Pages Missing or Unavailable 1972 tt W d e d ay,. ne M ay 31 I G uant anamo G aze e LOCAL NE 4S--Page 3 Week-long Day Camp Gir1 Scouts Still Set for Monday Guantanamo Bay Girl Scouts don't plan to let If not, the Scouts have plans for an alter- the heavy rains which hit the base last week nate location, and that site will be revealed stop them from holding their week-long day on Panarama tomorrow or Friday night. camp scheduled to start Monday. In either case, around 8:30 a.m. Monday, bu- Though the road to Hidden Beach, where the ses will begin to pickup girls at the ferry campout was to take place, was damaged by the landing, Chapel Hill, FRA parking lot, day downpour, base authorities hope to have the care center and Kittery Beach housing. thoroughfare repaired by Monday. Each day buses will return between 2:45 and 3 p.m., except Wednesday, pa- rents visiting day, when buses Marine Receives Bronze Star will depart camp at 4 p.m. Saturday. For Heroism in Vietnam Confl ict ict The campout ends If parents plan to visit the Marine Captain Patrick D. Wilder received the Bronze Star camp Wednesday at 2:30 p.m., with Combat "V" at Marine Barracks morning colo rs ceremony the visitors should leave cars this week. at Windmill Beach and use the Colonel Thomas J. Holt, commanding officer, p resented the a- bus. ward to Wilder for battle action in Vietnam in early August, The road is rugged, and the 1969. camp has no parking area. The captain's battalion came under five major North Vietna- mese assaults, including rockets, mortars,autom atic weapons Brownie Girl Scouts will be fire and ground force attacks. in camp only Monday through During the assault Capt. Wilder cared for two of his wounded Friday. Junior Troop 5, Ca- communicators, reassigned operators and persona lly manned com- dette Troop 7 and Troop 20 munications equipment to keep lines open during the fighting. will stay Monday through Fri- Capt. Wilder is presently the barracks and gr defense dayTund nights. force communications officer at Guantanamo Bay. Fly-ups to "junior" level and Troop 10 will spend Thurs- day and Friday nights in camp. Scout officials say campers should bring lunch Monday, but other days lunches will be / Helton 's prepared by troops e Camp "uniform" consists of MARKET TIPS comfortable shorts and blouses, socks and sturdy shoes. Ten- nis shoes are acceptable. A Scout spokesman said se- New Arrivals veral men areoeeded to set up and to break Quaker Instant Oatmeal W/C campdocolate Saturday Kleen-King Copper/Stainles Steel Cleaner camp June 10. Interested per- asonsshould call 96108. ~e Betty Crocker Pie Crust Mi Scout leaders say the follow- Martha White Corn Meal Sweetheart Lime Fabric Sofi ener ing items should be included: Wagner Breakfast Tropical Punch handbook, spiral notebook, pen- Progresso Antipasto cil, rope, Girl Scout knife, Progresso Giardiniera Sala sit-upon, canteen, plastic Progresso Olive Oil Quarts drinking cup, hat, suntanl - Frito Lay Dip Mixes in Six tion and bathing suit. Campers should contact lead- ers about overnight items, eating gear and miscellaneous provisions. A spokesman emphaizd that Scouts should bring duffle bags only,not suitcases. ,/7- Page 4--LOCAL NEWS Guantanamo Gazette Wednesday, May 31, 1972 Prices Hourly Daily W el .72 Cost Increases 3 for Child Care 4 Children 000 6D Starting tomorrow bay-area parents will have to pay approx- NURSERY & KINDERGA.TEN imately five cents more per hour for child day care center servi- Child- $3. ces. 2 ildren . 00:0Q Special Services also revealed today a five-cent price increase ELEMENTARY SCHOOL for lunches to "offset higher costs and overhead." I 2 Cide4.015.00 Last year the centers operated Children a a $7,500 deficit, Special Ser- 4 Children 24.00 vices said, and rate increases 5 Childrn 26.OD are necessary to break even dur- ing the forthcoming fiscal year. COMMISSARY FACILITY New rates appear on the chart at the right. 1 Child 454 . 2Chldren Special Services also said a 3 Cld7 new monthly golf course member- 4 Chldrn ship fee will be $7 for indivi- Chizden duals without dependents, $12 if one dependent is added, and $14 (Please see PRICES, page 8) Little Theatre Presents2&hlrn--50 80 P premieres Friday Morin Center 1- 8p.m. S Wednesday, May 31, 1972 Guantanamo Gazette NATIONAL NEWS--Page 5 Officials Will Talk Welfare With Rebel Inmates Ceurt Rules On Needy Chlidren PATERSON, N.J. (AP)--Six inmates freed some 100 of their fellow prisoners from WASHINGTON (AP)--The Supreme Court yesterday ruled that their cells in the maximum security wing states may make smaller welfare payments to needy children of the Passaic County jail yesterday, than to the blind, aged and disabled. ending their revolt and releasing several The 6-3 decision came in a case from Texas where about 87 hostages only after officials agreed to per cent of these children are blacks or chicanos. discuss grievances. Prison officials originally reported Justice William H. Rehnquist said there was no evidence of that 100 inmates had taken over the se- racial discrimination. And, he wrote in the majority opinion, cond-floor area and were holding the "so long as its judgments are rational, and not invidious, captives. Sheriff Frank Davenport said the legislature's efforts to tackle the problems of the poor later, however, that the other prisoners and needy are not subject to a Constitutional straitjacket." were freed from their cells but did not Texas is one of 26 states that set a ceiling on all wel- take an active part in the disturbance. fare payments and go on from there to make bigger cuts in the needy-children category than in the others. He said the majority of the inmates "It is not irrational remained in their cells or milled about for the state to believe inside the wing while the six rebel pri- that the young are more soners negotiated with authorities. adaptable than the sick The Rev. Bill Mason, a Paterson poverty and elderly," Rehnquist agency official, said three remaining said. hostages were released when prison of- ficials agreed to make no physical re- Si In the same ruling, but prisals against those who staged the by a 5-4 vote, the court revolt. approved the method used by 18 states,including Earlier in the day, the rebellious Texas and the District inmates released six other captives, in- of Columbia to subtract cluding the warden. At least four guards all outside income were injured in the disturbance. earned by needy famil- ies. In these states, House Revitalizes aid to the families is cut one-fourth below the standard Anti-subversive Board of need. WASHINGTON (AP)--The House voted 226 to 105 yesterday to revitalize the Subversive Activities Control Board by giving it a new name and letting the President ex- pand its duties. A leader of forces opposed to the SACB Study Discloses Extensive Waste revitalization bill, Rep. Don Edwards, D-Calif., said it could bring a "new era of McCarthyism" by excluding people from In Poor Children's Food Program government jobs through guilt by associa- tion. WASHINGTON (AP)--An Agriculture Department study of its summer feed- ing program for needy children has disclosed extensive waste and mis- A rival proposal, to abolish SACB and management. One result was that many poor children received substand- create a federal employe security and ap- ard food or no food at all. peals commission, was rejected by the The USDA evaluation of 60 summer feeding programs conducted last House. year currently is being circulated among a few members of Congress Under the legislation passed by the who have expressed concern over the program. Its purpose is to aid dur- House and sent ot the Senate, SACB would ing summer months needy children fed in school lunch programs the rest be called the "Federal Internal Security of the year. Board" and would be assigned additional tasks of examining the character of or- Among the deficiencies found in the $29 million 1971 program were: ganizations in an effort to spot sub- lack of adequate planning, direction and record keeping; adult staffs versives and keep them out of federal eating free lunches provided for children and then claiming reimburse- jobs. ments for lunch expenses; service of-meals to ineligible persons; too few meals delivered to some sites and waste of excess meals at.others; This essentially is in line with what centers charging the Federal Government for more meals than received. President Nixon sought to do last year. Wednesday, May 31, 1972 Guantanamo Gazette WORLD NEWS--Page 6 - ! ish U Castro Continues Tanks W sk-lid-'n European Tour VIENNA (AP)--Cuban Premier Fidel Castro yesterday ended his visit in Thile Spurs O Romania and flew off to Hungary. The official Hugarian news agency Agerpres reported Castro "was bid a warm farewell" by Romanian Commun- ist Party Chief Nicolae Ceausescu and other officials. Castro presently Kentom is on an East European tour. Defenders SAIGON (AP)--South Vietnamese tanks Duchess of Windsor Ill in Paris slammed into enemy positions at Kon- PARIS (AP)--Ill health reportedly will prevent the Duchess of Wind- tum yesterday as President Nguyen sor from accompanying her husband's body on its final journey to Bri- Van Thieu flew into the city under tain. The duke, onetime King Edward the Eighth of England, died Sat- rocket fire to personally spur on urday night in Paris. A statement issued yesterday says the 75-year- the defenders.
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