TIIK JIKKAM), Wed . Nov. 18. 1981 Robots: Here today and working UP Town women go up in smoke ... page 13 it, human beings are prone to make CINCINNATI (UPI) - Models of two In a type of robot poetry, Milacron of­ “ I think the key word in robots is ‘con­ errors. But, it does take a person to run J(H9rtz Studyl^ computerized robots adorn Mike ficials say their gadget can “ track, stack sistency.’ It can be programmed to Radeke’S desk. ' and pack; pick and put; search, feel and always be precise in its work. Let’s face the robot. You’d probably recognize one im­ find; reason and react; load and unload; mediately. It’s R2-D2, the fictional robot spot weld and arc weld; package and UP/ from the movie “ Star Wars'.” palletize; inspect, sort and assemble.” But odds are you wouldn’t have any In short, they brag, the robot “ handles Clpudy tonight: Manchester, Conn. to 24,3P/m Ue idea what the other gadget was. That’s monotonous tasks in exciting ways.” FREE (AAA Study) because it is a model of a real robot. The big question, of course, is: Do rain Friday Thurs., Nov. 19, 1981 The real robot does have a name— the robots take jobs away from people? Cincinnati Milacron T-3 Industrial Robot The answer so far appears to be; ’They — See page 2 25 Cents — but it doesn’t look anything like the will “change” jobs people do, but KNIFE SHARPENING “mechanical men” many people im­ perhaps not put people out of work. agine robots to be. The United Auto Workers union Wednesday, Nov. 25th~10 a.m.-2 p.m. Instead, it looks something like a den- predicts robots will “displace” some One Day Only fist’s drill apparatus — a thick, circular people from car assembly lines and base with one metal arm extended from robot researchers at Camegie-Mellon MAC THE BUTCHEA the top. Hooked to a computer, the armi University in Pittsburgh say jobs will be Puts on a Chicago Cutlery can be made to move and perform tasks. “ affected.” But, Milacron officials point Knife Demonstration. Come in Dealing with deficit S V . In recent years, nearly 7,000 industrial out that these two terniis do not mean .V and see how a knife is used by robots have been put to work in factories being put out of work. a professional — so sharp It and robot makers can’t keep up with “ Robots will increase productivity at a orders. plant and that ,mean$ an increase in cuts paperl Chicago Cutlery — Higher car prices and soaring interest rates “ We’re expanding rapidly,” says, othqr types of jobs'to handle it,” notes a lasting gift of quality. forced the cost of owning and operating an Radeke, manager of Cincinnati Radeke. ‘ "There will be different jobs — Limit Ihraa knlvw per customer_______ _ Governor tough American car up 19 percent — to an average Milacron’s industrial robot division.” and better jobs — to be filled. People just 44.6 cents per mile, says Hertz Corp.’s an­ Milacron’s T-3 Industrial Robot (T-3 won’t be doing robot-like jobs anymore. stands for “ The Tomorrow Tool” ) has a Milacron, founded in 1884 and the SHOW SPECIAL nual auto expense estimate. $65,000 base price, but modifications to nation’s biggest machine tool manufac­ make it do exactly what the buyer wants turer, makes its robots in Greenwood, All Sets 20% OFF can send the price up to-$100,000. S.C., and modifies them for specific All Open Stock 10% OFF So far, most robots have been customer requirements at its Cincinnati EXTM SHOW SKClAUi as sessiotTopens Car costs up purchased by auto makers, but other in­ headquarters. Block — 3 knives B steel 3” Paring Knife Q CI dustries are placing orders as they dis­ Robot engineer Bryan Dawson pointed Reg. $74.99 day only (CM 8-4) • 54’ cover just what the computer-controlled, out a robot being fitted with a coil of wire metal workaholic can do. and a welding torch and said, “ We’re to 44.6Vmiie MANCHESTER HARDWARE HARTFORD (UPI) - The tax from 11 cents to 12 percent, or The robot is extremely good at modifying this one to do arc welding, a •77 Main S t Q il - H t ff Fim iNr if Stm ■ Legislature’s special session opened 13.5 cents per gallon, which he said repetitious tasks that require precision. hot and difficult job for a person. What it DETROIT (UPl) - today with Gov. William O’Neill un­ would raise $17.3 million this fiscal performance for four years Jobs that humans, quickly tire of, and takes one person 45 minutes to do, the Mon-Sat »;30-5:30 Thura. till 9 P.M. Higher car prices and veiling his plan to eliminate an $83 ‘L e i ’s face facts. year. at 15,000 miles a year. often mess up. robot can do better in 12 minutes. soaring interest rates million deficit and cover a $3.27 The governor also wants If you had followed forced the cost of owning billion budget next year with no new modification of the unincorporated and operating an American or higher taxes. m y recommen­ business tax so that it will apply to car Up 18 percent — to an A tough-talking O’ Neill blamed businesses with more than $1(X),000 Heralcj photos by Tarquinlo average 44.6 cents per lawmakers for the deficit, saying dations, we would in gross receipts and more than $25,- mile, says Hertz Corp.’s Al Slefferts says:-— o the state wouldn’t be in such a fix if' 000 in net income. State Sens. Carl A. Zinsser, Republican, and places in the Senate Chamber for the start of annual auto expense es- they had listened to him during the not be in the O’Neill said the formula change Marcella C. Fahey, Democrat, take their a special session. timate.”". 1981 legislative session and adopted jackpot we’re in. would tax 22,000 instead of the 46,000 The I^ertz study, ^IN R E CHnSTMIIS FOR LESS!!” his proposed bills, including local businesses now hit by the tax, but it released Sunday, said grants cuts and his tax on unincor­ would raise $100 million instead of But you did not, drivers of subcompacts porated businesses. the current $40 million to $50 paid Iggs per mile in 1981, “ Let’s face facts," the goveri^ and we are.’ million. but owners of full-sized said, addressing a joint House-Sfui He also proposed an advanced vehicles saw their costfe go Senate session. “ If you had followed timetable in collecting escheats, up 11.8 percent to'Sl.Tcents my recommendations, we would not which are banking accounts and a mile. be in the jackpot we’re in. But you O’Neill reiterated his opposition other private money that are turned Hertz credited the did not, and we are.’’ to a state income tax and repeal of over to the state if they go un­ record'1981 increase to car Super Santa SALE O’Neill called lawmakers back to the unincorporated business tax and claimed. O’Neill said that would price interest rates but the Capitol to deal with the deficit said he wouldn’t support an increase raise $5 million this year. noted expenses also rose Color TV and and $40 million in federal cuts. in the 7.5 percent sales tax as a sub­ Republicans have their own plan from last year when it cost The governor said the tentative stitute for his package. — $150 million in budget cuts, ,37.8 cents a mile to keep a budget for fiscal 1982-1983, which “ And still others are talking about management efficiency measures, car on the road. begins July 1, 1982, was $89 million slashing an already cut down and instituting a user fee for state A study by the American Microwave Oven!! FREE lower than requests made by state budget,” the governor said. “ I will services provided to families at 150 Automobile Association W h irlp ool agencies but $286 million, or 9.6 per­ look at air proposals for spending percent of the poverty level. this year came up with a DELUXE I Cooking cent, higher than this year’s budget. cuts, but if all they turn out to be are The proposed budget for 1982-1983 far lower figure for owning MICROWAVE OVEH T O S H I B A 30’’ RAN6E WITH O’Neill said if the Legislature phony cuts, they will not have my is built around projections that the and operating a vehicle —. SELF-CLEANING OVEN IflMae School doesn’t adopt his proposals, or support.” state will raise an extra $40.2 FULL SIZE OVEN WITH 24.8 cents per mile. AAA something similar, the state would His plan to dissolve the deficit and million from the gas tax over a full VARIABLE POWER CONTROL With said its driving cost es­ ^ V.IU. >499 <487 have a $193.7 million budget in the to balance next year’s budget in­ year; $67.9 from the unincorporated timates were the same as n u a ' s a r . •447 Every coming fiscal year. cludes an increase in the gasoline business tax, and $1 milHon in es­ 1980. 2S" Olag. Table ' DELUXE cheats. Hertz said it used a com­ Color Console T.V. Microwave The tentative capital budget for Sol'd itRle VHF/UHF Tunecs Aulo- 3 0 ' ELECTRIC RANGE the next fiscal year totals $143 pact car as the average matic Fine Tuning Provision tor New Amana Cookmattc Power Shui— vehicle in its cost es­ ' Cable T v hook-up ' Rem em bef*" how long to cook with split second accurscy ’'nom em - Purchase million.
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