Case studies The WHO European Health Equity Status Report Initiative Case studies The WHO European Health Equity Status Report Initiative Address requests about publications of the WHO Regional Office for Europe to: Publications WHO Regional Office for Europe UN City, Marmorvej 51 DK-2100 Copenhagen O, Denmark Alternatively, complete an online request form for documentation, health information, or for permission to quote or translate, on the Regional Office website (http://www.euro.who.int/pubrequest). © World Health Organization 2019 All rights reserved. The Regional Office for Europe of the World Health Organization welcomes requests for permission to reproduce or translate its publications, in part or in full. 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Edited by Ashley Craig Book design by Marta Pasqualato Printed in Italy by Grafiche2am Contents Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................vii Introduction .........................................................................................................................................1 Development of an action plan on the provision of equitable access to water supply and sanitation in Armenia ...........................................................................................................................3 Achieving gender equity by sharing experiences: the Gender Equality Map in Melbourne, Australia ................................................................................................................................................7 Gender budgeting in Austria: systematically improving equity between women and men ..........11 Partnerships for youth employment in the Commonwealth of Independent States, Azerbaijan .. 15 Enhancing social protection and inclusion for children in Bosnia and Herzegovina .....................19 Boys and Girls Clubs of Calgary: the Infinity Project ........................................................................23 Effective health promotion for people at risk of poverty and social exclusion in Czechia .............27 The Danish pension system: preventing elderly people from falling into poverty .........................31 Reducing co-payments in Estonia through information technology solutions ..............................35 The basic income experiment in Finland ..........................................................................................39 Perspective 50 Plus: employment pacts for older workers in the regions, Germany .....................43 Daily physical education as part of the Comprehensive Health Promotion initiative in schools, Hungary ..............................................................................................................................................47 Habitat-Microareas Programme in Trieste, Italy ...............................................................................51 PRISMA-7: detecting and mapping frailty among older people in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy ........55 SELFIEmployment: supporting young people to become entrepreneurs or self-employed .........59 Parental leave policies in Norway: the father’s quota ......................................................................63 The Healthy Generation Project in the Republic of Moldova ...........................................................67 Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative in the Russian Federation ............................................................71 This is Me: mental health programme for youth, Slovenia ..............................................................75 Promoting health for all through health promotion centres in Slovenia ........................................79 The B-Mincome project: providing low-income families in Barcelona, Spain with financial support and social benefits ...............................................................................................................83 Disability and rehabilitation in Tajikistan: development of a multisectoral national programme to leave no one behind ......................................................................................................................87 Achieving sustainable food and nutrition security in rural areas in Tajikistan ...............................91 National Youth Strategy 2016–2025, North Macedonia ....................................................................95 v Strengthening social cohesion between refugees and migrants and the host community in Turkey .................................................................................................................................................99 Arbed and Nest schemes as part of the Welsh Government’s Warm Homes Programme ............103 The Wales We Want: empowering citizens to own and drive equity policy solutions .................107 Cross-Party Group on Health Inequalities, Scotland (United Kingdom) .......................................111 Modelling the impact of minimum price for alcohol in Scotland (United Kingdom) .............................................................................................................................115 Co-producing policy and research with older people in Manchester, England (United Kingdom) .............................................................................................................................119 TOY for Inclusion: toys to share, play to care .................................................................................123 ClairCity: citizen-led air pollution reduction in cities .....................................................................127 vi Acknowledgements This collection of case studies is part of the WHO European Health Equity Status Report Initiative (HESRi). The HESRi is being coordinated by Chris Brown, Head of the WHO European Office for Investment for Health and Development, Division of Policy and Governance for Health and Well-being, WHO Regional Office for Europe. The document was prepared by WHO consultants Maria Luisa Buzelli and Tammy Boyce, WHO European Office for Investment for Health and Development (Venice Office). The Collation benefited from contribution provided by: Mazen Aboulhosn, Emma Anakhasyan, Colin Angus, Armine Arushanyan, Rasmus Baagland, Viorel Babii, Mustafa Bahadır Sucaklı, Merkur Beqiri, Eivind Berg Weibust, Andrea Bertola, Antonella Biasiotto, Ana Carina Bigot, Bianca Bortot, Corra Boushel, Berit Brandth, Matthias Braubach, Joao Breda, Tine Buffel, Tatjana Buzeti, Jaime Calderon, Pilar Campos Estéban, Angela Capcelea, Steven Chamberlain, Stephanie Chan, Konstance Cimure, Anna Coates, Giulia Cortellesi, Paloma Cuchi, Isabella Danel, Chantal Demilecamps, Aleksandra Dicevska, Cetin Dogan Dikmen, Claudia Ehrenfreund, Marthe Everard, Tamás Evetovits, Tamanna Ferdous, Alison Ferguson, Pietro Orazio Ferlito, Kira Fortune, Mojca Gabrijelcic, Hagverdiyev Gahraman, Pol Gerits, Elena Golubeva, Verena Gregorich-Schega, Hayk Grigoryan, Louise Haag, Triin Habicht, Tatul Hakobyan, Fatos Hande Harmanci, Enda Hayes, Manfred Huber, Charlotte Hvid Olavsgaard, Camilla Ihlebæk, Hana Janata, Dorota Jarosinska, Andreia Jorge Silva, Antoniette Kai-Rak, Daniela Kallayova, Olavi Kangas, Akfer Karaoğlan Kahiloğulları, Selma Kazic, Selami Kılıç, Elena Kjosevska, Kristina Köhler, Taru Koivisto, Ledia Lazeri, Ksenija Lekic, Galina Lesco, Susanne Linden, Joana Madureira Lima, Kat Main, Altın Malaj, Drazenka Malicbegovic, Olga Manukhina, Sari Massiotta, Srdan Matic, Karin Maurer, Simona Melki, Satish Mishra, Lutz Naudet, Marie Nejedlá, Lazar Nikolic, Aasa Nihlén, Victor Stefan Olsavszky, Özlem Onar, Vesna-Kerstin Petrič, Igor Pokanevych, Maria Grazia Pompa, Rade Pribakovic, Marge Reinap, Gill Richardson, Belinda Robson, Urelija Rodin, Kim Rok Ho, Aiga Rurane, Katarzyna Rutkowska, Irina Ryumina, Oliver Schmoll, Serap Şener, Santino Severoni, Nicky Shipton, Natalia Silitrari, Ana Sinkovec, Liv Solveig Korsvik, Annamària Somhegyi, Elena Spasenovska, Vesna Stefancic, Claire Stevens, Kanae Tada, Krisztina Tálas, Jihane Tawilah, Sarah Thomson, Federico Todeschini, Lluis Torrens Mèlich Pavel Ursu, Ingrid Van Hattem-Zuiderwijk, Melita Vujnovic, Elisabeth
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