Intramural Rules


Current National Federation of State High School Association rules will apply with modifications or exceptions as indicated in this document.

Rule 1: The Court A. will be on a regulation volleyball court (60’ x 30’) as indicated by the white boundary lines. B. The net is 7’ 11 5/8” in men’s and co-rec and the women’s net is 7’4 1/8”. C. A ball shall remain in play if it contacts the ceiling or other overhead objects above the playing area. The ball is out of play if it makes contact above the opponent’s playing area or above the team’s playing area and crosses the plane of the net into the opponent’s court. D. The backboards and walls are considered out of play during Intramural Sports volleyball . E. The official’s stand is part of the court. There will be no replay for a ball hit into the officials stand. F. The scorer’s stand is not considered part of the court. Therefore, a playable ball that cannot be played because the scorer’s stand is a hindrance will be a replay.

Rule 2: Equipment A. Teams may check out a volleyball from the equipment room. B. Teams do not need to have specific colored or numbered jerseys. C. All participants must wear shoes during Intramural Sports volleyball. Shoes worn must be canvas- topped or soft leather-topped rubber soled shoes, commonly known as basketball or gym shoes. D. It will be prohibited for a player to wear equipment which would be considered dangerous to one’s self or to another player: 1. No hard casts will be permitted 2. No jewelry will be permitted. NOTE: Medical alert bracelets/necklaces are not considered jewelry. 3. No hard to unyielding items to control hair are permitted. 4. A player will not be allowed to wear a hat but a bandana (if secured properly) will be permitted. (no knots)

Rule 3: Players and Substitutes A. Number of players: 1. Men and Women: Six players – a minimum of four players needed to begin the match. 2. Co-Rec: Six players – a minimum of four players needed to begin a match. i. Teams with six players – a 3-3 ratio of males-females must be used. ii. Teams with five players – a 2-3 ratio of males-females must be used or vice versa. iii. Teams with four players – a 2-2 ratio of males-females. B. Substitutes 1. A player arriving late for the match may be used as a substitute. i. Six players present for the beginning of the match, a late arriving player may check- in and substitute during the next dead ball. ii. Five players present for the beginning of the match, a late arriving player may check- in and enter the during the next dead ball. 2. Players starting a game may be replaced by a substitute and a starter may re-enter an unlimited number of times as long as they remain in the original serving order. Rule 4: The Game A. A coin toss will determine who has the option of taking the serve/receive or choice of courts. A flip of the coin determines service in the third game. B. A match is the best two out of three games. 1. Length of first and second games - a game is won by the first team to score 25 points and has at least a two-point advantage. NOTE: The first and second game will have a hard cap at 30 points. 2. The winner of the third game will be the team that reaches 15 points with a two-point advantage. NOTE: There will not be a cap for the third game. Teams will change sides after one team has reached 8 points. However, both team captains may agree not to change before the beginning of the third game. 3. Teams will change courts at the end of each game of the same match. C. Scoring: Rally scoring will be used with a point awarded for each service, during all games. D. For example: 1. When the receiving team commits a fault, a point is awarded to the serving team. 2. When a fault is a committed by the serving team, the opponents are awarded a point and the ball for service. E. Time-outs - One 30-second time-out may be taken by a team per game. Time-outs may be called by any player on the court while the ball is dead. F. A special time-out may be called be a referee when a team has an injured player, no time-outs remaining and no legal/exceptional substitutions available.

Rule 5: Ball in play, Dead ball, & Replay A. Starting of the game 1. At the start of a game, or following a “dead ball”, the referee will signal readiness to play by blowing his/her whistle and giving a visible sign. B. Playing the ball 1. Each team is entitled to a maximum of three hits (in addition to blocking) to return the ball to the opponents. 2. The ball may touch any part of the body. NOTE: This includes feet. However, in Intramural Sports competition a player may not aggressively kick the ball (point side out). C. Dead ball - a served ball is dead if 1. Touches the floor of the serving team’s court of a teammate of the server. 2. Passes under the net. 3. Touches the ceiling, any obstructions or objects before contacting an opponent, or the floor of the opponent’s court. 4. Lands out-of-bounds. NOTE: The lines are considered in play. D. Replay- A served ball will be replayed when: 1. An official commits an error. 2. Any objects enter the court or there is interference with play. 3. A player serves the ball before the official’s whistle signals for service. 4. NOTE: After one replay per team, a point side out will be called. 5. A player is injured. 6. A double fault occurs (opposing players committing rule violations at the same instance). 7. A simultaneously held ball above the net. 8. There is a discrepancy between officials. However, this is the decision of the head official. 9. A playable ball (a ball a player would have been able to play) contacts the scorer’s table. 10.A playable ball (a ball a player would have been able to play) contacts the building support structure. Rule 6: Position of Players A. A player will not serve out of turn. When the ball is declared dead, an out of turn service may be called by the scorer or by the opponent’s captain before the next serve. If verified by the scorer, the point(s) are canceled and a side out declared. B. The substitute will take the position of the player whom he/she is replacing. No change will be made in the relative position of other players when a substitution is made. After a player has re- entered the game, he/she will be in his/her original position in relation to his/her teammates. C. The server will serve from within the service zone (includes the full width of the area behind the end line) and will not touch the lines bounding this area or the floor outside the service zone at the instant the ball in contacted when hit for the serve. Part of the server’s body may be in the air over or beyond these lines. D. A team playing with five players must have three front row players before the serve. A team playing with four players must have two front row players before the serve. E. After the ball in contacted for the serve, the players may move from their respective positions. F. A back line player forward of the ten foot line, who is returning the ball across the net, must contact the ball from below the top of the net. (This can be a delayed call.) However, a back line player may contact the ball above the top of the net provided the player takes off behind the ten- foot line. G. Overlapping only applies to the position of the feet on the floor; it has nothing to do with other body parts. It occurs on the contact of the serve. NOTE: This refers to the immediate person in front/back and to the side. 1. Front row (and/or back row) players may not be nearer to the sidelines or even with their corresponding front row (and/or back row) player. (e.g. LF must be clearly to the left of CF, etc.) 2. A front row player may not be nearer to the end line or even with their corresponding back row player; and a back row player may not be even with or in front of their corresponding front row player. (e.g. CB must be clearly behind CF, etc.)

Rule 7: Service & Return of Service A. A ball contacting the net and continuing into the opponent’s court is a live ball. B. Each server will be allowed five seconds following the official’s whistle to serve. C. Each server will continue to serve until his/her team makes an error, commits a fault, or the game is complete. D. All players (both teams) must be inside or touching the lines that distinguish the playing court for the service. E. When the serving team makes an error or commits a fault, the ball will be given to the opponents for service. Before serving, the opponents will rotate one position clockwise. F. The right back player of the serving team will be the server of the game. Thereafter, the player rotating from the right front to the right back will be the server. (Rotation is clockwise.) G. Prior to a serve, opponents will be allowed a reasonable amount of time to return to their position. The official may call a play over if this rule is violated. H. The serve - it is illegal for a player to attack or block a served ball while the ball is completely above the height of the net. I. After being clearly released or tossed from the hand(s) of the server, the ball will be contacted with one hand or any part of one arm before the ball touches the playing surface. EXCEPTION: If, after releasing or tossing the ball for service, the server allows the ball to fall to the floor without being hit or contacted, the service effort will be canceled and a re-serve directed (one per serve). J. When utilizing an underhand or side serve, the ball cannot rest on the hand. There must be visible space between the ball and hand for a legal serve to be attempted. K. Penalty: Warning, repeat offense- point to the receiving team and side out L. Service return: 1. The ball may touch any part of the body. NOTE: This includes feet. M. Receiving a served ball with an overhead pass using open hands (two-hand finger action) will be considered LEGAL for intramural play. Rule 8: Playing the Ball A. Team hits include not only intentional hits by the player, but also unintentional contacts with the ball. B. A player may not contact the ball with two separate and consecutive motions. C. Simultaneous contact- 1. Two or more players may touch the ball at the same moment. 2. When two or more teammates touch the ball simultaneously, it is counted as one contact. If teammates collide, no fault is committed. Any player may play the ball next if the simultaneous contact is not the third team contact. 3. If two opponents simultaneously contact the ball and it remains in play, the team receiving the ball is entitled to another three hits. If such a ball goes “out”, it is the fault of the team of the opposite side. 4. A “joust” occurs when players of opposing teams cause the ball to come to rest above the net through simultaneous contact. A “joust” is not a fault, and play continues as if contact was instantaneous. D. Block and Team Hits- 1. A block is the action of a player(s) close to the net that deflects the ball coming from the opponent by reaching higher than the top of the net at the moment of contact. A block may involve wrist action provided there is no prolonged contact. 2. A block contact is not counted as a team hit. 3. After a block contact, a team is entitled to three hits. 4. The first hit after a block may be executed by any player, including the player who contacted the ball to complete the block. 5. Reaching over the net to block a ball is legal if: i. The opponent has intentionally directed the ball into the block. ii. The opponents have used three hits. 6. Consecutive (quick and continuous) contacts may occur by one or more blockers provided the contacts are made during one action. 7. A fault is ruled if a player blocks the opponent’s service. E. Any first ball over the net may be a double hit, including the serve. F. In Co-Rec Competitive leagues only, if the ball is contacted more than once on a side, both a male and female must contact it at least once before it can be played over the net. G. In Co-Rec Recreational leagues, there are no gender restrictions on who contacts the ball before playing it over the net

Rule 9: Net Play A. A player will not contact the net or its supports while the ball is in play. When the ball is driven into the net so that it causes the net or supports to touch an opposing player, it is not a fault. Also, a player’s hair is allowed to touch the net. B. Penetration under the net- a player may reach or penetrate into the opponent’s court and/or space under the net, provided this does not interfere with the opponent’s play. 1. Penetration into the opponent’s court, beyond the center line to: i. Touch the opponent’s court with hand(s) or foot/feet is permitted provided some part remains either in contact with or directly above the center line. ii. Contact the opponent’s court with any other part of the body (except hair) is a fault. C. A ball may be played from the net. NOTE: Net area outside of the antennas is out. D. A ball that crosses over or touches an antenna is out. E. When only part of a ball crosses the net and is then contacted by an opponent, it is considered as having crossed the net. F. Only front row players are permitted to complete a block. G. Legal tips/dumps are conducted with stiff fingers and the fingertips without a carry. NOTE: Pushing the ball is a carry. H. A follow through over the net is legal if: 1. The ball is contacted on the player’s side of the net. 2. In the follow through, the player makes no contact with the net.

Rule 9: Conduct of Players and Others A. All participants are expected to know and abide by the regulation and policies set forth by the Code of Student Conduct, and are subject to disciplinary action by the University for any violation of this code. University Recreation reserves the right to refer any incidents involving substandard student conduct to the Office of Student Conduct. B. Teams must maintain a 3.0 sportsmanship average during the regular season to be eligible for the playoffs. C. Teams must maintain a 3.0 sportsmanship average throughout playoffs. D. No player, coach, or substitute will act in an unsportsmanlike manner before, during, or after either a playing period or intermission. This includes any act the official deems poor sportsmanship. 1. Yellow Card Assessments- a yellow card is issued and recorded on the score sheet when profanity is directed toward a call, profanity in general, or other unsportsmanlike acts that disrupt the conduct of the game are observed. NOTE: A second offense during the same match by the same team member will result in a red card. (IM rule) 2. Red car assessments- ejection for a red card is for the match. A red card is issued and recorded on the score sheet when a second offense is committed or a player’s conduct merits an immediate red card. The penalty automatically entails the loss of service by the offending team if serving, or if not serving, the awarding of a point to the opponents. i. Any individual who has to be removed from any contest for misconduct or unsportsmanlike conduct will automatically be ineligible to participate in the remainder of that match as well as the next scheduled match. ii. Any unsportsmanlike conduct by a player or a team may result in additional suspension penalties. Please check Intramural Sports Handbook for suspensions.

Rule 10: Protests A. Judgment calls are not subject to protest. B. The protest of a rule interpretation must be made on the court prior to the ball next becoming live after the time of occurrence. The protesting team’s captain must take a time-out. 1. The intramural supervisor on-site handles all protests, and his/her rulings are considered final. 2. If the protest results in the officials reversing their decision, the time-out will be credited back to the protesting team and will be charged to the officials. 3. If the protest does not result in a change in the on-court ruling, the time-out remains charged to the protesting team. Should that team be out of time-outs, an administrative technical foul will be assessed to the bench.