The Satanic Talmud & The Synagogue of Satan Part 5

Zionism officially became a political movement in 1897. The Rothschild’s founded the Zionist Congress to promote Zionism which was portrayed as a political movement seeking to secure a homeland for the Jews. But in reality, it is a conspiracy plan meant to bring the entire world under Jewish Nationalism. This purported world government is intended to be administered and controlled by Jews and in particular, the Rothschild’s. This is the fork in the road point between Zionism and Biblical Judaism!!

Zionists will refute that statement; however, the facts simply shred this absurdity. In 1917, The Federation of American Zionists (now the Zionists Organization of America) was formed; Richard Gottheil appointed its first president and Rabbi Stephen Wise was its first secretary.

Chaim Weizmann would go on to become the head of the World Zionist Congress. The minutes of their entirety would be released to the world many years later as “The Protocols of the Meeting of the Learned Elders of Zion”. Jews today refute the Protocols as an anti-Semitic hoax. But a plan for world domination was carefully implemented by the Jewish community in the few years prior to its discovery. Keep in mind, that at the turn of the century newspapers were the primary source of news. They never foresaw the advent of electronic communication as we have today.

A copy of the Protocols was purchased in 1884 by the daughter of a Russian general, Justine Glinka, for the sum of 2,500 francs from Joseph Schorst – the alias of Theodore Joseph Schapiro – a Jewish Freemason from the Mizraim Lodge in Paris, France.

As you will see, the Jews based their plan of acquiring world dominion upon their control of gold, and so you may want to re-evaluate any allegations you have to media or political personalities who advocate that implementation of a gold standard will restore economic prosperity. We need to ask whose prosperity? The Rothschild’s have virtually exerted control of a nation’s gold. When a country has a Rothschild’ central bank installed, it virtually withdraws most of the gold from circulation and replaces it with currency like our Federal Reserve Notes. As such, we have no assurance that our nation’s gold still exists in Fort Knox or whether it is gold-plated tungsten bars. Why tungsten? Tungsten weighs the same as gold and can easily be hidden by electro-plating it with a veneer exterior. Such trickery was done more than a decade ago when China complained it had been duped with gold-plated tungsten bars.

Victor E. Marsden was a Russian correspondent of the British newspaper ‘The Morning Post’, who had lived for many years in Russia. He acquired a translation from a Russian professor

1 named Sergei Aleksandrovich Nilus (who had been given them by Justine Glinka and first published them in 1901 in the book ‘The Great Within the Small’). Today, one can purchase the book of Protocols at

In 1903, a prominent publisher by the name of Pavel Krusheva quoted writings from the Protocols in his daily newspaper, ‘Znamya’. After its publication, Krusheva suffered an attempt on his life and from that moment on he lived in constant fear for his life and carried weapons for his own protection. He also took the step of being accompanied by a personal cook to prevent being poisoned.

In 1905, Sergei Nilus published a new edition of his “Rule of Satan” which included a complete version of the Protocols as the final chapter. This was the first time a full compilation of the Protocols had been made available to the general public in book form.

In 1917, (the same year of the final Russian Revolution), Nilus had prepared a final edition – fully documented - but before he could distribute it, Kerensky, a half-Jew, who had succeeded to power after the Revolution, had most of the copies destroyed. Anyone caught in possession of The Protocols by the Bolsheviks was shot on the spot.

In 1918, the Protocols appeared again in a Moscow periodical, ‘The Sentinel’, marked by the Jewish-led Bolsheviks as a counter-revolutionary newspaper. In February, 1919, the Bolsheviks ordered the newspaper shut down.

In 1924, Professor Nilus was arrested by the Jewish-dominated “Cheka,” imprisoned, and then tortured. He was told by the president of the court (who was Jewish) that this treatment was meted out to him for “having done them (the Zionist Bolshevik Jews) incalculable harm in publishing the Protocols.”

The Protocols identify the moving force of the New World Order with a powerful group of extremely chauvinistic, manipulative and domination-obsessed Khazarian Jewish Bankers. Wikipedia denounces The Protocols for World Banking Control as a “Fraudulent Political Treatise”. But, why would anyone write a fraudulent political treatise? The fact is, it is not a fraudulent political treatise; it is real and has been taught and followed by the self-deluded rich. Wikipedia provides no valid evidence that their conclusion itself is valid. Nobel Prize Winner Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote that the book exhibits “the mind of genius.”

Solzhenitsyn further stated that it exhibits “great strength of thought and insight…Its design…(increasing freedom and liberalism, which is terminated in social cataclysm)…is well above the abilities of an ordinary mind…It is more complicated than a nuclear bomb.”

I’m afraid The Protocols may be very genuine. They are lectures addressed to Jewish Luciferians (Illuminati and Freemasons) detailing an incredible plan to overthrow western civilization, subjugate mankind, and concentrate “all the wealth of the world…in our hands.”


The lectures, typical of similar Illuminati documents, were leaked to the Czarist Secret police and published in Russia in 1905.

The whole issue of anti-Semitism diverts attention from this Satanic plot which has been unfolding for over 200 years and is behind the idea of one world government, September 11th, Iraq, Homeland Security and the bogus “War on Terror.” It hides behind sympathy for Holocaust victimism.

When Alexander Solzhenitsyn came to America and spoke at Harvard he warned the U.S. in the 1970′s:

“Destructive and irresponsible freedom has been granted boundless space. Society appears to have little defense against the abyss of human decadence, such as, for example, misuse of liberty for moral violence against young people, motion pictures full of pornography, crime and horror. It is considered to be part of freedom and theoretically counter-balanced by the young people’s right not to look or not to accept. Life organized legalistically has thus shown its inability to defend itself against the corrosion of evil” (from a speech to Harvard 1978).

The American press, largely owned or controlled by Zionists laughed at him and turned a deaf ear at his observations of America’s immorality and materialism. Solzhenitsyn also warned long ago of today’s socialism:

“A number of such critics turn to socialism, which is a false and dangerous current.”

The plotters control the world’s wealth. Their multinational corporations use Freemasonry symbols in their logos. Shell and Citibank have the rising sun; Exxon the double cross, CBS and Time Warner the eye of Horus; Alcan and AOL, the circle in the triangle. Sun worship is an integral part of their use of symbols.

Their mass media, education and politics all create an illusion of democracy in order to control and defraud humanity. The Great Seal of the United States reflects the unhappy truth. It is also a Freemason symbol and bears the inscription “We have achieved New World Order.” Almost all American Presidents including George W. Bush and Barack Obama are Freemasons or Illuminati.

Israel’s Star of David (interlaced triangles) symbol is 2 overlapping triangles known as the Morgan David or Star of David. This is not the David of the Bible or Quran, but of David Al-roy a 12th century false prophet. It is also used by the Masonic Temple. Zionism and Masonry are so intertwined today. They are difficult to separate and goes back to the Congress of Wilhelmsbad in Hanau, Germany. According to Dr. O.J. Graham (‘The Six-Pointed Star, 1999’), "The first mention of the star was in: Amos 5:26 and was regarding the trek from Egypt to Canaan. Then, in 922 B.C., when Solomon married the daughter of Pharaoh and then drifted into magic and witchcraft and eventually built an altar to Ashtaroth and Moloch. The book traces the six- pointed star from Egypt to Solomon, to Arab Magic and Witchcraft, to Druid use (references are

3 documented). It also traces the star through Freemasonry usage to Mayer Amschel Bauer, who, in the 17th century, changed his name to depict the red six-pointed star (or shield) which he hung on his door in Germany, and thus began the family of "Red Shield" or Rothschild.

The is slowly but surely installing their Central banks in every country throughout the world, giving them an incredible amount of wealth and power. In the year 2000, there were nine countries without a Rothschild owned or controlled Central Bank:

Afghanistan Iraq Sudan Libya Cuba North Korea Iran Syria Venezuela

It is not a coincidence that these countries, which are listed above were and still are under attack by the western media. One of the main reasons these countries have been under attack in the first place is because they do not have a Rothschild-owned Central Bank yet.

The first step to having a Central Bank established in a country is to get them to accept outrageous loans, which ultimately puts the country in debt to the Central Bank and thus under the control of the Rothschild’s.

If the country does not accept the loan, the leader of this particular country will be assassinated and a Rothschild aligned leader will be placed in the position. If the assassination does not work, the country will be invaded and forced to have a Central Bank established all under the guise of terrorism. This strategy is discussed by John Perkins in his 2004 book, ‘Confessions of an Economic Hit Man’. John Perkin’s book is a testimony to how the International bankster’s have gone about conquering third world countries. This was his job - to put unsuspecting governments into privatizing national infrastructure and resources that would create indebtedness of the state to the International bankster’s. When I use this term, it is understood to be the House of Rothschild that heads up this criminal venture to financially enslave a

4 sovereign state. Rothschild-owned or controlled Central Banks are illegally created private banks that are owned by the Rothschild banking family. They do not do business with individuals unless the amount involved is over $1-million dollars.

Above photo – Jacob Rothschild

The family has been around for more than 230 years and has slithered its way into each country on this planet, threatened every world leader and their governments and cabinets with physical and economic death and destruction; and then placed their own people in these central banks to control and manage each country’s pocketbook.

Worse, the Rothschild’s also manipulate and control each government at the macro level, not concerning themselves with the daily changes of fortune of our individual personal lives, except when we get too far out of line. This is a major reason that I and others have expressed our concerns regarding the President. I have been trying to determine whether President Trump is working with them or working against them. Is he using them, serving them, or playing them for suckers? Based upon the President’s actions, words, and deeds, I have concluded that he is doing their biddings, wittingly or unwittingly, appearing to be enjoying it all, and in the process, putting the country into bankruptcy faster than any of his predecessors have knowing all too well that the Rothschild’s one day will execute foreclosure on the national debt which has

5 accrued since the passage of the 1913 Federal Reserve Act. I can’t seem to remove from my mind the thought that President.

Billionaire casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, a staunchly pro-Israel campaign donor, is expected to give big to Super Pacs and ‘dark money’ groups. His donations have in the past been followed by strong pro-Israel policy shifts. He has said he regrets that he served in the U.S. Army instead of the Israeli military... His net worth is $39 billion... He plans to donate $100-million for the Trump 2020 election campaign according to the ‘UK Guardian’.

Last month, the Adelson’s were at the White House for the unveiling of Trump’s Middle East peace plan, which Palestinians and most Arab countries rejected as too favorable to Israel but Trump dubbed the “deal of the century”.

Before the official ceremony, Adelson met briefly with Trump, according to one source. During his presidency, Adelson has had other meetings with Trump in Washington and Las Vegas, and periodically they talk by phone, say sources.

At least a handful of Super Pacs and not-for-profit groups are expected to receive seven-figure Adelson checks in 2020, including several he has backed heavily in recent cycles that are aimed at helping Trump and congressional candidates.

For instance, Adelson has been a major funder and board member of the Republican Jewish Coalition, a pro-Israel lobbying group that plans a record $10-million-plus drive to woo more Jewish voters in key swing states including Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, which Trump is hoping to win again as he did in 2016, say RJC donors.

The day before Trump announced in May 2018 that the US was pulling out of the nuclear accord with Iran, Adelson flew into D.C. from his home in Las Vegas and met privately with Trump and a few top aides, including the vice-president, Mike Pence, and the then national security adviser, John Bolton, with whom Adelson had strong ties.

A few days later, Adelson was in Jerusalem with a few dozen fellow board members of the RJC and some top Trump aides, including Jared Kushner, to celebrate the official ceremony marking the U.S. embassy move to Jerusalem, a top priority for Adelson and the RJC.

The veteran GOP fundraiser Mel Sembler, who also sits on the RJC board, thinks Adelson’s input was significant in Trump’s decisions to move the embassy and pull out of the Iranian nuclear deal. “Adelson was an important factor in all these decisions,” Sembler told McClatchy in May 2018.

All of this confirms the much larger picture written by Katherine Smith, PhD in her historical documentary project: “70 Million Died So The Jews Could Have Palestine – The Nazi & Jewish Affair to Remember”, which first appeared in an unpublished 2010 format on the web site: . The professor contends that the Rothschild’s are responsible for


WW1 and WW2 and that 70-million lives were sacrificed in the process to get a so-called Jewish homeland for the fake imposters of Zionism! Her work is both an interesting read as well as a sad commentary of the history of the Zionist movement.

Trump is really a Judas goat! For those unfamiliar with the term Judas goat - a Judas goat is a trained goat used in general animal herding. The Judas goat is trained to associate with sheep or cattle, leading them to a specific destination. In stockyards, a Judas goat will lead sheep to slaughter, while its own life is spared. Judas goats are also used to lead other animals to specific pens and onto trucks. As a young teen, a couple of us would watch how they were used at a local Jewish slaughter house at a nearby railroad freight yard where I grew up in Pittsburgh’s East Liberty neighborhood.

Keep in mind this important point: The House of Rothschild has been the Vatican’s “Fiduciary” Agent for almost 200 years. Since 1823/1824, the Roman Catholic Institution “franchised” its Usury business to the Satanic Zionist faux Jews.

Jesus began his 3-1/2 year ministry in Jerusalem by driving the corrupt moneychangers from the Temple. He also ended His ministry by attacking the same thieves. It was the only time that the Lord used force during his earthly life.

"And the Jews' passover was at hand, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem. And found in the temple those that sold oxen and sheep and doves, and the changers of money sitting: And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables; And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise" -(John 2:13-16).

Usury is condemned in the Bible; usury was condemned among pagan nations and usury was condemned by the early church. It is even condemned by Islam!

The moneychangers hated the word USURY and they tried to drive it out of the dictionary. Here is their modern definition of USURY:

1. The practice of lending money and charging the borrower interest, especially at an exorbitant or illegally high rate. 2. An excessive or illegally high rate of interest charged on borrowed money. 3. Archaic or obsolete. Interest charged or paid on a loan.

The ‘Journal of History’ stated the following in March of 2009: By Fritz S. Meier September 29, 2008

Early in the 19th century [1800’s] the Pope came to the Rothschild’s to borrow money. The Rothschild’s were very friendly with the Pope, causing one journalist to sarcastically say


"Rothschild has kissed the hand of the Pope...Order has at last been re-established." The Rothschild’s in fact over time were entrusted with the bulk of the Vatican's wealth. The Jewish Ency., Vol. 2, pg. 497 states, "It is a somewhat curious sequel to the attempt to set up a Catholic competitor to the Rothschild’s that at the present time (1905) the latter are the guardians of the papal treasure." Researcher Eustice Mullins writes that the Rothschild’s took over all the financial operations of the worldwide Catholic Church in 1823.

Today the large banking and financial business of the Catholic Church is an extensive system interlocked with the Rothschild’s and the rest of the International Banking system. Viz the Vatican's Bank of America in the United States which recently acquired the Wall Street investment giant Merrill Lynch. The great wealth of the Russian Czars was entrusted at that time to the Rothschild’s, $35 million with the Rothschild's Bank of England, and $80 million in the Rothschild's Paris bank. The Rothschild’s then financed the Russian Revolution which confiscated those fortunes plus vast portions of the Orthodox Church's wealth. They were able to prevent (due to their power) the legitimate heirs of the Czars fortune to withdraw a penny of the then mere millions deposited in a variety of their banks. The British Mountbattan’s, who are related to the Rothschild’s through marriages, led the court battles to prevent the claimants from withdrawing any of the fortune. In other words, the money they invested in the Russian Revolution, was not only paid back directly by the Bolshevists in millions of dollars of gold, but by grabbing the huge deposits of the Czars' wealth, the Rothschild’s gained what has now grown (been 'leveraged') into tens of trillions.

Until 2006, Rothschild's Bank of America was the largest bank in the United States. It has been surpassed now by JP Morgan Chase, another Rothschild bank, which in March was given ownership of its rival Wall Street investment house Bear Stearns, all at U.S. taxpayer expense. Then, a few years ago, it was given ownership of the failing Washington Mutual bank, that nation's largest Savings and Loan.

Lehman Brothers, the other financial house collapse which shook the world, is apparently to be acquired by Rothschild Barclays PLC Bank in London, under the direction of the U.S. bankruptcy court.

The total assets of the Rothschild financial empire now surpass 165 Trillion Pounds Sterling. That was in 2008, at the time of the ‘Journal of History’ published their figures. In terms of dollars, the collective cabal of the Vatican, the British Royal Family, and the Rothschild’s conservatively speaking is 2 quadrillion dollars, or a 2 with 15 zeros after it: 2,000,000,000,000,000. I qualify this statement with the word “conservatively” since nobody knows the value of their

Above – The Symbol for the House of Rothschild.

8 assets in terms of gold bullion in the banks of “neutral” Switzerland, another fiefdom of the cabal. Swiss neutrality came about as a Rothschild mandate of the Congress of Vienna for the purpose of avoiding taxation of wealth. It was reported that when the Egyptian PLO leader Yasser Arafat died, he left his wife $15-billion in stolen assets.

When the House of Rothschild bailed the Papacy out in 1834, the commission fee was 5%. Over the past two centuries this commission rate has been 6-8%, and as high as 34%. The pope wanted to charge President Abraham Lincoln this percentage rate to fund the Union during the Civil War. The Rothschild’s were secretly funding the Southern Confederacy; a common practice of the Rothschild’s is to fund opposing forces in hostilities.

Few of you will recognize the name of Sherman H. Skolnick today. He was active in the effort to clean up the courts of Chicago and Cook County, IL. I followed Sherman’s posts on the Internet for years. He was a quadriplegic while he was alive. Here is a post he wrote on the Rothschild’s and their relatives, the Rockefellers.

THE ROCKEFELLERS and THE ROTHSCHILDS ======by Sherman H. Skolnick ------

The press fakers never tell us about the annual secret meetings of secret societies, gathering as the real rulers to plot our destiny. One such is the Bilderberg Group made up of the ultra-rich, their puppets, and the press lords, meeting every year in a different country, usually early in June - one of the only places financial enemies come together, such as the Rockefeller’s and the Rothschild’s. Soon thereafter are wars, depressions, and political murders.

In July, 1978, right after a Bilderberg meeting, the head of his family empire, John D. Rockefeller III, was murdered - made to look like an accident. Likewise, in July, 1996, the one about to be named head of *his* family banking empire, , was found hanged in Paris -- some say murdered. He was head of Rothschild Asset Management, Ltd., a unit suffering huge losses because of terrible miscalculations. The Rothschild’s are facing a financial shipwreck of almost a trillion dollars. (Both Rockefeller and Rothschild were killed on about the same day in July. To send a message, assassins like an anniversary.)

We raised questions in 1978. We are raising questions now. Neither the Rockefeller’s nor the Rothschild’s are strangers to political assassinations. To protect their oil and other properties, the Rockefellers have used the American CIA to murder insurgent leaders worldwide. The Rockefeller’s helped arrange the murder of President Kennedy who opposed tax benefits for oil producers.

The book, "The Lincoln Conspiracy," shows how the Rothschild’s arranged the murder of President Abraham Lincoln a few days after the end of the Civil War. Lincoln's post-war policies

9 would have wrecked the Rothschild's commodity speculations. After the war, to bind up the wounds and get the nation together again, Lincoln intended to go easy on the South, enabling resumption of agriculture production. The Rothschild’s and key members of Congress were betting the other way, on high prices caused by a tough policy on the South.

For more than 140 years the Rothschild’s have dominated the Chicago markets. They call the shots on the Chicago Board of Trade, setting prices, relayed worldwide, on corn, wheat, and soybeans. The Rothschild’s also control the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, setting the prices on world currencies, and through their Chicago Board Options Exchange, on financial instruments.

Through their British relatives, the NM Rothschild’s controlled the price of gold, set twice each day in London up until 2004.

Seldom is it mentioned: that the Rothschild’s, along with other western bankers and industrialists, financed the rise of Hitler as a bulwark against the Soviets. The ultra-right wing falsely describes the Rothschild’s as "Jewish bankers" when, in fact, the Rothschild’s are interwoven with the Catholic Church, and, jointly with the traditional mafia and the American CIA, interlocked with the Vatican Bank, which was pro-Nazi.

The Archbishop of Chicago is also the Treasurer for the Church for the whole Western hemisphere. And he deposits those funds in the Continental Bank of Chicago, owned jointly by the Vatican, the Queen of England, and the Rothschild’s, all of whose representatives always sat on the board of directors of Continental.

For many years, Chief Judge of the Federal Appeals Court in Chicago was Walter J. Cummings, Jr., a man of trust for the Vatican, chosen to secretly handle their funds. Cummings and his family were also major owners of Continental Bank, now merged with Bank of America and for many years was owned jointly by the Jesuits and the Rothschild’s and now is joined by the Japanese mafia, the Yakuza.

Most every judge on the Federal Appeals Court here is linked to Continental Bank. The judges *do* *not* disqualify themselves in cases involving Continental. Guess who wins?

The Rothschild’s and the Japanese seek to control in the United States by buying up large tracts of land, such as in central Illinois.

All in all, Chicago is a center of corruption -- it is the cheapest place in the nation for bribing Federal Judges. Hence, large corporations prefer to have their important litigation in the Windy City. And Chicago is a center for the Rothschild’s.

These are subjects forbidden to be discussed and circulated by the liars and whores of the press. Call up your favorite news faker and demand they mention something about the secret society, the Bilderberg Group, and what often happens right after their annual meeting.


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Since 1963, Mr. Skolnick has been founder/chairman of a public-interest group, CITIZENS' COMMITTEE TO CLEAN UP THE COURTS, researching and disclosing certain instances of judicial corruption and political murders. Since 1971, as editor of updates of the group's work, called HOTLINE NEWS, Mr. Skolnick has broadcast a 5-minute recorded phone message which is changed several times per week. The message can be heard by placing a regular phone call to (312) 731-1100. Since 1991, he was a regular participant, now moderator, of a popular, public access cable TV program, called "Broadsides", in Chicago and suburbs. On most every Monday evening in Chicago, on Channel 21 cable, at 9 p.m., his recorded message is available to some 400,000 households. His comments appear on the Internet on several websites; in fact, archives of his stories can be pulled up and printed out. Mr. Skolnick died in May of 2006.

A few highlights of the group's work:  Caused the biggest bribery scandal in U.S. history, the collapse of the Illinois Supreme Court, 1969.  Investigation of the sabotaged Watergate plane crash, 1972-73. 12 Watergate figures perished including Mrs. E. Howard Hunt, wife of the Watergate burglar.  One of the first to comment on the Vice President Spiro Agnew bribery mess, resulting in his downfall, 1973.  Investigation and disclosure causing the jailing for bribery of the highest level sitting federal judge in American history, Chicago Federal Appeals Judge Otto Kerner, Jr., 1973.  Touched off "Operation Greylord," in which 20 local judges and 40 lawyers were jailed for bribery, 1983-1993.

The reason I included this post by the late Sherman Skolnick is related to the power the House of Rothschild exerts around the world and their connection with the Vatican and their intertwinement with the British Royal Family. Chicago and Cook County, IL is one of the most corrupt cities in the USA, with the Chicago Diocese running the operation.

The only countries left in 2003 without a Central Bank owned or controlled by the Rothschild Family were:

Libya Cuba North Korea Iran Sudan Syria Venezuela

The attacks of September 11th, 2001 were an inside job purposed to invade Afghanistan and Iraq to then establish a Central Bank in those countries. We know that Mossad did 9/11. Refer to my recent article “The Crime That God Will Avenge – Israel Did 911”. Here:


Case Closed: JFK Killed After Shutting Down Rothschild’s Federal Reserve

The only countries left in 2019 without a Central Bank owned or controlled by the Rothschild Family are:

Iran North Korea Cuba Venezuela Syria

Can you see the pattern? After the instigated protests and riots in the Arab countries the Rothschild’s finally paved their way into establishing Central Banks, and getting rid of many leaders, which puts them into more power.

Copies of ‘The Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ were circulated by the Czarist Russian in the early years of the twentieth century. This document purported to be an account of a meeting of Jewish Zionist leaders from many nations who were planning to dominate and enslave all mankind and destroy Christianity.

Henry Ford of the Ford Motor Company brought the ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’ to the United States. Between 1920 and 1927, his newspaper, the ‘Dearborn Independent’, translated the document into English and printed it along with a series of articles accusing the Jews of using communism, banking, unions and gambling, to weaken the American people and their culture.


“The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to his time. They fit it now.” -(Henry Ford, in an interview quoted in the ‘New York World’, February 17, 1921)

~ Indeed, They Still Do Today!

Clever steps have been undertaken to prove that the “Protocols” were forgeries. The Zionists have again and again disputed their authenticity. Publishers have been accused of defamation for its allegations as to the genuineness of the “Protocols.” The Zionist Jewish plaintiffs are still demanding the Courts brand the document a forgery and thereby prohibit its publishing and circulation. In a search on the Internet, there are dozens of pages attempting to confuse and refute the truth that the “Protocols” are by Zionist Jews. If you take the time to read each of the Protocols, it becomes obvious as to the identity of its authors.

It is a clear as daylight that no plagiarism was committed whether from the Holy or Satanical writers. The claim that the Protocols are forgeries is in itself, an admission of its genuineness for they NEVER ATTEMPT TO ANSWER THE FACTS corresponding to their THREATS which the Protocols contain, and, indeed, the correspondence between prophesies and fulfillment is too glaring to be set aside or obscured. This the Zionists well know and evade.

The Protocols is full of Talmudic contempt for non-Jews. Here are a few references to the “goyim” (non-Jews).

"How clear is the undeveloped power of thought of the purely brute brains of the goyim... What could have been simpler than to take the money they wanted from their own people? "...

We "will put an end to those abuses to which we owe our mastery over the goyim, but which cannot be allowed in our Kingdom."

Estonian journalist Juri Lina has examined the recently opened Soviet archives and documented the connection between the Bolshevik Revolution and Jewish Illuminism in his book "Under the Sign of the Scorpion." (1994). His most important book is ‘Architect of Deception: The Concealed History of Freemasonry”.

The page below will link readers to the translated “Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion”.

Click on any chapter after you’ve clicked on the URL at the top of page 14 and it should open to the contents of each of the 24 Protocols.


translated by Victor E. Marsden Contents Protocols 1. The Basic Doctrine 2. Economic Wars 3. Methods of Conquest 4. Materialism Replaces Religion 5. Despotism and Modern Progress 6. Take-Over Technique 7. World-Wide Wars 8. Provisional Government 9. Re-education 10. Preparing for Power 11. The Totalitarian State 12. Control of the Press 13. Distractions 14. Assault on Religion 15. Ruthless Suppression 16. Brainwashing 17. Abuse of Authority  Editorial Note 18. Arrest of Opponents  Preface 19. Rulers and People  Introduction 20. Financial Programme  Who are the Elders? 21. Loans and Credit 22. Power of Gold 23. Instilling Obedience 24. Qualities of the Ruler

No wonder this book was banned in the USSR on pain of death! Its informal ban in America is a measure of our condition. Karl Marx, Lenin and Trotsky, were all Jewish Freemasons, dysfunctional losers who were employed by the Illuminist bankers to hoodwink the masses. Lenin for example had been an unsuccessful lawyer who had only six cases in which he

14 defended shoplifters. He lost all six cases. A week later he gave the law up to become a highly paid revolutionary.

The URL for the Protocols listed on page 14 will be found at:

I’ve provided a URL link for readers to read them individually at their own leisure. Some of the Protocols are much longer than others, so I opted to provide the URL link for you to read.

All secret societies and not so secret societies involved in the global conspiracy are difficult to research because there is so much disinformation and untruth surrounding them. The Internet has enabled the exposure of the people behind the agenda to enslave the world to Zionist global control through money and credit. The research I can do in a day required months before the advent of the PC computer using public libraries.

This is a deliberate diversion tactic used to create confusion and prevent the truth from being understood by the mass population. Probably the best example of this is the Freemasons. I’ve explained them in greater detail elsewhere, but, what they do well is to hide their true agenda.

The Freemasons have what they call degrees, levels if you like, in which a Freemason can be elevated or progress through each degree… Those in the lower degrees are fed totally different interpretations of the symbolism of the true Freemasonic agenda which those who reach the heights at the top degrees of initiation clearly understand. In the rites and rituals of the 19th degree, they find out that they worship their god known as Lucifer in the Bible, and not Jesus Christ.

By doing this, and initiating many more Masons at the lower degrees who never progress, they are able to ridicule those who claim the Freemasons are involved in a conspiracy because most Freemasons actually aren’t and therefore genuinely believe there is no Freemasonic conspiracy!

It’s really that easy to discredit the true statements made by researchers, like others, and myself, who have actually taken the time to research and understand that there are many, many layers of deceit that must be carefully uncovered to find what we call the truth… For example; their own writings confirm Freemasonry and Jewish Kabbalah are woven together.

Some people could give you intricately detailed account of various WW2 battles; there are probably millions of books published on the subject detailing the technicalities of how each battle was won or lost, but where in the books do you read that without the funding of a German / Jewish family of bankers known as the Rothschild’s, none of these horrors could have happened?

I once rented a house from a small independent bank president who was a Freemason, a member of the Rotary, a member of the Kiwanis, and several other international organizations. We became very good friends, and the house I rented from him shared a common driveway

15 with his house. He told me years ago, there are 150 Rothschild’s living in the U.S. The composite picture below is merely the major names heading this .

Some financiers spend years learning how the economy works and could talk you into a coma with the mind numbing policy and excrement they make these so called ‘intellectuals’ recite in order to become ‘qualified’…

Again there are books and courses teaching you pointless crap about economic cycles, financial booms, recessions, etc. It’s all meaningless because what they didn’t tell you is how the monetary system was created and owned by the Rothschild’s who dictate financial markets globally. The credit system we have today was flawed from its very conception because as soon as one penny was lent out with an interest charged upon it, there was already never enough physical money left to pay off the debt. Someone would always owe someone… In this case, every nation owes the Rothschild bankers. They control the world through money and credit. It was designed to function this way.


With that in mind, do excuse me for cutting to the chase, let’s just say I don’t care for some of the detailed information about Zionism. Quite frankly, it’s not relevant, and we don’t have all night, do we?

Zionism, like the Freemasons, is a difficult subject to approach and write or talk about… Again, there are different factions of Zionism that exist, each with differing views and beliefs, this adds to a minefield of information and it’s not easy to understand all the viewpoints and differences… But thankfully, there is a way of cutting through the disinformation…

One thing I have learned from my 40 years of research is that if you want the truth, you simple need to follow the money. Ask ‘who stands to gain financially from the event or circumstance?’ If financial gain doesn’t appear to be the goal, then ask ‘who funded it?’

A certain family by the name of Rothschild is almost always intimately involved in the business end of the deal of major social, geo-political, and economic events.

I will also say at this juncture that I could not care less what religion, color, race, background or sex you are. Frankly, I don’t see the barriers that are created because of these labels we choose to adopt… Ultimately, I guess what I’m saying is Jewish people should not be in anyway offended by what I have to say here because I have no problem with Jewish people.

My problem here is with mass murderers like the Rothschild family whose claim to be Jewish is insulting to Jews everywhere. How can they claim to care about the Jewish people when they were directly responsible for persecuting the Jews in Nazi Germany? Their family funded Hitler into power, armed Germany and allowed the Nazi regime to kill millions of Jews in despicable ways… If you don’t have a problem with that you are not well…


The original aim of Zionism was to create the State of Israel, (For more detailed information see Genocide In Palestine – Humanities Shame for much greater detail) Link here: To do this it rolled out its many policies on ensuring that the persecution of Jewish people was kept up, and, perhaps more importantly than the persecution itself was the public perception of persecution which was promoted and accomplished through Rothschild funded media, politics etc…

Zionism is essentially a nationalist political movement. Although Zionism hides behind the religion of Biblical Judaism, many Christians and non-Jews worldwide also unwittingly support the movement through what is referred to as Christian Zionism.

As I have stated before, and cannot stress enough, the religious aspect of the movement is a mere cover story. The real Zionists are not necessarily Jewish, although the majority will claim they are. Like the Rothschild’s, the real Zionists are a tiny fraction that make up the Global elite cabal: The high level Politicians, Ministers, Royals, Board members of major corporations like Google, Amazon, McDonalds, etc., the people running our military, our police forces, our churches, our educational system, even international bodies like the UN, NATO, and the World Health Organization… Oh and did I say bankers (Rothschild’s), yes almost all wealth is owned by this small group of individuals, and what they don’t own they control by proxy.

You cannot believe a word published by the mainstream media. They print nothing more than pre-approved propaganda as appropriate to the Rothschild/Zionist agenda because they own all of the mainstream media networks and many ‘independent’ and ‘alternative’ outlets as well… In 1992, I was the pastor of two rural United Methodist Churches in Owen County, KY. The county had a single newspaper that published on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. They had a religious column and when they asked me to write an article once a week, I jumped at the opportunity. After about four months, I was asked to avoid writing about subjects like the National Debt, the International banksters, and stick primarily with matters of religious faith. Apparently, my articles had been brought to the attention of the editorial eyes of sensitivity. One of the paper’s employees was related to one of my church members, and alerted me to the fact that my articles were getting attention outside the country. It was a few weeks later that my superintendent asked me to take a station-charge (single church) in another county two hours away. I have often wondered if my written articles for the county paper had something to do with my being moved.

It was the Rothschild’s who funded Zionism and turned it into a world-wide political movement to quell opposition that they successfully introduced and branded as “anti-Semitism”.

Say anything they don’t want said about Israel and its treatment of Palestinians or of Zionism and it’s corruption of Judaism and bang, you’re immediately labeled as being anti-Semitic.

What we will keep seeing is propaganda in the news and papers pressing for tougher laws on anti-Semitism. Again, I’m not condoning genuine racism but there is a difference between what anti-Semitism is and what they are confusing anti-Semitism to be, although this isn’t an

18 accident of course… President Trump’s recent Executive Order violates the U.S. Constitution in that it surrenders our Freedom of Speech clause in the Bill of Rights. Unfortunately, very little public reaction has said much about it. The public seems oblivious to what their future holds for them with a Zionist world government headed up by the Rothschild’s and controlling the puppet strings. The President’s EO criminalizes negative speech against Israel or Jews such as the BDS policies of religious denominations or academic institutions of higher learning!

 Disagreeing with the policies of another nation does not make you anti-Semitic.  Disagreeing with the Israeli treatment of Palestinians does not make you anti-Semitic.  Disagreeing with the hundreds of millions of lives lost in the name of Political Zionism through genocide, wars, financial manipulation and government corruption does not make you anti-Semitic.

Over the past century, there have been many prominent Jewish figures, from Albert Einstein to holocaust survivors like Primo Levi, who have opposed the idea of an ethnically exclusive Israeli state.

The very people pushing the anti-Semitic banner are the anti-Semites themselves, the Rothschild’s and their Zionist stooges, because this helps them to remain protected from thorough investigation while they continue to destroy wealth, nations, freedom and lives.

Jeff Rense posted the report below on his web site back in 2005. It contains important information about the movement known as Zionism. Jeff Rense’s web page is one of the most extensive sites for news. No news site is as comprehensive as

Is The Protocols Of Zion A Sabbatean Document? By Jack Manuelian 6-14-2005

The famous document known as the "Protocols of Zion" can be paraphrased as The Protocols of Zionism and most likely it was a secret Sabbatean Frankist document. Sabbateans had many writings which due to the secretive and revolutionary nature of their cult were kept hidden. The original Protocols seem to have been one of those that were no longer secret after parts of it was printed as minutes of a covert meeting in Paris in 1901, minutes that were later published in Russia by Nilus.

Sergyei Nilus, who first published the Protocols in 1902, wrote in its 1905 edition Introduction: "These are not exactly minutes of meetings, but a report made by some powerful person, divided into sections not always in a logical sequence. They convey the impression of being the part of something." Hence, what Nilus had in hand could be some notes taken from a Sabbatean original document which yet remain concealed. We only know a portion of the original that came to be known as


The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Nilus also writes in the Introduction: "It is a true copy in translation, of original documents stolen by a woman from one of the most influential and most highly initiated leaders of Freemasonry (Orient Freemasonry). The theft was accomplished at the close of a secret meeting of the initiated in France in 1901, that nest of Jewish masonic conspiracy." When mention of a woman is made it clearly points the finger to Frankists who traded their wives and daughters with other members and sometimes with non-members whom they needed to influence or attract to their cult. Apparently one of those women, having been fed-up from being prostituted, had decided to retaliate by exposing the document in question. Or the document could have been leaked on purpose because of a known agreement between the forces of darkness and that of the light to make their intentions known to human beings before embarking on an enterprise that would practically enslave the people of earth in a global one world government. For this reason, The Protocols mention at its beginning, that we " will expose the conception of our policy" which amounts to a declaration of intention to the earthlings.

Then the speaker defines those earthlings: "It must be noted that people with corrupt instincts are more numerous than those of noble instinct. Therefore in governing the world the best results are obtained by means of violence and intimidation, and not by academic discussions." The violence cited here would include a World War III. On the other hand, the concept that humans are basically evil are reflected also in Sabbatean beliefs that state: "Since we cannot all be saints, let us all be sinners." Also, the Talmud emphasizes that humans are basically brute beasts; for this same reason the Protocols open its chapter II with the phrase "What restrained the wild beasts of prey which we call men? " Their solution of course, is despotism and rule by fear; fear being one of the main characteristics of the animals. Protocol 3.14 "The word 'liberty' brings society into conflict with all the powers, even with that of Nature and of God. That is why, when we come into power, we must strike the word 'liberty' out of the human dictionary, as being the symbol of bestial power, which turns the populace into blood-thirsty animals."

Rabbi Antelman quotes Gershom Scholem in Volume 1, chapter 10, of his book To Eliminate The Opiate about a distinguishing belief of the Sabbateans that the "real Torah is not the real Torah and must be violated by conforming to another superior, alien mystical Torah of Atzilut (aristocracy)". Now, the Hebrew word "Atzilut" is translated by Antelman as "aristocracy" and this is the same word that we see in Protocol 1.18: "On the ruins of natural and hereditary aristocracy we built an aristocracy of our own on a plutocratic basis. We established this new aristocracy on wealth, of which we had control, and on science promoted by scholars." This Protocol shed some light on the new Torah spoken about by those Sabbateans and makes us wonder whether they were not the real authors of the Protocols and if not all of its known "minutes" were actually reflections from their Torah of Atzilut.


Certainly the Frankists and their friends belonged to an "elite" new aristocracy. Antelman writes in chapter 11 of his book: "The Frankist elite consisted of a circle of very gifted intellectuals, theologians and men of letters, as well as a group of men of great financial means who were for the most part great merchant bankers and exerted tremendous influence in their day in the highest financial circles of Europe....The list of the Frankist elite is long, and if one spent the time to study just the few families mentioned here, in depth; the information would fill several volumes. However, the same pattern continuously emerges. Brilliant, wealthy people addicted to power, anxious to assimilate (if they were born Jewish), to destroy religions, to indulge in radicalism, to live cryptic two-faced lives sometimes posing as religious Jews, Catholics, or Protestants but indulging their revolutionary radicalism in secret."

"It should be pointed out that when [in 18th Century] attempts were made by the Illuminati, Jacobins and Frankists to infiltrate the Masons that their infiltration did not mean that they harbored any particular love for Freemasonry. On the contrary, they hated it with a passion and only wished to utilize the cover of Freemasonry as a means of spreading their revolutionary doctrines and to provide a place where they could covertly meet without arousing suspicion."

Protocol 5.4 "The only society known to us which would be capable of competing with us in these arts, might be that of the Jesuits. But we have managed to discredit these in the eyes of the stupid mob [the people] as being a palpable organization, whereas we ourselves have kept in the background, reserving our organization as a secret."

"Scholem informs us that the Frankists went underground around 1820, as their emissaries went from town to town and from family to family to collect their secret writings...As the years passed, the economic and intellectual position of the Frankists strengthened. They built factories and became active in Masonic organizations. They were known to have secret gatherings on the Ninth of Av [August] which they celebrated as a holiday, which is the Jewish fast day commemorating the destruction of both Temples. The center of Frankist activity changed from Frankfurt-Offenbach to Prague and then to Warsaw. The Frankists in Warsaw who were now concentrated among seemingly Catholic families maintained contact prior to World War II with the Turkish Donmeh Sabbatians, who were centered in Turkey and in Salonika, Greece. The Donmeh was active in the Committee for the Progress and Unity of the Young Turk Movement."

"The Frankists today [1971] no longer call themselves by that name. The Organization has grown into an international group labeled by outsiders as the Cult of the All-Seeing Eye." On his website, Cliff Shack has posted three chapters of the book by Marvin Antelman. In chapter 12 some details are given about their activities in the US.


Link here: Gershon Acholem mentions another distinguished belief of the Frankists: A Frankist believer "must not appear to be as he really is." Rabbi Antelman comments on this belief that it "justified its followers' pursuit of the double type of life that they led. One could appear to be a religious Jew on the outside and in reality be a Frankist. For though the Donmeh officially converted to Islam and the Frankists to Catholicism, the great majority of Frankists who outwardly appeared to embrace Judaism integrated themselves into the Jewish community. Despite the fact that they were all outwardly religious, they still cherished as their goal "the annihilation of every religion and positive system of belief," and they dreamed "of a general revolution that would sweep away the past in a single stroke so that the world might be rebuilt." The concept of order-out-of-chaos is implied here

Antelman then adds: "Gershom Scholem writes elsewhere, in his book ‘Kabbalah and Its Symbolism’: "For Frank, anarchic destruction represented all the Luciferian radiance, all the positive tones and overtones, of the word 'Life.' The nihilistic mystic descends into the abyss in which the freedom of living things is born: he passes through all the embodiments and forms that come his way, committing himself to none; and not content with rejecting and abrogating all values and laws, he tramples them underfoot and desecrates them, in order to attain the elixir of Life. In this radical interpretation of a symbol, the life-giving element of mystical experience was combined with its potential destructiveness. It goes without saying that from the standpoint of the community and its institutions, such mysticism should have been regarded as demonic possession. And it is indicative of one of the enormous tensions that run through the history of Judaism that this most destructive of all visions should have been formulated in its most unrestrained form by one who rebelled against the Jewish law and broke away from Judaism."

The duplicity of the Frankists is also mentioned in Protocol 7.3 that states: "In order to obtain these ends we must have recourse to much slyness and artfulness during negotiations and agreements, but in what is called 'official language' we shall assume the opposite tactics of appearing honest and amenable. Thus the governments of the Gentiles [read the masses], which we taught to look only on the showy side of affairs, as we present these to them, will even look upon us as benefactors and saviors of humanity."

Another main Sabbatean belief is that "Godhead takes human form which allowed for leaders of the sect to be incarnated into that Godhead, from Shabbetai Tzvi through to Frank and others." (source Scholem). Hence, when Frankists convert to Christianity and Donmeh convert to Islam their God does not become Jesus Christ and the Christian Trinity or Mohammad and his Allah but the "Godhead of the Frankists included members of the sect" (Antelman). Therefore Sabbatai Zevi was their first incarnate God, after him Jacob Frank (or Yakov Frankovich? a typical Khazar Turkish-Jew) was their incarnate God. After Frank the godly reign apparently

22 passed to the Rothschild’s, and now their incarnate god is either a Rothschild god- man or they are waiting for his incarnation and manifestation among them like it is made clear in the Protocols of Zion. Just after a year of his apparent "conversion" Frank was thrown into jail because of this blasphemy.

Antelman writes about prophet Sabbatai Zevi: "At the time of his conversion [to Islam], thousands of his followers became disillusioned and abandoned the movement. However, there were still some stubborn followers who believed in him and, of course rationalized their following him by inventing some type of rationale. Hence the movement gave rise to a special Sabbatian sect in Turkey known as the Donmeh. The order maintained that the Messiah would have to sin before he could bring redemption, and this provided a rationale for believing in a Jewish Messiah who was of Islam. Many years after Shabbetai Tzvi's death, the Donmeh continued to exist and to grow. Jacob Frank encountered the Donmeh while he was a traveling salesman in Turkey (in 1757 Frank converted to Islam). He refined the concept of the Messiah sinning by urging members of the movement to sin, reasoning that if salvation could be gotten through purity, it could also be achieved through sin.

Gershom Scholem, the great Kabbala authority, has elaborated on this theme in such writings as his Hebrew Mitzvah ha Ba'ah ba Averah, which was translated into an article that appeared in a Commentary in 1971 entitled “The Holiness of Sin”; as well as a chapter in his Messianic Idea in Judaism entitled Redemption Through Sin, One of the ways that the Frankists indulged in their sin was to engage in sexual orgies. The Donmeh in Turkey officially converted to Islam in 1683 and the Frankists in Europe to Catholicism in 1759. “However, their conversion to these religions was for the purpose of imitating the Sabbatian role models as well as for subverting and destroying these faiths."

In Protocol 1.8 we read: "Politics have nothing in common with morals. A ruler governed by morals is not a skilled politician, hence he is not firm on his throne. He who wants to rule must have recourse to cunningness and hypocrisy. The great human qualities of sincerity and honesty become vices in politics. They dethrone with more certainty than the bitterest enemy. These qualities have to be the attributes of the Gentile countries, but we are not in the least forced to be guided by them."

Protocol 5.3 "We will organize a strong [federal] centralized government, so as to gain social powers for ourselves. By new laws we will regulate the political life of our subjects, as though they were so many parts of a machine. Such laws will gradually restrict all freedom and liberties allowed by the Gentiles. Thus our reign will develop into such a mighty despotism, that it will be able at any time or place to squash discontented or recalcitrant Gentiles [the freedom lovers of any race]." This is happening now in USA. It did happen in Nazi Germany and in Communist Russia. In US, our legislatures signed the Patriot Act without reading them. In Protocol 8.1 we

23 read: "The administrators of the Gentiles sign papers without reading them, and serve for love of money or ambition."

After 9/11 there was talk all over the USA to set up a citizen spying mechanism in order to combat terrorism in our land. Well, this is not something new, some 100 years ago it was planned in the Protocols. Protocols 17.12 and 17.13: "We shall know everything... our program will induce a third part of the populace to watch the remainder from a pure sense of duty and from the principle of voluntary government service. Then it will not be considered dishonorable to be a spy, on the contrary it will be regarded as praiseworthy. On the other hand, the bearers of false reports will be severely punished, in order to prevent abuse being made of the privilege of report."

"In a state where power is badly organized, where the laws and the personality of the ruler are rendered inefficacious by the continual encroaching of liberalism, I take up a new line of attack, making use of the right of might to destroy the existing rules and regulations, seize the laws, reorganize all the institutions, and thus become the dictator of those who, of their own free will, liberally renounced their power and conferred it on us."

They will enslave the people of the world in a global government based in collectivism of the masses and on the destruction of their individuality, as they state in Protocol 15.17: "They have not yet understood, and never will understand, that this wild dream [of collectivism/socialism/welferism] is contrary to the principal law of nature, which, from the beginning of the world, created a being unlike all others in order that he should have individuality."

God Almighty blustered through his prophet Micah addressing those fallen souls: "Hear now, heads of Jacob and rulers of the house of Israel. Is it not for you to know justice? You who hate good and love evil, who tear off their skin from them and their flesh from their bones, and who eat the flesh of my people, strip off their skin from them, break their bones, and chop them up as for the pot and as meat in a kettle." Micah 3:1-3

In their defense, those wretched souls, give the following answer to God "From the temporary evil, to which we are now obliged to have recourse, will emerge the benefit of an unshakable rule, which will reinstate the course of the mechanism of natural existence [in a rule of absolute despotism], which has been destroyed by liberalism [by liberalism we mean liberty and freedom]. The end justifies the means. In making our plans we must pay attention not so much to what good and moral, as to what is necessary and profitable," Protocol 1.10. "This evil is the only means of attaining the goal of good. Therefore, we must not stop short before bribery, deceit and treachery, if these are to serve achievement of our cause," Protocol 1.15. It seems that those evil doers do not yet grasp that the words of the all-seeing God in


chapters 8 and 9 of the Book of Ezekiel is directed to them.

Addendum: "We trust that the Gentiles will not entertain feelings of hatred against the erroneously believing mass of Israel in its innocence of the Satanic sin of its leaders who have already once proved them to be the destruction of Israel. Turning aside from the wrath of God, there remains but one way “union of all Christians [and real Jews] in Our Lord Jesus Christ." Sergyei Nilus, 1905.

And as a tribute to Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman, allow me to finish with what he said in his book: "Lest any of the information developed here serve as an outlet for some form of overt, vicarious or subtle anti-Semitism or lest someone entertain such thoughts as 'see what these Jews did' it should be pointed out that:

1) It was the desire of the Jews to overthrow the yoke of bitter Christian anti-Semitic persecution that led them to initially embrace Sabbateanism from which the Frankist evolved.

2) Once anyone embraced these ideologies, he ceased to be a Jew, being a Jew only by birth or becoming a Jew in name only (JINO).

3) The Socialists and Communists in Germany utilized the Frankist elite for their own ends and when they served the cause proceeded to exclude them from the millennium by expounding an anti-Semitic doctrine which declared all Jews as belonging to the Jewish race. Baptisms, formal conversion ceremonies or other means of escaping one's Jewish birth could never remove in the minds of these anti- Semites the taint of what they termed to be Jewish racial contamination.

Orthodox Jews state Zionism is abusing the teachings of the Torah. Many non-Jews and Jewish people alike do not support Zionism, its abuse of the Jewish religion and the treatment of the Palestinian people by the Israelis, but again these people are given little or no media coverage (Rothschild/Zionist controlled), silenced by police (Rothschild/Zionist controlled), and would you believe it they too get branded as being ‘anti-Semitic’ by outfits like the Anti-Defamation- League (ADL – Rothschild/ Zionist created and controlled) when they are protesting in the name of their own religion!

Read: Slave, Meet Your Master It’s ludicrous, but then that’s what you should expect from a nationalist political group like Zionism, it’s the modern day equivalent to Nazism with ethnic cleansing at the forefront of its policies.

And I stress that even the Jews aren’t safe from Zionism. I use Nazism as an example however Zionism actually created and funded Nazism of course, as well as the rest of the parties on all sides of the conflict through the Rothschild controlled and owned Central banks in England, France, Germany and the USA…


The Rothschild (Zionist) bankers then had free reign to reshape Europe and of course the Middle East (what was once the Ottoman Empire) after the war.

There is no other country today founded on ethno-religious discrimination. In the West Bank every aspect of life is differentially regulated for Jewish settlers and Palestinians, much to the Palestinian detriment.

A large chunk of Gaza’s population is made up of internal refugees and their descendants, forced to flee their homes in the Arab/Palestinian exodus of 1948 to make way for the creation of the Jewish state.

Israel privileges one ethnic group while impoverishing and imprisoning another. Your father, perhaps your grandfather, or maybe your great grandfather probably fought at least one war to stop Hitler from doing just that, now your taxes are paying for it…

It is no accident that the Western World has always been very supportive of the Zionist movement because for years the Rothschild family has been dictating international policies to Western politicians because they literally own them.

David Cameron, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, all those before them and of course, Barak Still-yet- to-prove-I’m-an-American Obama, John Heinz, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and now President Trump, and all the rest are the Rothschild/Zionist puppets and the Rothschild/Zionist bankers are the hidden puppet masters pulling the strings.


The Royal family too, are intimately involved with the Rothschild’s and ‘Jewish’ (mask for Zionist) ties. Kate Middleton is Jewish. Even Prince Charles first marriage to Princess Di, was Jewish through her mother’s side, although Prince Charles is Jewish back to Solomon and David.

Her mother, whose maiden name is Goldsmith, is Jewish and under Jewish law if the mother is Jewish then the children are Jewish, therefore the children of Prince William will be legally Jewish…

The (Also Goldsmith) is a prominent family and financial dynasty of German Jewish descent. The family have had intimate ties with the Rothschild’s. When I say intimate, I mean it in the literal sense as the families have married into each other on several occasions.

Maximilian von Goldschmidt-Rothschild (born Maximilian Benedict Hayum Goldschmidt; 1843 – 1940) was a German banker and art collector. He was the co-inheritor of the Goldschmidt family bank along with his brother Adolphe Goldschmidt.

At one point, he was considered the richest person in the German Empire. He married Minna Karoline Freiin von Rothschild, the daughter of Wilhelm Carl von Rothschild. More recently, we have had the marriage of and Kate Rothschild and these examples are not exclusive; they like to keep it in the family.

There are researchers who suggest that Queen Victoria was “friendly/familiar” with Nathan Rothschild and he fathered some of her children…

Five lines of the Austrian branch of the family have been elevated to Austrian nobility; another line of the British branch of the family was elevated by Queen Victoria herself, who granted two hereditary titles of Baronet (1847) and Baron (1885) which ennobled the family.

To that extent, there was a merging of the two crowns: The Royal Crown of Finance historically, and the Royal Crown of Britain. The results were many years of conspiracy and cooperation that benefited both houses. Even the word “Crown” used in the business world is an indicator of Rothschild ownership.

I’d say it is no coincidence that the Rothschild’s are reportedly widely responsible for the infiltration of the British Royal family and it is widely speculated by many researchers that their ties are far closer than what I have described here. Some researchers even suggest we are soon to have a Rothschild on the UK throne… More on that in my next segment!

Speculation is speculation, but what remains undeniably true is that no Englishman or woman has sat on the Throne of England in over 100 years…

It is well known but shamefully ignored that George V of the United Kingdom changed the name of his family branch from Saxe-Coburg and Gotha to Windsor in 1917 due to anti-German sentiment in the United Kingdom during World War I.


So the ‘British’ Royal family is not at all British, they are actually from Bavaria, Germany. (There’s a theme for you to ponder…)

They are very good friends of the Rothschild’s who have aided the family to gain immense proportions of wealth, not least through the most recent designed financial collapse around 2008.

Not only did the wealth of the British Royals greatly increase during the time of recession but also the bankers made more money betting on the financial collapse than the cost of the taxpayers’ bailout itself…

Yes that’s right, the bankers caused the crash, charged the tax payers billions to bail out the banks, but made more than the cost of the bailout by betting that the crash they engineered would happen! This is how the financial world operates or didn’t you know?

The Rothschild family, made much of their wealth as a direct result of funding both sides in the Napoleonic wars.

This tactic has been used in every war since and the Rothschild’s have manipulated both sides to the advantage of their own financial and political gain. It should be no surprise that they are the financially connected to all things bad, be it leaders, regimes, policies, wars, financial depressions, etc., because to them this is just a day job. They make money through death and misery — that is the Rothschild way.

Nathan Rothschild funded Wellington’s army and Jacob Rothschild funded Napoleon’s army in the Battle of Waterloo. At that time British bonds were called consuls and they were traded on the floor of the stock exchange in London.

Through the manipulation of the stock market Nathan Rothschild was able to convince traders that England had lost the Battle of Waterloo by instructing his workers on the floor to start selling consuls.

This started a chain reaction and other traders started selling frantically. As a direct result the consuls plummeted in value and this was when Nathan Rothschild instructed his workers to purchase all the consuls they could lay their hands on at knock down prices…

When news came through that the British had actually won the war, the consuls went up to even higher than before the initial decline, leaving Nathan Rothschild with a return of approximately 20 to 1 on his investment.

This gave the Rothschild family complete control of the British economy, now the financial center of the world following Napoleon’s defeat, and forced England to set up a new Bank of England, which Nathan Mayer Rothschild controlled.


Not to be confused with a similar quote from Mayer Amschell Bauer, Rothschild’s father in 1815, Nathan Mayer Rothschild famously stated:

“I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.”

He would go onto brag that in the 17 years he had been in England he had increased the £20,000 stake given to him by his father, 2,500 times to £50 million.

The Rothschild’s also used their control of the Bank of England to replace the method of exchanging money for gold and instead used their banks spread across Europe to set up a system of paper debits and credits.

This allowed for the creation of fractional-reserve banking, what we know as the banking system of today, where money is created out of thin air, literally.

It holds no value other than the paper or metallic value of the note or coin. 3% of money is cash and 97% credit. And credit simply does not exist, that is what fractional reserve banking is, it is fraud defined…

You can read much more on that in the articles on Money manipulation including details on the Federal Reserve, The International Monetary fund and the World Bank Group, all created by and controlled by the Rothschild’s.

By the end of this century, a period of time that was known as the, “Age of the Rothschild’s,” it is estimated that the family controlled half the wealth of the world. Today it is far more…

The official line is that the family’s wealth declined when it was divided between “hundreds of descendants”… The truth is these descendants, many now not under the Rothschild name, are what you may call the ‘placemen’.

The Rothschild agents who are operating and controlling almost all major corporate networks across the globe, from communications companies to food corporations, health and medicine, mainstream and alternative media including entertainment, films and the internet.

And as has been the case for 200 years or so and as we have detailed, the banks and with that they gained immense political influence worldwide. They are dictators of policies to governments worldwide and can be held accountable for almost every act of human caused human suffering across every corner of the globe.

They have the money and the power to eliminate all nations’ debt, to feed every starving mouth, to provide everyone clean water and effectively to end all war by removing the funding…


However, the reason we have debt is because they created it. The reason we have the third world is because they created it. The reason we have wars are because they inevitably fund and implement them to a pre-designed strategy paying off both sides politically to play out the Rothschild’s puppet show.

That’s not even the half of it. The food industry is frightening. Additives and chemical cocktails are drugging us as much, if not more than the Rothschild controlled Pharmaceutical industry is while at the same time these people are banning health foods on the pretense that they are drugs! Hang on, what?

Yes it’s that look of total confusion again. Drug people with drugs and tell them that natural supplements are drugs and must be banned. Its the same mentality as a Jewish family killing off over 6 million Jews in order to campaign for the protection of Jews… It’s all smoke and mirrors.

Zionism has nothing to do with Religion — Zionism is the Rothschild agenda!!!

Paul M. Warburg was sworn in as a member of the first Federal Reserve Board on August 10, 1914. He was appointed vice chairman (called “vice governor” before 1935) on August 10, 1916. He resigned from the Board on August 9, 1918.

Warburg was born in Hamburg, Germany, in 1868. He graduated from high school in Hamburg, Germany in 1886 and began working for an exporting firm there. He then moved on to positions at shipping and banking companies in London and Paris. He returned to Hamburg in 1895 and became a partner in the banking firm M.M. Warburg and Company, founded by his great-grandfather.

Warburg was a partner in the family firm until 1907. However, in 1902, he moved to New York City and joined his father-in-law’s company as a partner overseeing international loans to several governments. In 1911, he became a naturalized U.S. citizen.

Warburg was considered one of the top authorities on central banking both in Europe and the United States, and was active in the monetary reform movement taking place in the United States in the early 1900’s. He gave speeches, published several articles advocating the establishment of a U.S. central bank, and was an unofficial advisor to the National Monetary Commission, which was established following the Panic of 1907 to study banking system reform. In 1910, Warburg was one of six men, including Sen. Nelson Aldrich, to participate in a secret meeting on Jekyll Island, Georgia, that resulted in a plan for a National Reserve Association. Although the “Aldrich plan” was rejected by Congress, it laid the foundation for the 1913 Federal Reserve Act, which created the Federal Reserve System. President Woodrow Wilson appointed Warburg to the new entity’s first Board in 1914.

Although Warburg left the Federal Reserve Board in 1918, he continued to serve the Federal Reserve as a member of the Federal Advisory Council (1921–26). He resumed his activities in

30 business and philanthropic circles as well. For example, he founded and was the first chairman of the Executive Committee of the American Acceptance Council in 1919. In 1921, he organized the International Acceptance Bank to promote US government financing of reconstruction in Europe following the war.

Warburg was also a director of the Council on Foreign Relations (1921–32), a trustee of the Institute of Economics (1922–27), and a trustee of the Brookings Institution after it merged with the Institute of Economics in 1927. He also helped establish the Carl Schurz Memorial Foundation in 1930. He served at various times as a director of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, Union Pacific Railroad, and Western Union Telegraph Company. Warburg was also a director of the Julliard School of Music and a trustee of Tuskegee College in Alabama.

Warburg continued to take an active interest in the nation’s monetary affairs and banking system. In March 1929, he warned that the wild stock speculation resulting from stock price increases and improper bank lending practices would have disastrous results if left unchecked. On October 29 of that year, the stock market crashed.

Throughout his career, Warburg was a prolific writer. Most notable among his published works was a two-volume set on the Federal Reserve System published in 1930. The Yale University Library (Manuscripts and Archives) is the repository for Warburg’s papers dating from 1904 to 1932. The collection includes 169 volumes on banking and finance.

The statement below was given by Paul Warburg to the U.S. Senate. On February 17, 1950, James Paul Warburg confidently declared to the United States Senate: “We shall have World Government, whether or not we like it. The only question is whether World Government will be achieved by conquest or consent.” A world government is a world without borders, national sovereignty, constitutions, privacy, autonomy, individual liberties, religious freedoms, private property, and the right to bear arms, the rights of marriage and family and a dramatic population reduction (two thirds). A world government establishes a slave/master environment wherein the state controls everything.

Warburg died at his home in New York in 1932. At the time of his death, he was chairman of the Manhattan Company and a director of the Bank of Manhattan Trust Company, Farmers Loan and Trust Company of New York, and First National Bank of Boston. However, Warburg and Rothschild’s plan of global slavery continues unabated.

The End Game in all of this will be in the “cashless society”, of which the Bible foresaw, where one would take the “Mark” of the Beast. After all, the banks’ profits greatly suffer in the world of cash and checks.


Back in September of 2012, ‘Zero Hedge’ presented "the world's biggest hedge fund nobody had ever heard of": a small, previously unknown company called Braeburn Capital which, however, managed more cash than even Ray Dalio's Bridgewater, the world's largest hedge fund. Tyler Durden wrote a story, ‘How The Rothschild’s Made America Into Their Private Tax Fraud Backyard’.

How had the little firm operating out of a non-descript office building in Nevada achieved this claim to fame? By managing the cash hoard (now well over $200 billion) of the world's biggest and most valuable company: Apple.

But what was perhaps more notable is where Braeburn was physically located: Reno, Nevada.

We explained the company's choice for location with one simple word: "taxes", or rather the full, and very much legal, avoidance thereof.

Three and a half years later we encounter this quiet Nevada town once again, and once again it is Reno's aura of tax evasion that brings it to the world's attention courtesy of a Bloomberg report discussing "The World’s Favorite New Tax Haven." Only instead of Apple this time, the focus falls on a far more notorious company: the Rothschild’s.

As Bloomberg writes, "last September, at a law firm overlooking San Francisco Bay, Andrew Penney, a managing director at Rothschild & Co., gave a talk on how the world’s wealthy elite can avoid paying taxes. His message was clear: You can help your clients move their fortunes to the United States, free of taxes and hidden from their governments. Some are calling it the new Switzerland."

Ah, the rich irony: years after Obama single-handedly destroyed the secrecy-based Swiss banking model, the U.S. itself has taken over the role of the world's biggest, if no longer very secret, tax haven, and the epicenter is this modest Nevada city located next to lake Tahoe, which has become the favorite city, if only for tax purposes, for such names as Apple and the Rothschild family.

The Swiss are not amused that the U.S. has stolen the world’s haven for numbered bank accounts:


After years of lambasting other countries for helping rich Americans hide their money offshore, the U.S. is emerging as a leading tax and secrecy haven for rich foreigners. By resisting new global disclosure standards, the U.S. is creating a hot new market, becoming the go-to place to stash foreign wealth. Everyone from London lawyers to Swiss trust companies are getting in on the act, helping the world’s rich move accounts from places like the Bahamas and the British Virgin Islands to Nevada, Wyoming, and South Dakota.

“How ironic—no, how perverse—that the USA, which has been so sanctimonious in its condemnation of Swiss banks, has become the banking secrecy jurisdiction du jour,” wrote Peter A. Cotorceanu, a lawyer at Anaford AG, a Zurich law firm, in a recent legal journal. “That ‘giant sucking sound’ you hear? It is the sound of money rushing to the USA.”

It will probably come as no surprise, that the firm at the center of it all is the infamous financial institution: Rothschild & Company.

Rothschild, the centuries-old European financial institution, has opened a trust company in Reno, NV, a few blocks from the Harrah’s and Eldorado casinos. It is now moving the fortunes of wealthy foreign clients out of offshore havens such as Bermuda, subject to the new international disclosure requirements, and into Rothschild-run trusts in Nevada, which are exempt.

The firm says its Reno operation caters to international families attracted to the stability of the U.S. and that customers must prove they comply with their home countries’ tax laws. Moreover, its trusts have “not been set up with a view to exploiting that the U.S. has not signed up” for international reporting standards, said Rothschild spokeswoman Emma Rees.

And where the Rothschild’s are to be found, everyone else quickly arrives: "Geneva-based Cisa Trust Co. SA, which advises wealthy Latin Americans, is applying to open in Pierre, S.D., to “serve the needs of our foreign clients,” said John J. Ryan Jr., Cisa’s president."

Trident Trust Co., one of the world’s biggest providers of offshore trusts, moved dozens of accounts out of Switzerland, Grand Cayman, and other locales and into Sioux Falls, S.D., in December, ahead of a January 1 disclosure deadline.

“Cayman was slammed in December, closing things that people were withdrawing,” said Alice Rokahr, the president of Trident in South Dakota, one of several states promoting low taxes and confidentiality in their trust laws. “I was surprised at how many were coming across that were formerly Swiss bank accounts, but they want out of Switzerland.”

Next comes the need to legitimize US hypocrisy and to justify how America, in demanding everyone else opens their books, is ignored when not only does it keep its own books closed but is openly welcoming all those millionaires and billionaires whose offshore accounts were closed as a result of US intervention!


Rokahr and other advisers said there is a legitimate need for secrecy. Confidential accounts that hide wealth, whether in the U.S., Switzerland, or elsewhere, protect against kidnappings or extortion in their owners’ home countries. The rich also often feel safer parking their money in the U.S. rather than some other location perceived as less-sure.

“I do not hear anybody saying, ‘I want to avoid taxes,’ ” Rokahr said. “These are people who are legitimately concerned with their own health and welfare.”

Picture that: nobody wants to admit they are intent on evading taxes to their financial advisor. How quaint. But the greatest thing about U.S.-based tax evasion is that it is taking place right under the nose of the world's allegedly biggest tax-fraud chaser. It also happens to be perfectly legal.

There’s nothing illegal about banks luring foreigners to put money in the U.S. with promises of confidentiality as long as they are not intentionally helping to evade taxes abroad. Still, the U.S. is one of the few places left where advisers are actively promoting accounts that will remain secret from overseas authorities.

Put all that together, and one company has realized there are billions in "fees" to be made by taking advantage of what is now officially the biggest hypocrite in the world: the United States of America. And adding insult to irony is that the "not easy to find" Rothschild Reno office is located just 6 floors away from the U.S. attorney's office!

Rothschild’s Reno office is at the forefront of that effort. “The Biggest Little City in the World” is not an obvious choice for a global center of capital flight. If you were going to shoot a film set in Las Vegas circa 1971, you would film it in Reno. Its casino hotels tower above the bail bondsmen across the street, available 24/7, as well as pawnshops stocked with an array of firearms. The pink neon lights at casinos like Harrah’s and the Eldorado still burn bright. But these days, their floors are often empty, with travelers preferring to gamble in Las Vegas, an hour’s flight away.

The offices of Rothschild Trust North America LLC aren’t easy to find. They’re on the 12th floor of Porsche’s former North American headquarters building, a few blocks from the casinos. The U.S. attorney’s office is on the sixth floor. Yet the lobby directory does not list Rothschild. Instead, visitors must go to the 10th floor, the offices of McDonald Carano Wilson LLP, a politically connected law firm. Several former high-ranking Nevada state officials work there, as well as the owner of some of Reno’s biggest casinos and numerous registered lobbyists. One of the firm’s tax lobbyists is Robert Armstrong, viewed as the state’s top trusts and estates attorney, and a manager of Rothschild Trust North America.

A little history: the trust company was set up in 2013 to cater to international families, particularly those with a mix of assets and relatives in the U.S. and abroad, according to Rothschild. It caters to customers attracted to the “stable, regulated environment” of the U.S., said Rees, the Rothschild spokeswoman.


“We do not offer legal structures to clients unless we are absolutely certain that their tax affairs are in order; both clients themselves and independent tax lawyers must actively confirm to us that this is the case,” Rees said.

Reread that sentence again, and this time try not to laugh: imagine a world in which both clients and tax lawyers, who are both conflicted and incentivized monetarily to lie, affirmatively confirm that they are not tax cheats? This is almost as good as Wall Street policing itself.

The managing director of the Nevada trust company is Scott Cripps, an amiable California tax attorney who used to run the trust services for Bank of the West, now part of French financial- services giant BNP SA. Cripps explained that moving money out of traditional offshore secrecy jurisdictions and into Nevada is a brisk new line of business for Rothschild.

“There are a lot of people that are going to do it,” said Cripps. “This added layer of privacy is kicking them over the hurdle” to move their assets into the U.S. For wealthy overseas clients, “privacy is huge, especially in countries where there is corruption.”

Here are some examples of families whose affairs are in order (after active self-confirmation of just that):

One wealthy Turkish family is using Rothschild’s trust company to move assets from the Bahamas into the U.S., he said. Another Rothschild client, a family from Asia, is moving assets from Bermuda into Nevada. He said customers are often international families with offspring in the U.S.

America's gain is Switzerland's, that centuries-old tax havens, loss: Switzerland has been the global capital of secret bank accounts. That may be changing. In 2007, UBS Group AG banker Bradley Birkenfeld blew the whistle on his firm helping U.S. clients evade taxes with undeclared accounts offshore. Swiss banks eventually paid a price. More than 80 Swiss banks, including UBS and Credit Suisse Group AG, have agreed to pay about $5 billion to the U.S. in penalties and fines.

Guess who was among them? Why yes, Rothschild Bank AG last June entered into a non- prosecution agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice. The bank admitted helping U.S. clients hide income offshore from the Internal Revenue Service and agreed to pay an $11.5 million penalty and shut down nearly 300 accounts belonging to U.S. taxpayers, totaling $794 million in assets.

Well, Rothschild is doing it all over again, only this time in Uncle Sam's back yard. Wait, you mean paying a $11.5 million penalty didn't teach it a lesson? No way.

But even more tragicomic is the U.S. push for tax transparency, known as the FATCA. Well, a push everywhere except in the U.S. itself.


The U.S. was determined to put an end to such practices. That led to a 2010 law, the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, or Fatca that requires financial firms to disclose foreign accounts held by U.S. citizens and report them to the IRS or face steep penalties. Inspired by Fatca, the OECD drew up even stiffer standards to help other countries ferret out tax dodgers. Since 2014, 97 jurisdictions have agreed to impose new disclosure requirements for bank accounts, trusts, and some other investments held by international customers. Of the nations the OECD asked to sign on, only a handful have declined: Bahrain, Nauru, Vanuatu—and the United States.

“I have a lot of respect for the Obama administration because without their first moves we would not have gotten these reporting standards,” said Sven Giegold, a member of the European Parliament from Germany’s Green Party. “On the other hand, now it’s time for the U.S. to deliver what Europeans are willing to deliver to the U.S.”

As it turns out the U.S. had no qualms about implementing global tax disclosure standards... as long as it itself would be exempt and benefit from the entire world parking its criminal money on U.S. territory:

The Treasury Department makes no apologies for not agreeing to the OECD standards. “The U.S. has led the charge in combating international tax evasion using offshore financial accounts,” said Treasury spokesman Ryan Daniels. He said the OECD initiative “builds directly” on the Fatca law.

“To the extent non-U.S. persons are encouraged to come to the U.S. for what may be our own ‘tax haven’ characteristics, the U.S. government would likely take a dim view of any marketing suggesting that evading home country tax is a legal objective,” he said.

And since the US now openly welcome all forms of hot, laundered, embezzled, or otherwise misappropriated money, there are countless banks willing to provide the service of parking that money in the US... for a commission. What amounts are we talking about? Well, trillions!

At issue is not just non-U.S. citizens skirting their home countries’ taxes. Treasury also is concerned that massive inflows of capital into secret accounts could become a new channel for criminal money laundering. At least $1.6 trillion in illicit funds are laundered through the global financial system each year, according to a United Nations estimate.

And most of those funds are now being parked in the US, where a key portal is Rothschild’s Reno, NV office.

But what makes this particular case of tax evasion particularly abominable is that it is nothing less than a symbiosis between proven and charged tax evaders and a U.S. government which has once again proven it can be bought for pennies on the dollar by banks like Rothschild, and legislate to make sure the bank continues pocketing billions in fees for the foreseeable future.


We dare readers to read the following several concluding sections without sending their blood pressure to dangerously homicidal levels:

For financial advisers, the current state of play is simply a good business opportunity. In a draft of his San Francisco presentation, Rothschild’s Penney wrote that the U.S. “is effectively the biggest tax haven in the world.” The U.S., he added in language later excised from his prepared remarks, lacks “the resources to enforce foreign tax laws and has little appetite to do so.”

Rothschild says it takes “significant care” to ensure account holders’ assets are fully declared. The bank “adheres to the legal, regulatory, and tax rules wherever we operate,” said Rees, the Rothschild spokeswoman.

Except in cases like Switzerland where it didn't exactly "adhere to the legal, regulatory, and tax rules." This time will be different though.

Penney, who oversees the Reno business, is a longtime Rothschild lawyer who worked his way up from the firm’s trust operations in the tiny British isle of Guernsey. Penney, 56, is now a managing director based in London for Rothschild Wealth Management & Trust, which handles about $23 billion for 7,000 clients from offices including Milan, Zurich, and Hong Kong. A few years ago he was voted “Trustee of the Year” by an elite group of U.K. wealth advisers.

In his September San Francisco talk, called “Using U.S. Trusts in International Planning: 10 Amazing Feats to Impress Clients and Colleagues,” Penney laid out legal ways to avoid both U.S. taxes and disclosures to clients’ home countries.

In a section originally titled “U.S. Trusts to Preserve Privacy,” he included the hypothetical example of an Internet investor named “Wang, a Hong Kong resident,” originally from the People’s Republic of China, concerned that information about his wealth could be shared with Chinese authorities.

Instead Wang will buy, sight unseen a Manhattan duplex for call it $50 million or whatever amount the seller demands, using a Nevada LLC with which to shield his purchase. In the process Wang's purchase, under the sage advice of Rothschild's Mr. Penney, assures that the luxury US housing bubble grows so big, and real estate prices rise so high, not a single law- abiding US citizen can afford to buy any form of luxury real estate.

Putting his assets into a Nevada LLC, in turn owned by a Nevada trust, would generate no U.S. tax returns, Penney wrote. Any forms the IRS would receive would result in “no meaningful information to exchange under” agreements between Hong Kong and the U.S., according to Penney’s PowerPoint presentation reviewed by Bloomberg.

Keep in mind: all of this is legal, and with the express permission of a U.S. government, which one can rightly say is as criminal as any of the advisors who are merely explaining to their wealthy clients how to cheat the system best.


There was a catch: not all western governments are Muppets for the Rothschild’s of the world:

"Penney offered a disclaimer: At least one government, the U.K., intends to make it a criminal offense for any U.K. firm to facilitate tax evasion."

Of course not the US, even though with that line it makes it very clear that what the US is doing is encouraging the criminal offense of facilitating tax evasion. Or maybe not.

Rothschild said the PowerPoint was subsequently revised before Penney delivered his presentation. The firm provided what it said was the final version of the talk, which this time excluded several potentially controversial passages. Among them: the U.S. being the “biggest tax haven in the world,” the U.S.’s low appetite for enforcing other countries’ tax laws, and two references to “privacy” offered by the U.S.

“The presentation was drafted in response to a request by the organizers to be controversial and create a lively debate among the experienced, professional audience,” Rees said. “On reviewing the initial draft, these lines were not deemed to represent either Rothschild’s or Mr. Penney’s view. They were therefore removed.”

And that was that.

While none of the above should come as a surprise to anyone who has been following our series since 2012 showing how U.S. real estate has been used by foreign oligarchs to park illegal cash, what we would find very interesting in the next and final expose in this series, is for Bloomberg's Jesse Drucker to find how many billions (or maybe only millions - the U.S. government is a very cheap whore) were paid under the table by Rothschild et al to bribe the U.S. government to enable this kind of circular, incestuous legalized tax fraud on U.S. soil, one for which Rothschild will collect billions in financial advisory fees for the indefinite future, and which blatantly steals from those who do pay their taxes: the middle class.


Pastor Bob, [email protected]