G.V. Gukov, Doctor of Agricultural sciences, Full Professor N.G. Rozlomiy, Associate Professor Primorskiy State Academy of Agriculture, Primorskiy Territory, in comparison with other regions and areas of Far East region, is densely enough populated, especially its southern part. Therefore the region nature was exposed and exposed to a strong anthropogenous press. Now Primorski Territory is chosen by base for realization of some large-scale projects, in particular, carrying out of a forum of the Asian-Pacifi c economic cooperation in 2012, program introductions «the Big Vladivostok» and resettlements of compatriots on a government program and other federal programs.

Conference participants

he «big Vladivostok» – the project belt of “the Big Vladivostok» should forests occupy as well islands Russian, Tof administration of Primorskiy become attribute of comfortable inhabit- Popova, Askold. Within a continental Territory on association in uniform city ancy of the person, it became especially part of Vladivostok northern slopes are municipal union of a city of Vladivos- important now when to forum APEC re- occupied many-tier and multipedigree tok with nearby cities-companions from mains less year. Thus the role of plants broad-leaved by woods with fi r “bea- structure of the Vladivostok agglom- consists not only in performance of cons” needle. eration: merge of the Vladivostok and sanitary-protective functions (absorp- New landings of decorative trees Artiomcity districts, further – merge to tion of toxic gases, dust sedimentation, and bushes in an extending zone of “the Ussuriisk and the Nahodka. Polytsen- protection against noise), but also in big Vladivostok» will demand consider- trichesky Vladivostok agglomeration maintenance of favorable psychologi- able material means and time. However with several cities-companions has aris- cal atmosphere [1]. It is necessary to already now in Primorski Territory there en in Soviet period and became one of include In structure of a green belt of is a considerable quantity of natural few million Russian agglomerations at the Vladivostok agglomeration in addi- sights – potential tourist objects. cities-nonmillions. tion woods of the Vladivostok local for- The Vladivostok natural park is For the fi rst time about the project est area, the Military forest area № 247, created in territory of a northeast part «big Vladivostok» on association of a the former Artyomand Nahodkatimber of peninsula Muraveva- (with its city to cities-companions have started enterprises, the Ussuriisk local forest resort zone along the Ussuriisk gulf), talking in 1997. The project is included area, and also the woods which are not islands Popova, Rejneke, Rikorda, Nau- in the general plan of Vladivostok ac- entering inStateforestfond (Woods under mov, Kozlova, Klykova, Karamzin, Ver- cepted in 2008. The fi rst obstacle in a the authority of joint-stock company and hovsky, Pahtusova, Krotova, Sergeeva, way of development of the Big Vladi- associations, the municipal enterprises, Moiseyev, Tsivolko, Zheltuhina (a total vostok – absence of roads and modern agricultural productions). area of 18,6 thousand in hectare). Parts public transport. The specifi c structure of vegetation of islands Russian, Askold, Putjatin (the The basic hopes of ways to project of the areas of recommended local for- second turn) and water areas adjoining realization are connected with prepara- est areas is very various [2]. Here there to them on the basis of the Vladivostok tion for summit APEC 2012 in Vladi- are valuable coniferous and deciduous and Island wildlife preserves join in park vostok when in edge reconstruction of breeds: a pine Korean, a fi r needle, a vel- borders also peninsula Sandy. The ter- roads and the international airport will vet Amur, a Manchurian walnut, an oak ritory of natural park is allocated with be made. Besides, the organization of Mongolian, an ash-tree Manchurian, elm a variety of specifi c structure of fl ora. a high-speed city train of the Vladivos- Japanese and many other things it is fi rm Vascular plants are presented by 125 tok agglomeration is planned. Daily, by - and soft-leaved breeds [6]. At the same families, 469 sorts and 1184 kinds, from estimates of administration, services of time in natural plantings more than 80 % them 42 kinds are carried to rare and electric trains should use an order of 10 the oak Mongolian second growth occu- disappearing. Presence in immediate thousand persons. pies origins with an insignifi cant impu- proximity the Vladivostok city agglom- In the presence of due fi nancing and rity of the breeds set forth above. Land- eration causes huge recreational value of the accurate program of actions the ba- ings (wood cultures) trees with various projected natural park. sic contours of “the big Vladivostok» valuable decorative and other properties Unique recreational potential islands can develop by 2025-2030. The project occupy the insignifi cant areas, for exam- in Peter the Great bay possess. They in- is supported in federal governmental ple, in a green zone of Ussuriisk city dis- volve numerous tourists in the summer plans (Minregionrazvitija and Ministry trict artifi cial plantings make only 13%. when it is possible to combine walks of economic development and trade) on Now the vacant city territory of on fi ne mountain-wood coast with bath- creation so-called «basic cities». For this Vladivostok is covered by woods almost ing in pure sea water. In the winter here reason has increased and the further in- entirely: the oak fi les dated for south- too it is possible to enjoy beauty of the crease of recreational loading on green ern slopes interrupt only meadows and nature and fascinating fi shing. A various zones of nearby cities to Vladivostok is reed thickets in lower reaches of the riv- medical dirt is known: sea (in Amur bay, expected. ers, and also cereals grass at tops. Oaks under the Find) and lake (Hankajsky). In this connection creation of a green and oak-broad-leaved woods and light The state sea complex wildlife pre- 42 GGISAPISAP BIOLOGY, VETERINARY MEDICINE AND AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES serve having fi lled in the East the East been established. The decision of a city branch of the Russian Academy of Sci- for scientifi c researches, workings out of administration of the Find in 1994 the ences [4]. biological bases mariculture and the or- island is recognized by a monument of The state natural zoological wildlife ganizations and developments of planta- culture of local value. preserve of regional value “Poltava” are tions mariculture is created in 1989 with Along with protection of genetic re- in conducting Administration of Primor- a view of preservation biota a gulf. sources, nature sanctuaries carry out also skiy Territory (in an operational admin- In wildlife preserve territory dump of reference function since protect refer- istration of Regional nature protection polluting substances and a waste, mining ence and unique ecosystems. To number establishment «Seaside Administration operations are forbidden. of the monuments having reference val- of especially protected natural territo- In territory of Botanical garden-in- ue, Senkina the Cap in October area con- ries»). The botanical garden-institute stitute FER the Russian Academy of cerns. Located on the right coast of the and a tree nursery are in conducting Far Sciences (about 169 hectares), being river Spacious at with.Заречное, a hill East branch of the Russian Academy of the unique botanical garden in Primor- of Senkina the Cap from apart reminds a Sciences. The city suburb is adjoined by skiy Territory and Vladivostok located huge turtle with the lifted head. The hill Ussuriisk reserve of a name of academi- in a residential suburb, concentrates a top is formed by the rods of diabases fi ll- cian Komarova. In the neighbourhood considerable quantity local and strange ing a crater неогенового of a volcano. with reserve the station of service of the kinds of the plants representing a great Неогеновые porous basalt covers have Sun – the most east astronomical service interest both for a science, and for visi- remained in the top part of a hill where of the country is located. tors [2]. they cover more ancient adjournment. The Ussuriisk state natural reserve Vladivostok is rich with nature sanc- East slope of a hill is covered by a sec- (the area of reserved territory of 40432 tuaries: a coastal part of Amur bay, a ondary oak forest. In the western part - at hectares) is located in a southern part of geological cut Sadgorodsky, a geologi- a foot and in the bottom part of a slope Primorski Territory in territory of two ar- cal cut Sputnikovsky, a fi r site, cellular wood deciduous, with prevalence of a eas (Ussuriisk and Shkotovsky) on south- rocks, an exposure Azure, stacks the linden. Such rare plants, as лимонник ern slopes of mountains Przhevalsky. Toad and the Seal, wood cultures of a Chinese, peonies, lilies Here grow. In the Here there are no high mountains (the cedar Korean, a geological cut the Aniz- top part of the western slope – steppe an maximum height - 498 m, Grabovaja) ijsky, geological cut the Chernyshevsky, oak forest. On the most light places in it and the prompt rivers. Its riches - rather geological cut Tobizinsky, a valley of meets scullcap Baikal, among rare spe- large fi le virgin liana forests mixed co- the river of Voevodiha. In a fi nd this cies. But rocky communities of top with niferous-broad-leaved forests the woods lake Swan and a bay Anna, and also a an abundance of rare species (stalky se- which almost haven’t remained in ter- hill the Sister who is in a mouth of the laginella and an apricot Siberian) and a ritory the and the ad- river Guerrilla in territory of Guerrilla site of stony steppe with pennywort Si- jacent countries. The primary purpose municipal area, in immediate proximity berian, a feather grass Baikal and other of creation of reserve - preservation by from the Find.A hill – a traditional sym- rare species are most interesting here. miracle escaped from cabin and fi re of bol, the city card. Height of 318 meters. The standard of rocky communities woods. Together with hills the Brother and the with rare species is the nature sanctuary In territory of Ussuriisk city district Nephew forms a uniform natural com- Stone Cheeks at with. Chernyatinoin Oc- a considerable quantity of sites of an- plex. Decisions local government № 535 tober area. Here the river Spacious saws cient settlement, basically is revealed, from July, 13th, 1984, № 404 from through Paleozoic intrusion which forms all of them are located on mountains is May, 30th, 1986 of a hill the Sister, the almost steep rocks on both river banks a feature of East Sja preparing for refl ec- Brother and the Nephew are taken under and останцы in a channel, combined by tion of an attack of Mongols. A vivid ex- state protection as nature sanctuaries of a pink granite. ample of it in Ussuriisk area - the Kras- Primorskiy Territory. Island Fox which But all the same the edges most ac- nojarovsky site of ancient settlement. In is located in the western part of a gulf cessible to inhabitants falls - Kravts- vicinities with Utesnoe country the set- the Find in 550 meters from continent. ovsky. It is the cascade from fi ve falls. tlement chgurgenies, living here in XII- The Gulag which were in a saddle of is- Their height to 7 m. They settle down in XIII is recreated centuries. In fi ve kil- land in 1937-1941 Here is known for the canyon sight to a valley cutting a basalt ometers from Ussuriisk on right to river camp zone barracks,fi sh reproduced fac- plateau. They are fi ne at any time year, bank Spacious there is biggest of found tory and other constructions took place, even in the winter when falls freeze and out on territory of Primorskiy Region of at island top there was a punishment cell turn to beautiful sparkling ice cascades. sites of ancient settlement chgurgenies. for guilty (structures haven’t remained). In territory of Ussuriisk city district The area of the ancient settlement Later access on desert island has been the Russian Academy of Sciences, and recognized as Institute stories, archeol- closed. Today on island Fox the frontier also a part of Ussuriisk state natural re- ogy and ethnography FER the Russian regime operates, visiting is authorized as serve of V.L. Komarova and the Poltava Academy of Sciences an archaeological a part of excursion group. In 2000 on the wildlife preserve settle down moun- monument, makes 180 hectares. highest point of island in commemora- tain-taiga station of V.L. Komarova. Excavation here has begun in 1868 tion of the 2000 anniversary of Christi- The Ussuriisk state natural reserve of and proceeds to this day. Only for last 13 anity the 5-meter overgilded cross has V.L. Komarova is in conducting Far East years by archeologists it is opened more 43 GGISAPISAP BIOLOGY, VETERINARY MEDICINE AND AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES

than 5,5 thousand cubic meter of the nature sanctuaries are unique, irreplace- 2. Gukov G.V, Rozlomiy N.G. earth. Such artifacts, as jugs, helmets, an able, valuable in ecological, scientifi c, Estimation of recreational potential of a armor are found. But the most surpris- cultural and esthetic relations natural green zone of Ussuriisk (Southern Pri- ing fi nd - the press of Elanskogomenanja complexes, and also objects of a natural morskiy Krai) / GukovG.V., Rozlomij (the chief military-administrative unit in and artifi cial origin. Now in territory of N.G. // VestnikIrGsHA, Irkutsk, 2011. one thousand court yard), cast in 1222 Primorski Territory there are 214 con- – P. 133-140. that serves one of proofs of that once in fi rmed nature sanctuaries. All of them 3. KosolapovA.B Recreational re- village Utesnoe vicinities there was an have the status regional though nine of sources of Primorskiy Territory. – Vladi- imperial palace. them it is recommended to attach fed- vostok: FESAEU, 1997, 234p. All these woods, monuments and eral signifi cance. They are distributed 4. Pavels I.N. Global of change of natural objects will be a part of a green on edge territory rather non-uniformly. It inhabitancy of wood plants / I.N. Pavel. belt of “the Big Vladivostok» and it is is caused basically by subjective factors – Krasnoyarsk: СибГТУ, 2003. – 456 p. necessary to develop a number of com- – the management of one area treated fa- 5. Protopopova E.N. Gazoustoj- plex measures for their preservation and vourably the statement of those or other chivost of wood plants in Average Si- restoration. The basic attention to give objects in the nature sanctuary status, beria / E.N. Protopopova // Gazoustoj- not to wood preparation, and fi re-pre- and in other area of mutual understand- chivost of plants. – Novosibirsk: the Sci- vention actions, wood landings, care of ing between nature protection bodies and ence, 1980. – P. 74-85. plantings for the purpose of creation of an area management hasn’t been found. 6. Rozlomiy N.G. Green a zone of woods of recreational appointment is Ussuriisk of Primorski Territory. (A con- References: necessary for a management of Manage- dition of natural and artifi cial plantings, ment of a forestry of Primorskiy Terri- 1. Bersenev J.I., Tsoy B.V., optimization recreational forest using) tory [3]. Javnova N.V. Especially protected natu- / N.G. Rozlomiy // The dissertation au- According to the Federal law “About ral territories of Primorski Territory. thor’s abstract on scientifi c degree com- especially protected natural territories” Vladivostok, 2006, 98 p. petitionc.b.s. – Ussuriisk, 2010. 24 p.