Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System (VMNIS) WHO Global Database on Vitamin A Deficiency The Vitamin A Deficiency database includes data by country based on xerophthalmia and/or serum or plasma retinol concentration BURKINA FASO Last Updated: 2007-06-05 Prevalence of xerophthalmia (%) Serum / plasma retinol concentration (µmol/l) Prevalence (%) Reference Notes Age Sample Mean SD Level Date Location and sample descriptor Sex (years) size Current Previous X1B X2 X3A X3B XS <0.35 <0.70 < 1.05 XN XN General Line LR 2006P Kokologho department: Pre-SAC by group: Activitie B 2.00-3.99 69 36.2 0.82 0.27 5691 * Kokologho department: Pre-SAC by group: Activitie B 2.00-3.99 67 32.8 0.81 0.28 D 2003 -2004 Kaya department: SAC Total B 7.00-12.07 214 15.0 47.2 0.77 0.37 5721 * 1 Kaya department: SAC by sex F 7.00-12.07 92 46.7 0.79 0.37 Kaya department: SAC by sex M 7.00-12.07 122 47.5 0.78 0.37 Bogandé district: SAC control group: Total B NS 106 0.0 23.6 0.96 0.36 2 Bogandé district: SAC supplement group: Total B NS 114 0.0 40.4 0.82 0.30 3 Bogandé district: SAC by sex and group: Control F NS 46 15.5 0.96 0.35 Bogandé district: SAC by sex and group: Control M NS 60 25.5 0.95 0.38 Bogandé district: SAC by sex and group: Suppleme F NS 56 36.4 0.83 0.30 Bogandé district: SAC by sex and group: Suppleme M NS 56 44.1 0.81 0.29 N 2003 National: Women: Total F 15.00-49.99 7428 13.00 4948 * 4 Women by age F 15.00-19.99 1021 10.80 5 Women by age F 20.00-24.99 1920 12.30 6 Women by age F 25.00-29.99 1700 11.70 7 Women by age F 30.00-34.99 1248 16.20 8 Women by age F 35.00-49.99 1539 14.50 9 Women by area: Urban F 15.00-49.99 1055 8.10 10 Women by area: Rural F 15.00-49.99 6372 13.80 11 Women by region: Boucle du Mouhoun F 15.00-49.99 548 13.10 12 Women by region: Cascades F 15.00-49.99 237 8.10 13 Women by region: Centre (without Ouagadougou) F 15.00-49.99 142 15.00 14 Women by region: Centre Nord F 15.00-49.99 700 15.10 15 Women by region: Centre Ouest F 15.00-49.99 531 16.40 16 Women by region: Centre-Est F 15.00-49.99 615 5.10 17 Women by region: Centre-Sud F 15.00-49.99 430 12.80 18 Women by region: Est F 15.00-49.99 629 3.00 19 Women by region: Hauts-Bassins F 15.00-49.99 975 11.80 20 Women by region: Nord F 15.00-49.99 807 23.60 21 Women by region: Ouagadougou F 15.00-49.99 470 8.40 22 Women by region: Plateau Central F 15.00-49.99 382 10.20 23 Women by region: Sahel F 15.00-49.99 572 24.20 24 Women by region: Sud-Ouest F 15.00-49.99 389 9.00 25 S 2001 -2002 5 provinces: SAC: Total B 5.00-16.99 1370 2.10 2.80 5225 * SAC by sex F 5.00-16.99 551 0.70 2.40 © WHO Global Database on Vitamin A Deficiency Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System (VMNIS) WHO Global Database on Vitamin A Deficiency The Vitamin A Deficiency database includes data by country based on xerophthalmia and/or serum or plasma retinol concentration BURKINA FASO Last Updated: 2007-06-05 Prevalence of xerophthalmia (%) Serum / plasma retinol concentration (µmol/l) Prevalence (%) Reference Notes Age Sample Mean SD Level Date Location and sample descriptor Sex (years) size Current Previous X1B X2 X3A X3B XS <0.35 <0.70 < 1.05 XN XN General Line S 2001 -2002 SAC by sex M 5.00-16.99 819 3.10 3.10 5225 SAC by province: Boulkiemde B 5.00-16.99 350 1.10 3.40 SAC by province: Oudalan B 5.00-16.99 147 3.40 9.50 SAC by province: Sanguie B 5.00-16.99 217 0.90 0.90 SAC by province: Sanmatenga B 5.00-16.99 271 1.50 0.40 SAC by province: Zoundweogo B 5.00-16.99 385 3.60 2.30 L 2000P Dierma village: All B NS 370 6.80 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2076 * D 2000P Sapone and Ipelce departments: SAC: Total B 5.00-19.99 940 2.10 2.20 5229 * L 1999 Kaya department: Pre-SAC B 1.00-3.07 199 13.0 84.5 0.55 0.02 5093 * Kaya department: Women F NS 199 15.5 61.8 0.69 0.02 R 1996 15 provinces: Pre-SAC/SAC: Total B 0.50-10.99 5094 0.60 0.00 0.00 5801 * Pre-SAC/SAC by age B 0.50-5.99 3173 0.60 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age B 2.00-5.99 2613 1.50 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age B 6.00-10.99 1921 1.90 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Bazèga B 0.50-5.99 NS 0.00 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Bazèga B 2.00-5.99 NS 0.00 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Bazèga B 6.00-10.99 NS 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Bougouriba B 0.50-5.99 174 0.60 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Bougouriba B 2.00-5.99 139 0.00 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Bougouriba B 6.00-10.99 105 0.00 1.90 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Comoé B 0.50-5.99 210 4.80 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Comoé B 2.00-5.99 184 0.00 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Comoé B 6.00-10.99 153 0.00 0.60 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Gnagna B 0.50-5.99 199 0.00 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Gnagna B 2.00-5.99 173 5.80 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Gnagna B 6.00-10.99 117 8.55 0.00 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Houet B 0.50-5.99 NS 0.00 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Houet B 2.00-5.99 NS 0.00 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Houet B 6.00-10.99 NS 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Kénédougou B 0.50-5.99 NS 0.00 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Kénédougou B 2.00-5.99 NS 0.00 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Kénédougou B 6.00-10.99 NS 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Kossi B 0.50-5.99 NS 0.00 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Kossi B 2.00-5.99 NS 0.00 0.00 © WHO Global Database on Vitamin A Deficiency Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System (VMNIS) WHO Global Database on Vitamin A Deficiency The Vitamin A Deficiency database includes data by country based on xerophthalmia and/or serum or plasma retinol concentration BURKINA FASO Last Updated: 2007-06-05 Prevalence of xerophthalmia (%) Serum / plasma retinol concentration (µmol/l) Prevalence (%) Reference Notes Age Sample Mean SD Level Date Location and sample descriptor Sex (years) size Current Previous X1B X2 X3A X3B XS <0.35 <0.70 < 1.05 XN XN General Line R 1996 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Kossi B 6.00-10.99 NS 0.00 0.00 0.00 5801 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Kouritenga B 0.50-5.99 120 0.80 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Kouritenga B 2.00-5.99 145 6.20 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Kouritenga B 6.00-10.99 145 4.80 0.00 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Mouhoun B 0.50-5.99 197 0.00 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Mouhoun B 2.00-5.99 174 2.30 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Mouhoun B 6.00-10.99 110 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Oudalan B 0.50-5.99 225 0.40 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Oudalan B 2.00-5.99 189 1.60 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Oudalan B 6.00-10.99 105 4.80 3.80 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Poni B 0.50-5.99 181 3.30 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Poni B 2.00-5.99 151 0.00 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Poni B 6.00-10.99 105 0.00 1.90 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Séno B 0.50-5.99 170 1.20 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Séno B 2.00-5.99 146 2.05 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Séno B 6.00-10.99 105 3.81 0.90 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Soum B 0.50-5.99 180 2.80 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Soum B 2.00-5.99 165 4.80 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Soum B 6.00-10.99 92 8.70 2.20 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Sourou B 0.50-5.99 244 0.80 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Sourou B 2.00-5.99 191 0.50 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Sourou B 6.00-10.99 129 0.00 0.70 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Zoundwéogo B 0.50-5.99 132 0.00 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Zoundwéogo B 2.00-5.99 101 0.90 0.00 Pre-SAC/SAC by age and province: Zoundwéogo B 6.00-10.99 96 0.00 0.00 0.00 S 1986 3 provinces: Pre-SAC B 0.00-5.99 1103 0.27 0.00 0.09 194 * 26 3 Provinces: Pre-SAC B 2.00-5.99 817 2.82 3 Provinces: SAC B 6.00-10.07 932 2.36 2.15 0.00 0.32 27 © WHO Global Database on Vitamin A Deficiency NOTES BURKINA FASO Reference No: 5691 General notes: Sample comprised randomly selected pre-SAC from the department of Kokologho in the rural west Burkina Faso.
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