert F. Tate, USAFR Responsibility of Command: How UN and NATO Commanders Influenced Airpower over Bosnia . 117 Col Mark A. Bucknam Reviewer: Capt Tim Spaulding, USAF Prisoners: A Novel of World War II . 118 Burt Zollo Reviewer: Col Phillip S. Meilinger, USAF, Retired Realizing the Dream of Flight: Biographical Essays in Honor of the Centennial of Flight, 1903–2003 . 118 Virginia P. Dawson and Mark D. Bowles, eds. Reviewer: Dr. David R. Mets Pacific Skies: American Flyers in orldW War II . 119 Jerome Klinkowitz Reviewer: Dr. John H. Barnhill Soldiers and Ghosts: A History of Battle in Classical Antiquity . 120 J. E. Lendon Reviewer: Maj Paul Niesen, USAF The Intelligence Archipelago: The Community’s Struggle to Reform in the Globalized Era . 121 Melanie M. H. Gutjahr Reviewer: Capt Gilles Van Nederveen, USAF, Retired Why Air Forces Fail: The Anatomy of Defeat . 122 Robin Higham and Stephen J. Harris, eds. Reviewer: Dr. Robert B. Kane, Lieutenant Colonel, USAF, Retired Weapons of Choice: The Development of Precision Guided Munitions . 123 Paul G. Gillespie Reviewer: Maj Evan Dertien, USAF Mission Debrief . 124 2007-2 contents.indd 3 4/27/07 11:05:45 AM Air and Space Power Journal Board of Reviewers Prof. Tami Davis Biddle Col Merrick E. Krause, USAF, Retired US Army War College Department of Homeland Security Dr. Kendall K. Brown Col Chris J. Krisinger, USAF NASA Marshall Space Flight Center The Pentagon Col Steven D. Carey Dr. Benjamin S. Lambeth Air University RAND Dr. Clayton K. S. Chun Lt Col David MacIsaac, USAF, Retired US Army War College Montgomery, Alabama Dr. Mark Clodfelter Dr. Karl P. Magyar National War College Montgomery, Alabama Dr. Conrad Crane Col Edward Mann, USAF, Retired Director, US Army Military Studies Institute Colorado Springs, Colorado Dr. Dik A. Daso National Air and Space Museum Mr. Brent Marley Smithsonian Institution Redstone Arsenal Col Michael D. Davis Col Phillip Meilinger, USAF, Retired Air University West Chicago, Illinois Dr. William L. Dowdy Dr. Daniel Mortensen Alabama State University Air University Col Dennis M. Drew, USAF, Retired Dr. Richard R. Muller USAF School of Advanced Air and Space Studies USAF School of Advanced Air and Space Studies Dr. Stephen Fought Dr. Bruce T. Murphy USAF Air War College Air University Col Richard L. Fullerton Col Robert Owen, USAF, Retired USAF Academy Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Col Thomas E. Griffith Jr., USAF Col Bob Potter, USAF, Retired National War College USAF Public Affairs Center of Excellence Col W. Michael Guillot, USAF Lt Col Stephen M. Rothstein, PhD, USAF US Embassy, Paris, France USAF School of Advanced Air and Space Studies Dr. John F. Guilmartin Jr. Maj Reagan E. Schaupp, USAF Ohio State University Air University Dr. Grant T. Hammond Col Michael A. Stanley Center for Strategy and Technology USAF Air War College Air University Col Richard Szafranski, USAF, Retired Dr. Thomas Hughes Toffler Associates USAF School of Advanced Air and Space Studies Lt Col J. P. Hunerwadel, USAF, Retired Lt Col Edward B. Tomme, PhD, USAF, Retired Air University Sci-Ops Consulting Col Mark P. Jelonek, USAF Dr. Christopher H. Toner The Pentagon USAF Air Command and Staff College Col John Jogerst, USAF Lt Col David A. Umphress, PhD, USAFR, Retired Commandant, Air Force Special Operations School Auburn University Mr. Charles Tustin Kamps Dr. Kenneth P. Werrell USAF Air Command and Staff College Christiansburg, Virginia Dr. Tom Keaney Dr. Harold R. Winton Johns Hopkins University USAF School of Advanced Air and Space Studies Board of Reviewers.indd 4 4/27/07 11:06:13 AM APJ Transforming Air Force Education for the Long War and Beyond LT GEN STEPHEN R. LORENZ, USAF IR UNIVERSITY IS currently in the process of transforming for the “long war” and beyond. The idea of a university reorganizing for war Amay seem odd, but in the Western way of war, warriors and academics have always enjoyed a close relationship. The West’s first great gen­ eral, Alexander, was tutored by Aristotle, and when he went to war, he did so with academics in his train. According to noted military histo­ rian Victor Davis Hanson, the close relation­ ship between warriors and scholars in the Western way of war is one of the main reasons for its success across the millennia.1 In the US military, the connection between thinkers and fighters has become closer than ever, and ex­ ploiting this relationship to the fullest will prove key to winning the current war. Doing so, however, will require (1) understanding how military education differs from the tradi­ tional civilian model and (2) reorganizing our present system of military education to meet the emerging challenge. The Unique Nature of Military Education At its core, the US system of military educa­ tion does not differ significantlyfrom the civil­ ian system.
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