Index of Subjects abstraction and East London and Thames Gateway Chalk geology Isle of Wight 166–169 419–444 and the law 152, 155–156 in Lincolnshire Limestone 97–100 see also boreholes; wells petrophysical temperature logs 374–375 acidic groundwater 110, 199–209 surveys in tufa areas 132 aggregates in Weardale Granite, Eastgate, Co. Durham 405–407 petrography of geomaterials 458, 461–463, 464–466 World War I British exploratory boreholes in Belgium suitability of dune sand from Libya 277–280 295–298, 300 airborne electromagnetic (EM) surveys 389–390 yields in Antrim Lava Group and Ulster White Limestone Aksu Basin, Turkey 124 66–69 algae, and tufa formation 124–125 yields in Isle of Wight aquifers 161–162, 165, 166 alkali-silica reaction 463–464 boudinage structures in highway rock cuttings 411–418 alluvia, properties of coarse grained 141–144 Boulder Clay 174 aluminium, in acidic groundwater treatment 199, 200, 201, Bouldnor Formation 165 205, 206–208 Bracklesham Group 166, 392 American Expeditionary Force 302 Brazilian tension tests, rock salt 448–450 Ancholme Group 94 bricks and brickwork, petrography 460, 461, 465–466 anhydrite, and mechanical properties of rock salt 445–454 Bridgewick Marls 420, 426 Anstrude limestone, petrography 462 Brighstone Anticline 160 anthropogenic heat sources 373 brine-pumping 445–446 Antrim Lava Group, groundwater flow 63–73 British Cement Association 464 aquifers British Expeditionary Force 293–294, 295, 299 aquifer boundaries, and environmental sensitivity analysis British Geological Survey 302 311, 312 borehole data 111, 114 groundwater vulnerability assessment for carbonate aquifers digital national petrophysical data archive 374–375 361–371 GeoSure National Dataset 50 heterogeneity, and pump-and-treat remediation design Hi-RES programme 389–390 469–480 Local Geophysical Surveys database 390 hydrogeological scenarios for solutions to well doublet mapping 114, 299 thermal plume 195–197 models for London Basin geology 434 hydrogeology and water resources, Isle of Wight 159–171 National Groundwater Archive 163 isotope evidence for the hydrogeological characteristics of British Standards Institution clay-rich till 173–189 BS 5930:1999 397, 400, 435 modelling nitrate transport 75–92, 93–108 BS EN specifications for natural stone products 460–461 thermal conductivity 385–386 bromide tracer, Mecoprop transport tests 333, 338–339, 342 see also groundwater Brooks, Alfred H. 302 archaeological investigation, petrography and 466 Bruun Rule 482, 487 Atherfield Clay Formation 162, 392 BTEX compounds 310–311 augite 65 building materials, petrography of geomaterials 457–467 Austro-Hungarian military geology 302–303 Bull Head Bed Member 225, 226, 228, 231 Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (BRGM) 362, bacteria 364 and denitrification 76, 77, 80, 88–89, 91, 93, 100, 105–107 and tufa formation 124–125 Bar End Hardgrounds 429 caissons, jacked caisson construction in London Basin 221–232 Barton Group 165, 166, 233–248, 392 Calanscio Formation 277–280 basalts 63–73 calcite, and tufa formation 124, 125 beach protection works, and subsequent landslide reactivation calcium, in acidic groundwater treatment 201, 205, 206 237–247 calcrete 225, 229, 231 Beachy Head Zoophycos Beds 426, 429 ‘Cambridge Water’ legal case 151 Becton Sand 166, 233, 234, 236 CAMS (Catchment Abstraction Management Strategy) 169 Bedwell’s Columnar Flint Band 420, 423, 426, 438 carbon Bellagio Agreement 154 clay-rich till 178, 180–181, 183 Belle Tout Beds 228, 431, 433, 436 and contaminant attenuation 51 Belle Tout Marls 420, 423, 433, 434 and sorption behaviour 347–349, 350–351, 354 Bembridge Limestone Formation 165, 392 in sorption and transport of Mecoprop 322, 323, 325, 327, Bembridge Marls 390, 392 340 Berlin Rules 155 TOC and DOC in Lincolnshire Limestone 100, 105, 107 Bermuda model, tufa formation 124–125 see also granular activated carbon (GAC) treatment BIO2D-KE groundwater model 470–480 carbonate aquifers, groundwater vulnerability assessment BIONICS project 23, 28–30, 31–32 361–371 biotite 411, 415 Carboniferous strata, and shallow temperature field 377, Blackheath Member 223, 225, 226, 228, 231 385–386 blasting, and quarry rock face disturbance 266 carnallite 446, 454 bogflows, Ireland 5, 8–9, 14, 491–494 Carnmenellis granite 386 boreholes Carstone 392 core recovery measurement procedures 397–403 cation exchange capacity (CEC) 51, 322, 325, 340, 347 deviated or cased 375 caves and cavities in tufa areas 130, 131, 132–133 496 cement-bentonite grout, and field monitoring of soil suction concrete 30, 32 suitability of dune sand from Libya for 277–280 chalk use of recycled concrete as permeable reactive barrier properties 432–435, 441 199–209 see also Ulster White Limestone uses of petrography 458, 461, 463–464 Chalk Group 35–36, 58, 93 conservation of historic masonry structures 464–466 East London and Thames Gateway Chalk geology 419–444 construction materials, petrography of 457–467 hydrogeological characteristics of overlying clay-rich till COP method of intrinsic groundwater vulnerability analysis 173–189 361–371 Isle of Wight hydrogeology and water resources 159, CoPCs (constituents of potential concern) 310–311 160–162, 166, 167, 169, 170 core sampling Isle of Wight regional resistivity maps 392 clay-rich Lowestoft Till pore water 175 jacked caisson construction in London Basin 222, 225, 226, in tufa areas 131 228, 231 creep rate, rock salt 446–447, 450–452, 454 marker beds, East London and Thames Gateway 420–430 Cretaceous strata, and shallow temperature field 378, 385–386 and the well doublet thermal plume 196 cryogenic landslides 249 Chalky Boulder Clay 174 cryoturbation 36 Chama Bed 236, 237, 239, 245 Cuckmere Beds 228, 431–432, 433 Channel Tunnel Rail Link 419, 420, 433, 436, 441 Cuilfail Zoophycos Beds 419, 426 charnockitic boudins 411–418 Culver Chalk Formation 392 chert 161 cuttings, boudinage structures in highway rock cuttings Cheshire Basin 58, 59 411–418 China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite (Cbers) 251, 252, 254, cyclic loading tests, rock salt 450 257 4-chloro-2-methylphenoxy acetic acid (MCPA) 327 dams, landslide mechanism analysis, Three Gorges 249–258 Chondrites 423 data mining for landslide mechanism analysis 249–258 Chromabond Easy cartridges 323 data set compilation for environmental sensitivity analysis 311, cladding materials, petrography 460, 464 312–313 Cladoceramus undulatoplicatus 423 databases classifications Highways Agency Geotechnical Asset Database (GAD) 35 carbonate rocks 123, 127 Natural Resisitivity Sounding Database 390 CIRIA Grades of chalk 432–433 see also British Geological Survey and environmental sensitivity of filling station location David, T.W. Edgeworth 294–295, 303 310–311 debris slides kerogen 348 in peat, Ireland 5, 7–8, 13–14 tufa 127–132 Varunavat landslide, Uttarkashi, India 17–22 UK Quaternary Domains 51–53, 55–56 deformability of tufa 129–130 Volume Change Potential (VCP) 112–115 deformation clay mineralogy Greendale Fault ground-surface rupture, Darfield Lough Neagh Group 65 earthquake, NZ 283–291 Mercia Mudstones 347 rock salt 446–447, 450–452, 454 Oxford Clay 347 denitrification rock salt 448, 454 modelling in Lincolnshire Limestone 93–108 clay minerals, and contaminants 51, 335 modelling in saturated fractured porous media 75–92 Clay-with-Flints Formation 392 density, chalk 432–433, 434–435, 441 Claygate Member 110, 114 deuterium excess 184 clays dewatering, jacked caisson construction site 224–227 and hydrogeological characteristics of clay-rich till 173–189 Diatom 124 identification of landslides on Gault 35–48 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4-D) 322, 327 and landslide reactivation, Barton-on-Sea, Hampshire, UK Dichlorprop 323 233–248 Digital Terrain Models research into field monitoring of soil suction 27–32 Isle of Wight regional resisitivity map 394 sorption and transport in 321–329, 331–344, 345–360 for Volume Change Potential (VCP) 114, 118, 119 see also clay mineralogy discontinuity aperture and spacing, Chalk 432 cliffs see coastal cliffs Docklands Light Railway 419 climate change 481–489 Dorset Basin 385 cloud model for landslide mechanism analysis 249–258 Dover Chalk Rock 430 Coal Measures Clay, sorption 351, 355 drainage works Coal Measures strata, and shallow temperature field 385 and subsequent landslide reactivation, Barton-on-Sea, coastal cliffs Hampshire, UK 237–247 decadal-scale response to sea-level rise, Holderness, UK and subsequent peat slope failures 7, 493 481–489 DRASTIC method of groundwater vulnerability analysis 364 landslides at Petacciato, Italy 249 drilling, in tufa areas 131, 132 stabilization and subsequent reactivation, Barton-on-Sea, Drinking Water Inspectorate (UK) 152 Hampshire, UK 233–248 drinking water quality 152–154 colliery spoil, ReMi and backfilled mineshaft detection dual-porosity aquifers, and the well doublet thermal plume 196 211–220 dual-porosity flow, Mecoprop transport in clays 340, 341 compressed-air energy storage in rock salt 446 dune sand from Libya, particle size distribution 277–280 concept lattice for landslide mechanism analysis, Three Gorges Durham University-Wykeham Farrance (DU-WF) tensiometer 254, 255–258 24, 25, 26, 27, 28–30, 31 497 Eakring anomaly 385 East London and Thames Gateway Chalk 419, 426–429, Earth Decision Suite, GoCADTM 2.1.6. 118 431–433, 439–441, 442 earthquake-induced landslide, Varunavat, Uttarkashi, India Greendale Fault, Darfield earthquake, NZ 283–291 17–22 and groundwater flow in clay-rich till 186–187 earthquakes, New Zealand 283–291 and groundwater flow in superficial deposits 51 East Anglian
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