Page 16 The Worker, APRIL - MAY 2017 The fall of an era Hayatou punished for overstaying in watershed CAF election

in favour of change. As the Igbo anecdote goes, Hayatou is the bird BY SPORTS REPORTER that, after a good meal, thought it wise to challenge his 'chi' – his The mighty have fallen, there is no personal god – to a fight. longer a monster to caucus against, It is odd that a politician of change was overdue. Hayatou's clout and experience The election of decided to pursue this exclusionist to the CAF presidency, with his rout. For one thing, much of the inexperience and lack of appeal, good he has been able to do in his can only be credited to his tenure (and there have been predecessor's lack of political positives, despite what most would strategy more than his ability to have you believe) has come by enforce change, it was inevitable working closely with the leadership and anyone who was not Issa of world football's governing body. Hayatou could have cruised to Who can forget the successful victory in . hosting of Africa's only ever World Led by COSAFA, the rebellion Cup in 2010, a roaring success in its was against a system that had own right? overstayed its welcome in a The senior World Cup aside, modern society. The changes in more African nations have become [AFP] COSAFA regional presidents, was involved in hosting (and winning) a precursor to changes at CAF with global football events under his Ahmad 11 of them being new without watch than at any time previously: historical links to the ousted CAF Egypt and Nigeria in particular president. 29 years at the helm was have benefitted from hosting age- Hayatou's cardinal sin. Nobody in grade competitions; the Golden their right senses should hold one Eaglets also hold the record for position as long as Hayatou did. He most U-17 World Cup wins. invited his own demise by his own Under his watch, Africa ego and pride. The bulk of Africa transitioned from afterthought to felt that he had to go for the sake of major stakeholder in global going, and they were not worried football politics, a growth reflected about who was to take over. in the allotment of World Cup Hayatou's cling to power at a time places. His first World Cup as Caf his 1980's and 1990's cronies were supremo featured two African long gone, left him at the mercy of a representatives from 24 teams, by change-thirsty, new crop of leaders the time the competition expanded in snyc with the international to 32, they had five slots, and even football trends which Hayatou six in 2010. sought to stand against. Tipped That these leaps may have taken against an army for change, with a place with or without Hayatou, and sole objective of ousting Hayatou, were foregone conclusions is a he should have sensed that stepping matter of conjecture. In the end, his aside was the only noble thing, body of work, while riddled with instead he went on to contest and errors, is hardly a reproach. His was floored, Ahmad's backers took biggest failing, it would seem, was seats on the CAF Executive to fall in love with the trappings of Committee. power and seek to entrench himself However, if Ahmad can record and his authority further. half as many tangible achievements For his rapacious ambition, he as the wily Cameroonian did has paid the ultimate price, and will without the same cabalistic not have the luxury of transitioning exclusionism, he will be regarded a into the sort of elder statesman role fine president indeed. that a man of his experience and Issa Hayatou's reign is at an end. standing ought to occupy. His Cue rejoicing and high-fives, the inability to read the signs means he victorious Ahmad Ahmad hoisted departs in disgrace. in celebration, the new broom that Whichever side of the divide you is expected to sweep Caf clean and line up on, there is much to look draw its curtains open to a bath of forward to in the new dispensation. warm sunlight. Ahmad has himself been a long- Who is Ahmad Ahmad? term head of the Madagascan FA, The Malagasy owes his victory and while the island nation is not a to the single most concerted effort major player on the continent, he to oust the 70-year-old has, crucially, the backing of Cameroonian in all of his 29-year Infantino. (Additional reporting – stay. More than anything else, it had Online) become dank and musty in Caf headquarters, a situation worsened by the increasing insularity of Hayatou's leadership model. His rhetoric ran directly opposite to the 'brave new world' manifesto of FIFA president , and their running battle has decided