TO THE MINISTER FOR JUSTICE, EQUALITY & LAW REFORM DON AIRE DLÍ AGUS CIRT, COMHIONANNAIS AGUS ATHCHÓIRITHE DLÍ ANNUAL REPORT OF AN GARDA SÍOCHÁNA Annual Report 1999 1999Tuarascáil Bhliantúil 1999 C OMPILED BY A N G ARDA S ÍOCHÁNA, G ARDA H EADQUARTERS, PHOENIX PARK, DUBLIN 8. CURTHA LE CHÉILE AG AN GARDA SÍOCHÁNA CEANNCHEATHRÚ NA NGARDAÍ, PÁIRC NA FHIONNUISCE BAILE ÁTHA CLIATH 8 AN GARDA SÍOCHÁNA ANNUAL REPORT 1999 A Aire Uasail Cuireann sé áthas orm tuairisc bhliaintúil an Gharda Slochána ón mblian 1999 a chur ós bhúr gcomhair. Tá lion na gcionta díotála a tuairiscíoch ag isliú go fóill. Táim bu'ioch de chomhaltaí an Gharda Síochána, agus foireann shibhialta na nGardaí as ucht a gcuid díograise agus proifisiúntachta agus iad ag obair le gníomachtaí stáit eile le tacaíocht an phobail. I gcompráid le 1998, bhí laghdú 5% ar an gclarú agus ó 1995 tá laghdú 21% san iomlán bainte amach. Gan amhras is iad na. stuaimeanna eagsúla stratéisí agus neartú acmhainní, daingeanaithe le tacaíocht an phobail agus arthaithe dlí atá mar chroílár chun an cuspóir a bhaint amach. Ach chun leibhéal 1999 maidir le tuairicsú coireanna a choinneál is dúshlán ann féin a bhéas ann. Cé go bhfuil laghdú beag ón mbliain seo chaite ar an ráta braite ag 42% fós féin is éacht súntasach 6 seo. Cé go soláthraíonn staitisticí cóir. an bunchloch le haghaidh polasaí feidhmiú dlí agus an modh le haghaidh roinnt acmhainnaí oibríonn siad. chomh maith mar threóir le haghaidh gníomhartha choistheach agus táim sa phroiseas cords a chruthú ina mbeidh anailís cóir ar phriomh cléim sa phroiseas choisctheach. Thosaígh an chéad mhír den choras nua aimseartha IT don Gharda Síochána, i mile naoi gcéad nocha naoi, b’é an toradh ná iochtan tapa agus comhordú l'eolas bainteacha, agus mar sin ag cur feabhsú ar fheidhmiú na nGardaí. Tá na ceisteanna a bheidh so thuigthe chun cords casta mar seo a chur I bhfeidhm a cheisiú tá roinnt acu sofheicthe sa tuairisc seo, sa tslí ina bhfuil analilís staitisicúil cruinn in easnamh maidir lena figiuirí, maidir leis na trí mhí deireadh. Tréith bhunúsach amhain ná, ár niarracht, a chuaigh i ndéine agus ar chomheagar chun báis ar na bóithre a laghdú Tháinig laghdú ar na, timpisti cinniúnacha le 45 (fuair 413 duine bás i 1999 i geomparáid le 458 il 1998). Leanfaidh fir niarracht chomhbhearaithe i mbliana le haghaidh ár gcuspóir a acquaint amach, sé sin bás, dochar, agus timpisti ar fir mboithre a laghdú. Beidh feabhas ag teacht ar seo, trid an modh ilgníomhaire ag oibriú le na roinne agus gníomhairí eile sa rialtas agus iad go léir ag obair chun na gealltanais atá Writhe sa stráitéis atá ag an rialtas ar shabháilteacht ar an mbóthar a acquaint amach. Is é atá'i gceist i mo phlean póilíneachta don bhlian atá rómhainn na mo dhícheall a dhéanamh chun dul i ngleic le mór choiriúlacht coiríulacht bhóna bhána san áireamh agus leantúint ar aghaidh chun coiriúlacht eagraithe a stopadh, go háirithe na ciontóirí a bhíonn freagrach as na seandaoine a cheapadh agus gan scans ar bith é a thabhairt dos na daoine atá sé ar intinn acu bonn a acquaint ón bpróiséas Siochána, agus bagairt a dhéanamh i slí ar bith do shlándáil an stáit Leis an leas is eifeachtaí a acquaint as achmhainne ar dui chun cinn leis an méid coiriúlachta a laghdú agus an dui i ngleic le cásanna neamhord. phoiblí trí usáid a acquaint as rannpháirteacht an phobail atá mar aidhmeanna tábhachtacha póilíneachta. Mar chríoch, ba mhaith liom buíochas a ghlacadh leis an rialtas, tú féin go pearasanta, agus foireann an roinn Dlí, Ceirt agus Comhionnanas agus Athchóirthe dlí maidir lena tacaíocht leanúnach i rith na bliana. Is mise le meas PADRAIG Ó BRÓIN COIMISINÉIR, AN GHARDA SÍOCHÁNA i AN GARDA SÍOCHÁNA ANNUAL REPORT 1999 Dear Minister, It is with pleasure I present my Annual Report on An Garda Síochána for I999. The incidence of reported indictable crime continued its downward trend. This reflects the dedication, commitment and professionalism of members of An Garda Síochána, and Garda civilian staff, working with other State agencies and with the support of the community. The endeavour of all concerned is sincerely appreciated. In comparison with I998, a 5% decrease was recorded and, since I995, a 2I% decrease overall has been attained. Undoubtedly the various initiatives, strategies and enhanced resourcing, reinforced by the excellent community assistance and legislative changes, have been pivotal in achieving the desired objective. But to maintain the I999 level of reported crime in the years ahead will in itself be a challenge. The detection rate at 42%, while a slight decrease from last year, is none the less a significant achievement. While crime statistics provide the basis for law enforcement policy and a means towards resource allocation, they also act as a guide to preventative action and I am in the process of devising a system whereby crime analysis will be a key step in the preventative process. The first phase of a modem IT system for An Garda Síochána went live in I999, resulting in rapid access to and coordination of relevant information, thus enhacing Garda performance. The expected issues inherent in implementing such a complex system are being addressed, some of which are manifested in this report in that the last three months figures lack precise statistical analysis. One significant feature of I999 was our intensified and coordinated effort to reduce road deaths. Fatal accidents decreased by 45 (4I3 in I999 compared with 458 in I998). The coming year will see a continued concerted endeavour towards achieving our objective of reducing deaths, injuries and accidents on our roads. This will be progressed through the multiagency approach involving other Government Departments and Agencies all working to achieve the commitments outlined in the Governments Road Safety Strategy. My policing plan for the coming year includes a commitment and determination to tackle major crime, including whitecollar crime, and to continue targeting organised crime and particularly, criminals who prey on the elderly with no let up on those determined to undermine the Peace Process and threaten in any way the Security of the State. By the effective use of resources, the continued reduction of crime and tackling areas of public disorder through community involvement and partnership, are also priority policing objectives. Finally, I would like to thank the Government, you personally, and the personnel of the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform for their continued support during the year. Yours faithfully, PATRICK BYRNE COMMISSIONER OF AN GARDA SÍOCHÁNA ii CONTENTS CLÁR Foreword (Irish) i Foreword (English) ii OFFICE OF THE GARDA COMMISSIONER 1 Garda Press and Public Relations Office 1 Band of An Garda Síochána 2 Garda Museum & Archives 2 DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, STRATEGIC & RESOURCE MANAGEMENT 3 Organisation Development Unit 4 A Strategy for the Irish Language 4 'A' BRANCH, FINANCE, SERVICES & COMMUNITY RELATIONS 5 Finance & Logistics 5 Transport Section 7 Telecommunications Section 7 Housing Section 8 Technical Bureau 9 Mapping Section 9 Fingerprint Section 10 Document/Handwriting Section 11 Photographic Section 11 Forensic Liaison Office 12 Ballistics Section 12 Fógra Tóra 13 Garda Criminal Records Office 13 Information Technology Section 14 Management of the PULSE Project 15 Other Information Technology Developments 16 PULSE Change Management 17 Community Relations Section 18 National Crime Prevention Office 19 National Juvenile Office 20 'B' BRANCH, HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT & RESEARCH 21 Human Resource Management 21 Internal Affairs Section 23 Overseas Service 25 Director of Training and Quality Service 26 Garda National Quality Service Bureau 28 Strategic Management 28 Policing the Millennium Changeover 29 DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, OPERATIONS 31 Special Services (Operations) 31 Garda Air Support Unit 32 Garda Mounted Unit 33 Garda Water Unit 34 Garda Dog Unit 35 Regional Profiles 36 Eastern Region 37 Dublin Metropolitan Region 38 Northern Region 39 South Eastern Region 40 Southern Region 41 Western Region 42 'C' BRANCH, CRIME, SECURITY & TRAFFIC 43 Security & Intelligence Section 43 Crime Administration Section 44 Liaison & Protection Section 44 Garda National Traffic Bureau 45 National Bureau of Criminal Investigation 47 Garda Bureau of Fraud Investigation 49 Garda National Drugs Unit 52 Criminal Assets Bureau 53 International Activities 54 iii Indictable offences Indictable offences which became known to the Gardaí (Jan-Sept incl.) 59 Indictable Offences Recorded 1985 to 1999 63 Indictable offences 1998 and 1999 (Jan-Sept incl.) 64 Summary of indictable offences 1999 (Jan-Sept incl.) 65 Summary of indictable offences 1997 to 1999(Jan-Sept incl.) 66 Analysis of Indictable Offences Indictable offences by Garda regions and city areas during 1999 (Jan-Sept incl.) 68 Indictable offences per 1000 of Population 1999 70 Homicide offences by region and gender of victims 1999 71 Murders per 100,000 population 1999 72 Homicide victims by age and gender 1999 72 Indictable assault and sexual offence victims by gender (Jan-Sept incl.) 73 Armed robberies & armed aggravated burglaries where firearms were used 75 Analysis of armed aggravated burglaries and armed robberies 1999 (Jan-Sept incl.) 76 Armed robbery & Armed Aggravated Burglary by division 1999 77 Robberies and aggravated burglaries where syringes were used 1995 to 1999 78 Burglaries 81 Larcenies from Shops and Unattended Vehicles 1999 83 Juvenile Offences Disposal of 1999 referrals 87 Details of prosecutions by Region (1999 referrals) 89 Activities
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