Bates College SCARAB The aB tes Student Archives and Special Collections 6-1888 The aB tes Student - volume 16 number 06 - June 1888 Bates College Follow this and additional works at: http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 16 number 06 - June 1888" (1888). The Bates Student. 2057. http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student/2057 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THIL FRANK KILGORE, D. E. CORNISH, MERCHANT TAILOR, FIRST-GLASS CARRIAGES AND GENTS' FURNISH KK, FURNISHED FOR 45 LISBON STREET, LEWISTON. Fine Neckwear a Specialty. WEDDINGS AND PLEASURE PARTIES, At any time. All New, Neat, and First-Class, with 72 LISBON STREET. Careful and Gentlemanly Drivers. Has. A.—Have you seen that nke little Fruit and Cm- fectionery Store on Lisbon Street, kept \\ Cms. A. KATOS ? New Hearse, New Hacks Mas. B.—EATON'S, on Lisbon Street:' I don't seem to know the place. For FUNERALS, at short notice. MRS. A.—Why, haven't you noticed that dandy Store directly opposite Music Hall entrance? The night I went to see Janauschek I could not help noticing how brilliant and HACK OFFICES: Gerrish's Drug Store: Resi- tempting it looked. I want you to know he keeps nice dence, 107 College Street. goods. His Chocolate Creami and Bonbons are fresh and of the finest quality-. CONNECTED BY TELEPHONE. MBS. B.—The next tim:.' I go down street I am going in there. MltS. A.—I would, and I know you will be pleased ; and try a glass <f Hot or Cold Soda, uu Hot Beef Tea and Coffe" are immense. STOVES RENTED at Lemont & Fisher's, IfBS. B.—I shall surely find the place. You say it is CHAS. A. EATON, 72 Lisbon Street, directly across from Music Hall? 163 Lisbon Street, Lewiston. Mas. A.—Yes, that's correct. E. S. PAUL & CO. o Are now offering Extra Inducements to purchasers of HAMBURG, NAINSOOK, AND SWISS EMBROIDERIES. Special values at 10,12Land 25c. We are just opening some choice MATCHED SETS, at low price-, consistent with line work. E. 8. PAUL & CO., 174 Lisbon Street, Lewiston. The coming season ladies will find our Dress Goods Department even more attractive than ever. CLOTHING. CLOTHING. The Largest Stock and Best Assortment of CLOTHING in I.ewiston, is to be found at BICKNELL & NEAL'S, 86 Lisbon Street, Corner of Ash. Also one of the Largest and Best Stocks of Hats, Caps, Trunks, Umbrellas, and denls' Furnishing Goods. We manufacture large quantities of our own goods, thus enabling us to offer a First-Glass Article for Less Money than any other linn in the city. And we guarantee in everv case the Latest Styles anil Best of Fits. 47* Graduating Suits a specialty. BICKNELL & NEAL, 86 Lisbon Street, Lewiston. CHANDLER & ESTES, MRS. NEAL'S BOOK BINDERY, DKAI.EKS IN Journal Block, Lewiston, Me. «S"Magazines, Music, etc., Bound in a Neat ami School and Miscellaneous Books, Durable Manner. Killing and Blank Book Work of Every Description done to Order. BLANK BOOKS, STATIONERY, Paper Hangings, Window Shades, T. J. WRIGHT, HACKMAN. Pictures and Frames, Artists' Materials, Hack Offices: Hotel Rockingham, and and Fancy Goods, Residence, 134 Wood Street, Where orders should be left morning and noon. 100 LISBON ST., - - LEWISTON, ME. All orders will receive prompt attention. TH E BATES STUDEN1 IVY AND COMMENCEMENT NUMBER. VOL. XVI. JUNE, iSSS. No. 6. THE BATES STUDENT EDITORIAL. A MACA/.INK P0BM8HRD MONTHLY DDBIHO TIIK OOLLBQIATS YKAH 11Y TIIK ■ S wo approach the close of the $% base-bull season we feel more CLASS OF '89, HATES COLLEGE, than satisfied with the results attained. LEWISTON, AM:. Though wo have not secured the pen- EDITORS. ii:int, yet it has been demonstrated that our boys can play a good game of ball. C. J. EMKKSON, K. I. CHJPMAN, E. .1. SMALL, A. L. SAKFOKD, To form an association and put a good F. J. DAGGKTT, L. E. PLUMSTEAD, nine in the field is not an easy task, J. I. lIirrcniNSON. but now that the foundation is securely T. N. Cox, ISusiness Manager. laid we may hope that another year TKKM.S.—$1.11(1 per year, in advance; single ropy, such an enthusiastic support and im- lOcenls. petus may be given to our participation Subscribers not receiving the STUDENT regularly Should notify the Business Manager. in the intercollegiate contest as will ' Contributions cordially invited. bring the pennant to Bates. Exchanges ami matter for publication should lie addressed EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT, BATES STUDENT, LRWISTON, MAINE; business letters to "OYE1JY class in college has a few I N. COX, MANAGBB OF STUDENT, LEWI8TON, J& w, devoted to athletlC Sports, r MAIM:. ' strong, hardy fellows, who can disin- KiitiTiil us SiTowl Class Mail Matti-r lit Lewifton Poit-OfBce. tegrate a page of■ /1Creek 1 andi get a Printed at the Journal Offloe, Lewiaton, Maine, lesson in Calculus in good shape, but who find a swinging pace for ten or CONTEXTS. fifteen miles, or a hard tussle with the VOL. XVI., No. K.-JUNB, 1888. gloves mwh mWQ congellial. T|l(,„ EDITOBIAI 141 there are a few who are yoked to a LITERARY . «..••« i Class-Day Poem 146 grave, meditative existence, wlio con- Class-Day Oration 147 • . , Class Ode MM line their rambles and tussles to the Class Hymn 180 " . , Valedictory Address—Truth, the Standard of realm of psychology, and with bent Excellence 151 , , . , , Ivy Poem 168 brow and quizzical eye seem to be Ivy Oration 168 , . ,. , ,. , Ivy Odes 158 searching in the grass and on the rocks LocA!i.^!y!!^::::::::::"::::^;::"""""i^o and leaves for the trail of some vast, KONTLB^ invisible fact that has passed that way, PoTPOUHBi?*f/.!!i!!'.!!!!l!ii'/.i-i-"ii"""'.18 iUU*' iin^lly, we would mention a char- 142 THE BATES STUDENT. acter, in thought of whom we have Do not study for ideas alone, hut train written what we have. One of those for condition. Get and keep a healthy strong-spirited, generous fellows with brain. Train it to sharp and accurate noble impulses; a kind of character impressions. Don't mope. Be a boy over whom the deeply religious hold up as long as you live. Keep up high their hands in horror, whom the pru- spirits. A low tone of mind is un- dent condemn, whom the quiet with- healthy. There's food and medicine draw from, whom every one likes and in nerve. Quantity and quality of nerve bat few understand. Misjudge such a mark the distinctions between animals young man as that two or three times, and between men, from the bottom of make him feel that you think he is wild creation to the top. Now, if you come and tough, and you will lose a friend home with your cheeks sunken and whom, if there is anything mean in your eyes staring out of hollow pits, your character, you needed, and who, I'll disown you. Good-bye. God bless if there is any good in your character, you." needed you. WHERE are as many ways of going TTMONti men of broad sympathies through college as there are of J^L and full understanding of human going through life, and that means as nature, Henry Ward Beecher was a many as the individuals concerned in conspicuous example. He was a scholar it, but if you look carefully you will and an appreciative friend of scholars. see that they group themselves into 11 is deep interest in the welfare of three classes. There are those who I others found a glad response in many slide through as a man goes down a a heart cheered and strengthened by toboggan chute, started by some one his words and influence. With more and the projectile force more than suf- than ordinary pleasure we print here :i ficient to overcome their original inertia short extract from his "Advice to Stu- and so they slip along. What with dents*': "Remember that much of "horses" and friends and cool au- knowledge! is growth, not accumula- dacity, it is marvelous to see with how tion. The life that one is living in is little work one can complete his college the book that men more need to know course. Then there is a second class. than any other. Never outrun health. The members of this believe that col- A broken scholar is like a razor with- lege means live terms of mathematics, out a handle. The finest edge on the or six if you can accomplish it, so best steel is beholden to the services of many cubic feet of Greek roots, and homely horn for ability to be useful. German irregular verbs, in fact just Keep an account with your brain. what is laid down in the catalogue, Sleep, food, air, and exercise are your and nothing else. "Society work?" best friends. Don't cut their company. "Oh, I can't get any time for society Don't fall into the vulgar idea that the work." "Well, how about athletics? mind is a mere warehouse and educa- Do some work in the gymnasium to tion a process of stuiling it. keep your muscle up, I suppose?" THE BATES STUDENT. 143 "You must be crazy. I leave that to Toward this all things must tend, and the hoys who come to college to learn to suit this (Mid all true action is bent.
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