INDEX A Austerity measures, 60, 72, 117, 145, ‘ABC’ trial, 324 193, 354, 356 Adapting to Protest 2009, 331–332 Agents provocateurs, 40 Alderson, John, 193, 224, 323 B al-Qaeda, 238, 240, 243–244, 248, Baton rounds, 221, 313 251, 252, 259, 265, 266, 270, ‘Battle of the Bogside’ 1969, 252 284–285, 359–361, 384 Black bloc tactics, 67–68, 370 Amnesty International, 134, Blacking, 154, 159, 165 253, 279, 291 Blacklisting, 170, 171 Angry Brigade, 240, 242, Blockades, 47, 88, 89, 102, 250, 289 108–109, 113, 125, 329 Anomie, 192–193 ‘Bloody Sunday’ 1972, 252, 254 Anti-capitalist movement, 16, 99, Bomb Squad, 289 353, 356 Breach of the peace, 126, Anti-fracking, 32 167, 172, 215 Anti-globalisation movement, Brexit, 361 353, 354 Bugging, 39, 43 Apartheid anti-apartheid movement, 35, 60 Association of Chief Police Officers C (ACPO) Cabinet Office Briefing Room Manual of Guidance on Keeping the (COBRA or COBR), 47, 259 Peace, 1983, 222 Campaign groups, 15, 118 Public Order Manual of Tactical Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament Operations and Related (CND), 14, 35, 40, 43, 54, 55, Matters, 2007, 28, 174, 314, 315 62, 104, 308 Attenuating energy projectiles, Channel, 1, 57, 201, 278, 221, 223 280, 283, 294 © The Author(s) 2016 391 P. Joyce, The Policing of Protest, Disorder and International Terrorism in the UK since 1945, DOI 10.1057/978-1-137-29059-5 392 INDEX Chicago School of Human Counter Terrorism Internet Referral Ecology, 195 Unit, 280 Child poverty, 217–219 Counterterrorism Pursuit Teams, 384 Citizen journalists, 69, 330 Counter Terrorism Units, 280 Civic engagement, 15 Critical Mass, 74, 117 Civil Contingencies Unit (CCU), 47 Crop pulling, 115 Civil disobedience CS gas, 68, 210, 224, 313, 315 ‘Great Sunday Squat’ 1946, 127 Cycle of protest, 58, 96 Greenham Common 1981– 2000, 104–105 Parliament Square, London, D 1961, 104 Demonstration Plane stupid 2005 counter demonstrations, 53, 60, 70, onwards, 105–106 75, 76 rate capping 1985, 105 static demonstrations, 53–54, 71, Climate Camp, 77, 79, 339 73, 88 Closed circuit television (CCTV), 222, Demonstrations 291, 312, 316 Aldermaston 1958, 54 Coercion, 111, 318 Burntollet Bridge 1969, 63 Committee of One Hundred, 62, Carnival Against Capitalism 308, 328 1999, 330 Consensus politics, 8–90 Countryside Alliance 2002, 59 Consumer boycott, 16, 61, G 20 Summit 2009, 66 111–113, 156 Grosvenor Square 1968, 34, 60, 62, Contained groups, 328–329 67, 317, 357 CONTEST, 273, 274, 277, Hyde 1977, 68 278, 281, 282–283, Lewisham 1977, 75, 81, 314 285, 290 March Against Monsanto 2013, 61 Conventional political activity, 1–15, March for the Alternative 2011, 59, 19, 20, 56, 57, 186, 237 145, 332 Conventional politics, 1–21, 56, May Day 2000 and 2001, 330 59, 92, 93, 98, Queen Frederica 1963, 62 184–186, 200 Red Lion Square 1974, 60, 63, 78, 79 Corporate power, 20–21 Right to Work 1976, 56 Counterculture protest Southall 1979, 60, 64–65, 76, 78 ‘Battle of the Beanfield’ 1985, 107, Stop the City 1983 and 1984, 330 132 Trafalgar Square 1990, 65–66 Dale Farm 2011, 107, 133, 134, 334 Women’s Liberation 1971, 55 Earth Day 1970, 106 Depravation, 200, 207–208, 216 Counter Terrorism Command, 290 Deprivation, 17, 98, 103, 143, Counter Terrorism Fusion 182–185, 199–201, 216, 217, Centre, 366 241, 246, 291 INDEX 393 Differential association, 197, 244 European Economic Community Diplock Courts, 278, 279 (ERU), 18, 361 Direct action European Union (EU) Darley Oaks Farm 1999-2005, Anti-terrorism Road Map, 378 101, 111 Eurojust, 363, 369, 373, 379 Fracking 2013, 102, 110 European Arrest Warrant, 379 Fuel Crisis 2000, 90, 101–102, 109 European Crime Network, 363 live animal export 1994–95, 100–101, Hague Programme 2004, 362, 129–131 363, 368 Live animal testing 1999, 101 joint action, 363, 373–374 Newbury bypass 1996, 110 Justice and Home Affairs Council Stop the Seventies Tour (JHAC), 362, 365, 368, 376, 1969-70, 99–100 377, 379 Twyford Down 1992, 100 Legal Enforcement Network, 379 Dirty War, 297–299 Lisbon Treaty 2009, 364, 365 Domestic extremism Maastricht Treaty 1993, 361, 364, cyber terrorist, 336 367, 371 eco terrorist, 336 money laundering, 378, 380 National Coordinator for Domestic Stockholm Programme Extremism, 337 2009, 362–364, 376 National Domestic Extremism and Tampere Programme 1999, 362 Disorder Intelligence Unit, 337 third pillar, 361, 362, 364, 367, 381 National Domestic Extremism Treaty of Amsterdam, 362, 363, 371 Unit, 337 violent troublemakers, 375, 376 Dongas Tribe, 94 Europol Doorstepping, 111, 276 Counter Terrorism Task Force, 369 European Union Situation and Trend Report (TE-SAT), 370 E Joint Investigative Teams (JITs), 369 Earth First !, 16, 17 Organised Crime Threat ECHELON, 381, 382 Assessments (OCTAs), 368 Economic League, 170 Trevi group, 366 Elections Evidence gatherers (EGs), 37 young people, 12 Exclusion orders Empowerment, 6, 146, 214 exclusion decisions, 278 Establishment, 5, 16, 54–55, 61, 118, Extra-parliamentary political 121, 122, 250, 329, 362, 367, 371 activities, 1 Euro-anarchists, 375 European Convention on Human Rights, 38, 43, 70, 170, F 279, 287, 293, 333, Fanon, Franz, 252 334, 343 Flashpoint model, 191, 192 394 INDEX Forward Intelligence Teams overt intelligence, 36–37, 75 (FITs), 37, 75, 336 Interception of communications, 38, Friends of the Earth, 14 43, 44 International Monetary Fund (IMF), 18, 19, 60, G 308, 354, 356 Gangs, 198, 199, 209, 216, 219 Internment, 278–280 General election campaigns, 10, 187 Interpol, 365–366 General elections, 3–4, 6, 7, 9, 10, Interrogation, 278, 290, 291, 383 12–15, 145, 148, 153, 155, 163, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria 187, 319, 320 (ISIS), 251, 252, 277, 359, Genetically modified crops 366, 384 genetically modified food, 115 Islamic State (IS), 251, 359, 384 genetically modified organisms, 116 Islamic State of Syria and the Levant Global Counter Terrorism (ISIL), 251 Forum, 360 Global economy, 19, 354 Globalization J – of capitalism, 18 19, 354, 355 J-curve, 191 Global Justice Movement (GJM), 91, Joint Intelligence Committee, 48, – 99, 330, 353 356 272, 273 – Global terrorism, 358 358, 366 Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre Gold, silver, bronze command and (JTAC), 273 control hierarchy, 82 Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), 35, 44, K 169, 281, 322, 324, 342, 382 Kettling, 66, 76–78, 330, 333 Greenpeace, 14, 21, 92, 112, 115, 357, 372 Guerrilla gardening, 117–118 L Le Bon, Gustave, 189, 190 H Left realism, 199 Hactivism, 342 Legislation Huntingdon Life Sciences, 101 1361 Justices of the Peace Act, 126 1714 Riot Act, 215 1871 Trade Union Act, 143 I 1875 Conspiracy and Protection of Informants Property Act, 152 supergrasses291 1886 Riot Damages Act, 215 Intelligence gathering 1890 Police Act, 29 covert intelligence, 38–40 1894 Merchant Shipping Act, 151 INDEX 395 1911 Official Secrets Act, 126, 1992 Trade Union and Labour 324, 327 Relations (Consolidation) 1914 Defence of the Realm Act, 167 Act, 161, 168 1994 Criminal Justice and Public 1920 Emergency Powers Act, 161 Order Act, 71, 125, 127, 129, 1936 Public Order Act, 281, 326 68, 70 1994 Intelligence Services Act, 44 1939 Emergency Powers (Defence) 1996 Police Act, 29, 172 Act, 162, 168 1996 Security Services Act, 44 1951 Public Order (Northern 1997 Police Act, 43 Ireland) Act, 72 1998 Data Protection Act, 1964 Emergency Powers 43, 339 Act, 162, 168 1998 Human Rights Act, 44, 1964 Police Act, 29, 71–72, 287, 329, 331 210, 226 1998 Pubic Processions (Northern 1967 Criminal Law Act, 215, 297 Ireland) Act, 73 1967 General Rate Act, 105 1999 Employment Relations 1967 Marine &c. Broadcasting Act, 171 (Offences) Act, 128 2000 Freedom of Information 1971 Industrial Relations Act, Act, 45, 343–344 153, 163 2000 Regulation of Investigatory 1973 Northern Ireland (Emergency Powers Act, 44–45, 287 Provisions) Act, 274 2000 Terrorism Act, 131, 237, 1974 Prevention of Terrorism 275–276, 285–287, (Temporary Provisions) Act, 256, 291, 333 274–275, 278 2001 Anti-terrorism, Crime and 1977 Criminal Law Act, 127 Security Act, 276, 1980 Employment Act, 157 279, 288 1980 Highways Act, 172 2001 Criminal Justice and Police 1982 Employment Act, 167 Act, 276 1984 Data Protection Act, 43 2004 Civil Contingencies Act, 47, 1984 Trade Union Act, 167 49, 162, 273 1985 Interception of 2005 Serious Organised Crime and Communications Act, 43 Police Act, 117, 292 1986 Civil Protection in Peacetime 2006 Terrorism Act, 238, Act, 46 276–277, 291 1986 Public Order Act, 71, 129, 2007 Tribunals, Courts and 130, 179, Enforcement Act, 32 215, 325, 329 2008 Climate Change Act, 105 1988 Employment Act, 167 2008 Counter-terrorism Act, 277 1989 Official Secrets Act, 45, 127 2010 Terrorist Asset Freezing 1989 Security Service Act, 36, 43 Act, 277 396 INDEX Legislation (cont.) Military 2010 Terrorist Asset Freezing and civil emergencies, 31 (Temporary Provisions) Act, 277 Military Aid to the Civilian 2011 Terrorism Prevention and Communities (MACA), 31 Investigation Measures Act, Military Aid to the Civilian 279, 291 Ministries (MACM), 31 2012 Legal Aid, Sentencing and Military Aid to the Civil Power Punishment of Offenders Act, 127 (MACP), 31 2012 Protection of Freedoms Military Assistance to the Civilian Act, 275, 333 Authorities (MACA), 31 2013 Justice and Security Act, 287 Minimum force, 318, 325 2015 Counter-terrorism and Moral panics, 200, 216 Security Act, 277–278, 284, 287, Multi-national companies 289 multi-nationals, 19 2016 Trade Union Act, 345 Mutual aid Liberal democracy, 42, Mutual Aid Coordination 285, 323 Committee (MACC), 30 Liberal democratic political National Police Coordination system, 32, 42, 70, 74, 76, 120,
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