Index A Amran Ibrahim, 208 Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Anderson, Benedict, 54, Badawi, Datuk, 52–53, 67–68, 71, 131 119 Anggun, 36–37 ABIM (Angkatan Belia Islam Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia), 96, 159, 170, Malaysia (ABIM), 96, 210, 233 159, 170, 210, 233 Abu Bakar Mohammad Antara news agency, 198 Yatim, 126, 127, 211 Anteve (ANTV), 78, 81, 170, Aceh, 67 171 Ahmad, Aijaz, 31–32 Anti-Pornography and Ahmed, Akbar, 25 Pornographic Acts Bill, AIM awards, 217, 224 83–84, 99–101, 178, Air Asia, 157 204, 205–6 Alatas, S.H., 230 Anuar, M.K., 45, 54 Ali bin Mohamed, 102 Anugerah Industri Muzik, Al Islam, 130 209, 212 Allahau (album), 126 Anwar Ibrahim, 26, 52, 96 Alleycats (group), 12 Appadurai, Arjun, 34, 241 “Al Qur’an Dan Koran” Appiah, Kwame, 33 (song), 107 Arifin, Arian, 154, 180 Alud, 220, 223, 224 Armando, Ade, 75, 82–83, Amelina, 12, 136, 157 178, 206 American Express, 1 Asia Pacific Song Festival Amidhan, 100 Award, 218 Amir, Nazar, 155 Asitha, Lenny, 143 AMI Sharp Awards, 218 asli music, 11, 135 08 Countering MTV.indd 265 4/20/12 8:39:53 AM 266 Index Association of Malay Music Blue (group), 6 Artists, 197 BMG, 114 ASTRO (cable company), Bodden, M., 17 170, 189n12 Bollywood film industry, 9, Au nom de la lune (album), 10, 42n6, 126, 188n2, 36 236 Australia, 218 Brakel, L.F., 65, 66 Awie, 126 Brooks, Tim, 2 Ayoub, Mahmoud, 18, 19 Brown, Frank, 5, 7, 8, 169, Azhari Ahmad, 208, 213 186 Azra, Azyumardi, 97, 106, Buddhism, 65, 67, 97, 106, 107, 204 235 Budhisantoso, S., 69–70 B Budianta, M., 70–71, 72–73 Bahasa Indonesia, 64, 68, 75, 86 C Bali, 14, 65, 98, 206, 225n3 Canada, 214 Bandung, 86, 151, 170 Carnatic music, 9–10 Banerjee, Indrajit, 40–41 Carter, Shawn “Jay-Z”, 8 bangsawan, 11, 135, 188n1 Cemburu Inul (VCD), 199, Barendregt, Bart, 77, 121 200 Barker, Chris, 27, 33, 35, Champagne, Jessica, 191, 127, 129, 236, 240 194, 208, 234 Batam, 86, 123, 153, 156, Chandra Muzaffar, 214–15 166, 203–4 Charles, Prince of Wales, 115 Belnis, Faye, 192, 234 Che Amran bin Idris, 109– Bhabha, Homi, 34, 39, 237 10, 112, 113, 115, 208, bhangra, 4, 142, 160 210, 213–14 Bhosle, Asha, 142, 188n4 China, 7, 10, 218 Bignell, Jonathan, 38, 238 Chinese music, 10, 11 Bintan, 166 Chou, Jay, 6 Bintang, 55, 170 Christianity, 66 Blackboard Music, 122, 198, “Cindai” (song), 220 201 Citibank, 7 08 Countering MTV.indd 266 4/20/12 8:39:53 AM Index 267 CNN, 6 MTV and, 4, 5, 79–80, COMEDY (television 182–83 channel), 2 origins and history, 14–16, Commonwealth Games 136 (Kuala Lumpur, 1998), in political campaigns, 202 13, 115–16, 209 as postmodern Complete Directory to entertainment, 239 Primetime Network and on the radio, 86–87, 88 Cable Shows, 2 Rhoma Irama and, 106–9, Congress of Young Java, 64 139–40, 148–51 Council on Pornography, youth perspectives on, 197 151–54, 159–61 cultural identity, 35–42, Dangdut Music Awards, 15 227–28 Dangdut Ngebor (VCD), 199 cultural imperialism, 26–29, “Dangdut Rock” (song), 150 127–32, 227–48 Daratista, Inul, 190–208 Anti-Pornography Bill and, D 101, 204, 206 dakwah movement, 95–97, cultural identity and, 131 37–38, 187–88, 234 dangdut. See also Daratista, dance style, 142, 144, 192, Inul 194 Anti-Pornography Bill and, radio stations and, 156 101 Rhoma Irama and, 16, Bollywood influence, 136, 192, 197, 198–99, 142, 236 204 class associations, 56, 73, “Dari Tuhan” (song), 126 152–57, 158–59, 183, Demi Masa (album), 212 185, 230 Desker, Lesley, 79, 172, 182 clubs and bars, 162–68 Dewa, 155, 189n8 hybridity, 165, 168–69 Digoda Dangdut (television in Indonesia vs. Malaysia, programme), 80, 108, 161–62 183, 184–85, 202, 230, modernization, 12, 140–41 236 08 Countering MTV.indd 267 4/20/12 8:39:53 AM 268 Index dikir barat, 10 Gerke, Solvay, 84–85 Disco Dangdut (VCD), 144 Germany, 224 Disco Joget Dangdut (VCD), Ghouse, 137–38 144 Giddens, Anthony, 48 Donnan, Hastings, 25 globalization, 24–26, 32, Dua Warna, 77 40–41, 100, 138–39, Dyanthi, Kris, 201 232–38 Global TV, 79, 170 E “God is Light” (song), 212 Edinburgh Music Festival, Goh, B.L., 46, 52, 59 115, 209 Golkar, 150, 189n7 Embong, A.R., 237 Goyang Inul (VCD), 199 EMI, 114 goyang ngebor, 101, 192, English language, 85–86 234 Evans, Gareth, 222 goyang pinggul, 192, 234, 242 F Guerin, B., 194–95 Fakharia Lokman, 105–6, Gujarat, 65 112 Gulali (album), 142 Farihin Abdul Fattah, 211 Farish A. Noor, 50–51, 97 H al Faruqi, Lois Ibsen, 18–20 Habibie, B.J., 88 Fernandez, Tony, 157 Hadith, 19, 23, 43n11, 101, Fernando, Sunetra, 9 106 France, 214 Hailai Club, 201 Frederick, W.H., 146, 149 Hall, Stuart, 33–34, 130–31, Frith, Simon, 36 233 HardRock FM, 154 G Haryanto, Ignatius, 81, 100 Gallegos, Aaron, 4–5 Haz, Hamzah, 82, 99 gamelan, 9, 14, 42n7 Heck, Paul L., 102–3 Gani, A.K., 147 Herman, E.S., 25 Gema Alam (album), 212 Hidayat, Herdi, 80, 108, Genting Highlands, 158 183–84, 185, 202–3 08 Countering MTV.indd 268 4/20/12 8:39:54 AM Index 269 hijab, 96, 130 83–84, 99–101, 178, Hijjaz (group), 113, 114, 119, 204, 205–6 213 Islam in, 65–66, 83, 89–90, Hill, David, 140, 141, 168, 97–101, 106, 235 193 musical traditions, 13–17 Hindi pop music, 10. See national identity, 61–90 also Bollywood film 1997-98 economic crisis, industry 70–71, 81 Hinduism, 65, 67, 97, 106, Indonesian Broadcasting 235 Commission (KPI), 75, Hodge, Bob, 29 81, 178, 179, 206 Hong Kong, 10, 11 Indonesian Democratic Party hua yue tuan, 10 of Struggle (PDI-P), 206 Huntington, Samuel P., 248n1 Indonesian Ulema Council hybridity (MUI), 100, 132n3, cultural identity and, 196–97 38–39, 245–46 Indostar TV, 181, 203 of dangdut, irama International Qur’an Reading Malaysia and nasyid, Competitions, 111 186–88, 228 International Song and Music defined, 30 Festival, 218 globalization and, 32 Irama, Rhoma in Malay-Muslim culture, collaboration with Latha 130 Mangeskar, 142 postcolonial theory and, on global music influences, 34–35, 237 235 Inul Daratista and, 16, I 192, 197, 198–99, Iglesias, Enrique, 6 204 IKIM Radio, 114 Islamic message, 106–9 IMS Prima, 207 nasyid and, 108–9, 123 India, 7, 8, 35 popularization of dangdut, Indonesia 15, 139–40, 148–51, anti-pornography bill, 240–41 08 Countering MTV.indd 269 4/20/12 8:39:54 AM 270 Index irama Malaysia Java, 14, 65, 99, 153, 166, features and development, 242 58, 137, 187, 221, Jay-Z, 8 232, 236–37, 239, jihad, 93, 101–4 241 joget, 11 government support for, Juara Bintang Hiburan 55, 138 Minggu Ini, 217 Siti Nurhaliza and, 13, Junoon (group), 22–23 57–58, 138, 218 Jurriens, Edwin, 76 vs. dangdut, 162 Iranian revolution, 49, 97 K Ishadi, S.K., 80 Kaiser Family Foundation, 8 Islam Kalimantan, 67 in Indonesia, 65–66, 83, Kaplan, E.A., 36, 228 89–90, 97–101, 235 karaoke, 115, 143, 163 in Malaysia, 46, 48, Kartomi, M.J., 145 49–54, 59–60, 119 Kasido, Mugiono, 99 music in, 17–23, 104–9, Kazakhstan, 218 177 KDI (Kontest Dangdut Idol), Islam, Izatul, 121 15 Islam, Yusuf, 23, 115, 209, Keating, Ronan, 6 212 Kelantan, 10, 51, 113, 177 Italy, 224 keroncong music, 14, 146–47 Iwa-K, 17 Khairy Jamaluddin, 59–60 Iwan, 157 Khan, Nusrat Fateh Ali, 22, 104 J Khondker, H.H., 243 Jabatan Kemajaan, 113 “Kocok-Kocok” (music jaipongan, 16–17, 198 video), 205 Jakarta, 145, 151, 154, Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia 164–65, 170, 201, 202 (KPI), 75, 81, 178, 179, Jamal Abdillah, 138 206 Japan, 224 Kondangin, 181 08 Countering MTV.indd 270 4/20/12 8:39:54 AM Index 271 Konsert Fenomena Dangdut Malaysia Inul Daratista (VCD), formation of national 207 identity, 44–61, 94–97 Kontes Dangdut Indonesia Islam in, 46, 48, 49–54, (KDI), 181, 185, 202 59–60, 95–97 Kota Bharu, 113, 177 musical traditions, 9–13, Kraidy, Marwaan M., 38–39, 135–39 238 Malaysian Book of Records, Kuala Lipis, 216 209, 218 Kuala Lumpur, 13, 115–16, Malik, Dedy, 204–5 163 Manan, A., 48–49 Mangeskar, Latha, 142, L 188n4, 226n13 Lacey, 28–29 Maris, Inke, 207 Laras Gong gamelan Martin, Ricky, 4 orchestra, 9 Matusky, Patricia, 111 Latin American music, 4 Mau Dong (VCD), 199, Lee, Coco, 7 200–201, 205, 225n2 Lewisohn, Leonard, 21 McChesney, Robert W., 25 Lockard, C.A., 145, 150 McDonalds, 145 Lokananta, 73 Medan, 147, 170 London, 214, 218 Mega Dangdut, 166–67 London Symphony Melaka Sultanate, 9 Orchestra, 218, 223 Men’s Review (magazine), Lovejoy, M., 239 164 Luvaas, B., 88 Mihardja, Emyth, 168 Millah, Faiz Tajul, 191, 193, M 208, 234 Mahathir bin Mohamad, 44, Misra, Vijay, 29–30 45–46, 52 Moerdiono, 141 Mahmood, Kazi, 195 Mohamad Raimi, 170, Malay Dilemma, The, 45 210–11, 233 Malay pop music, 11, 12–13 Momin, A.R., 35 08 Countering MTV.indd 271 4/20/12 8:39:54 AM 272 Index Moore, Mandy, 6 Muhammadiyah, 83, 92n20, Mountain of Light, 23, 115, 100 212 MUI (Indonesian Ulema Mowlana, Hamid, 59 Council), 100, 132n3, MTV (Music Television) 196–97 as cultural expression, 228 Mumbai, 8 cultural identity and, Munis, 122 35–38, 169, 180 Murdoch, Rupert, 81 establishment, 1–2 Muzik TV, 55, 170 global reach, 2–3 influence on local music N scene, 177–81 al-Nabulusi, Abd al-Ghani, 22 launch in Indonesia, 170, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), 83, 171–72, 232 92n20, 100, 197 launch in Malaysia, 170, Najib Abdul Razak, 53–54 171, 232 Nalanda, 65 political and social Napoleoni, Loretta, 101 messages, 7–8 Nasir, M., 136–37 youth perspectives on, nasyid.
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