January 29, 1986 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 657 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-Wednesday, January 29, 1986 The House met at 3 p.m. Capitol as well as Annie's friendly and naut candidate by NASA in January The Chaplain, Rev. James David gracious manner. 1978. I remember going to the Island Ford, D.D., offered the following I'm sure I can speak for all my col­ of Hawaii, Ellison's birthplace, to prayer: leagues when I say that Annie will be inform his mother, Mrs. Mitsue Oni­ As the Nation struggles with the sorely missed. However, I also know zuka, of the great news. Rarely have I sorrow of yesterday and the families that we all wish her well in her much seen such display of jubilation and of the astronauts know the intensity deserved retirement back to Cape Cod pride as at that moment. Mrs. Onizuka of grief and pain, we ask You, O gra­ with her husband Bill. Good luck knew that, for Ellison, this was greater cious God, to hear our prayer. We Annie, and thanks for all your hard than any dream ever imagined. For pray not for easy answers to perplex­ work and dedication on behalf of the years, Ellison had idolized astronauts, ing questions, but we pray that Your U.S. Congress. abiding presence will help heal the and he fancied the thought of some­ hurt and Your spirit will give day being involved in the Space Pro­ strength. We are reminded that we do CHRISTA McAULIFFE gram, in any capacity. not have in this world an abiding city, <Mr. GREGG asked and was given One year later, Ellison became eligi­ yet we can be confident that in all permission to address the House for 1 ble for assignment as a mission spe­ things Your peace that passes all minute and to revise and extend his cialist on future space shuttle flight human understanding is ever with us remarks.> crews. After 6 more years of training, and will never depart from us. We Mr. GREGG. Mr. Speaker, this is a on January 24, 1985, Ellison saw his pray especially for the families whose period of immense loss for America. In greatest dream come true as he joy has been turned to mourning. New Hampshire, we are stunned, became a member of of the Discovery Bless them and comfort them, and thinking of the lives of the crew, but mission. During the mission Ellison give to each of us a new awareness of especially Christa. was responsible for the primary pay­ Your providence and Your everlasting Concord is a small city; New Hamp­ load activities, which included the de­ grace. In Your name, we pray. Amen. shire is a small State. A community ployment of a modified inertial upper really. Christa was our friend, our stage CIUSJ. And, with the completion THE JOURNAL neighbor, and our source of pride. Our of Discovery's 48 orbits of the Earth love goes out to Steve and her chil­ before landing at Kennedy Space The SPEAKER. The Chair has ex­ dren. Center on January 27, Ellison logged a amined the Journal of the last day's Christa represented so many things total of 74 hours in space. proceedings and announces to the that have come to characterize our I was fortunate to have been in at­ House his approval thereof. small State and our great Nation. Her tendance at the launching of that ex­ Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the energy, her enthusiasm. Her belief in Journal stands approved. citing voyage, and with the Onizuka challenging the unknown, her concern family and a host of well-wishers, I for others, especially for students. She shared in the historic moment. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE was extraordinary and yet typical of For the people of Hawaii, and espe­ A message from the Senate by Mr. our land and our history. A mother, a cially for the children, Ellison became Sparrow, one of its clerks, announced wife, a teacher, a seeker of the future. a hero. He was the first Hawaiian as­ that the Senate had passed without We will miss her entirely, but we will tronaut in the history of the Space amendment a concurrent resolution of not forget those qualities and dreams Program, and in this role, he inspired the House of the following title: which she and the rest of the shuttle and motivated all. Ellison hardly gave H. Con. Res. 274. Concurrent resolution crew so personified. She lived as our up a chance to speak of his experi­ providing for a joint session of Congress to neighbor, and yet she defines our ences, and often took time to visit receive a message from the President on the Nation. local schools. State of the Union. Last September, Ellison honored me IN HONOR OF A GREAT SPACE by appearing on my monthly talk RETIREMENT OF ANN CATON PIONEER, LT. COL. ELLISON S. show. We talked of his first mission, <Mr. MOAKLEY asked and was ONIZUKA, USAF and his impressions of that voyage. He given permission to address the House <Mr. AKAKA asked and was given left no doubt in my mind that the ex­ for 1 minute and to revise and extend permission to address the House for 1 perience was more fulfilling than he his remarks.> minute and to revise and extend his had even imagined it would be. I recall Mr. MOAKLEY. Mr. Speaker, it is remarks.) asking him if there was a single sensa­ my honor today to announce the re­ Mr. AKAKA. Mr. Speaker, so much tion which he had not experienced in tirement of Ann Caton from the U.S. has already been said, and so eloquent­ simulation exercises. He said that the Capitol Guide Service. Annie has given ly, of yesterday's space shuttle trage­ few seconds at liftoff were the worst. 25 years of dedicated service as a Cap­ dy. Nevertheless, I would like to share The crackling, crunching sound result­ itol tour guide, sharing with people a few thoughts with you this morning, ing from those thousands and thou­ from all over the country and the for Challenger's loss, a major tragedy sands of pounds of rocket force left world her knowledge and experience for our country, is a personal one for him with the feeling that the entire of our Nation's legislative branch of me. A man I am honored to have vessel was about to cave in. That was Government. During her 25 years on known, Lt. Col. Ellison S. Onizuka, the worst part. Capitol Hill approximately 80 million was one of the seven who so valiantly This weekend, at Ellison's invitation, people have visited the Capitol, many gave their lives for the benefit of our I planned to go to Houston to share in of whom are my own constituents and country and the world. homecoming festivities. Friends and have personally conveyed to me how I was yet a newcomer to Congress family were to arrive from distant much they enjoyed their tour of the when Ellison was selected as an astro- Hawaii, laden with foods that Ellison 0 This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., 0 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 658 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE January 29, 1986 so loved, in honor of his triumphant Mr. LEVINE of California. Mr. guerrillas, he strongly deserves our full sup­ return. Speaker, our Nation suffered a devas­ port. We shall not share in such festivities tating and tragic loss yesterday. Words together. Instead, with Ellison's death, cannot express the sorrow that I know we shall share a deep sense of loss. I every one of us in this Chamber feel, BENEFITS FOR SURVIVORS OF grieve for Ellison, and my thoughts and every one of us in this country NEWFOUNDLAND AIR CRASH are with his wife, Lorna, his children, feel. <Mr. MONTGOMERY asked and Janelle and Darien, and the host of We must now come to terms with was given permission to address the loved ones he has left behind. our grief and our sorrow. As horrible House for 1 minute and to revise and Yet, it is up to us, the living, to look as this tragedy is, it would be com­ extend his remarks.> to the light which Ellison has left us. pounded if we were to listen to those Mr. MONTGOMERY. Mr. Speaker, This great space pioneer, who so will­ inevitable voices of timidity and fear today I would like to speak of another ingly lived his lifelong dream, is a who call for an end to our manned tragedy. I want to update my col­ symbol of perseverance and strength. space program. If we were to allow the leagues on the status of GI life insur­ Ellison shall forever live in our hearts deaths of these seven American heroes ance payments to survivors of the and our memories. We do him justice to weaken our commitment to explor­ only through our actions and through service men and women killed Decem­ ing outer space, they surely would ber 12 in the Newfoundland plane our continued support of the work have died in vain. which he so loved. Ellison best exhibit­ crash. Mr. Speaker, now is the time to re­ I have been advised that all but one ed his commitment when he said, member President John F. Kennedy's "There are a lot of outcomes of these of the 248 servicemembers who died words in his 1961 State of the Union were covered by this insurance.
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