Labor Unions at Pivotal Point in State SEE STORY PACE 17 Cloudy, Cool THEBAILY FINAL Variably cloudy and cool to- . day. Clear and cold tonight. Red Bank, Freehold Sunny, milder tomorrow. Long Branch 7 EDITION (&«• Details, Fago 21 Monmouth County's Home Newspaper tor 92 Years V6t. 93, NO. 118 PED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1969 32 PAGES 10 CENTS Top Judge Suspended By RICHARD I. STERN swer questions posed by a Sills says he is investigating day. He is accused of trying vades every level of the state. NEWARK (AP)-Newark's federal grand jury investigat- the law. to intercede con behalf of two I-acey refused to comment chief Municipal Court judge ing corruption in the city gov- Del Mauro invoked constitu- men charged in Somerset yesterday on the prediction has been suspended, the city's ernment. The same grand tional rights against self-in- County in a case which au- of massive indictments of mayor is in danger of being jury also subpoenaed Mayor crimination Wednesday when thorities said was related to public officials, made removed from office and a Hugh J. Addonizio to answer he was asked about his in- organized crime. Wednesday by U. S. Atty. Union County District Court questions in connection with come tax returns for I960 Freed in Bail Gen. John Mitchell. Mitchell judge has been indicted on the investigations. through 1968. The state Su- DeVita was freed in $10,000 also forecast crushing of "tiie bribery charges. Befused to Answer preme Court set a hearing for bail yesterday awaiting trial largest gambling syndicate These were developments The mayor, who appointed Thursday on whether the sus- on charges he offered a $10,- ever broken up" and said or- yesterday following several Del Mauro, also refused to pension should be made per- 000 bribe to the county prose- ganized crime had gained days of investigations into or- answer certain questions. He manent. During Addonizio's cutor. control of the Internal Reve- ganized crime and corruption may consequently be re- appearance before the grand The grand jury was in re- nue Service in one state. An in New Jersey by federal and moved from office under pro- jury he pleaded the Fifth cess until next Tuesday, while aide said Mitchell was talk- state authorities. visions of a state law saying Amendment. U. S. Atty. Frederick B. ing about New Jersey. Judge James Del Mauro, officials who refuse to testify In Trenton, Union County Lacey met with tiiree state Addonizio so far has re- who held the Municipal Court on matters relating to their district judge Ralph DeVita legislative leaders to discuss fused to answer 24 questions post since April 1968, was sus- office may be dismissed. pleaded innocent to a bribery ways of combating organized posed by the grand jury, pended after refusing to an- State Atty. Gen. Arthur J. indictment returned Wednes- crime which he contends per- (Sec Judge, Pg. 2, CoL 3) Tri-Town Unit Members Set By PAUL KEBN RED BANK — The names of eight of the nine persons to be appointed to the Tri- Town Regional Board of Edu- cation next week were learned last night. Three o f the eight an- nounced they are definitely resigning their current Board of Education posts. The eight persons who have accepted the appointments are, Red Bank board mem- bers- Clarence Gale aifd Earl Morris, former board mem- ber Henry Stevenson and Dr. James W. Parker Jr.; from Little Silver, Board President Curtis Callant and board mem- ber Oliver Bennett and from Shrewsbury, board members Walter Deiss and Mrs. Mili- , CHRISTMAS SEASON COMES TO RADIO CITY — Crowd of on-loolcers is silhou- cent Salm. Henry A. Stevenson Jr. Earl Morris Curtis G. Callan Clarence S. Gate - etted by 70-foot high RockefelUfCanter Christmas'Tree last nighf after the" offi- "The ninth member, who "" cial lighting of ths tres on Rockefeller Plaza in midtown New York. View is from must be from Red Bank, was before Monmouth County Su- - Red Bank High School during elected for three-year terms, board who was defeated for 49th St. looking toward 51st St. At left is the Associated Press building, and to not knovyn last night. perintendent of Schools Earl . the coming fiscal school,year three for two-year terms and his board seat In 1968 after! 13 At the. Little Silver Board B. Garrison formally appoint- beginning July 1 and must in- rthree for one-year terms. If years and was twice defeated right, fha International building. Lighted windows form cross in the ESSO building. clude provision for the still in Borough Council elections, ] of Education ' meeting Mr. ed the board "but the public the appointed board members, • V •••"••' .,- '• (AP Wirephoto) Callan and Mr. Bennet said has a right to know I'm re- undecided teachers , salary wish to run to retain their came out last night for ex they are vacating their seats signing and know how many scale in the budget. seats, they must file peti- panding the regionalizatiod to take positions on the inter- seats will be open in the elec- When the regular board tions by Jan. 3. down through '.kindergarten im regional board and to run tion." elections are held in Feb- •Mr. Stevenson, a former after the new board has higt for election to the permanent It is believed Mr. Garrison ruary, three members will be member of the Red Bank (See Tri-Town, Pg. 2, Col. 2) Howard Fears Delays board in February. is holding the formal Clarence Gale announced announcement until he can from his home that he will appoint all nine board mem- resign from the Red Bank bers at the same time. His board and file for the regional actual appointments are ex- In Sandy Hook Plans pected Monday or Tuesday board elections. Mr. Deiss said he hadn't and the new board is expected ty BOB BRAMLEY mum of expense," the Con- Hook by the federal govern- to hold its first meeting early gressman went on. ' ment. made up his mind but "there WASHINGTON - Estab- is going to be an awful lot of next week. It is not known lishment of a Gateway Na- Told Feelings "But that situation con- if he' has decided who the Mr. Howard said he told the tinues to get worse, and the work. I'm up for reelection tional Recreational area, an- this year and I'll have to de- ninth member will be. nounced by Secretary of'the secretary he feels the over- sooner we create a Sandy The regional board must all Gateway proposal is "good Hook National Seashore, the cide if I have enough time to Interior Walter J. Hickel, serve both boards." act on several issues before could slow down creation of and imaginative. sooner we' can improve the Dec. 26, 'including hiring a a Sandy Hook National'Sea- "But I also pointed out that beaches," Mr. Howard added. In Little Silver, Mr. Callan Under the terms of the Con- has two years left to his term board secretary, to legally ac- shore, Rep. James J. How- some of the area involved out- ' cept petitions for the regular ard, D-N.J., said yesterday. side of Sandy Hook is private gressman's proposed bill, the and Mr. Bennett, whose seat : would have been contested board elections and advertis- land, which' will mean legal ' National Seashore would con- ing the election: Dec. 26 is • proceedings as well as expen- sist of about 1,634 acres of this year, said they are an- . Belated Story Page. 2 nouncing their intention to re- last date for both actions by .ditureof much money, which • land and about.3,400 acres of law. •might: hamper the overall offshore water; The • total of sign early to give other bor- ough residents a chance to It has until Jan. 3 to ap- Mr. Howard, author of leg- project," Mr. Howard added. 5,034 acres would include the Mr. Howard, who has spon- existing 745-acre state park, file for the election. prove and advertise a high 'islation now pending: to cre- school budget and budget ate the Sandy Hook National sored legislation to create a most of which is currently Mr. Callan apologized for Seashore, met yesterday with Sandy Hook National Sea- leased from the federal gov- announcing his resignation hearings If it is to take over - Secretary Hickel and was shore in the last two Con- ernment by the state for $1 briefed on today's scheduled gresses, was the first elected a year., announcement. The Gateway official to recommend the use The Gateway National Rec- plan would include Sandy • of the Hook for that purpose reation Area, scheduled for Senate Approves Hook. ' after the land was declared announcement today by Sec- "Most:of the land in the' •surplus by the Department of retary Hickel, comprises five Sandy Hook proposal is owned Defense in January of 1967. water-oriented sites in New by the federal government, The Congressman told Sec- York and New Jersey near Tax Reform Bill with the state of New.Jersey retary Hickel the state of New the entrance of New York •Jersey is reluctant to spend Harbor. Included are Breezy WASHINGTON (AP) — The when he said he will veto the owning only about 12 acres," Senate has overwhelmingly bill if it's unchanged. Mr. Howard said. money on such projects as Point, Jamaica • Bay, Great Kills, Hoffman - Swinburne passed its veto-threatened tax But after the vote, Senate "For this reason, it is a beach erosion because of the anticipated' takeover of Sandy Island and Sandy Hook.
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