bare facts 'Snightiine 32710 Advertising 509275 Friday 21 st June 1991 Wadical Wabbit Wobbers Hold Wabbit for Wansome! of 00'" no^"» BY be enc wo«»® see dev are- nds dei«®' rses s sys V^ave tV^e cou'^ ter t.V>e of cass»; yoor iOCiS ° J VA^S * deot-s detna' por Sto' •\es oT ^ ^or® V\o itect.oo ou^ Wun!!!!!!! Published By The University Of Surrey Students' Union Friday June 21st 1991 bare facts ^^ reply to Ralph Swallow l^ear B.F Letters ^ In reply to the letter, printed in last Swallow this Ralph, weeks bare facts iirom the Russki Kruz- hokCommittee (R.K.C). We thank you for your commenls on our performance. However, many I would just like to enquire whether people (judges included) commented infact the Soviet Unicxi is such a dire that our musicianship was vastly supe- place that on their last visit they forgot rior to that of the other bands présent. to bring back their sense of liumour. To give us first prize, however, would Their bitter and sarcastic reply to lan be seen as taking too dangerous a Herberts and Ralph Hollands letter stance. Too radical perhaps, a little bit would suggest that this assumptionis too "left-wing". true. We are pleased that you found our I would say that it was fairly ob- compositions humorous. Indeed, hu- vious to the majoriy of B.F readers that mour was perhaps one of the elemental lan and Ralph's letter was intended as psychological characters we were a lightheaited poking of fun at Soviet trying to portray. However, this facet lifeandnotas an immature, selfpitying, The opinions expressed on alone offers a wholty inadequate repré- moan, a serious proposai to set up a these pages do not sentation of our wOTk. Russc^hobe soc, or a deep and cutting necessarily reflect those of criticism of the R.K.C as the said so- the Editorial Board. In brief, our ideal was to simulta- ciety would have us believe from theiri neously unleash a number of disparate letter. " yet individually stnictured musical events. We sought musical and poetic I^ear Editor, The fact that lan and Ralph have représentations of two primai desires: managed to keep their sense of humour We are writing in response lo your the sexual and the aggresive. We then to me shows far more personality and comments in last week's Bare Facts sought to contain these elements with- character than anyone from the R.K.C conceming the actions of the Bunnie in an ordered musical structure (as the has yet to show even if tiiey do feign to Protection League which you have so individual seeks to contain such desires "appreciate their (lan and Ralphs) at- eloquently characterised as "rather within his normal social character, and temps at humour." (This comes rich militant" and "vandalistic." as the world seeks to, via the law, from people who obviously wouldn't wbether written or unwritten. recognise humour if it w^e to poke According to the CoUins Concise them in the eye!) Dictionary the words you have used As Mr. Swallow will have duly imply aggression and violence, actions noted, the simultaneous portrayal of as- As regards the R.K.C*s point that which deviate far from those of our pects of these psychological elements League - how can a drawing of a red "there were few events organised last produces only chaos, whether in music year" from which lan and Ralph could bunnie cause the least bit of intimid- or reality. Schpoenhauer insisted that have possibly gained a wrong impress- ation or threat! the only way to end human suffering ion of the USSR, may I suggest that was to end human desire. next year there are perhaps mwe occa- Also about the message on the wall sions where info, can be gleaned so that - well it was not sprayed but painted(!) Henee, Adam's incantations to students visiting Russia for the fu-sti - rather artistically may we add! - on a "die" juxtaposed with references to the lime will be more prepared. Although l' carefully chosen area on the side wall sexual and aggressive, and ultímately don't see how anyone can be expected that would eventually be bricked up. Is the role of "Stage Crew" in bringing the to be adequately prepared for a lifestyle this and a couple of poetic rhymes the conflict to its logicai resolution. In our that is so radically différent from the actions of a vandal? Or are the drawings musical microcosm, the musicians rep- western way of living. of the bunnies at the entrance of the resent différent aspects of the individ- University path damaging any ual. whilst "Stage Crew" represent Speaking from a personal view- property? - on the contrary they have another force: by bringing the conflict point lan and Ralphs letter was more given a bit of life to the rather dull Yor- to a head, the musicians force these likely to encourage a visit to the USSR kies Bridge! harbingers of Schopenhauerian gloom than any effort from the R.K.C, as they to invade the stage, bringing ultimate However we cannot but agree with have shouted that it is possible to laugh release from suffering and conflict your last comment - "il is amazing what as well as leam. Perhaps when they sug- through a "musical annihilation": ie. bunnie wunnies can do these gested they had been set up to help Rus- cutting the power off. days!",considering some of ihem are sians students "get togeiher and have a having their exams as we are speaking ! bit of fun", they meant only in Bitain We hope this has clarified the situ- and not, oh perish the mere thought, in ation. the USSR. Best wishes John Piunkett Karen Huime BPL- in conjunctlon with John iHide the Stag Hill Bunnies!! Paui Paragen bare facts Friday June list 1991 Editorial Surrey to have links I hate this sodding computer! with Kiiigston Well, Tm not sure when you will ac- lually be able lo gel BF this week since The Vice-Chancellor and the Direc- and degrees will continue to be Sur- the ever-so-reliable computer decided tor of Kingston Polytechnic, Dr. Bob rey degrees; however David Smith did to throw its lalest fiL This led to the Smith, have had informai discussicxis not deny that in the long term future mouse not working, then it wouldn't where it has been agreed that there there may be an institudonal merger be- load and then to top it ali off, it decided shouid be collaboration between the tween Surrey and Kingston. lo wipe half the files off at a point where two institutions. This shouid then lead Kingston, with over 4500 students it was nearly fìnished! Apologies to to "grassroots" co-operation at faculty and even more accommodation prob- those poor people in the office who had level in the future, according to David lems than Surrey, has an excellent répu- to put up with my moaning and wailing Smith, the Vice-Chancellor's assistant. tation in comparison with other polys. and above ali cursing. Anyway, after This will lead lo many advantages, The impetus for the move has come what seems like billions of hours re- for example allowing extra options to from the recent govemment white doing it ali, I suppose it must have be offered, either at Surrey or Kingston, paper which will allow mosi polytech- worked or other wise you wouldn't be for the benefit of students at bolh in- nics to cali themselves universitìes in- reading this now. stitutions. This wouid gain in import- three years time. Ok, moan over! Anything else.... ance as more departments switch lo erm... well... ali the set plans we had for modularìsed assessments, as students •ave Gent ichanging BF next terni have slowly will then be able io do options at either drifted out of the window and been re- institution, either by moving students or pla:ed by 3001 différent ideas bui l'm more preferably staff to and from the re- sure that we'll gel ihere eventually. spective UKCPU's along the good Main debate at the moment is transport links. It will also make trans- whether bare facts shouid become fer from one institution to the other either a magazine, a newspaper or a bit much easier. of boih as it currently is. However this does not mean that the Others... probably a completly new institutions will lose their own idenlity. layout, more photographs, a soap up- date with a différence - we'U be letiing you know whats going on in Ramsey Street and Summer Bay 2 years on. What No Biochemistry We're hoping to create a new feature where the three main party groups on campus will be asked lo give iheir Department ? party's view on a certain lopical issue. Last term, the Biochemistry and will no longer be ninning the lisk of los- There will also be in depth feaiures, the Microbiology departments "joined ing a year through failure of a single création of a music section and basi- forces" to form the so-called "School of subject (as il is currently on the régula- cally loads and loads more(whether Biological Sciences", much lo the sur- tions!), as the différent subjects will be they actually matérialisé is a compleie- prise of the Biochemistry students (and independeni of one another - the sludent ly différent mailer however)! to the horror of the Microbiology stu- will have the chance lo do the unii Righi, changing the topic compleie- dents!).
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