ANIMAL CONTROL CITIZEN ADVISORY BOARD MEETING AGENDA July 16, 2020 - 6:00 PM City Council Chambers 400 East Military, Fremont NE In the interest of public health and safety, this meeting will be available online through the Zoom link below. Citizens may also call into the meeting with the phone number below: https://zoom.us/j/97913235425 Or iPhone one-tap : US: +13462487799,,97913235425# or +16699009128,,97913235425# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 9128 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 558 8656 or +1 301 715 8592 Webinar ID: 979 1323 5425 If joining by phone, press *9 to raise your hand and *6 to mute/unmute yourself when called to speak If joining through Zoom video conference, please submit comments through the “chat” function Zoom Tutorial: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/206618765-Zoom-Video- Tutorials?_ga=2.150510262.1497980210.1584968460-1067452037.1584536802 MEETING CALLED TO ORDER ROLL CALL CONSENT AGENDA: All items in the consent agenda are considered to be routine and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a Board Member or a citizen so requests, in which event the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately. 1. Dispense with and approve May 20, 2020 Animal Control Citizens Advisory Board Minutes 2. Accept resignation from Mike Semrad NEW BUSINESS: Requires individual associated action 3. Recommendation for Mark Legband to appoint new community member 4. Any violations/ concerns/or positives to be reported from the AG information (email and task from Quinn) in violation to the current contract between the City and DCHS? 5. Any violations/concerns/or positives to report from the City documents? 6. Request from Board member Daniel A. For members names and contact to be listed on city website? B. Additional items to be requested from the DCHS board 1. Current By-laws with last update 2. List of Board Members and length on board 3. List of board meetings and minutes, as well as special meetings 4. Request of euthanasia of animals from 2017 to current with the name of the veterinary personnel that handled such services 7. Request for Chief of Police report to be submitted to committee (advisory Board) monthly until we dissolve 8. Request and need for standing monthly meeting ADJOURNMENT ANIMAL CONTROL CITIZEN’S ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES May 20, 2020 - 5:00 P.M. Fremont Municipal Building, 2nd Floor Conference Room 400 East Military, Fremont, Nebraska (attendance is limited) and Zoom ________________________________________________________________________ REGULAR MEETING: 1. Meeting called to order – Open Meetings Law. The Meeting of the Animal Control Citizen’s Advisory Board was called to order and it was stated that a copy of the open meeting law is posted continually for public inspection located near the entrance door by the agendas. 2. Roll call. Roll call showed Members Platt, Kempenar, Semrad, Eaton, Pence, Kracl, Shanahan and Homan present. 8 members present. 3. Introduction of Board members and their skillsets. The members introduced themselves. No action was taken. 4. Elect Chairperson and Vice-chairperson. Moved by Kracl and seconded by Kempenar to elect Shawn Shanahan as the Chairperson. Ayes: Platt, Kempenar, Semrad, Eaton, Pence, Kracl, Shanahan, Homan. Motion carried. Moved by Kempenar and seconded by Platt to elect Quin Eaton as Vice-chairperson. Ayes: Platt, Kempenar, Semrad, Pence, Kracl, Shanahan, Homan, Abstention Eaton. Motion carried. 5. Election of a Secretary. Moved by Platt, seconded by Kempenar to elect Mike Semrad as Secretary. Ayes: Platt, Kempenar, Semrad, Eaton, Pence, Kracl, Shanahan, Homan. Motion carried. 6. Review Animal Control Contract between City and Dodge County Humane Society. Motion by Kracl and seconded by Eaton to request the following documents: Chapter 28 Article 10 of Nebraska Revised State Statutes, reports referenced in section 2a of the Dodge County Humane Society (DCHS) contract going back to September 12, 2017, as well as documents related to sections 1d., 1e. and 1f. of the DCHS contract and items related to sections 16a. and 16d all for the same time period of the DCHS amendment #1 to animal contract. Ayes: Platt, Kempenar, Semrad, Eaton, Pence, Kracl, Shanahan, Homan. Motion carried. 7. Next steps general discussion – Board duties, objectives, tasks, information, documents and meeting requests. Moved by Kracl, seconded by Platt to request the following documents: Chapter 6 of the Fremont Municipal Code, applicable state and federal statutes, State Department of Agriculture records, submissions to the City Council regarding animal control at the May 5, 2020 and May 12, 2020 City Council meetings, the statute which provides public notice requirements for impounded animals, Quin Eaton to provide related statutes and codes, definitions of Animal Control Officer and Animal Control Authority in the Municipal Code – address whether contract fulfills these activities, sales agreement for the DCHS building. Ayes: Platt, Kempenar, Semrad, Eaton, Pence, Kracl, Shanahan, Homan. Motion carried. Moved by Eaton, seconded by Platt to approve making a request to DCHS under items 16a. and 16b. of the DCHS contract for property, personnel, and financial records for the past five years. Ayes: Platt, Kempenar, Semrad, Eaton, Pence, Kracl, Shanahan, Homan. Motion carried. 8. Set next meeting date and time. Moved by Shanahan and seconded by Kracl to set the next meeting date and time for July 16, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. Ayes: Platt, Kempenar, Semrad, Eaton, Pence, Kracl, Shanahan, Homan. Motion carried. 9. Adjournment. Motion made by Platt, Seconded by Kempenar to adjourn; time: 6:13 PM. Ayes: Platt, Kempenar, Semrad, Eaton, Pence, Kracl, Shanahan, Homan. Motion carried. APPROVED AND ACCEPTED AS THE OFFICIAL COPY OF THE FREMONT, NEBRASKA ANIMAL CONTROL CITIZEN’S ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES FOR MAY 20, 2020. Mike Semrad, Secretary Shawn Shanahan, Chairperson July 10, 2020 Effective today, I hereby resign from The City Council appointed Animal Control Committee formed to review the city contract with The Dodge County Humane Society. I am extremely passionate as to animal rights and will continue to be available for advice, contract questions or anything else concerning animal rights in Fremont. My contact information is listed at the bottom of this notice. In retirement I’ve taken on several important projects, all existing well prior to my selection to this committee. I’ve decided I simply cannot devote the time required to analyze the large amount information required for an educated and complete analysis because of other projects I have to address. I have been frustrated with the delay of requested information from both the City and the Fremont Police Department. Much of the requested information was not received until this week, after 2 months since our first meeting. My reasons for resignation include: Being the sole caregiver to an elderly couple I’ve known my entire life, being President of The Nebraska Performing Arts Hall of Fame 501c3, paying attention to a prior home to arrange repairs, remodeling, personal property auction and sale, all affected by Covid-19 restrictions. I must prioritize . I feel regardless of the committee decision as to contract validity; animal rights issues between the City and The Humane Society will not be resolved. I call on the city council to immediately come up with alternative solutions as to Fremont animal control issues, regardless of this committee recommendation. Nothing will be resolved if continued reported abuse issues are not addressed should the contract deemed valid or if the decision is that thd contrac is invalid. This must be discussed and alternatives approved now. What does the City do regardless of contract validity? I’d be glad to provide written alternative ideas to assist. Again, as an owner of 3 rescued dogs, I’m deeply concerned about animal rights. The DCHS Board of Directors need to step up, directly address possible abuses and positives, along with having regular required and open communication with the City about animal abuse allegations, adherence to the city contract, city animal ordinances, as well as state and federal compliance as to animal rights. Finally, the DCHS Board need to make public a complete independent audit of the DCHS tax returns, deposit balances over the last 3-4 years, valid or invalid disbursements, income and expenses, loans and grant requirements (if any) and restrictions for the use of grant or donation funds, as applicable. The City needs to address such an audit as it pertains to city contracts, ordinances, and law and legally determine their involvement or not; and if not; who is responsible for oversight. Thank you: Michael L. Semrad, Sr Cell: 402-720-4554 Email: [email protected] 6/5/2020 Outline of Nebraska Open Meetings Act | Nebraska Attorney General Doug Peterson Doug Peterson Home (/) / Open Government (/open-government) / Outline of Nebraska Open Meetings Act Outline of Nebraska Open Meetings Act The Nebraska Open Meetings Act guarantees that every meeting of a public body shall be open to the public in order that citizens may exercise their democratic privilege of attending and speaking at meetings of public bodies. The information below details Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 84-1407 through 84-1414 (2014, Cum. Supp. 2018). BASIC PROVISION PUBLIC BODIES WHICH ARE COVERED MEETING DEFINED PUBLIC MEETINGS BY VIDEOCONFERENCING AND TELEPHONE CONFERENCE CALL PUBLIC MEETINGS; NOTICE AND AGENDA REQUIRED EMERGENCY MEETINGS PUBLIC MEETINGS; MINUTES AND VOTING PROCEDURES PUBLIC MEETINGS; RIGHTS OF THE PUBLIC ATTENDING CLOSED SESSIONS OF A PUBLIC BODY CIRCUMVENTION OF THE OPEN MEETINGS ACT ACTIONS FOR ENFORCEMENT CRIMINAL SANCTIONS BASIC PROVISION https://ago.nebraska.gov/open-meetings#:~:text=Every meeting of a public body shall be open to,and the Open Meetings Act." 1/42 6/5/2020 Outline of Nebraska Open Meetings Act | Nebraska Attorney General Doug Peterson A.
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