ove you love Of course, se, l you ur co f RIP Yama O and Dominos Veritas Super Omnia Vol. CXXXIII, No. 21 November 5, 2010 Phillips Academy Sizer Returns to Andover to Share Past Experiences By CONNIE CHENG Nancy Sizer shared her realized that “girls could be memories of Phillips Acade- bright and do math and that my with the community dur- [one] could grow fond of ing Wednesday’s All-School them.” Meeting, sharing anecdotes She also shared an attempt ranging from the school’s to get the entire student body move to co-education to the involved in a secret project to origins of Head of School make a sweater for academy Day. receptionist Meredith “Dick- Sizer’s husband, Ted Sizer, ie” Thiras. The goal was for served as the headmaster of every student to knit at least Phillips Academy from 1972 one stitch in the sweater. to 1981. During her time at Sizer said that when the Andover, Sizer served as an Andover community pre- Instructor in History and as a sented the sweater to a sur- tennis coach, who was “much prised Thiras, Head of School beloved and very accessible to Ted Sizer declared that there students,” according to Head would be no school the fol- of School Barbara Chase. lowing day, calling the event During the All-School “Dickie Day,” the equivalent Meeting, Sizer described her of today’s Head of School uncertainty upon her family’s Day. arrival to Phillips Academy in Sizer said she valued see- 1972, “which was [a school] ing how much “a serious, ex- not nearly as good as the one citing and warm community today,” with a “sink or swim can add to the lives of ‘youth atmosphere,” little diversity, from every quarter.’” and even a tradition of bul- “[Ted Sizer and I] learned lying Juniors at the start of a lot at Phillips and some of school. the things we learned would M. LIU/ THE PHILLIPIAN She recounted the school’s go into the designs of the Nancy Sizer describes her Andover experiences during this Wednesday’s All-School Meeting. controversial decision to ad- schools we helped [to plan],” mit female students, the even- she added. tual merger in 1973 between In addition to working PA Parents Travel to Campus to Phillips Academy and Abbot at Andover together, the MODEL UN Academy and the successful husband and wife taught at Participate in Day’s Worth of Classes but difficult effort to “change Brown University and the POSTPONES the school without changing Harvard Graduate School of the school’s constitution.” Education. In addition, they Classroom visits gave par- Andover was great. Phillips Academy feared served as co-principals of the CONFERENCE By CATHERINE CHOI ents a chance to meet their “I heard a lot from Alex that state politicians would Francis W. Parker Charter children’s teachers and put about his teachers, but I didn’t force the school to give ad- Essential School. Parents of Phillips Acad- experience a day in the life of know who they were exactly. mission and scholarship Comparing Phillips Acad- Lack of Participation emy students traveled from their children. When I met them I found out preference to students from emy to the Parker Charter And Funds Cause around the globe to visit their Alex Kwon ’14 said, “My how they taught and talked Massachusetts and therefore School, Sizer said that both Rescheduling children and participate in parents had an enjoyable with them,” she said. “Meet- change the school constitu- schools have students and Parents’ Weekend Activities. time here, going through all ing his teachers was the most tion created at its inception parents who have sought a The school hosted sev- my classes and having a quiz memorable part.” in 1778. better education, well edu- By ANDRIES FEDER eral events including a cam- in English class. They got to Maddie Kasper ’12 said she “We didn’t want the scale cated faculties and teacher pus tour, athletic contests, know more about the school was nervous about what her tipped for a certain group of workloads small enough so The Phillips Academy In- Grasshopper Night and an through the classroom visits mother would think of her people. After all, there’s sup- that each student is recog- vitational Model United Na- All-School Meeting for par- and learned more about life classes. posed to be ‘youth from every nized. tions (PAIMUN) conference, ents with a special welcome here.” “It was cool to hear my quarter,’” said Sizer. Sizer said that the future originally scheduled for this from Barbara Chase, Head of Sunyoung Lee, Kwon’s mom’s opinions on my classes. Sizer also described the af- “public purpose” of Phillips Sunday, has been postponed School. mother, said her experience at She thought they were good termath of the merger, when Academy will be to provide a due to a lack of interest and classes,” she said. the new female students and practical model for education financial reasons. Kasper said, “It was really the transferring Abbot stu- “not so out-of-the-question Kerry Lanzo ’11, Co-Presi- good to see my mom. I missed dents struggled to coexist. for people that it can’t be dent of Model UN, said, “We her a lot. It was the middle of Sizer recalled a story considered by [the public.]” did not get a timely response See Page A8 For a Special the semester and I hadn’t seen about a math teacher, who “It means that you can be from other schools.” had strongly resisted the idea The club also hopes to Continued on A6, Column 1 of co-education, but later Continued on A4, Column 4 fund the conference with the Report on PGs at Andover fiscal aid of an Abbot Acad- emy Association Grant. And its Peer Schools! “We will not receive news Pryde’s Sixteen-Year Teaching Career at Andover Continued on A6, Column 5 Began With Discovery of Love for Physics Brace Fellow Seyoung Lee ’12 ECO-ACTION By DENNIS ZHOU Though Kathleen Pryde, Presents on Immigrant Workers HOSTS Chair of the Physics Depart- ment, did not stumble upon By MIGUEL WISE physics until her mid thirties, DISCUSSION it was love at first sight. Delving into the plight Sunday, their one day off dur- Pryde never aspired to of female domestic workers ing the week. teach physics as a child. Ac- in Hong Kong, Seyoung Lee These workers, mainly Parents and Students cording to Pryde, her high ’12 started the Brace Fellow from the Philippines, Indone- Attend Forum to Discuss school in Utah did not even presentation series with her sia, Thailand and Nepal came Envirnmental Issues offer physics. project, “Seek My Face, Hear to Hong Kong through orga- After working full-time at My Voice: Foreign Domestic nizations that worked with a hardware store, Pryde de- Workers in Hong Kong.” their home country’s govern- By RAEVA KUMAR cided to further her educa- Over the summer, Lee re- ments and Hong Kong’s gov- tion, and first attended col- searched the conditions and ernment. Their respective A Parents’ Weekend forum lege at the age of 32. role of foreign women who governments support their on climate change sponsored “It was [the] time. I decid- immigrate to Hong Kong in immigration because the in- by Eco-Action and ERAC pro- ed that I need more of a chal- search of work opportunities. comes from the female do- vided an outlet for students lenge and that there must be She conducted interviews mestic workers bolster their and parents interested in en- more to life,” Pryde said. with many of these domestic home countries’ economies. vironmental issues to voice “College was a little bit J. QU/ THE PHILLIPIAN workers and the leaders of Lee said that the work- their concerns. scary, but I was ready for a In addition teaching, Pryde serves as a house conuselor. the advocacy organizations. ers go to Hong Kong because The forum, which was held challenge,” said Pryde. “My py that elderly people need.” viduality. Lee began her presentation they are looking for a better on Saturday, October 30, was husband went to college Pryde first encountered After she graduated from by explaining the reasoning life. a question and answer discus- while I worked, so I put him physics when she took the college, Pryde and her hus- behind her topic choice. She These women accept low- sion, which touched on many through college. Then it class as a requirement. The band wanted to try something said that she was inspired to er wages because the wages different aspects of environ- turned around and he put me class influenced her to re- different. They both applied research this topic when she they receive in Hong Kong mental issues. through college.” think her career path. “I fell to join the U.S. Peace Corps, moved to Hong Kong five are much greater than the Teddy Smyth ’11, Co- Pryde originally studied in love with physics, so I de- a program that allows college years ago and began to notice wages they would earn in President of Eco-Action, for a degree in physical ther- cided to major in physics and graduates to assist developing several people with foreign their home countries. said,“Climate change is the apy. get my bachelor degree,” said countries in various ways. domestic workers. Lee also spoke about how broadest and most important “I was doing a lot of vol- Pryde. “I thought that the Peace “I went to an international this movement of foreign eco-issue facing the world to- unteering at homes for the “I like being able to solve Corps was a way to give back school and every single one domestic workers has af- day.
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