95 ISSN 0103-5118 Órgão Oficial da Academia Brasileira de Neurocirurgia Volume 20 Número 2 Abril - Maio - Junho 2009 EDITOR Ápio Cláudio Martins Antunes Porto Alegre / RS EDITORES ASSOCIADOS Luiz Roberto Aguiar Curitiba / PR Paulo Henrique Pires de Aguiar São Paulo / SP CONSELHO EDITORIAL CONSELHO Editorial INTERNACIONAL Benedito Oscar Colli (Ribeirão Preto / SP) Alejandra Rabadán (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Carlos Umberto Pereira (Aracaju / SE) Antonio Daher (Valencia, Venezuela) Carolina Martins (Recife / PE) Danielle Rigamonti (Baltimore, EUA) Evandro Pinto da Luz de Oliveira (São Paulo / SP) Daniel Maitrot (Estrasburgo, França) Hildo Cirne de Azevedo Filho (Recife / PE) Graziela Zuccaro (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Jorge Wladimir Junqueira Bizzi (Porto Alegre / RS) Howard Eisenberg (Baltimore, EUA) Luis Alencar Borba (Curitiba / PR) Jacques Morcos (Miami, Florida, EUA) Luiz Renato Mello (Blumenau / SC) Julio Antico (Buenos Aires, Argentina) Manoel Jacobsen Teixeira (São Paulo / SP) Leonidas Quintana (Viña Del Mar, Chile) Osvaldo Vilela Filho (Goiânia / GO) Marco Gonzales Portillo (Lima, Peru) Oswaldo Inácio Tella Junior (São Paulo / SP) Marcos Tatagiba (Tubingen, Alemanha) Paulo Niemeyer Soares Filho (Rio de Janeiro / RJ) Pradeep Narothan (Nebraska, EUA) Ricardo Ramina (Curitiba / PR) René Chapot (Limoges, França) Sebastião Gusmão (Belo Horizonte / MG) Sugit Prabul (Houston, EUA) Yasunori Fujimoto (Osaka, Japão) Yoko Kato (Nagoya, Japão) 96 Expediente Academia Brasileira de Neurocirurgia Filiada à World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies DIRETORIA Biênio 2007/2008 Presidente: Luiz Roberto Aguiar – Curitiba Vice-presidente: José Luciano Gonçalves de Araújo – Natal Presidente Eleito: Albedy Moreira Bastos – Belém Secretário: Adriano Keijiro Maeda – Curitiba Tesoureiro: Sérgio Alberto Wolf – Joinville Editor do jornal: Ápio Cláudio Martins Antunes – Porto Alegre CONSELHO DELIBERATIVO Anselmo Saturnino Teixeira – Rio de Janeiro Antonio César Azevedo Neves – Belém Ápio Cláudio Martins Antunes – Porto Alegre Carlos Tadeu Parisi de Oliveira – São Paulo Durval Peixoto de Deus – Goiânia Edson Mendes Nunes – Rio de Janeiro Evandro Pinto da Luz Oliveira – São Paulo Flávio Belmino Barbosa Evangelista – Fortaleza Gervásio de Britto Mello Filho – Belém Hélio Ferreira Lopes – Rio de Janeiro Hildo Rocha Cirne Azevedo Filho – Recife José Arnaldo Motta de Arruda – Fortaleza Marcos Masini – Brasília Paulo Henrique Pires de Aguiar – São Paulo Sebastião Natanael Silva Gusmão – Belo Horizonte SECRETARIA PERMANENTE Secretário geral: Edson Mendes Nunes – Rio de Janeiro Secretário auxiliar: Hélio Ferreira Lopes – Rio de Janeiro Marco Antonio Herculano – Jundiaí SEDE PRÓPRIA Rua da Quitanda, 159, 10º andar, Centro 22011-030 – Rio de Janeiro, RJ – Brasil Telefax: (21) 2233-0323 [email protected] PROJeto GRÁFICO E EditoraÇÃO Midia Arte www.midiaarte.com.br EDITOR ASSOCIADO DESTE VOLUME Leonardo Frighetto J Bras Neurocirurg 20 (2): 96, 2009 97 Índice Contents / Índice Original Articles / Artigos Originais The use of the cyberknife stereotactic radiosurgery system for the treatment of intracranial and extracranial residual or recurrent chordoma ....................................................................................102 O uso do sistema cyberknife de radiocirurgia estereotáxica para o tratamento de cordomas recorrentes ou residuai intra e extracranianos Marco Lee, Robert E. Lieberson, Scott G. Soltys , Iris C. Gibbs, John R. Adler Jr, Steven D. Chang Cavernous sinus meningiomas: a radiosurgical pathology ...........................110 Meningeomas do seio cavernoso: uma patologia neurocirúrgica Roberto Spiegelmann, Zvi R. Cohen, Uzi Nissim Fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy for the treatment of optic nerve sheath meningiomas .....................................................................119 Radioterapia esterotactica fracionada para o tratamento dos meningiomas da bainha do nervo optico David W. Andrews Radiosurgery for arteriovenous malformations ............................................126 Radiocirugia para malformações arteriovenosas cerebrais William A. Friedman, Frank J. Bova Stereotactic radiosurgery for the treatment of glomus tumors: long-term results...............................................................................................136 Radiocirurgia esterotáctica para o tratamento de tumores glômicos: resultados a longo prazo Vladimir Zaccariotti, João Arruda, Jean Paiva, Wenzel Abreu, Criseide Dourado, Nilceana Aires, Juliana Pinezzi, Carlos Bezerril, Flamarion Goulart, Valdeis Araújo, Kátia Resende Stereotactic radiosurgery for secreting pituitary tumors .............................143 Radiocirurgia estereotactica no tratamento dos tumors secretores da hipófise Salomon Benabou, Suely Maymone de Melo, Susana Dias Mario Review Articles / Artigos de Revisão Radiosurgery for trigeminal neuralgia: why, when and how? .....................149 Radiocirurgia para neuralgia do trigêmeo: porque, quando e como? Alessandra A. Gorgulho, Antonio A.F. de Salles Spine radiosurgery and dose tolerance to the spinal cord ............................161 Radiocirurgia espinhal e tolerancia da medula espinhal à dose aplicada Samir H. Patel, Jack Rock, Samuel Ryu Stereotactic irradiation for treatment of acoustic neuromas ........................169 Irradiação estereotactica no tratamento de neurinomas de acústico Michael T. Selch J Bras Neurocirurg 20 (2): 97, 2009 98 Índice Stereotactic radiosurgery in the management of brain metastases: could it thoroughly replace whole brain radiotherapy? .........................................................................................183 Radiocirurgia estereotactica no manuseio de metástases cerebrais: pode ela substitur completamente a radioterapia de todo o cérebro? Hidefumi Aoyama Fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy for optic nerve gliomas ...........................................................................................187 Radioterapia estereotatica fracionada para o tratamento dos gliomas do nervo óptico Angelika Zabel-du Bois, Peter Huber, Jürgen Debus, Stefanie Milker-Zabel Temas Livres do XIII Congresso da ABNC ...................................................192 Scientific Events / Eventos Científicos Agenda de Eventos Científicos ........................................................................301 J Bras Neurocirurg 20 (2): 98, 2009 99 Editorial CARTA DO EDITOR Stereotactic RAdIoSuRgery: A FuNdAmental part oF modern neuRoSuRgery Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS), developed almost 60 years ago, has now established its role in modern neurosurgery. Initially developed to generate small lesions in the brain for the treatment of movement disorders and chronic pain, SRS has expanded its role in the management of a wide range of neurosurgical pathologies. Leksell’s initial concept of minimally invasive, highly effective, and low risk treatment has become a reality in our daily practice. Every technique has its beginning and growth until reaching its maturity. We consider that this is the point where SRS is now. At this stage, the technique is not concerned in merely proving its efficacy anymore, as this has already been done. SRS is now breaking frontiers in order to treat extracranial targets. Even the most optimistic neurosurgeon or even Dr. Leksell himself might not have imagined that this neurosurgical technique is now being applied not only to the brain and spine, but also to the lung, liver, pancreas, and prostate. As in other fields of the medical science, SRS is constantly changing and improving. Although using the same basic concepts since it was first idealized, technology has changed the way in which it has been performed. These technological advances were based in three major areas: neuroimaging, computer technology, and the development of precise and accurate radiosurgical tools. Modern neuroimaging has allowed the neurosurgeon to virtually dissect the brain and its pathologies. Advances in magnetic resonance imaging provides details never seen before, including the ability to identify the cranial nerves and provide precise information regarding blood flow, white matter tracts, and ultrastructural compo- nents of many brain lesions. Developments in computer technology have also had an impact in the advance of SRS. Improved planning software expedites treatment planning considerably. Computer aided tracking systems allow for extracranial treatments to maintain accuracy, even while the target is in motion. Furthermore, computer assisted treatments provide confirmation of patient positioning to allow for frameless stereotactic radiotherapy (SRT) without cum- bersome and time consuming manual methods. Newer radiosurgical tools have also added to the previously available techniques. Robotic treatment beds and robotic arms, removable fixation devices, infrared fiducial markers, laser beams, Xrays, and fluoroscopy have all been utilized to improve the delivery of SRS. Further advances include the availability of micro multileaf collimators, the capability of performing SRT, intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT), and frameless stereo- tactic radiosurgery for the brain, spine, and the whole body. Together, these advances have forever changed the paradigm that radiosurgery is only capable of treating small lesions up to three centimeters. Today we might call the field “Stereotactic Radiation,” encompassing the ability to treat small lesions in a single fraction and large lesions in many fractions with SRT. A significant effort over many years was necessary
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