E v o l D i r November 1, 2013 Month in Review Foreword This listing is intended to aid researchers in population genetics and evolution. To add your name to the directory listing, to change anything regarding this listing or to complain please send me mail at [email protected]. Listing in this directory is neither limited nor censored and is solely to help scientists reach other members in the same field and to serve as a means of communication. Please do not add to the junk e-mail unless necessary. The nature of the messages should be \bulletin board" in nature, if there is a \discussion" style topic that you would like to post please send it to the USENET discussion groups. Instructions for the EvolDir are listed at the end of this message. / Foreword ...................................................................................................1 Conferences . .2 GradStudentPositions . .12 Jobs ....................................................................................................... 46 Other ......................................................................................................81 PostDocs .................................................................................................. 91 WorkshopsCourses . .129 Instructions . 138 Afterword ................................................................................................ 138 2 EvolDir November 1, 2013 Conferences GifsurYvette EpigeneticsEvolution Dec3-4 TravelGrant NewYorkAcademySci Venomics Nov4 . .7 2 PuertoRico SMBE2014 Jun8-12 CallForSymposiaRe- GifsurYvette France EpigeneticsEvolution Dec3-4 . .2 minder . .8 GifsurYvette France EpigeneticsEvolution Dec3-4 4 .3 SanDiego GMODCommunityMeeting Jan16-17 . .8 KansasCity Genomics Nov1-3 DeadlineOct4 . .3 UAdelaide BioInfoSummer Dec2-6 . .9 KansasCity Genomics November1-3 Registration . .4 UAndes Bogota Biogeography Jan7-10 Registration .9 Kiel SMBEsatelliteMicrobialEvolution Apr2014 Regis- UBath PopGenetics Jan7-10 . .10 tration . .5 UBirmingham DaphniaGenomics Jan19-22 2 . 10 LancasterU Phylogenetics Apr15 . .6 UOxford Systematics Aug26-28 2015 . 11 Lillehammer Norway ClimateAdaptation Jan27-29 Re- UWashington BigData StatGenetics Nov24-26 . 11 minder . .6 UZurich EolutionaryPlantRadiations Jun13-14 . 11 NHM London YoungSystematists Nov29 2 . .7 GifsurYvette EpigeneticsEvolution GifsurYvette France Dec3-4 TravelGrant EpigeneticsEvolution Dec3-4 Symposium on Epigenetics in Ecology and Evolution Travel grant to attend the Symposium on \Epigenetics Epigenetics, the science of reversible but heritable in Ecology and Evolution" changes in gene expression has grown to maturity in The Soci´et´eFran¸caisede G´en´etiqueoffers a travel grant the last years. The tremendous advancements of tech- for one PhD student to attend the Symposium on \Epi- nologies that bring now the analysis of whole genomes, genetics in Ecology and Evolution" organized by the transcriptomes and proteomics into reach of almost any INEE (CNRS) at Gif-sur-Yvette on 3 & 4 Decem- laboratory has also made possible the comprehensive bre 2013 (registration : http://methdb.univ-perp.fr/- analysis of epigenomes. The understanding that epige- epinee/). Any PhD student registered for the confer- netic modifications are involved in almost all develop- ence before October 25th will be considered eligible for mental processes, and several examples that show en- this grant. The retained applicant (based on the qual- vironmentally induced epigenetic changes have fueled ity of the summary provided) will be announced before the hope to better apprehend how the environment and November 15. genetic and non-genetic heritable information interact and allow for adaptive evolution. Dr Anne Charmantier CEFE-CNRS, UMR 5175 1919, route de Mende F34293 Montpellier Cedex 5 - France The research community in this latter field shares com- mon concepts and fundamental question but is con- http://annecharmantier.free.fr Tel : +33 4 67 61 32 11 fronted to the technical difficulties associated with the Fax : +33 4 67 41 21 38 heterogeneity of their models. The French CNRS INEE Anne CHARMANTIER has therefore put forward and initiative to bring to- <[email protected]> gether existing expertise and to seek synergistic effects November 1, 2013 EvolDir 3 in the French community wishing to peruse or to initi- nary talks and plenty of room for discussion. We cor- ate work in the field of ecological epigenetics. dially invite the community to join in on We have organised a symposium with a number of ple- December 3-4, 2013 in Gif-sur-Yvette (close to Paris, nary talks and plenty of room for discussion. We cor- France). dially invite the community to join in on Inscription is free but compulsory and the number of December 3-4, 2013 in Gif-sur-Yvette (close to Paris, participants is limited to 80. France). Feel free to register before nov. 9, 2013 at Inscription is free but compulsory and the number of http://methdb.univ-perp.fr/epinee/ For the steering participants is limited to 80. committee: Christoph Grunau Prof. des Univer- Please feel free to register before oct. 25, 2013 sit´es/Professor (HDR) Universit´e de Perpignan Via Domitia UMR 5244 CNRS Ecologie et Evolution For the steering committee: Christoph Grunau des Interactions (2EI) 52, avenue Paul Alduy 66860 Prof. des Universit´es/Professor (HDR) Universit´e PERPIGNAN Cedex France Tel 33 (0) de Perpignan Via Domitia UMR 5244 CNRS Ecolo- Fax 33 (0) http://2ei.univ-perp.fr/ http:/- gie et Evolution des Interactions (2EI) 52, avenue /methdb.univ-perp.fr/epievo/ Christoph Grunau Paul Alduy 66860 PERPIGNAN Cedex France Tel <[email protected]> 33 (0) Fax 33 (0) http://- 2ei.univ-perp.fr/ http://methdb.univ-perp.fr/epievo/ Christoph Grunau <[email protected]> KansasCity Genomics Nov1-3 DeadlineOct4 GifsurYvette France EpigeneticsEvolution Dec3-4 4 EARLY REGISTRATION DEADLINE OCT 4! 11th Annual Ecological Genomics Symposium Novem- Reminder and Deadline extension - Symposium on Epi- ber 1-3, 2013 Marriott Country Club Plaza, Kansas City, MO Symposium website: http://ecogen.ksu.edu/- genetics in Ecology and Evolution symp2013 The 11th Annual Ecological Genomics Sym- Epigenetics, the science of reversible but heritable posium will be held November 1-3, 2013 at the Marriott changes in gene expression has grown to maturity in Country Club Plaza hotel in downtown Kansas City. the last years. The tremendous advancements of tech- The meeting will convene Friday at 7:00 p.m. and con- nologies that bring now the analysis of whole genomes, clude on Sunday at noon. transcriptomes and proteomics into reach of almost any laboratory has also made possible the comprehensive We have an outstanding lineup of speakers for the 2013 analysis of epigenomes. The understanding that epige- symposium and we encourage you to attend! netic modifications are involved in almost all develop- For a brochure and complete information regarding mental processes, and several examples that show en- poster abstract submission, registration and hotel reser- vironmentally induced epigenetic changes have fueled vations, please visit our symposium website: eco- the hope to better apprehend how the environment and gen.ksu.edu/symp2013. genetic and non-genetic heritable information interact REGISTRATION: Please register online today at: and allow for adaptive evolution. www.ecogen.ksu.edu/symp2013. You may also register The research community in this latter field shares com- to attend the optional Saturday night banquet for an mon concepts and fundamental question but is con- additional fee of $50. Deadline for registration: Friday, fronted to the technical difficulties associated with the October 4, 2013. heterogeneity of their models. The French CNRS INEE POSTER ABSTRACTS: Poster topics should be re- has therefore put forward and initiative to bring to- lated to the field of ecological genomics. A LIMITED gether existing expertise and to seek synergistic effects NUMBER OF SUBMITTED POSTER ABSTRACTS in the French community wishing to peruse or to initi- WILL BE SELECTED FOR ORAL PRESENTA- ate work in the field of ecological epigenetics. TIONS. Instructions for submitting your abstract We have organised a symposium with a number of ple- online are at: http://ecogen.ksu.edu/symp2013/- 4 EvolDir November 1, 2013 abstract.html. DEADLINE: Friday, October 4, 2013. [email protected] (785) 532-0115 VENUE: The symposium will take place at the Kansas * Loretta Johnson * Associate Professor * Co- City Marriott on the beautiful Country Club Plaza in Director Ecological Genomics Institute * http://- Kansas City, Missouri. Reserve your hotel room on- ecogen.ksu.edu/ * Division of Biology * Kansas State line by visiting ecogen.ksu.edu/symp2013 or http://- University * Manhattan KS 66506-4901 * Office: 785- tinyurl.com/me8l5x2 Deadline for room block: Friday, 532-6921 * www.ksu.edu/johnsonlab * Bluestem eco- October 11, 2013. type project url: www.bluestemecotype.ksu.edu The 2013 Ecological Genomics Symposium speakers Loretta Johnson <[email protected]> are: Anne Bronikowski, Iowa State University Comparative genomics of vertebrate aging and stress-response path- ways Asher Cutter, University of Toronto Hyperdiversity and KansasCity Genomics November1-3 hypodiversity in genome evolution of Caenorhabditis Registration nematodes Ana L. Caicedo, University of Massachusetts Amherst Convergence and the evolution of weediness: The case LAST CHANCE TO REGISTER!!! for red rice 11th Annual Ecological
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