Index 485 Index Numbers in italics refer to illustrations. Pro- The Annunciation (Campin/Master of Flé- modernism 426–7; buildings: Melk, Rococo 163; French Provincial style nunciation guides for selected proper nouns malle) 117, 117 Abbey of 156, 156; Monastery of St. 187; Georgian 208; American Colonial are given in parentheses. For Antiquities of Athens (Stuart and Revett) Florian, Linz 155, 155–6; Kunsthaus, 216, 221; Victorian 266 an explanation of the symbols used, 224, 236 Graz 449; see also Vienna Behrens, Peter (BAY-ruhns, BER-uhnz) 294, see page 472 Antwerp Town Hall, the Netherlands 193 Austrian Travel Bureau offi ce, Vienna, 299, 335, 337, 341 Anubis Tomb of Pa-schedu, Thebes, Egypt 12 Austria 426–7 Bel Geddes, Norman (bel-GED-eez) 364, Aalto, Alvar (AHL-toh) 349–53, 369, 376–7, apartments see houses Azay-le-Rideau, Château, Loire, France (ah- 367, 369 391, 399–400, 402, 414, 423 Aqua Tower, Chicago, Illinois 461 ze-luh-ree-DOH) 167, 167–8 Belgium 193; Gothic style 111; Art Nouveau Aarnio, Eero (AHRN-yoh) 400 aqueducts 38, 245 285, 287, 288–90; eclectic style 323; see Abbaye-aux-Hommes (S. Etienne), Caen, Arad, Ron 437, 450, 468 Baas, Maarten 469 also Brussels France (AH-bay ohz oms) 60 arches 38–9, 57, 74, 102, 103–4 Badlam, Stephen 229 Belluschi, Pietro (be-LOO-skee) 406, 407 abbeys see monasteries architects, medieval 104, 111 Bagsvaerd Church, Copenhagen, Denmark Belter, John Henry 266–7 Abercrombie & Fitch, New York 463 The Architects’ Collaborative (TAC) 387, 407 (BAHGS-vaird) 398 Belton House, Lincolnshire, England 203, 203 accessibility issues 439, 445 Architectura (de Vries) 194 Baillie Scott, Mackay Hugh 277 Bennett, Ward 388, 413 Adam, Robert and James 206–8, 225, 241 Architectural Forum (periodical) 383 baldacchini (bahl-duh-KEE-nee) 148–50, 149, Bentel & Bentel 457 Adams, Holden & Pearson 378 The Architecture of Country Houses (Down- 175, 175–6 Berlage, Hendrik Petrus (BER-lahkh-uh) 285 adaptive reuse of buildings 446–7, 454 ing) 240 Baldwin, Benjamin 388, 413 Bernini, Gianlorenzo (ber-NEE-nee) 148–50, Adirondack style 259–60 Architettura Civile (Guarini) 153 Baldwin, William (Billy) 316, 391 165, 175 Adler, Dankmar 302 Arciniega, Claudio de (ahr-see-NYAY-gah) Balleroy, Château, Normandy, France (bahl- Bertoia, Harry (Bair-TOY-yah) 392, 414 Aesthetic movements see Arts and Crafts 213 RWAH) 169 Best Products offi ce buildings 428 movement; Craftsman movement Arena Chapel, Padua, Italy 134 Baltard, Victor (bahl-TAHR) 249 Bey, Jurgen 469 Affl eck, Thomas (AF-lek) 229 Arevalo, Luis de (ah-ray-VAH-loh) 188 Baltimore Cathedral, Baltimore, Maryland 227 Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, France (bee- Africa 16, 16, 17, 17, 18 Arizona: San Xavier del Bac, Tucson 214 Ban, Shigeru 436, 445, 447, 461 blee-aw-TEK-nah-syaw-NAHL) 249, 249 Aigle, Château, Switzerland (A-gluh) 115 Arkansas: Crystal Bridges Museum of Ameri- Bangladesh: National Assembly Building, Bibliothèque Ste. Geneviève, Paris, France air conditioning 395, 396, 439 can Art, Bentonville 453 Dhaka 86, 86, 419 (bee-blee-aw-TEK-sent-zhuhn-VYEV) Air-King Radio 321 Armour-Stiner House, Irvington, New York bank buildings: American Federal 226–7; 248, 248 air transportation: airplanes and airships 258 Neoclassical 234, 237; Art Nouveau Biedermeier furniture (BEE-duhr-migh-uhr) 364; airports and buildings 371, 402–3, Aronoff Center for Design and Art, Cincin- 303; eclectic style 327; modernist 386; 186–8 409, 466–7 nati, Ohio 430 high-tech design 421, 422; reconstruc- Bill, Max 374, 401 Aitken, John 229 Arp, Jean (ahrp) 333 tion 439 Biltmore, Asheville, North Carolina 308, 309 Albers, Anni (AHL-bers, AL-buhrz) 415 Art Center, Des Moines, Iowa 432 Bank of England, London 234, 234 Bing, Samuel 290, 292, 300 Albers, Josef 336, 387, 407 Art Deco 355–62, 367–9 Bank of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Penn- biomorphism 429, 444, 449, 453 Albert, Prince 246 art galleries and museums: Neoclassical 236; sylvania 226–7 Bird’s Nest (National) Stadium, Beijing, Albert France-Lanord Architects 451 Vienna Secession 295; modernist 341, Banqueting House, Whitehall, London 199, 199 China 444, 444 Alberti, Leon Battista (ahl-BER-tee) 130 386–7; post-war design 406; high-tech Barcelona, Spain: Casa Batlló 293, 293; Casa Birnau Monastery and Pilgrimage Church, Albi Cathedral, France 105 design 421, 421–3, 422; post-modern Milà (La Pedrera) 293; Fabrica Moritz Germany (BIR-nou) 158, 158 Albini, Franco 398 424–5, 426, 427; deconstructivist 429, 446, 447; Guell Park 293; Olympics The Birth of the Two Sons of St. Mary (Liedet) Alexander, Brian 411 429, 430, 431; late modernist 432, (1992) buildings 431; Sagrada Familia 116–17 ALF (Additive Layered Fabrication) 444 432, 433; late twentieth century 435, Church 293 Black, Misha 361 Alhambra, Granada, Spain (ahl-AHM-brah; 437–8, 439; crossover styles 435, 436, Barcelona Cathedral, Spain 111 Blackler House, Pasadena, California 283 al-HAM-bruh) 74, 75 437; twenty-fi rst century design 446, Barcelona Exhibition (1929) 337–9 Blakely Hall, New York 258 Alhambra, Toledo, Spain 188 447, 448, 448, 449, 450, 450, 451, 452, Barcelona Pavilion, Barcelona Exhibition Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire, England alignments (standing stones) 14 452–4, 453 (1929) 337–9, 338 (BLEN-uhm) 204, 204 All Saints, Margaret Street, London, England Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 454 Barnes, Edward Larrabee 407, 413 Blois, Château, Loire, France (blwah) 167 242–3 Art Nouveau 278, 279, 282, 285, 287–93, Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia, Pennsyl- Blondel, Jean-François (blawn-DEL) 160 Allen, Davis 388 299–303, 329, 441 see also Jugendstil; vania 453 Bloomingdale’s department store, New Allied Works Architecture 454 Vienna Secession Baroque style 142, 145, 147–61, 165, 172, York 414 Das Altes Museum, Berlin, Germany (AHL- Art School, Weimar, Germany 290 174–82, 195, 200, 204, 441 Blue Mosque (Mosque of Sultan Ahmed), tuhs-mu-ZAY-um) 236, 236 Art Workers’ Guild 277, 278 Barragán, Luis 417, 450 Istanbul 72 Altomonte, Martin 156 Artek (AHR-tek) 391 Barry, Joseph 229 BMW Central Building, Leipzig, Germany Alvar Aalto Prize 438 Arts and Crafts movement 251, 255, 271–9, Barry, Sir Charles 242 449, 449 Amalienburg, Nymphenburg Palace, Mu- 287–8, 329 Basilica, Vicenza, Italy 139 Bo Lin Temple, Beijing, China 90, 91 nich, Germany 160, 161, 162, 179 Arts & Architecture (magazine) 393 basilicas 43, 49–51, 139 Bodiam Castle, Sussex, England 115 America see Canada; Latin America; United Arup, OveCOPYRIGHTED 441 baths and MATERIAL bathrooms: ancient Greece 35–6; Boff rand, Gabriel-Germaine (baw-FRAHn) States Arup House, Highgate, London, England ancient Rome 41, 44; medieval 65; 179 America (ocean liner) 390 440, 441 Japanese 98; Renaissance 124; Georgian Bohlin Cywinksi Jackson 459 American Center, Paris, France 430 Ashbee, Charles R. 277 208; Victorian 244–5, 268; Vienna Bon Marché, Paris, France (bawn-mahr- American Republic Insurance Company, Des Asplund, Gunnar (AHS-pluhnd) 361–2, Secession 298; modernist 345; Art Deco SHAY) 249, 249 Moines, Iowa 407 399, 464 367, 368 Bonnard, Pierre 288 Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA, Atelier Elvira, Munich, Germany (ah-tel- Baths of Caracalla, Rome, Italy 40, 41 Boontje, Tord 469 1990) 439 YAY-el-VEER-ah) 294, 294 Baths of Diocletian, Rome, Italy 41 Bordeaux museum, Bordeaux, France 435 Amiens Cathedral, France (ahm-YEn) 106, Atheneum, New Harmony, Indiana 433 Battery Park City, New York 419, 419, 467 Borromini, Francesco (bawr-oh-MEE-nee) 106, 109 At.mosphere, Burj Khalifa, Dubai 457 The Bauhaus 290, 335–7, 373, 470 150–2 Amon Carter Museum, Fort Worth, Texas A.T.&T. Building (Sony Building), New York Bauhaus building, Dessau, Germany 335, Boscobel Garrison, New York 225 453 407–8, 410, 426, 426, 432 336, 336 Bosse, Abraham 178 amphitheaters 41 Attia, Ezra 456 Bay Region vernacular 404 Boston, Massachusetts: Faneuil Hall 462; Amsterdam Bourse (Stock Exchange), the Auditorium Building, Chicago, Illinois 302, Bayer, Herbert 387 King’s Chapel 222, 223; Otis House Netherlands 285, 285 302 BBPR (Banfi , Belgiojoso, Peressutti, Rogers) 225; Public Library 310, 310–11; State Anapchi Pavilion, Seoul, Korea 94, 95 auditoriums 209, 363, 400, 403, 409 374 House (State Capitol) 225; Trinity Anasazi villages, Mesa Verde, Colorado 20, 21 Aulenti, Gae 439 Beardsley, Aubrey 288 Church 283, 283 Ancy-le-Franc, Château, Burgundy, France Aureole restaurant, Las Vegas, Nevada 412, Beauvais Cathedral, France (BOW-vay) 106, Bosworth, Welles 314 (ahn-see-luh-FRAHn) 169, 169 413–14 109 Botta, Mario 426 Ando, Tadao 418, 435–6, 453, 466 Australia: Reece High School, Tasmania 464; Beaux-Arts style 305–14, 319, 381, 390 Boulle, André-Charles (bool) 177 Angkor Thom, Cambodia 87, 87 Sydney Opera House 398, 455 Beckford, William 241 Bouwens, Richard (BOU-uhnz) 357 Angkor Wat, Cambodia 86, 87 Austria: Baroque style 155–7; Vienna beds and bedrooms: medieval 116–17; Re- Bradbury Building, Los Angeles, California Secession 295–9; modernism 373; post- naissance 124, 125, 142, 145, 195, 197; 313, 313–14 bbindex.inddindex.indd 448585 111/4/20131/4/2013 88:44:29:44:29 PPMM 486 Index Bradfi eld, Geoff rey 471 Library, San Juan Capistrano 425; Centraal Beheer, Apeldoorn, the Nether- Children’s Hospital, Miami, Florida 458, 458 Bradley, Will 282 Transbay Terminal, San Francisco 466; lands (sen-TRAHL-buh-HER, -HEER) Chillon, Château, Switzerland (SHEE-yon) Bramante, Donato (brah-MAHN-tay) 130–3 see also Los Angeles 402, 402 115–16 branding and design 445 calligraphy see writing Central Lutheran Church, Portland, Oregon Chimu civilization, Peru 24, 25 Brandt House, Greenwich, Connecticut 424 Caltrans District Seven building, Los Ange- 406 China 69, 89; architecture 89–91; color 91, Branzi, Andrea 426 les, California 466 Central Synagogue, New York 447 92; eclectic style 327; furniture and Brasília Cathedral, Brazil 417 Calvin Klein store, New York 463 Centre Le Corbusier (La Maison de furnishings 92–3; houses 89–91, 92; Braungart, Michael 444 Cambodia 86–7 l’Homme), Zurich, Switzerland (SAHn- Islamic infl uence 91; western infl uences Brazil: Baroque style 213–14; Cathedral, Cambridge University, Cambridge, England truh-luh-kawr-bue-ZYAY) 348, 400 93; buildings: China Central Television Brasilia 417; S.
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