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Gooch and Temperley) BP Bertie papers CD Alii parlamentari, Camera dei deputati CG Carte Giolitti CHJ Cambridge Historical Journal CHR Catholic Historical Review CM Carte Martini CP Confidential Print cs Carte Salandra DDF Documents diplomatiques .francaises DDI Documenti diplomatici italiani DGP Die Grosu Politik ESR European Studies Review GP Grey papers HJ Historical Journal HP Hardinge papers HT History Today IQ Italian Quarterly JAH Journal of African History JCEA Journal of Central European Affairs JCH Journal of Contemporary History JEH Journal of Economic History JIH Journal of Italian History LP Lansdowne papers NA Nuova Antologia NP Nicolson papers NRS Nuova Rivista Storica p Archivio politica, Ministero degli affari esteri PCG Presidenza del Consiglio, gabinetto, atti RC Rivista Coloniale RHMC Revue d'histoire moderne et contemporaine RP Rodd papers RSPI Rivista di studi politici i11ternazionali RSR Rassegna Storica del Risorgimento RSS Rivista Storica del Socialismo sc Storia Contemporanea NOTES AND REFERENCES 147 SEER Slavonic and East European Review SP Sonnino papers ss Studi Storici PREFACE 1. M. Loh ( ed. ), With couragt in their cases : tht rxperienct of thirtyjivr Italian immtgrant workers and thrir familits in Australia (Melbourne, 1980) p.80 2. W. D. Barrie, lmmtgration :Australia's problems and prospects (Sydney, 1949) p.88 3. A. Aquarone, in SC, II (1980) and R. Romeo in II Giornalt Nuovo (13 November 1980). I. LIBERAL ITALY: MYTHS AND REALITY 1. G. Sabbatucci, 'II problema dell'irredentismo e le origini del movimento nazionalista in ltalia', SC, 1 (1970) 486. 2. The other volumes were Garibaldi's Difenct of the Roma11 Republic (1907), Garibaldi and the Thousand ( 1909). All were published by Longmans. The third volume in fact came out in October 1911 just as British public opinion was at its most excited about the Libyan War. 3. G. M. Trevelyan, Garibaldt's Dtjence of the Roman Republic, p.ll. 4. Ibid., p.x. 5. Ibid., p.16. 6. T. Mann, Drath in Venice (London, 1932). 7. j. Thies, 'Hitler's European Building Programme',JCH, 13 (1978) 420. 8. J. Tilley, London to Tokyo (London, n.d.) p.32. 9. B. von Bulow, Mrmoirs (London, 1930-2), val. 3, p.455. 10. E. Hutton, The Cittes of Umbria (London, 1905) p.ll5. 11. For example, seeN. Douglas, Old Calabria (London, 1915). 12. Quoted in R. Cooper, 'The Image of Italy in English Writing 1815-1915' (unpublished M.A., University of Sydney, 1967) p.57. 13. j. W. Goethe, Italian Journey (1786-1788) (Harmondsworth, 1962) pp.42, 129. 14. H. Wickham Steed, Through Thirty Years 1892-1922(London, 1924) val. I, pp.I03-4. 15. Trevelyan, Garibaldi and the Thousand, p.41; Scenes from Italy's War (London, 1919) p.l2.
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