Supporting Revolutionary Ideas Today, And Advanced Concepts For Tomorrow NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts Annual 2005 Report 2006 Performance Period July 12, 2005 - July 11, 2006 NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts 75 5th Street NW, Suite 318 Atlanta, GA 30308 404-347-9633 - www.niac.usra.edu USRA is a non-profit corpora- tion under the auspices of the National Academy of Sciences, with an institutional membership of 97. For more information about USRA, see its website at www.usra.edu. ANSER is a not-for-profit pub- lic service research corpora- tion, serving the national inter- est since 1958.To learn more about ANSER, see its website at www.ANSER.org. NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts 8 t h A N N U A L R E P O R T Performance Period July 12, 2005 - July 11, 2006 NIANIACC seeksseeks adadvvancedanced conceconceptpt prproposalsoposals basedbased onon soundsound scientifscientificic principlesprinciples thathatt araree aattainattainabblele withinwithin aa 1010 toto 40-y40-yearear timetime Advanced Concepts frframeame andand strstretcetchh thethe imaimaginaginationtion ofof thethe humanhuman mind.mind. NIAC SUPPORTS Institute for THE NASA VISION NIAC inspires and investi- gates options for future mis- sions that may reveal tech- nologies and approaches NASA which could impact near term missions. 4 Message From The Director Inspiring Grand Visions for Space Exploration and Aeronautics Over the last eight tary surfaces. Several NIAC concepts contract years, the have triggered a reexamination of NASA Institute for optional plans for space missions as Advanced Concepts evidenced by the flow of additional (NIAC) has inspired funding by NASA and other agencies and nurtured a num- into NIAC concepts. ber of revolutionary advanced concepts NIAC actively seeks credible, technical that someday may have a significant controversy supported by an atmos- impact on future directions in aeronau- phere of open dialogue with the techni- tics and space. NIAC provides a path- cal community that encourages an way for revolutionary discoveries by examination of key technical issues. innovators with the ability for non-linear Interest in NIAC concepts by the tech- creativity to explore new possibilities for nical community continues to abound near and far term aerospace endeav- with numerous citations in the literature ors. The cornerstone of the NIAC of science publications, presentations process for inspiring new and revolu- (including some invited) in technical tionary thinking is the continuous exam- society meetings and acceptance of ination and articulation of “grand papers in refereed technical journals. visions” which encourage the technical community to set their sights beyond Please join the Universities Space current programs and explore new sys- Research Association (USRA) and tems, architectures and supporting NIAC in this exciting endeavor to help technologies that could revolutionize revolutionize the future of aeronautics long term plans as well as near term and space. missions. In this eighth year of operation by the Universities Space Research Assoc- iation, NIAC concepts have set new standards for performance in space- based observatories, advanced EVA Robert A. Cassanova, Ph.D. systems, radiation protection, in-space Director, NIAC propulsion systems, planetary explo- ration and support of humans on plane- 5 T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S 7 5 MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR 8 NIAC STAFF 9 NIAC EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 10 GRAND VISIONS 10 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 10 Summary 11 Call for Proposals CP 03-01 (Phase II) 11 Call for Proposals CP 05-01 (Phase I) 13 Call for Proposals CP 05-02 (Phase II) 13 Call for Proposals CP 06-01 (Phase I) 15 Call for Proposals CP 06-02 (Phase II) 16 Survey of Technologies to Enable NIAC Concepts 19 Coordination with NASA 22 Infusion of Advanced Concepts into NASA 24 Inspiration and Outreach 25 Release and Publicity of Calls for Proposals 27 Recruitment of Technically Diverse Peer Reviewers 27 NIAC Seventh Annual Meeting 30 NIAC Fellows Meeting 30 NIAC Science Council Meetings 30 NIAC Student Fellows Prize 32 NIAC Student Fellows Publications and Presentations 32 John McLucas Astronaut Safety Research Prize 32 Financial Performance 33 DESCRIPTION OF THE NIAC 33 NIAC Mission 34 Organization 35 Facilities 36 Virtual Institute 37 The NIAC Process 38 Solicitation 39 Proposals 40 Peer Review 40 NASA Concurrence 41 Awards 41 Management of Awards 6 T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S 7 42 PLANS FOR THE NINTH CONTRACT YEAR 43 Communication With The Technical Community And Articulation Of Grand Visions 44 Solicit And Select Concepts For Revolutionary Advanced Concepts 44 Continued Development Of Advanced Concepts 45 Oversight by USRA LIST OF TABLES 10 Table 1. Phase I and II Awards Performance Periods 11 Table 2. CP 03-01 Phase II Award Winners 12 Table 3. CP 05-01 Phase I Award Winners 13 Table 4. CP 05-02 Phase II Award Winners 13 Table 5. Summary of CP 06-01 Responding Organizations 14 Table 6. CP 06-01 Phase I Award Winners 15 Table 7. Summary of CP 06-02 Responding Organizations 15 Table 8. CP 06-02 Phase I Award Winners 16 Table 9. CP 02-01 Critical Enabling Technologies 17 Table 10. CP 03-01 Critical Enabling Technologies 18 Table 11. CP 05-02 Critical Enabling Technologies 19 Table 12. NASA - NIAC Support Team 20 Table 13. Visits and Contacts within NASA 23 Table 14. Advanced Concepts Infused Into NASA This Contract Year 31 Table 15. 2005-2006 NIAC Student Fellows Prize Winners 31 Table 16. 2006-2007 NIAC Student Fellows Prize Winners 35 Table 17. Current Membership of the NIAC Science Council 42 Table 18. Key Activities Planned for the Ninth Contract Year APPENDICES 46 A. Descriptions of Enabling Technologies from NIAC 61 B. CP 05-02 Awardees 64 C. CP 06-01 Awardees 70 D. CP 06-02 Awardees 74 E. Inspiration and Outreach Contacts 78 F. NIAC Publicity 91 G. 2005-2006 NIAC Fellows Publication Listing 7 TT hh ee NN II AA CC SS tt aa ff ff Robert Cassanova, Ph.D. Director Diana Jennings, Ph.D. Associate Director Ronald Turner, Ph.D. Senior Science Advisor Advanced Concepts Dale Little Operations Manager Robert Mitchell Network Engineer Institute for Katherine Reilly Publicalication Specialist NASA 8 N I A C 8 t h A n n u a l R e p o r t Executive Summary The NIAC is a unique organization where creativity attendees. In addition, invited keynote speakers gave and imagination, inspired by curiosity and the eternal thought-provoking presentations on space policy, cos- quest for knowledge, are necessities, not luxuries. mology, and advanced concepts in aeronautics and NIAC provides a process and a pathway for innova- alternative-technology transportation. tors with the ability for non-linear creativity to: (1) define grand visions for a future world of aeronautics In addition to these community-building meetings, and space, (2) explore the possibility of redefining NIAC hosted a one-day workshop as part of its ongo- realities of the future and (3) offer revolutionary solu- ing evolution of grand visions for aeronautics, space tions to the grand challenges of future aerospace science, and space exploration. The output of this endeavors. workshop and other Grand Visions activities was included in the CP 06-01 Call for Proposals released By operating as a virtual institute with succinct pro- in November 2005. posal requirements and efficient peer review, NIAC's mode of operation emphasizes a flexible and open NIAC's technical leadership continued its vigorous development of creative concepts with a minimum of activities for education, outreach and inspiration with technical direction. However, appropriate oversight presentations at universities, private industry and and nurturing is provided by NIAC's contractual man- technical society meetings. NIAC and NIAC spon- agement and technical leadership plus timely collab- sored advanced concepts received widespread oration with NASA's technical staff. recognition in the popular and technical press. NIAC Fellows were highly visible in technical society meet- During this eighth contract year, NIAC announced the ings with numerous presentations and publication of selection of 5 Phase II contracts totaling $2 million technical papers. Additionally, the NIAC Director and (with options), and 11 Phase I grants totaling $.8 mil- three of the NIAC's best-known fellows participated in lion. Since the beginning of the first NIAC contract, a special broadcast on Space Exploration through Feb. 1998, NIAC has received a total of 1,196 pro- Georgia Public Television for the MIT Forum. posals and has awarded 115 Phase I grants and 37 Phase II contracts for a total value of $24.5 million. In addition to inspiring proposals from the established The awards spanned all categories of businesses technical community, NIAC began a special program with 35% to universities, 52% to small businesses, to encourage undergraduate students who have the 7% to small and disadvantaged business, 1% to his- potential for extraordinary creativity and the ability to torically black colleges and universities and minority stretch well beyond typical undergraduate course institutions, 1% to national laboratories and 4% to work. The NIAC Student Fellows Prize (NSFP), spon- large businesses. During this eighth year of opera- sored by Universities Space Research Association tion, NIAC continued to meet the contract perform- and managed by NIAC, was initiated in 2005 to attract ance goals and, as in previous years, received an these students and facilitate their advanced aero- "excellent" rating from NASA in all categories of per- space concepts. Five students were selected in May formance. 2005 to receive a $9,000 one year grant and carried out their efforts during the 2005-2006 academic year. NIAC's method of open review of its advanced con- Five more were selected in May 2006 for the same cepts continued this year with a combination of open monetary award and length of research.
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