Questiou, e1c. Questons,8 lEeCEs tc. ER, 1904.) Government Business. 1707 MOTIOX- GOVERNMENT BUSINESS, iLegczlatibe %oemb IV, PRECEDENCE. Thurtday, 8th December, 1904. The PREMIER (Hon. H. Daglish) moved: PAGE Question; South-Western RIly Duplication ... 1707 That for the remainder of the session Road tSotBecCose...........1707 Government business shall take precedence of Motions: overn~ment business, Precedence .. 1707 Bussiness Days and Hours, additional._.'"1710 all other Motions and Orders of the Day. witness Drayton, Release from Prison, to be 1714 This was a usual motion at this stage of Bal.sz EarlyConsidered Closing Act Amendment.. (fruit shops), first rending.....................1707 the session. There was practically no Supply (No. 4). £250,000. all stags.....1712 important business by private members licensing Act Suspension, thir reading ,.1714 Annual Estimates resumed, Mines (discussion on the Notice Paper at the present time. geealy) ... ... ............... 1725 There were one or two privaite Bills on the paper, which he hoped members MR, SPEAKER took the Chair at would have an opportunity of dealing 3-30 o'clock, p.m. with without any difficulty. He desired to,* as far as possible, consult the con- PRAYERS. venience and likewise the health of members, and therefore he was anxious that the House should not sit for any QUESTION - SOUTH-WESTE RN RAIL- WAY DUPLICATION. undue length of time through the sum- mer months. The motion was submitted Ma. GORDON (for Mr. N. J. Moore) with the object 6f furthering that view, asked the Minister for Railways: r, MR. J. 0. G. FOULKES (Claremont): What was the total cost of duplication of Already he had intimated to the Premier the South-Western Railway between that he was not satisfied with the bon. Perth and Armadale? 2, .Was such gentleman's procedure in -regard to the duplication provided for out of revenueP treatment of a Bill which he (Mr. Foulkres) TUEz MINISTER FOR RAILWAYS had introduced. He referred to the replied: ', The duplication between Roads Act Amendment Bill, which -was Burswood and Armadale cost approxi- down on the Orders of the Day to be mately;£30,000. 2, No. The work 'has taken after the Estimates. He com- been charged to Additions and Improve- plained of this, particularly when he com- ments to, Opened, Railways. pared the treatment the hon. gentleman had given to members who happened to QUESTION-ROADS TO SOUTH BEACH, sit on his own side of the House. He CLOSURE. specially referred to a Bill introduced by Ma. DIAMOND asked the Minister for the member for Forrest, called the DisRtress Railways, Whether it was the intention for Rent Restriction Bill, which was dis- of the Railway Department to close any cussed yesterday. This Roads Act roads or streets leading from the Man- Amendment Bill was purely a formal dui-ahand Rockinghiam Roads to the South one. There was no objection to it in Beach, and if so what roads and streets this House, and it had already been were affected? passed by the Assembly last session, but THE ]MINISTER FOR RAILWAYS unfortunately it was thrown out for replied: It is proposed to close afl the certain reasons in another place. streets between Lord Street acd Robb's Although he had the usual statements Jetty, which are as follows. :-Lord Street, and general assurances from the Premier South Street, Louisa Street, Right-of- that ho hoped there would be no difficulty Way, Rose Street, Ada Street, Florence in the passing of this Bill, he knew the Street, Sydney Street, By-the-Sea Road, hon. gentleman well enough now to know Road at Smelting that general assurances of that character Works, Road at Robb's were really not of much assistance to any Jetty. member, and be complained bitterly- Mit. MlORAN: The hon. member was BILL, FIRST READING. not going the way to get his Bill put EAhLY CLosING ACT AMENDMENT, through. introduced by the Minister for Railways Mn. FOUTLKES was speaking exactly and Labour. as he felt on the subject. He did not 1708 Ootvernwent Biaineus: [ASSnELY.] Precedence. consider he had been dealt with fairly in This motion was that Government busi- connection with this particular Bill. ness should take precedence. Surely if There was no opposition whatever to the we said that such should be the case measure. He naturally complained of after next Wednesday, that would be the favouritism, shown to members who reasonable; but to say that from to-day happened to sit on the same side as the all members' private business should go Premier. He dlid not think he should be by the board was rather too severe. condemned because he did not happen to Last year the motion was moved on the sit on the same side as the hon. gentle- 22nd October, to take effect after the man. The Premier bad not treated him 28th. No matter what session of Parlia- fairly, but he still hoped the hon. gentle- ment one looked ait, it was most unusual, man would see that on the Orders of the and unreasouable to a great extent, to Day for next Tuesday the Bill would take suddenly, without warning, render it the place which it had occupied during impossible for private members' business the last two days. to proceed. He hoped the Premier MR. C. H. RASON (Guildford); Jt would accept the amendmient in the was true, as the Premier said, that late spirit in which it was made. It would in the session it was general for such a have been following the usual procedure motion as this to appear; but let him if he (Mr. Rason) had asked for a week's remind the bon. gentleman that it was not-ice, but the hon. gentleman would see also usual for more notice to be given that he had onlyv given one private mem- than was given in this instance. Ile had bers' day. never yet known a motion which practi- Mn. W. B. GORDON (Canning) cally wiped out private members' business seconded the amendment. to come into effect the day after notice of THE PPtEMIER: In reply to the such motion was given. Last year, for member for Guildford, one need only say instance, a week's notice was given. The that the hon. member gave the strongest Premier stated that there was no impor- reply to his own argument when he tant business amongst the motions intro- pointed out that last year, in a much duced by private members. He (Mr. longer session, private members' busi- Rason) took it therefore that in the hon. ness was entirely suspended as early as gentleman's opinion increased payment October, whereas in this instance it was to members, State ownership of coal allowed to run on until December. Where mines, State fire insurance, the spread of there was any special urgent private tick cattle from East to West Kimberley, members' business brought forward the and Several other matters were of no im- House would, he was sure, support him portance. There should be at least one in giving an opportunity for its dis- day left for private members. It was cussion, and he was certain likewise that rather too harsh treatment to move a mewbrs who had looked down the motion to-day which would come into Notice Paper would recognise that there effect at the very next sitting of the were comparatively few subjects, if any, House. There could not be any desire to under notice by private members which throw obstacles in the way, but the necessitated in the interests of the desire rather was that the usual pro- community immediate discussion during cedure should be adopted in this instane. the course of this session. He therefore He begged to move an amendment: was fully justified in asking that the That the words "for the remainder of the House should accept the motion he had session" be struck out with a diew of inserting already moved. His only desire in pro- -after Wednesday, December the 14th." posing it was, as he had stated at That gave only the next private members' the outset, to consider the convenience day, and it was not a week's notice. and -advantage of the members. He Surely there could be nothing very objec- had no other purpose to serve; and tionable in the amendmelit. as he had requests from both sides of the Mu. MORAN tWe should lose to- House to expedite the closing of the morrow. session, he was endeavouring to carry MR. RASON: The question of to- out hon. members' wishes. He regretted morrow or when we should be able to that the member for Claremont (Mr. prorogue did not enter into this subject. Foulkes) thought it necessary to be Government Rusinem: [8 DzeemuEtt, 1904.] GovenmetPrecedence.Bsinss: [8 ECZBEE 194.1 1709 personally offensive to him. Surely no A. J. Wilson). If the member for member who had sat in the House Claremont was aware of the practice of during his (the Premier's) parliamentary the House, he would know that a Bill career could accuse him of misleading which had reached the report stage was either individual members or the House, invariably put among the first Orders of or of discourtesy to any member, no the Day, irrespective of who bad intro- matter what his polities. Surely mem- duced it; therefore the Bill of the bers in Opposition, as well as those on member for Forrest was in its proper the Government side, must admit that he position on the Notice Paper. (the Premier) had been uniformly MR. FoluLuss: Then why was not the courteous and considerate to both sides; same procedure adopted regarding the and he was astonished that because the Transifer of Land Bill, which had member for Claremont's Bill was slightly reaced the report stageP lower on the Notice Paper than that of a, Tas PREMIER : Some members Government supporter, the hon.
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