, 1-ls-lf9 UNITED ST ATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Carroll Company 2900 West Kingsley Road Garland, TX 75041 Subject: 776 Disinfectant, Virucide and Cleaner EPA Registration No. 4313-22 Amendment Dated November 9, 1998 Attn: Linda Kirk Kirby Director, Regulatory Compliance The amendment referred to above, submitted in connection with registration under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, as amended, is acceptable. A stamped copy of the label is enclosed for your records. Submit one (I) copy ofthe finished printed label before this product is released for shipment. If you have any questions concerning the comments in this letter, you should contact Zenobia Jones at (703) 308-6198. Sincerely, ) JJ~lvJHdL Velma Noble Product Manager 31 Regulatory Management Branch I Antimicrobial Division (751 OW) COHCURRI!HCI!S ::::} ·m·I~ .Q........ ................ - ....................................... -................................ _............................. DATE ) . \-1i.-9l1... ....... ................... ................. .................................................................................... OFFICIAL FILE COpy Primed Oft R~cye/~d Paper ~' '....,-. " DISINFECTANT, UIRUCIDE* AND CLEANER FOR HOSPITAL INSTITUTIONAL ACTIVE INGREDIENT: AND iNDUSTRIAL USE Alkyl (C14 50%, C12 40%, C16 10%) dimelhyl • benzyl ammonium chloride........... 3.3 Yo ·Hum8n immunodeficiency virus, Type 1 (HIV-l) INERT INGR~DIENTS .................. 96.7% KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN DANGER See back panel for additional precautionary and first aide statements. )l.CCEPTED with COMMENTS in EPA Letter Dated: .,VtllS\91J9 Under tne Federal Insecticide. r.ngicide. and Rodenticide /let •• amenued. lor the pesliclde. r09iStered under EPAk9· No. q313 ~ ~ t VJ .' • "-' .~~,- .., .... This disinfectant hasa pleasing lemon fragrance and makes a bright. clear yellow solution CLEANINGPROCEDURE:BIoodandotherbodylkJesmuslbe1tlOrOug1lydeanedfromSUlfaces when mixed with waler. 00 not mix wlth soap or other del ergents. andobj8C1sbeforeapplicaOonofthedisinfectanl. DlSPOSALOFINFECTlOUSMATERIALS: DtRECT10NS FOR USE BIo(xj and other body fluids should be auloclaved and disposed 01 according 10 federal, Slal.and Itls8 violalionollederallawlo use Ihisproduci tn a mannerinconsistenl with its labeling. local regulations lor infectiouS waste disposal. CONT ACTTtME: EHective against HIV-l (AIDS Virus) on hard, nonporoussurfaces in the~of a rnoderateamounlol arganicsoil (5%bIood Foruse on precleaned. hartl. narWnale surfaces. For heavy soil or organic matter, a predaaning serum)whendiluted 1:32. Surfaces mus1 remain wee lor 10 .......... lesat rocm t9lll)et8tuf9 (2G-25"C). step isreqUred. Rinse Mih clearwater. Apply disinfectant solution of two ounces per galloo 01 PRECAl1T1ONARYSTATEMENTS-HAZARDSTOHUMANSANDrx>MESllCANIMALS waterwilh clothO( mop to toilelS, restroom floors, shower sialls, diaper pails and garoage cans. Wetalsurfacesthoroughly. Use lourouncespergallonolwater for sick rooms, hospHals, or KeepOuto'Aeacho'Chik::lren.Corrosive,causeseyedamageandskin clinics. Kaepsurlaces wallorat least 10 minutes. Preparea fresh solution daityor when use DANGER: irritation. Do not get in eyes, on skinoron clothing. Wear goggles or 'ace shield and rubber solulionbeoomesvlsiblydirty. gloves when handling. Harmlul orlalalil swallowed. This product Is effecclVa against the following organisms' In case 01 coniaCl, invnoolately flush eyes or skin with plenty 0' water lor atleasl15 minules. For Pseud0m0na5aerugil'lOSa Siaphylococcusaureus eyes, call a physician. Remove and wash all contaminated dolhing before reuse. If swallowed, Salrnoll8Jlacholeraasuts Human immUnodeficiency virus, Type 1 drink large Quantities 0' water. Calla physiCian. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: Probable mucosal 1 This producI is not to be used as a lennlnal slerilanVhigh level disinfectant on any surface or damage may contraindicate the use of gastric tavage. Measures against circulatory shock. instrument that (1) is introduced directlyinto the human body , either into or in contact with the respiratory depression and convulsion may be needed. bklodstreamornonnallysterile areasof Ihebody, Of (2) contacts intact mucous membranes bul STORAGE AND DISPOSAL whlchdOea notOfdinaritypenetrat.1he blood barrier or otherwise enler normally stenle areas 00 NOT CONTAMINATE WATER, FOOD, OR FEED BY STORAGE OR DISPOSAL_ oltho body, Thlsproduct may be used 10 preclean ordecontaminale crilical or semi-<:rilical STORAGE: Keepcontainer closed when not in use. 00 not store near heat or open Hame. medical devices priorto sterilization or high level disinfection. PESTICIDE OISPOSAL:Wasles resuntnglrom the use olthisprodUCI maybedisposedol on ~HIV·1 ONPAECLEANEDEtMRONMENTALSURFACE5.()BJECTS PREvtoUSlY site or at an approved wasle disposal facility.CONTAINER OtSPOSAL: Plutic Conta;lnen­ SOLEDWfTHIILOOIlr'BOOYR.UlDSinheallhcaresettingSorotherseUingsinwhichlhereisan Triple rinse (or equivalent). Then oHer lor recycling or reconditioning orpuncture and dispose mcpectedlikelihood ofsoiling of nanrnate surfaces/objects with blo(xj or body fluids, and in which of In a sanitary Iand'iU, or by incineration, or, iI allowed by stale and local authorities, bybuming. flesurtaceslobfedslikelylObesoiledwtthbioodorbodynuidscanbeassocialoolMthlhopotonlial II bumed, stay out 01 smoke. fortransmisskloOlhLmanlnvrunodeliciencyvirus, Type 1 (HIV·t) (aSSOCialed"";lhAIDS). SPEQALNSTRUC'TlONSFORQ...£.AAWMlANODECONTAMHATJONAG.U6THrVOFSUR­ EPARegNo.4313-22 EPA Elf_ No. 4313·TX·1 FACESOBJECTSSOIlBlWITHBI.DOI>9OOYFlUDS,PERSONALPOOlECIlON,CIElan.4J 776-0396 should always be done wearing protective latex gloves, gowns, masks, and eye protection. 2900W. Kingsley Rd .• Garland, TX 75041 (800) 527-5722 • http://www.carrollco.com o , ACCEPTED .. With COMMENTS In EPA Leller Dated: .wi 15 1999 Under tile federallnseclicide, fingfcide, and Rodenticide Acr as amended, ror the pesticide, ~/'!7 1.3--b).~ registered IUldol EPA RIg. No. -r~/' ~I .
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