U. S. BU dEAU OF EDUCAT I ON LIB R~RY LEAFLET NO. 35 L.ISf-:;..; . _, "TEXAS T C:C !<- •• ' .J ~;C..:\L COLLEGE Library Leatlet No.{[;J LUaag~~bdr~MotS U /::. , DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR t\ U.S: ~IJREAU . OF EDUCAT-ION. ~.L · . ,.. -.. ~ \.. '' WASHINGTON, D. C. LIST OF REFERENCES ON HIGHER EDUCATION (Prepared in the Lib~ary Division, John D. Wolcott, Chief) The materiul listed ih ellis bibliography is collected from sundry sources, eluding publications of this Bureau, proceedings of associations, reports of rganizations, articles in educational periodicals, and books by various authors. one of this material is available for distribution by this office except its own ublications. The periodicals in which articles listed in this bibliography were ublished are listed in the final pages of this leaflet, with the name of the ublisher and address of each. CoNTENTS : General References-History of Higher Education:__Financial upport and Cost of Higher Education- Administration and Control-Marks d Marking Systems-Academic Freedom- College Teachers and Teaching­ alaries and Pensions-Curriculum- Extra-Curricular Activities-Limitation Attendance--Student Mortality and Elimination-Provision for Freshmen d Freshman Week-Junior Colleges-Counseling of Students-Educational d Vocational Guidance--Student Life and Student Morals-Student Govern­ ent-Liberal Arts College--Sectioning by Ability-Honors Courses for Gifted tudents-Higher Education of Women-Coeducation- Tests and Measure­ ents-Surveys___:Municipal Universities-Research and Graduate Work- Uni- rsity Extension-International Aspects of Higher Education- Value of Higher ducation- Sources of Articles Listed. GENERAL REFERENCES MERICAN ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGIATE REGISTRARS. Proceedings Of annual meet­ ings, 1912--1926. MERICAN ASSOCIATION OF JUNIOR COLLEGES. Proceedings of annual meetings, 1- 6, 1920-1926. MERICAN ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS. Bulletin, V. 1- 12, December 1915-December 1926. · Still in progress, monthly, 8 issues annually. MERICAN COUNCIL ON EDUCATION. Reports of annual meetings in Educational record, its official organ, published quarterly, WashingtoQ, D. C. SSOCIATION OF AMERICAN COLLEGES. Proceedings, 1-12, 191s-1926. SSOCIATION OF AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES. Journal Of proceedings and addresses, 1-28, 1901- 1926. SSOCIATION OF COLLEGES AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN THE :MIDDLE STATES AND MARYLAND. Proceedings, 1-38, 1887-1924. 1 2 REFERENCES Q.N HIGHER EDUCATION ASSOCIATION OF CQLLIOOES AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS OF' THE SOUTHERN STATES. Proceedings, 1-31,_1895-1926. ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGES FOR NEGRO YOUTH. Minutes, 1926. Marshall, Texas, . '. 1926. 15 p. 12". ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNING BO.AJIDS OF STATE UNIVERSITIES AND ALLIED INSTITU­ TIONS. Proceedings, 1923- 1925. A SSOCIATION OF L.AND-ORANT COLLIOOES AND UNIVERSITIES. Proceedings, 2-40, 1889-1927. ASSOCIATION OF UNIVERSITY AND OOLLEGE BUSINESS OFFICERS 0)\' THE EASTEBN STATES. Minutes of the a11,nual meetings, 1924-1926. COLLIOOE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION BOARD. Annual report Of the secretary, 1-26, 1901-1926. NATIONAL .ASSOCIATION OF STATE UNIVERSITIES IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Transactions and proceedings, 1-24, 1903- 1926. · Part II of the Proceedings for 1926 Is entitled: "A study of tecent standardizing activities of certain associations atrecting university organization and curricula." 116 p. NATIONAL UNIVERSITY EXTENSION .ASSOCIATION. Proceedings, 1- 11, 1915-1926. NORTH CENTRAL ASSOCIATION OF COLLIOOES AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS. Proceedings, 1-30, 1896-1925. AMERICAN COUNCIL ON EDUCATION, Standards for accrediting colleges, junior colleges and teacher training institutions; ·a repor_t of the American council on education. 'washington, D. C., National capital press, inc., 1924. 11 p. 8·. AMERICAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. COUNCIL ON MEDICAL EDUCATION AND HOSPITALS . Tentative list of approved colleges of arts· and sciences, compiled by the Council on m edical education and hospitals of the American medical association. Rev. to May 15, 1926. Chicago, American medical association, 1926. 20 p, 12°. AYDELOTTE, FRANK. The Amei-ican college of the twentieth century. Associa­ tion of American colleges bulletin, 12: 7- 14, February 1926. --- Opportunities and dangers of educational foundations. In Associa­ tion of American universities. Proceedings, 1925. p. 6Q-64. BRIGGS, LE BARON R ussELL. Men, women, and colleges . Boston and New York, Houghton Mifllin company, 1925. 180 p. 12•. CoNTENTS.- What Is a liberal? '.rhe American college and the American uni­ verslty.-The life and equipment of a t eacher.-Address to the freshmen of Ya le college, October, 1917. BRowN, ELMER ELLswoRTH. The church and the university. Christian educa­ tion, 9 : 278-86, April 1926. An address. delivered at an Interdenominational conference of college and univer­ sity church workers, Yonkers, N .. Y., J anuary 26, 1926. BRUMM, JoHN LEWis,_ eiZ. Educational production in college and univer sity'; addresses delivered at the educational conference held at the University of Michigan, October 14-16, 1920, on the occasion of the inauguration of Pres.ident Marion LeRoy Burton ... Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan, 1921. 296 p. 4°. BURNS, J AMES A. A constructive policy for Catholic higher education. In Catholic educational associati~n. Proceedings, 1920. p, 46-56. Also In Catholic educational review, 18: 452-68, October 1920. REFERENCES ON HIGHER EDUCATION 3 BUTLER, NICHOLAS MURR.AY. Scholarship and ~rvice; the policies and ideals of a national university. in a modern democracy ... New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1921. xii, 399 p . 12°. CAPEN, SA~UEL PAUL. American university education. School and society, 16: 53s:-42, November 11, 1922. Inaugural address as chancellor of the University of Bul!alo, October, 1922. - -- Colleges and universities. In The American· yearbook. A record of events l!,nd progress ... 1926. New York, The Macmilian company, 1927. p. 1078--81. Discusses brlefty the increasing number of students, physical accommo!latlo.us, sup­ port, teachers and teaching, selection of students by mental tests and pe.rsonnel tests, the curriculum, freshms.n week, etc. CATAWBA COLLEGE, SALISBURY, N. C. The college. Three addresses. Salisbury, N.C., Catawba college, 1926. 23 p. 8°. (Catawba college bulletin, new ser. vol. 1, no. 4, January 1926.) Contains : 1. What can a college do for its students? by A. T. Allen. 2. The function of a college, by J. H. Highsmith. 3. The administration of the coJiege cur· riculum in the light of modern educational philosophy, by Elmer R. Hoke. CoFFMAN, LOTUs D. andl CuTTER, I. S. What part shall the colleges and uni­ versities play in the American program of education? I n National educa­ tion association. Addresses and proceedings, 1921. p. 99-108. The college question. School and home, 10: ~5, March 1927. Tb.e entire number Is given over to the discussion of th.e child, the parent, and teacher. Contains : 1. A. E. Morgan : My son's career : how shall it be determined? p. 5-10. 2. A. E. Morgan : My daughter's career : how shall It be determined? p. 11- 16. 3. F. C. Lewis: The true meaning of college preparation, p. 17-18. 4. H. W. Smith : Changes in the college situation-How they al!ect our school, p. 19-26. 5. Katherine H. Pollak : Various types of colleges as discussed in a high school assembly, p. 27-30. ·s. Marlon Goodkind: A State university ,through the eyes of a student, p. 30-35. CoMFORT, W. W. The choice of a college. New York, The Macmillan company, 1925. vii, 55 p. 16°. The president of Haverford college offers this concise discussion of the various aspects of the question of choice of a college, including a technical compared with a cultural course, geographlcat location of the Institution, coeducation, size of a college, endowment, and religious atmosphere. COMSTOCK, ADA. New devices and desires in college life. American educational digest, 45 : 163-65, 184, 186, December 1925. A summa ry of an ad'dress delivered by. President .t\.da Comstock, of Radcliffe Co)lege, before the Minnesota teachers' association meeting. \:) CooLIDGE, CALVIN. [Address on education] In Association of colleges and fc) secondary schools of the Middle states and Maryland. Proceedings, 1922. lV p. 35-42. ? Discusses the two-fold purposes of education, viz, to develop the moral and the t Intellectual powers of man, and shows the tendencies and needs of our present-day ~ · educa tion. · · ~ CuBBERLEY,. ELLWOOD P. Higher and professional education." In his State ~ school administration. A textbook of principles. B(;ston, New York [etc.] Houghton MifH.in company [1927] p, 336-60. " Selected references" : p. 358-60. DoDD, . WILLIAM E. · The university.and the nation. Virginia teacher., 4: 117-. 84, July- August 1923. An address delivered at the third annual dinner ot the Board of trustees. for the faculties . of the Univ~rslty of Chicago, and reprinted from the University record, Ja~uary l923.· ' ' . · · 4 REFERENCES ON HIGHER -·EDUCATION DuGGAN, STEPHEN P. European and American educational systems. In Na­ tional student federation of the United States ... Yearbook for 1926. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Vassar college, 1927. ·P· 17-19. DYE, R. Saving the sophomor e; theY. M. 0. A. American mercury, 9:288-94, November 1926. ' Also In condensed form, with discussion, In the Literary digest, 91 : 30-31, De· cember 4, 1926. EI!!LL6, WALTER CROSBY. The center of population of higher education. School and society, 24: 339--44, September 11, 1926. map. tables. FERRY, FREDERICK C. Are the colleges safe for the undergraduates? New York state education,
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