Cool Earth Wins Appeal to Build Solar Array

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Cool Earth Wins Appeal to Build Solar Array VOLUME XLIX, NUMBER 9 Your Local News Source Since 1963 SERVING DUBLIN • LIVERMORE • PLEASANTON • SUNOL THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 2012 Cool Earth Wins Appeal to Build Solar Array The Alameda County Board Tony Chen, director of busi- on the TVC board, said that su- The next application in line is now is under construction. of Supervisors upheld Cool Earth ness development for Cool Earth, pervisors should not approve any from Pegasus Energy Partners, The county’s agricultural ad- Solar’s application for a solar en- said that the project will generate new solar arrays until the county which is proposing an installa- visory committee has expressed ergy installation in the Altamont, 270 jobs, an estimate based on a has a policy in place concerning tion on 2000 acres not far from very strong concerns about what denying an appeal by the Tri-Val- model created by the National the placement of solar installa- Cool Earth. When the county it sees as the threat to the remain- ley Conservancy (TVC). Renewable Energy Laborato- tions on agricultural land. heard of that application in the ing farming lands. It called on the Supervisors voted 4-0, at their ries. Hansen said that approval making, staff said there was a county last summer to slow down meeting Feb. 28, with supervisor The East County Board of without waiting for policy could need for a policy to be in place the policy formation process, Nadia Lockyer absent. Zoning Adjustment (BZA) ap- have big impacts down the line for the future. so that all views and more data Cool Earth Solar, which is proved a conditional use permit when it comes to preserving the Pegasus’ 2000 acres is more could be considered. Find Out What's based in Livermore, would pro- for Cool Earth in December. The county’s agricultural land. than one-half of the 3957 acres County planning staff contin- duce enough electricity on its panel’s vote was 2-1, with Larry TVC is concerned that ap- of prime agricultural land in ues to work on a policy draft. It Happening 140-acre installation to power Gosselin voting against it, and proving Cool Earth before policy the county. Most of it is in the is expected to be ready in five or Check out the 7000 homes. The site is close to Jim Goff and Jon Harvey for it. adoption would set a precedent Altamont, in the vicinity of the six months. a substation that enables the cur- However, TVC appealed that for future applications, said county’s first approved solar in- Tony Chen, director of busi- second section rent to go into the power grid. decision. Rik Hansen, who serves Hansen. stallation by Green Volts, which Section II is filled with infor- (See COOL EARTH, page 4) mation about arts, entertainment and special events. There are education stories, a variety of features, and the arts and enter- Livermore School tainment and bulletin board. District to offer Transitional Bankhead Theater Kindergarten By Patricia Koning Sees Increase When kindergarten registra- tion begins this week, parents In Sold-Out Events will see a new option – Transi- Nearly halfway into the Bank- tional Kindergarten. This new head Theater’s fifth season, the grade is the result of The Kin- Livermore Valley Performing dergarten Readiness Act of Arts Center (LVPAC) reports 2010 (Senate Bill 1381), which that the percentage of events that amended California Education have sold out has nearly doubled Code to change the required compared with the same period birthday for admission to kin- last season. Ten of the 15 events dergarten and first grade. held at the theater since January The intent of the new law 1, 2012 were sell outs, including is to move the kindergarten shows offered by LVPAC Pres- cutoff date – the date by which ents, touring productions, and a child must turn 5 – from Dec. resident companies such as the 2 to Sept. 1. The change will be Livermore-Amador Symphony and Tri-Valley Repertory The- (See TRANSITIONAL, page 6) atre. With approximately two dozen sold-out shows in the Livermore Lab first five months of the 2011- 2012 season, LVPAC is on track Budget Stable to soon surpass the number of sold-out shows for the entire 12 Photo - Doug Jorgensen For Now, But months of last season. Cricket, owned by Sharon Fogerty, listen as second grader Jasmine Beltran reads. The sold out shows repre- ‘Turmoil’ sent all performing arts genres, Expected In 2013 from dance, classical and vocal Facing “budget turmoil” in groups, to contemporary music Therapy dogs lend an ear to Marylin Avenue students Washington this autumn, Law- and hard-rocking jazz and blues By Patricia Koning rence Livermore National Labo- artists. In addition, educational to read to certified therapy dogs. at the Rincon and Civic Center With help from Valley Humane Dogs, it turns out, are great PAWS to Read, which was mod- branches of the library. Society, which also supports the ratory Director Parney Albright events, such as the annual Sci- listeners. For struggling read- reassured employees last week ence on Saturday series spon- eled after a similar program in “Twice, PAWS to Read came library program, that problem ers, the act of reading out loud Pleasanton, has reached hundreds to evening reading events at was solved. that the Lab’s budget appears sored by Lawrence Livermore in front of class or to a teacher stable for the remainder of the National Laboratory and Cali- of kids in the three years since its Marylin and everyone loved it, In February, the therapy dogs can be stressful and frustrating. inception. the kids and the dog owners,” began coming to Marylin every fiscal year, which ends Septem- fornia Theatre Center’s weekday However, if you make a dog the ber 30. performances of plays for young Still, Gail Turner, coordina- she says. “A lot of these kids Wednesday afternoon in coor- audience, those concerns seem tor of PAWS to Read, knew just can’t get to the library in the dination with the BELIEVES However “there is a great deal people, have also been reaching to melt away. of uncertainty in Washington full capacity. Two of this season’s there were some kids who were evening and they are the ones afterschool program. Every in- That concept was the motiva- still missing out. In her role who need it the most.” terested child was given a chance over final appropriations” for the fundraising galas, which include tion behind the Livermore Pub- next fiscal year and beyond, he a festive post-show reception as a volunteer reading tutor at While everyone at the school to read with the dogs in the first lic Library’s wildly successful Marylin Avenue Elementary supported the idea of a regular few weeks. The BELIEVES co- wrote in an email that circulated (See THEATER, page 8) PAWS to Read Program, which School, she encouraged kids to PAWS to Read program on site, ordinator is now working with Laboratory-wide. The Laboratory is doing all gives children the opportunity come to PAWS to Read nights insurance was the problem. (See READING, page 8) (See BUDGET, page 6) Employers Invited To Sign Up for LPC Career Fair Livermore to Begin Talks Las Positas College invites Bay Area employers to register For a Hotel in the Downtown by April 6 for its annual Majors, The Livermore City Council Livermore Avenue. The site is Career and Employment Fair to approved a negotiating rights currently occupied by SpeeDee be held Thursday, April 26, from agreement with Sonnenblick Oil Change and a parking lot. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Industries LLG on a proposal to The property is designated as Employers will have the op- build a luxury hotel in downtown a hotel site in the Downtown portunity to interview students Livermore. Specific Plan. and recruit for full and part-time The council vote was unani- The developer has been in- career openings and summer mous, with some concerns about volved with prior hotel proj- jobs. Interested employers are potential massing to be addressed ects including the Loews Santa invited to contact Scheanelle in the near future. Monica Hotel, the Waldorf As- Green, Career/Transfer and Em- The negotiations will provide toria Boca Raton Restort, and Le ployment Center Coordinator, terms for the purchase of proper- Rivage Resort & Spa in Sacra- at (925) 424-1423 or sgreen@ ty located at the southeast corner mento. Proposed in Livermore is of Railroad Avenue and South (See HOTEL, page 8) Las Positas College is located at 3000 Campus Hill Drive in Livermore. Hosterman Looks Back at Changes Over Last 8 Years Photo - Doug Jorgensen In her state of the city talk last This is Hosterman’s final year Castlewood Country Club workers and UNITE HERE Local 2850 were joined by hundreds of religious week, Pleasanton Mayor Jennifer as mayor. leaders, students, union members, and participants in Occupy Oakland and Occupy San Francisco for a Hosterman took a look back at Hosterman said, “In 2004, as peaceful march through Pleasanton on Saturday. They walked from Civic Park in downtown Pleasanton to her eight years in office, while a new Mayor, the big crisis in Castlewood Country Club. The day marked the two year anniversary of the lock out of Castlewood staff commenting on the current status Pleasanton surrounded the Oracle members over health care. A proposed plan would require higher contributions from workers who previously of the city. She stated, “I feel con- takeover of PeopleSoft, our own had not had to pay. The new fees were $366.93 a month for single policies and up to $739.08 for families.
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