ISS MONOGRAPH 172 MAX AFRICA WANTS PLESSIS DU THAT COURT CRIMINAL INTERNATIONAL THE ISS Head Office Block D, Brooklyn Court, 361 Veale Street New Muckleneuk, Pretoria The International Tel: (27-12) 346 9500 Fax: (27-12) 346 9570 E-mail:
[email protected] ISS Addis Ababa Office Criminal Court First Floor, Ki-Ab Building, Alexander Pushkin Street, Pushkin Square, Addis Ababa In May 2010, states parties to the Rome Statute Tel: (251-11) 372 1154/5/6 Fax: (251-11) 372 5954 that Africa wants of the International Criminal Court (ICC) E-mail:
[email protected] met in Kampala, Uganda for the ICC’s much ISS Cape Town Office anticipated first review conference. African 2nd Floor, The Armoury, Buchanan Square governments and civil society used this 160 Sir Lowry Road, Woodstock, Cape Town opportunity to affirm their support for the Tel: (27-21) 461 7211 Fax: (27-21) 461 7213 Rome Statute system, but relations with the ICC E-mail:
[email protected] remain uneasy. The past year has been the most tumultuous in the court’s short life span. The ISS Nairobi Office flashpoint was the arrest warrant issued by the Braeside Gardens, Lavington, Gitanga off Muthangari Road, Nairobi ICC for Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir on Tel: (254 -20) 386 1625 Fax: (254-20) 386 1639 charges of crimes against humanity, war crimes E-mail:
[email protected] and most recently, genocide, committed in the ongoing Darfur conflict. ISS Pretoria Office The African Union’s controversial decision Block C, Brooklyn Court, 361 Veale Street not to cooperate with the ICC in the arrest New Muckleneuk, Pretoria and surrender of al-Bashir, and its repeated Tel: (27-12) 346 9500 Fax: (27-12) 460 0998 E-mail:
[email protected] requests to the UN Security Council to defer ICC proceedings against the Sudanese president exemplify the political and legal complexities of Africa’s current relationship with the court.