Evaluation of a Drug Checking Service at a Large Scale Electronic Music Festival in Portugal
International Journal of Drug Policy 73 (2019) 88–95 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect International Journal of Drug Policy journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/drugpo Research Paper Evaluation of a drug checking service at a large scale electronic music festival in Portugal T ⁎ Helena Valentea,b,c, , Daniel Martinsb,d, Helena Carvalhoe,f, Cristiana Vale Piresb,g,h, Maria Carmo Carvalhob,h, Marta Pintoa,c,i, Monica J. Barrattj,k a Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the Porto University, Portugal b Kosmicare Association, Portugal c CINTESIS. Centre for Health Technology and Services Research, Portugal d CIQUP. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculty of Sciences of the Porto Univsersity of Porto, Portugal e CPUP. Centre for Psychology of the University of Porto, Portugal f inED. Centre for Research and Innovation in Education, Portugal g Faculty of Education and Psychology of the Portuguese Catholic University, Portugal h CRIA. Centre for Research in Anthropology, Portugal i Faculty of Medicine of the Porto University, Portugal j Social and Global Studies Centre, RMIT University, Australia k National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, Australia ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Keywords: Background: Drug checking services are being implemented in recreational settings across the world, however Harm reduction these projects are frequently accused of a lack of evidence concerning their impact on people who use drugs. This Program evaluation paper describes the implementation of a drug checking service at the Boom Festival 2016 and explores the Drug checking impact of this service on its users’ behavioural intentions. Boom festival Methods: 753 drug samples were submitted to the drug checking service for chemical analysis.
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