OREGONSTATEUNIffEj SD 397 p59 LONGLEAF PINE C76 1987 ° A History of Man and a Forest Forestry Report R8-FR 7 October 1987 LONGLEAF PINE: A HISTORYThomas OF Caidwell MANby Croker,AND Jr.A FOREST 1720Atlanta,USDA Peachtree GAForest 30367-91 ServiceRoad NW02 DEDICATIONPREFACE CONTENTS .2 THEACKNOWLEDGEMENTS PIONEERSINDIANSVIRGIN FOREST .5.3.2 BIOGRAPHY THEBOOMCHANGING GREAT TIMES TIMESDEPRESSION .71310 EBORN:DUCATION: August Bachelor's19, 1911 in of THOMASForest Science City, in NorthForesty CALDWELL Carolina - North Carolina CROKER, State (1933)JR. WORLDTHEPOSTWARFOREST SECOND WAR FIRE PARADOX II FORESTHERESY 201816 CAREER: FortyGraduate Years - USDAStudies: Forest JournalismBiometrics Service: USDAUniversity Graduate of Oklahoma School ASTEMMING PLACE IN THETHE TIDESUN 36332621 Guayule.NorthSouthSouthernNational CarolinaCarolina Forests Forest ForestForest - Exp.Pisgah, St.ServiceService Cherokee,- Project Leader Kisatchie, Flathead Shelter belt, I mber Production War Projoct. OTHER:TwoJournalAuthorForestry Certificates of of more Forest Consultant than ofHistory. Merit. 50 technical- 12 USDA, years publications with cash awar mddsud ng articles for American Forests magazine and AlphaSocietyFellowAlabamaSoutheastern Zeta: of American NorthForesters' Section Carolina Foresters Hall Technical Stateof Fame award II ass,Store Robert Inc. Lexington, D. 1976. SwampSC. Fox.SELECTED The Sandlapper BIBLIOGRAPHYLawson,Garrett John. and 1719.Massie. Lawson's Richmond, history VA. of North Carolina. ConquistadoreshaveThe been land enacted. of the trampled longleaf Indians the pine enjoyed pineywoods is a giant a compatible stage.in search stretching home PREFACEof gold. in theseacross Finding woods the none, lower until they South,defeated were where soon and discouraged evictedcenturies by of whites. andhuman left. Spanish dramaLater, hapman,arnett,SO-107.tainer James planting So.H.H. For.F., 1926. systemsand Exp. McGivrey, Factors Sta. for New the determining John Orleans,South. M. 1981.USDA LA. natural Con- FS Lohrey,For.tationsand stand Exp.Richard in Louisiana Sta. structure and New Bailey, and Orleans,for Texas.unthinned Robert LA. USDA L. ongleaf1977. FS SO-104.Yield pine tables plan- So. haveturpentiners.Scotch.LikeThere been many Irishhave made andSoutherners. foresters.been otherand times lost. Europeans and of longleaf Red, greatmany white, rejoicingcame pineothers andforests seeking haveand black haveprosperity, played freedom men played have a significant frombut an sweated. also oppressionimportant grim role bled, times rolein and theand inwith built mydrama. died little life.permanent under hopeTales thefor of homes. themylongstraw earlyfuture. Lumbermen, ancestors crowns.Fortunes larke,Worldsiana.regeneration Thomas WarYale I.School ofJour. D. longleaf 1986. ofof For.Forestry pineThe Hist. insouthern LaSalle BulletinJanuary Parish,pine16. 1986. fleet Loui- of Maple,Mann,USDA WE.,William FS S0-57. Jr. A.1970. 1970.So. For.Direct Prescribed Exp. seeding Sta. New winter longleaf Orleans, fire pine.thins LA. Bibliographyahave personalMyBecause weddedobjective viewpoint.of and myme is associationinformationto to provide them. It has, I aofspend with suppliedstory course. the formuch land, bythebeen others. of enjoymentpeople. myfleshed youth. history, out and college with enlightenment and gleanings days,management and from of professional people theof the publications whoforest, forestrylove this orlisted story cancareer in beis my written encouragedin selectedthem. from row,Wildlifepine A. forests Bigler. Mgt. Louisiana of 1982. the South.Fire State ecology SchoolUniversity, and of fire ForestryBaton use Rouge, in and the Morris,Exp.dense D.J.;Sta. longleaf Mills,New pine Orleans,HO. stand. 1948. LA. USDAThe Conecuh FS SO-i longleaf 04. So. For.pine anydingthoseto Therelove havingtask who longleaf are of have a managingmany personal pine.enjoyed others, Among therelationship hunting species;among them quail them arewiththose and those loverslongleaf whoother whose haveof game pine.the battledlivelihood historyin the toparklike and saveor thatfolkways thiswoods; of splendidtheir of foresters theancestors naturalSouth. who has Longleafresource have come tackled pinefrom the peopleextinction;the deman- forest; are roker,ofmethodLA. For. Thomas 54:258-256. successfully C., Jr. regenerate 1956. Can longleaf the shelterwood pine? Jour. Oates,Press,seedbed John Inc. burn. A. Charlotte. 1950. Jour. The of NC. For. story 46:646-652. of Fayetteville Dowd timberthatasBasically, typical threatened with of no Ithe havethought theirSouth another extinction. of as regeneration. "grits more andIn important the gravy." Exceptlate 1800spurpose Also, for a conservationists lumbermenfew for tractsthis book. conservatively moved Longleaf anywhere in and pinecut ruthlessly might by forests far-sighted profit haveclearcut from weatheredlumbermen reading most of thistwo theand story. crisesvirgin land Croker,For.notated Exp. Thomas bibliography Sta. New C., Jr. 1946-1967.Orleans, 1968. LA.Lorigleaf USDA FS pine: SO-35. an So.an- Schiff,bridge,in the Ashley Forest MA. L. Service.1962. Fire Harvard and water--scientific Univ. Press. heresy Cam- ofdestroyerswerethat Largelyrenewal. was left divertedin withoutmoved hopelessClearcutting tothein. agriculture, By poverty.help followed1960 of man,it appearedmillions by a heavy second of likely acressite-preparation forest that lay aroseit bare would fromand guaranteedbe bleaching thecompletely ashes its in and gone elimination.the debris sun. by the Forest of mid-seventiesObjectivethe workers,virgin oftimber theunemployed. with destroyers But no again hope Croker,Jour. ThomasofThomas For. Hist. C., C., Jr.Vol. Jr.,1979. 23,and No. The Boyer,1 longleaf W.D. pine 1975. story. Siggers,Newseedlings, Orleans, P.V. USDA 1944. LA. TechBrownspot Bull. 870. needle So. For.blight Exp. of pine Sta millionThewasAlarmed, dangerousto acresreplant lovers of the trendvirgin ofland longleaf wastimber. with slowed slash pine down tookor loblolly aggressiveand about pines 4action that million could to acresprevent be managedwere its demisesaved easier -- as a paltryan -- requiringimportant remnant lesscommercial of theskill, original forest. 60 Farrar.thinnedS0-105.Regenerating R.M., stands So. Jr. For. 1979. longleafof Exp.even Growth Sta. agedpine Newand naturalnaturally. yieldOrleans, longleafpredictions USDA LA. pine. FS- for Stoddard,Snyder,Exp.Genetics Sta.Bayne; H.L. ofNew ongleaf Dinus, 1931. Orleans, pine.Richard The LA. USDAbob J.: white Derr, ES WO-33. Haroldquail. Charles J.So. 1977. For. edBut interest a new in day growing has dawned. the species. Unfounded Itis my prejudices belief that against this story longleaf will havehelp accelerategradually faded this desirableaway and trend.there is renew- Harper,YaleLA.USDA UniversityFrancis. FS S0-156. 1958. Press. So. The NewFor. travels Exp.Haven, of Sta. William CT. New Bartram.Orleans, Wahlenberg,PackScribner. Forestry New W.G. Foundation.York. 1946. longleaf Washington, pine. Charles D.C. Lathrop Hickman,Press.in the longleaf Oxford, Nollie. 1962.pineMS. belt, Mississippi 1840-191 harvest: 5. Univ. lumbering of Miss. Wakeley,Agri.LA. Monograph P.C. 1954. 18. Planting So. For. the Exp. southern Sta. New pines. Orleans, USDA 36 1 tainedhowever,youngerstands cash areage would aroundflowclasses be and undesirable. 60-years-oldis be needed. undesirable TooIt would and rapid from conversioninterrupt a theconversion, esthetic a sus- to pulpwood,washaveDuring derived averaged the posts, from 5 aboutyears, hardwood stumpage $25 gross per logs salesreturns acre and ofper pulpwood. topine year.the poles, landowner Revenue Cutting logs, This book isdedicatedDEDICATION to a futurefor longleaf pine, one tingregeneratingage-classandBecause gameduring distribution.standpoint, of the sparse understocked first stands. 10 besides years natureThose creating is for ofwith the the anbetter forest, purposeunbalanced stocking all cut- of economy.tributedthanlessThis thanbefore tract materially growth, management clearly we to shows now the began, landownerhave the moreandeconomic the andand forest betterthe benefits hasgeneral timber con- of of the finest forests that the world has ever known. whereforwillreducingTo regeneration,be avoid standleft costs, to the and grow. expendituregrowth ground a shelterwood on conditions the of seedlarge system are trees amounts suitable. wouldis prescribed of Besides providecapital anded,returnsgrademanaging and other wood obtained, the gamesecond-growth woodsproducts employmentthriving will can abound bein longleaf anproduced, for idealwith forest pinequail, habitat. workerssubstantial forests. deer, furnish- turkey, High-dollar woodtoharvestedan Beforedetermine additional system. cutting, in ifthe Iftherevolume so, earlya surveya are seed years ofenough ishigh-qualitycut made of is management. seedprescribed in eachtrees material compartment forto begina shelter- to thebe thrillcanthebyBut snow heartsdescribe of there a quailwhite of are thosethe hunt pineother beauty who through buds important loveof searchinga theablanket parklike intangiblesculture of for grassforestof the the that sun;penetrated cooledland. gladden of Who theby librarian,Ellis,RogerSpecial director Dennington, SOUTHFORNET: thanks of the to and SOFES members Sharon Dr.(Southern of Young.Larry the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTForestWalker, OthersForest Service ExperimentwhoStephen provided in F.Atlanta AustinStation); information for University: editingJohn and F. and Kelly, encouragementDr.
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