Extract from Hansard [ASSEMBLY — Tuesday, 30 October 2018] p7432c-7433a Dr Mike Nahan; Mr Mark McGowan

PARLIAMENTARY BUDGET OFFICE 830. Dr M.D. NAHAN to the Premier: I have a supplementary question. How can the people of trust anything the Premier says when he continually undermines the accountability of the state by, for instance, reneging on a 2013 and a 2017 election promise that his Treasurer committed to — Mr B.S. Wyatt interjected. Dr M.D. NAHAN: Yes, you did! And ignore the recommendation of the government’s own Langoulant inquiry? Several members interjected. The SPEAKER: Member for Wanneroo, I call you to order for the first time. Mr M. McGOWAN replied: The thing about the Leader of the Opposition is that he lives in a dream world! He creates all these things in his head and pretends like they are fact because he heard something somewhere at some Liberal Party branch meeting — Dr M.D. Nahan: I’m not you! Mr M. McGOWAN: — or he read something years ago and suddenly it is fact! Dr M.D. Nahan: You’re the flip-flop man! You are reneging again—cop it sweet! The SPEAKER: Leader of the Opposition, I call you to order for the first time. Mr M. McGOWAN: I outlined the history of this issue. Dr M.D. Nahan: No, you didn’t! Your own abridged version! Mr M. McGOWAN: There we go! That is what we are dealing with! You are the worst opposition leader I have ever seen—you are! You actually are! The worst opposition leader I have ever seen! I have seen Paul Omodei, I have seen —you leave them for dead! Dr M.D. Nahan: Have you seen yourself? Mr M. McGOWAN: Yes, well I did pretty well! I mean, I am sitting here and you are sitting there!
