: CONTINENTAL PUBLICATIONS. INC. 99 Hudson Street. New York. N. Y. I am enclosing herewith my remittance of $ for which you are to send me the numbers of books In the SCIENCE FICTION SERIES which 1 have circled below, at the price of 10c each or Six Books for Fifty cents. No less than three books are sold. Send remittance in check, stamps or money order. The numbers of the books that I want are circled below. 13 14 15 16 17 18 HAVE BEEN ADDED TO THE Name Address City Science Fiction Series State WS-934 CLIP HE increasing demand by our readers for new COUPON T titles to be added to the SCIENCE FICTION SERIES has now been met. Six new books have been AND published and are now ready. Many new authors have contributed excellent stories which you will en- MAIL joy reading. A short summary of the new titles will be found below. These new books, as usual, are printed on a good grade of paper, and contain brand new stories never published before in any magazine. Each book (size 6x8 inches) contains one or two stories by a well-known science fiction author. The Titles Are IS—MEN FROM THE 16—IMMORTALS OF METEOR MERCURY by Panzie E. Black by Clark Ashton Smith In the unexplored heart of Australia Under the sun-parched surface of lay the bizarre and cruel civilization Mercury, we follow in this story, the of the meteormen. And into their experiences of a man, reminiscent of midst came the two men from Outside, Dante’s Inferno. Every force of to pit their puny strength against the grotesque nature, the bitter enmity of meteormen’s power. the Immortals track him down in his wild escape to the surface. 14—THE FLIGHT OF THE AEROFIX 17—THE SPECTRE BULLET by Maurice Renard by Thomas Mack and Renard is the H. G. Wells of France. c With sly humor and yet grim reality THE AVENGING NOTE 10 he describes the most unusual and by Alfred Sprissler startling flight made by man. An en- are two surprises for the lovers of tirely new type of transportation EACH scientific detective mysteries. Death dawns upon the world in this master- strikes suddenly in these stories ; clever ly story I OR scientific minds and cleverer detectives are pitted against each other in a duel 15—THE INVADING with Death. ASTEROID by Manly Wade Wellman 18—THE SHIP FROM 6 NOWHERE Into the vision of the Earth swam FOR the huge but innocent asteroid. Mars, by Sidney Patzer at death grips with the Earth, was far A trip to infinity is this unusual away ; but the asteroid loomed story ; a mad chase across the infinite ominous, menacing. Two men were pmptiness, tracked always by the delegated avenging is c to solve the mystery ; and Marauder. Here a story 50 what they found is revealed in this that deals with millions of years and startling story. billions of billions of miles. CONTINENTAL PUBLICATIONS, INC. 99 Hudson Street New York, N. Y. Stone, Jr "THE ^ MAN FROM BEYOND" John Beynon Harris WONDER STORIES FOR SEPTEMBER, 1934 385 Good News tor Members of the SCIENCE FICTION LEAGUE LEAQUE LETTERHEADS A beautiful letterhead has been especially de- following lift of essentials hu been prepared T HE signed for members' correspondence. It Is the for members of the SCIENCE FICTION LEAGUE official letterhead for all members of the LEAGUE by the officers st Haadauartera. and Is invaluable when it becomes necessary to correspond with other members or with Head- A FEW WORDS AS TO THE PURPOSE quarters. OF THE LEASUE A—SCIENCE FICTION LEAGUE letter- The SCIENCE FICTION LEAGUE was founded heads, per 100 Prepaid 50c in February, 1984. The Exeoutlve Directors are as follows: LEAGUE ENVELOPES Forrest J. Ackerman, Eando Binder, Jack Darrow, So that letters mailed to members of the Edmond Hamilton, David H. Keller. M.D.. P. LEAGUE can be immediately recognized, apodal Schuyler Miller, Clark Ashton Smith, and B. F. envelopes that harmonize with the letterheads Starzl. Hugo Gernsback, Executive Secretary. Charles have been printed. D. Hornlg. Assistant Secretary. B—SCIENCE FICTION LEAGUE envel- The SCIENCE FICTION LEAGUE Is a member- opes, per 100 Prepaid 50e ship organization for the promotion of science fictlec. There are no dues, no fees, oo Initiations, in connec- LEAQUE SEALS tion with the LEAGUE. No (me makes any money These seals, or stickers, are printed In three from it; no one derives any aalary. The only Income colon and measure In diameter, and are which the LEAGUE has la from its membership IK' on one side. are used by essentials. A pamphlet lotting forth the LEAGUE'S gummed They members affix stationery, letterheads, envelopes, numerous aspirations and purposes will be sent to to to oards and the like. seals signify that anyone on receipt of a 8c stamp to cover postage. postal The you of the One of the purposes of the SCIENCE FICTION are a member SCIENCE FICTION Sold in lots of or multiples LEAGUE la to enhance the popularity of science LEAGUE. 25’s thereof. flotlon, to Increase the number of ita loyal followers by converting potential advocates to the cause. To C—SCIENCE FICTION LEAGUE seals, this end. the SCIENCE FICTION LEAGUE supplies per 25 Prepaid 15c members with membership letterheads, envelopes, lapel buttons, and other essentials. As soon as you LEAGUE LAPEL BUTTON are enrolled as a member, a beautiful certificate Hits beautiful button 1> made In hard enamal with the LEAGUE’S seal will be sent to you, pro- In four colors—red, white, blue and gold. It viding In vtamps or ooln la sent for mailing and 15c measures In diameter. By wearing this bat- handling charges. However, this will be given free ton, other members will recognize you. Many to all those enrolled find It possible members who friends will perhaps also want to loin thO to call personally at Headquarters for It. LEAGUE. The button must be seen to be ap- consideration greatly Another which benefits mem- preciated. bers is that they are entitled to preferential dis- counts when buying science fiction books from numer- D—SCIENCE FICTION LEAGUE lapel ous firms who have agreed to allow lower prices to button Prepaid *5« all SCIENCE FICTION LEAGUE members. The DD—SCIENCE FICTION LEAGUE lapel book publishers realize that, the more fervid fans button, like the one described above, there are to boost science fiction, the more business but In eolid gold will result therefrom; and a goodly portion of the Prepaid $2.50 publishing business is willing, for this reason, to assist SCIENCE FICTION LEAGUE members Id If yra do not with to mutilate this msgarlss, Increasing their science fiction collections by secur- any number of appHostlons will be supplied upon ^ ing the latest books of this type at discounted prices. request D—35c each SCIENCE FICTION ESSENTIALS SCIENSE FICTION LEAGUE, 99 Hidsoa Strut, New York, N.Y. LISTED HERE SOLD ONLY TO SCIENCE FICTION LEAQUE MEMBERS Application for Membership All the essentials listed on this page are never SCIENCE FICTION LEAGUE sold to outaiders. They cannot be bought by anyone SCIENCE FICTION LEAGUE, 99 Hudson Street. New Vert, N. 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I pledge myself to abide by all the rules and regula- fiction entbuslaat). tions of the SCIENCE FICTION LEAGUE, which rules you are to send If, therefore, you order any of the science llctlop me on receipt of this application. essentials without filling out the blank, or a facsimile I belong to the following class (put an X In correct space) : ( ) Pro- (unless you are already enrolled aa a LEAGUE mem- fessional; ( ) Business; ( ) Student; ( ) (Please ber). your money will be returned to you. print Information) Inasmuch as the LEAGUE Is International, it makes no difference whether you are a citizen of Name Age the United States or any other country. The LEAGUE is open to alL Address City and State FREE Country ...» Date CERTIFICATE I enclose 15c, for postage and handling, for my Membership Certificate. To the left is an illus- tration of the certifi- SCIENCE FICTION LEAGUE, 09 Hudson Street. New York. N. Y. cate provided aQ Gentlemen: _ . [ I am already enrolled in the SCIENCE FICTION LEAGUE. of j members the SCI- L ] I am a new member and attach my application to this coupon. ENCE FICTION Please send me the following SCIENCB FICTION LEAGUE essen- tials listed In this advertisement: (Please print information) LEAGUE. It is sent to all members upon receipt of 15c in stamps to cover mail charges. for which I enclose $ herewith. (The LEAGUE accepts money orders, cash or new U. 8. stamps in 3ohu Dow WONDER STORIES any denomination. Register cash or stamps.) is the voice ol the a mn&bfT of tins Lnuus. Tnlllihm ulnmtllii (ntilWr SCIENCE FICTION a monthly Address. W cffidellj ai pooM l> kin LEAGUE— department appears City State WS-934 in the magazine. THE MAGAZINE OP PROPHETIC FICTION Vol. 6, No. 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS September, 1934 WONDERS OF THE PLANETS, an editorial by Hugo Gemsback 389 THE FALL OF THE EIFFEL TOWER by Charles de Richter 390 (In Three Parts—Part One) 'THE MAN FROM BEYOND by John Beynon Harris 420 THE LIVING GALAXY by Laurence Manning 436 FORTHCOMING STORIES 444 SHELL UTILIZES ROTATION OF THE EARTH a news article 445 WHAT IS YOUR SCIENCE KNOWLEDGE? 445 THE WANDERER a poem by L.
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