SMITISONIAN INSTTTUTION- BUREAU OF AMERIC.AN ETHNOLOGY BULLETIN 94 TOBACCO AIONG THE KARUK INDIAiNS OF CALIFORIN IA BI JOHN P. MiARRINCTON -Mlllwfflw "i I ---- --- - - - --- -- '- - -- - , - , . SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY BULLETIN 94 TOBACCO AMONG THE KARUK INDIANS OF CALIFORNIA BY JOHN P. HARRINGTON AN - ) f, ' *; ' a Vw . 11 %jjl'TIAFnILM r j(UI.EA V-UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D.C. I -- - --- PfNROSE MEMORIAL LIBRARY RECEIVED MAP 24 1992 ACQUISITIONS DEPFT LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY, Washington, D. C., May 29, 1929. SIR: I have the honor to submit the accompanying manuscript, entitled "Tobacco among the Karuk Indians of California," by John P. Harrington, and to recommend its publication, subject to your approval, as a bulletin of this bureau. Respectfully, M. W. STIRLING, Chief. Dr. C. G. ABBOT, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. III 81 I II i I i i i i II I II i - CONTENTS Page I. PitapvavaOtcu-pha'. Introduction -1 II. FA-t p6-xxdrikkyahitihanik pakuntcuphurueounati- hanik pananuh8 raha'. Bibliographical --- 14 1. Pamitva pakuntcuphuruOunatihat payi~iiva kuma'avansas pananuh8 raha 'o k 'ioiv- Oan8-nta-tcip. Mention of tobacco among the Karuk -14 2. Pamitva pakuntcuphidruounatihat payiOdva kuma'avansas payfO kuma'Ara ras mukun- ?ih8raha'. Mention of tobacco among neighboring tribes -17 III. FA-tpakunikxuiriktihanikpeky,-varihva-nsa'. Botan- ical -- 35 1. Yi~iiva kuma'ihe raha'. Tobacco species-- 35 2. Pahh-t 'uOvdytti-hva pehe raha'. The name of tobacco -44 3. Pak6-vdra pananuppiric puy106a xAy vura kunic vaA kum6-kya-hara pehe-raha'ippa', vura tcicihpuriOippa kitc vaA kiunic kume-k- yav, pa'apxanti-tc'lPn takinippe'er. Of all Karuk plants the Black Nightshade is most like tobacco, so the Whites tell us -45 4. Sahih8-raha karu mahih8-raha'. Downslope and upslope tobacco -46 5. Pehe-raha'ippa mupikyutunvhramu'u, karu k6-vura pamdOvuy. Morphology of the tobacco plant - 47 A. K6 vura pehe raha'ippa'. The plant 47 a. Pahd t 'u'iftakantakkanti', '(dmxa 0- ti', 'u'akkati', 'umdssahiti'. Sense characteristics- 49 a'. Pahdvt 'u'iftakantakkanti'. Feeling -49 b'. Pahd-t 'umxa Oti'. Smell 49 c'. Pah-tt 'u'akkati'. Taste 49 d'. Pahd-t 'umuissahiti'. Sight -- 49 b. 'Imnak karu 'Amta'ap. Charcoal and 81 ashes-81 III CONTENTS CONTENI Page III. FA-t pakunikxulriktihanik pekya-varihva-nsa'. Botan- IV. Pahd-t pakunkupl'i-fmaoah ical-Continued. ve'etc. Karuk agriculture- 5. Pehe-raha'ippa mupikyutunvhramu'u, karu 5. Paht-t pakunkupitt k6-vura pamdOvuy. Morphology of the 'ixhyxfa ytihaphafi tobacco plant-Continued. on a knowledge of A. K6-vura pehe-raha'ipp'a. The plant- 6. Va: vura kitc pakui Continued. r&yavsa'. Just fol c. Peh-raha'dhOa-msa'. Tobacco plots 50 7. Pahut-t kunkupamahh d. Pa'&pu'um. Root 50 gin of tobacco--. e. Pa'uhippi'. Stalk 50 8. Pakhn kuma'apun f. Pamdmma'an. Bark 52 kAon panu'ihoi-nimh g. Pamdssu'uf. Pith 52 chosen for planting h. Pamdssa'an. Leaf 52 9. Pakuma'ara r pehe rf i. Pamuxvaha'. Gum 54 Who sowed j. Pe-Oriha karu pahd-t 'uOvuiyttih-va 10. Puyittcakanitc hitlha, pamusvitavra. The flower and They did not sow al how its various parts are called-- 54 11. Hal-ri 'umdkR-fk~'ar I a'. Pahd-t 'ukupe orihahahiti pe O- Sometimes they u riha'. Phases of flowering..-. 58 houses k. Pa'uhic. Seed. 58 12. Kahdmni~k va ka a'. 'Uxrahhvaha'. Fruit 60 Some of the places M I. Pah~u t'ukupa'ikkytirupravahiti'. 13. Th;yhhnik vura peh- Germination 61 mate pehe rahapifi 6. PayiOdva kuma'ippa'. Classification of vura 'arari"k. Oce plants 61 tobacco about the h 7. Payifilva kuma'avaha'. Classification of 14. 'Ikmahatenampf-matc foods 62 nik 'iftanmahapuhsi IV. Pahd-t pakunkuph'i-fmaoahitihanik pa'ipahahtun- bacco by the sweat v6'etc. Karuk agriculture 63 15. 'Ahtu-y kyaru vur u 1. VaA vura kite mit pakun~dhOi-mhitihat Volunteer tobacco o pehe-raha'. They sowed only tobacco 63 16. 'Axvi~innihak karu vn 2. Pahfrt mit pakunkupa'ahlcri-hvahitihat. Tobacco sometimes i How they used to set fire to the brush. 63 17. Ha-ri vura maru kunik, 3. Vura nik mit va: kunhpunmutihat pa'uhic Volunteer tobacco < u'iffe'ec. They knew that seeds will grow. 65 slope ---------- A. 'Aikr8-npfkva. The story about Sugar- 18. Pakh~n mi takunidhog loaf Bird ----- 66 'upiftanma-hti kari. B. 'Ioyarukpihrivpikva, pahfi-t 'ukfiphA-n'- still comes up at forn nik, karuk 'un6wanik, pa'apun uvyi- V. Pah-t pakupa'uhfla-mhahitiha hicrihtihanik pamusarah~iydtyutf, The pe-ctukkahitihanik pehe-raha story about Across-water Widower, sow and harvest tobacco - -. how he went upriver dropping acorn- 1. Pa'o-k ' tcip bread crumbs 67 Karuk calendar 4. Kuina vura mit puhari 'uihic 'ipcA-nmdtihap- hat. But they never packed seeds home 72 ONTENTS OONTEXTS VII Page Page nik pekya varihva nsa'. Botan- IV. Pahd-t pakunkuph'i-fmaOahitihanik pa'ipahahtun- ve"etc. Karuk agriculture-Continued. a mupikyutunvhramu"u, karu 5. Pahi-t pakunkupittihanik xas vura kunic mfivuy. Morphology of the 'ixAyxYi ytihaphafiik. Practices bordering Lnt-Continued. on a knowledge of tillage 73 pehe-raha'fpp'a. The plant- 6. Va~ vura kite pakunmhharatihanik pe-kxa- )ntinued. re yavsa'. Just following the Ikxareyavs 74 *raha'dhiihOmsa'. Tobacco plots 50 7. Pahu-t kunkupamahahanik pehe-raha'. Ori- pu'Um. Root- 50 gin of tobacco 75 hippi'. Stalk- 50 8. Pakhon kuma'a-pun vaA mi takunxus vaA dmma'an. Bark- 52 kkon panu'dhOd-mhe'ec. The kind of place Issu'uf. Pith 52 chosen for planting tobacco upslope 75 ussa'an. Leaf- 52 9. Pakuma'hra~r pehe-raha 'u'uihOamhitihanik. uxvhha'. Gum- 54 Who sowed 76 iha karu pahdit 'uovdyttih-va 10. Puyittcakanitc hitiha~n 'uh~i mhitihaphanik. musvit&4a. The flower and They did not sow at one place all the time- 76 w its various parts are called- 54 11. Ha4-ri 'umdk?'ifkyar pakun~uh6irmhitihaAik. Pahd-t 'ukupe-orihahahiti peO- Sometimes they used to sow near the riha'. Phases of flowering -- 58 houses --- 77 hiL. Seed- 58 12. Kahdrmni~k vaA kAon 'uhOamhirAmh~aik. 'Uxrahkvaha'. Fruit 60 Some of the places where they used to sow 77 i-t 'ukupa'ikkYirfipravahiti'. 13. TaAyhhnik vura peh8-raha 'iknivnampi-m'- crmination --------- 61 matc pehe-rahapiftanmahapu ta-yhanik ma'ippa'. Classification of vura 'arhri "k. Occurrence of volunteer 61 tobacco about the houses 78 ma'avaba'. Classification of 14. 'Ikmahatenampi-matc karu vura 'upi ftiha- 62 nik 'iftanmAhapuhsahaAik. Volunteer to- 'Ifma~ahitihanik pa'ipahahtun- bacco by the sweathouses 78 ,riculture- 63 15. 'Ahtu-y kyaru vur upi-ftihanik papiffapu'. kite mit pakuntdhOA-mhitihat Volunteer tobacco on the rubbish pile-- 78 They sowed only tobacco 63 16. 'Axvioinnihak karu vura 'u'iftihanik ha-ri. t pakunkupa'ahicri-hvahitihat. Tobacco sometimes in the graveyards also - 78 used to set fire to the brush. 63 17. H-ri vura maru kunikya-ttihanik papiffapu'. it vaA kunhpunmutihat pa'uhic Volunteer tobacco sometimes picked up- They knew that seeds will grow- 65 slope --------- 79 npikva. The story about Sugar- 18. Pakhon mi takuntuhOA mhitihirak, vaA kAtn 3ird ---- ------------ 66 'upiftanma-hti kari. Volunteer tobacco ipihrivplkva, pahu-t 'ukuipha-n'- still comes up at former planting plots--- 79 aruk 'un6ovanik, pa'a pun uvyi- V. Pahd-t pakupa'uhflamhahitihafiik, karu pakunku- tihanik pamusarah'iydtyut', The pe-ctukkahitihanik pehtTaha'. How they used to about Across-water Widower, sow and harvest tobacco 81 [e went upriver dropping acorn- 1. Pa'o-k 'iOivfan8 nia tcip vakusrahiOvu'. The crumbs- 67 Karuk calendar 81 mit puhari 'dhic 'ipeg-nmatihap- t they never packed seeds home. 72 VIII CONTENTS CONTENI Page V. Paht-t pakupa'iThOAmhahitihaiiik, karu pakunku- VI. Pahfiit kunkupe-kya-hiti pet pe-ctuikkahitihanik peh-raha'. How they used to maraha'ak. How they cu; sow and harvest tobacco-Continued. it-Continued. 2. Pakumaki-sra pakunuhflA-mhiti karu paku- 6. Pa'uhipihiktcurar. maku sra pakunictA-kti'. Seasonal in- tles formation as to sowing and harvesting.. 83 7. Pahf-t Pihn8-ffitc i 3. Pah-t kunkupa'uhla-mhiti'. Sowing 85 'uxm pu'ikrA-mtil 4. 'Ih-raha'dhOanmhaf. Tobacco sowing for- How Coyote ordai mula- 85 pound with an aci 5. PahfL-t pakunkupe-vrarakkurihmaOahiti pa- VII. Pakum6-mus peh6Tahhssa'an 'uhib. Harrowing the tobacco seed in --- 85 vuia. Color and strength 6. Pahd-t kunkupavitrippahiti'. Weeding --- 86 1. Pahu-t umussahiti 7. Pahd-t 'ukupa'iffahiti'. How it grows 86 of leaf tobacco-- 8. Pahd-t 'in kunpi-kkyfrati ha-ri 'a01kmd'uk. 2. Pak6A 'ikpihan pehe Tobacco sometimes killed by the cold-- 87 strong 9. Pahlf-t kunkupe-ctukkahiti pamudssa'an. VIII. Pahfi-t pakunkupa'iccunvahit Picking the leaves 87 store tobacco 10. Pahdl t pakunkupeyxyo rArivahiti pehe-ra- 1. Pahd-t ukupata-yhal hasanictukkapu'. Wrapping up picked kept in the living leaves- 88 2. Pa'uhsipnu'uk. The 11. Pahfi-t pa'uhippi kunkupe-ctukkahiti'. Pick- A. Pahd-t yiOeeva ing the stems 89 vit•va pasipnu 12. Pahd-t pa'uhic kunkupe-ctukkahiti'. Pick- ferent parts of ing the seeds 89 B. Mitva pakumap 13. Pahd-t pa'araraka nnhunitcas kunkupitti ha-ri nu~k kunta-ral kunipci-tvuti pehe-raha'. Poor people had tobacco bi stealing tobacco 90 C. Pahu-it paytm ' VI. Pahd-t kunkup6-kya-hiti peh8-raha patakunpictfi-k- pe-kya-hiti pa' maraha'ak. How they cure tobacco after picking they are maki it ------ 92 ferent 1. Pahdft pakunkupasuvaxrahahiti pehe-ra- D. Pa'uhsipnukhioxi hAssa'an. Curing tobacco leaves 92 yifiiva kum 2. Pahf-t 'ikmahatcra~m kunkupe-kya-hiti pap- xuppai.

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