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At the heart of the , a Unesco World Heritage site, the Angers Loire District BÉHUARD 3 Council and 11 cities and villages all work together in the field of tourism. 4 5 CANTENAY-ÉPINARD 6 ÉCOUFLANT 7 8 LES PONTS-DE-CÉ 9 SAINTE-GEMMES-SUR-LOIRE 10 SAVENNIÈRES 11 TRÉLAZÉ 12 VILLEVÊQUE 13 ANGERS 14

Photo credits : Cover : Arnaud Poirier / Mairie de Villevêque. Back cover : Mairie de Béhuard, Mairie de Bouchemaine, Mairie de Briollay, Mairie de Cantenay Epinard, Mairie d’Ecouflant, Mairie de Feneu, Mairie des Ponts de Cé, Mairie de Sainte-Gemmes-sur-Loire, Mairie de Savennières, Mairie de Trélazé, Mairie de Villevêque, Angers Loire Métropole, Angers Loire Tourisme, F.Tijou, JD Billaud. Graphic Design : T. SAUVAGE. Printed by ABELIA – Print run : 6000 copies – 2012. To preserv the environment this document is printed on 50% FFC and recycled paper. BEHUARD BOUCHEMAINE The sumptuous light of the Loire in A confluence town

Registered on the UNESCO World Heritage List, Béhuard is the sole village along the river Loire, which is also an island. About twenty kilometres southwest of Angers, the river splits in two to form the island. Béhuard has a year-round An incomparable setting population of about a hundred and Discover the exceptional scenery of Bouchemaine, is the smallest cité de caractère (a along the banks of the Loire, where four villages label meaning “village of character”) each display very individual characteristics. in Anjou and . Pruniers, a green neighbourhood whose local history mixes reality with the realms of imagination. Le Bourg, where you can take a stroll along the It offers multiple charms and hosts many visitors who are Quai de la Noë and see remarkable exhibitions. particularly attracted by Notre-Dame-de-Béhuard, a 15th century La Pointe: a former fishing village, which sees the Bouchemaine: chapel built on a rocky outcrop. One of its walls is actually made revival in summer of a Roaring Twenties atmosphere enjoy the pleasures of the river, out of the rock itself and its shape meant that the two naves at a guinguette (a guinguette is a riverside open-air the wildlife and the countryside had to be built at right angles to each other. The central nave is restaurant with live music and dancing). overlooked by a gallery surrounded by carved stalls representing Bouchemaine offers a large range of water activities Finally, the so-called Hameaux testifies to the local such as fishing, riverboat and canoe trips, or taking a ribald figures typical of 15th century art. The altar made out agricultural life. dip in the open-air swimming pool. of Mauges granite blends harmoniously with the outcropping bedrock. The nave, choir and side chapel are covered with a roof Bouchemaine belongs to the Loire Valley area Bouchemaine also boasts green areas and registered on the UNESCO World Heritage List as a structure which looks like the upside down hull of a boat. Two landscapes ideal for picnics, such as the park of “living cultural landscape”. outer stairs lead to the chapel where visitors will find much to Petit Serrant; the Loire à Vélo towpath for cycling admire, from stained-glass windows, a locally venerated statue and right along the river; and a network of way-marked footpaths for great hikes. a Peace bell to galley slave chains and polychrome sculptures of the Virgin Mary and Saint Michael… At La Pointe, explore the recreational sentier www.ville-bouchemaine.fr d’interprétation (footpath) that is also an educational facility. Take a peek at the production of local artist craftsmen. And don’t miss the new Maison des chasseurs (Hunters’ house) path with its information The trail named “Flânerie autour de l’île” gives walkers the boards on the nature and wildlife of this outstanding opportunity to observe a host of beautiful birds − terns, grey spot spreading over more than 25 ha. herons and corn crakes − and admire an array of trees, shrubs and climbing plants − willows, pollard ash trees, hawthorns and wild clematis.

www.behuard.mairie49.fr 3 4 BRIOLLAY CANTENAY-ÉPINARD A window on the natural world In the heart of the Lower Valleys of Anjou CANTENAY-EPINARD - 2,200 inhabitants - Two kilometres east lies the town of CANTENAY is located on the where the first historical settlement was founded, northern outskirts of as evidenced by the remains of an ancient 11th Angers (Exit n°16 on century Romanesque church. the A11 MOTORWAY, 4km from Angers by the D107 secondary road).

The town’s charm ema- nates from its location in a green setting in Shady picnic areas with tables and barbecues are the heart of the Lower available for those wishing to relax by the riverside. Valleys of Anjou. You can also visit the duck shed by appointment at Bordered by two rivers, the to the West In celtic, Briollay (Bria Letus) means “bridge over the town hall. Younger children can take advantage and the to the East, this area is partly the ”, a name that highlights the strategic of the outdoor play equipment. submerged during the winter floods. importance of this area located at the confluence of Briollay is also an angler’s paradise with two well- However, what can be considered a drawback the Loir and Sarthe rivers and once owned by the stocked rivers offering many fishing locations. Earls of Anjou in the Middle Ages. has the advantage of creating protected areas for A motorhome parking facility including a covered the flora and fauna. Thanks to the Natura 2000 Far from the hustle and bustle of humanity, the vast picnic area and disabled toilets can host 30 people Networking Programme of the European Union, The two rivers provide an outstanding fishing flood-meadows that are under water every winter offer a day while hikers may choose to follow one of four these areas offer migratory birds a stopover point venue for amateur anglers, as can be seen from the an exceptional feeding haven for migratory birds. footpaths starting from the beach. along their migration route. Thousands of birds such as teals, black-tailed godwits, greylag geese numerous boats gently swaying with the stream. In the upper part of the town visitors can enjoy In July and August, holidaymakers will appreciate and corncrakes stop here to feed and breed… Finally, hiking enthusiasts will enjoy three footpaths the botanical garden, and can pick and taste the river shuttles travelling from Angers to Briollay Some species, like the grey heron or the Northern through the surrounding countryside (maps are various red berries depending on the season. On three times a week, as well as sports activities lapwing, have settled and now stay all year round. available at the Information Booth or town hall). the riverbanks, a pedagogical wild flower pond is (archery, Nordic walking, canoeing…). gradually being created. On their way to CANTENAY-EPINARD, visitors first come across EPINARD by the Mayenne. The Old buildings enthusiasts will admire the 12th charm of this rural town comes from its church, the century courthouse on the church square, as well “rue des Vallées” (Valley street), the riverbanks www.cantenay-epinard.fr as some ancient dwellings that bear witness to promenade… On the edge of town is a relaxation/ feudal times. www.briollay.fr picnic area for everyone to enjoy.

5 6 ÉCOUFLANT FENEU Between land and water Living to the rhythm of the Mayenne

Relaxation, leisure, walking… Feneu (2,168 inhabitants) is why not come and visit us! located on the outskirts of Angers, 9km from the A11 motorway The town is located in the very middle of the Lower that links Paris and Nantes. Its Valleys of Anjou, facing Saint Aubin Island, in the built heritage is historically rich immediate vicinity of Angers. and includes châteaux and ancient dwellings: the Château de Montriou with its so-called This former fishing village owes its distinctive Chapelle des Trois , a scheduled monument from character to the river Sarthe and its name to its Marie the 15th century, and splendid location at the confluence of three rivers: the Sarthe, vegetable gardens; the the Vieille Maine (Old Maine) and the Loir. Château de Sautré, a 12th century fortress built The town is a conservation area of the Natura 2000 Les Sablières Park on a rocky spur as a defence networking programme − an E.U. programme − The lake with its beach and bathing spot supervised against Norman raids. and can boast a rich and diverse natural and built from mid-June to late August is an ideal place for a heritage. swim under the shade of large trees. In the heart of the Sablières woodland, the Parc By the river Sarthe Anjou Aventure is a tree tops trail, with trees over Visitors will delight in Saint Martin Church − 20 m above ground level. which shelters a 1693 Pieta originally kept in the Finally, Port Albert is worth seeing, nestled as it Enjoy one-day or half-day kayaking trips is in a bend of the Mayenne. This leafy spot by www.parcanjouaventure.fr 17thcentury Chapelle des Vignes − and the Town www.kayakecouflant.com the river appeals to a variety of visitors: families 02 41 968 968 hall, formerly the largest presbytery in Maine et Loire. 02 41 34 56 38 looking for a picnic area, walkers, motorhome The floating landing stage, a mere 100m from the Pony rides will take you along numerous wooded users… In July and August, this small haven is town and its amenities, provides angling amateurs trails. Feneu has a rich natural heritage, especially its a stopover point for river shuttles coming from with easy access to the river and is equipped with a [email protected] bocage − a terrain of mixed woodland and pasture Angers, whose passengers have the opportunity to fishing platform for the disabled. 06 10 31 89 12 − near the Lower Valleys of Anjou. Nature lovers will discover Feneu’s cultural heritage and enjoy what’s appreciate the lush wetlands, home to many species on offer at the Guinguette. Port Albert is also the Walkers have a choice of three hiking trails following Festival Aux Arts Etc of birds as well as squirrels, hares and roe deer. starting point of a network of waymarked trails and a former towpath: Feneu can also be called a town where the horse bike trails − hybrid bike and mountain bike alike − Le Halage (6km), Les Sablières (12km) and the This admission-free festival, created in 2003, takes is king as it hosts a horse-riding school and several linking four small towns (38km). GRP (long-distance footpath) of the Lower Valleys place during the last weekend of June. It features race horse-training centres. of Anjou. concerts and street theatre in a friendly atmosphere by the Sarthe riverbanks. Ecouflant town centre Feneu offers a range of events and activities www.feneu.fr 02 41 41 10 00 throughout the year: La Brocante (a flea market) in early April, a theatre festival, the World Music Day, a choral society, the Festival de la Jonglerie (a Shops & restaurants juggling festival), and in September, the Triathlon Le Bourg: with over 500 competitors. A snack bar, bakery, minimarket, post office with an ATM, two family restaurants between Le Bourg and Angers (Les Arcades & Les Glycines) as well as picnic areas near the floating landing stage and the Sablières.

www.ecouflant.fr 7 8 LES PONTS-DE-CÉ SAINTE-GEMMES-SUR-LOIRE The flower of the river Loire A town 10 kms of riverbanks, a natural heritage worth discovering straddling the Just south of Angers, snuggled between two rivers, the Maine Loire amidst a and the Loire, Sainte-Gemmes-sur-Loire enjoys an outstanding natural setting natural environment and geographical location. The town is part of the Loire Valley, listed as a UNESCO world A Loire-side town heritage site. The Loire à Vélo bike trail and hiking trails give A town steeped in Located in the heart of Anjou and Val de Loire on the interested visitors the opportunity to enjoy its natural beauties history outskirts of Angers, Les Ponts-de-Cé is a UNESCO and cultural riches. World Heritage. Built wherever the whimsical Its gardens Horticulture, river Loire allowed as it cut You will enjoy kayaking trips on the last european new channels for itself, Les free-flowing river for one, two days and more with Flower arranging is allowed free expression a way of life Ponts-de-Cé really is a chain or without a guide. everywhere in town, from private to public gardens The natural environment is of islets bathed in ever- and floral display competitions. From the town centre A 7-kilometer off-road bike trail called “Loire à vélo”, very favourable to flower changing colours. Going from to the Château de la Roche Morna; the presbytery production, actually a key one neighbourhood to another is will give you the opportunity to watch undisturbed gardens and their flower terraces; the Clos des Vignes wildlife and flora. sector of the local eco- like reading an open book of the local history that Mediterranean garden; and the Cesame park planted nomy. Horticulture and owes so much to the river. Stroll along the river, ride your bicycle or go horse with magnificent century-old trees, visitors strolling market gardening indeed along the riverbanks will have their senses thrilled by Listed as an ancient monument, the castle of King riding along the towpaths ; the waymarked GR3 play an important role the many species growing there in ideal conditions. René nowadays houses an outstanding museum of footpath south of the town ; or the pilgrim route to both economically and in headdresses (600) in the keep tower. Throughout Santiago de Compostela. giving a cultural identity the year, the museum hosts temporary exhibitions to the town, which has and topical events. become a flower produc- A town dedicated to leisure tion centre of worldwide On Ascension Thursday, the castle moats celebrate reputation. The 500 ha of the “Baillée des filles”, a medieval fair created by During the summer, entertainments and shows are staged in the castle moats. On the first week- agricultural land form the so-called “Green Triangle” René of Anjou. end of July, Les Traver’Cé musicales, is a festival whose long greenhouses and lined up potted plants programming music styles from all over the world. stretch as far as the eye can see. On July 14th, a dazzling display of fireworks is followed by the traditional Bastille Day dance. In July Events not to be missed www.ville-lespontsdece.fr and August, guided “Nos échappées belles” Changing seasonal events are held throughout are organised in partnership with Angers Loire the year. Tourisme. Other events in the late summer include A varied and rich architecture The World Music Day and the painting and sculpture the “Fête des pommes cuites” and “Cé l’automne”. The 11th century church built on a shale outcrop exhibition; the Gemmoiseries and Saint Cecile’s Day; In the heart of the historical town, the riverside “3-star” overlooking the river Loire; the embankments; the the theatre festival, carnival and the magic of Christmas campsite offers a calm, family atmosphere in a nice time; all those events not to mention many others carry 3 beautiful dwellings shady setting. Near the campsite, the 3,000 m bathing of Port Thibault; the on the festive tradition so dear to the inhabitants of spot is just what you need with many water games and gazebos, chateaux Sainte Gemmes. a separate paddling pool for younger children. and wind mills all reveal an outstanding built heritage.

www.ville-sainte-gemmes-sur-loire.fr 9 10 SAVENNIÈRES TRÉLAZÉ A delectable viilage Slate centre of

The age-old exploitation of schist has shaped the landscape of Trélazé. Today, the disused open- cast quarries, slag-heaps and numerous pit-head frames — nowhere in France are there so many still standing — bear witness to this ancient history. However the mines continue their activity and the Angers-Trélazé Slate mining company produces high quality slate of world renown, mostly used for the restoration of Historical Monuments and landscape architecture.

The Loire à Vélo bike trail The Slate Museum Trélazé is a privileged stopover along the Loire The Slate Museum à Vélo bike trail offering a great combination Savennières AOC wines introduces the visitor of historic and natural features, wild scenery, to the history of slate footpaths and even a ferry across the Authion, The Savennières goes back to the beginning mining and the way of a small tributary. Experience spectacular scenic of the Christian era. For nearly two thousand years life of the miners, with vistas of the town from La Brémandière or La Porée now, it has yielded very fine white wines with excel- live demonstrations of viewpoints. lent keeping qualities − AOC is short for Appellation their skills. The museum d’Origine Contrôlée, meaning the wines have been shop offers a selection of Take a breath of fresh air with family or friends! awarded a legal guarantee of origin and quality. handcrafted slate objects. On the outskirts of Angers, try the 50km loop bike trail. Savennières wines have enjoyed outstanding success among the great and the good throughout the cen- For a complete itinerary of the Loire à Vélo bike trail, turies. They gain their aromas and flavours from the see : www.loire-a-velo.fr unusual soil types − schist, crimson sandstones and 32 chemin de la Maraîchère - volcanic rocks − of three sunny hillsides sloping down [email protected] Eventful days in Trélazé towards the river Loire. The Chenin grape, little known www.lemuseedelardoise.fr There are many cultural and sporting events elsewhere in the world, excels here for the production throughout the year. of dry, semi-dry and sometimes even sweet whites. Savennières also offers: Wine is an integral part of the local culture, and visitors From June to September The summer Festival Two Boule de Fort clubs, la Bonne Tenue at Epiré, Estival, features free concerts to suit all tastes, will discover its delightful attractions during the many and la Concorde at Savennières − introductory with world-renowned tops artists, whilst a host of cultural events hosted throughout the year in various courses to this regional indoor bowling game available concerts, performances, exhibitions and top-level venues of striking interest and beauty: gastronomic on request. sporting events (a marathon in May) are scheduled and literary festivals, concerts or plant fairs. throughout the year, against the backdrop of the A countryside campsite, a cookery workshop, shops, local industrial landscape. horticultural farms (direct sales of plants), bed and breakfast accommodation, bike tours along the river Loire, a pony-riding club. In the vicinity of Savennières: The island of Béhuard, the Corniche Angevine, a picturesque road along the river Loire, the Château de Serrant …

www.savennieres.com www.trelaze.fr 11 12 VILLEVÊQUE Urban Escapade in ANGERS Where nature and culture go hand in hand

Located right in the middle of the Lower Valleys of Anjou, Villevêque is a cultural tourism destination. During the Renaissance, the bishops of Angers had aptly enough elected the village as their summer residence: on the banks of the Loir, Villevêque offers indeed a relaxing outdoor atmosphere for the whole family. You will also be thrilled by NOV’Art, a contemporary A city of art and history, Angers art trail focusing on twelve or so international artists who are invited has many stories to tell. You will to display their work in the town love the capital of Anjou ! historical centre. Artists and experts offer guided tours combining the Its colours : the blue of its slates roofs, the green pleasures of art, cultural heritage of its plants (40m² per inhabitants) the white of and the great outdoors. freestone, the origin of the characteristic light that draws you back.

The tourist information office provides guided tours as well for visitors to meet and experience country Besides the Lower Valleys and the river Loir are a living on a Lower Valley farm. great playground for adults and children alike and Its diverse moods : medieval, Renaissance, urban, Villevêque has a wide range of summer outdoor Ligerian and rural activities supervised by professional instructors, including canoeing and Nordic walking. The beach the château-forteresse tells with lifeguard surveillance in the summer months is Its old town : story of King René. The Apocalypse tapestry just a terrific place to laze about in the shade of the and the Musée Jean-Lurçat et de la Tapisserie pollard ash trees! Also available are a picnic area Contemporaine evoke its weavers. The and a play area for children. Plantagenet gothic style of the cathedral of Saint- Maurice and the magnificently restored Musée des Beaux-Arts will nourish your passion.

The Doutre District : is timber-framed houses, its mansions, its residences in typical Angers style, its numerous parks and its gardens and the calm of the bank of the Maine will enchant you.

Come soon to experience the story of Angers !

www.villeveque.fr www.angersloiretourisme.com 13 14 THE RIVER SHUTTLES

Throughout the summer, set off on board the river shuttles and let yourself be carried away towards the Loire and Basses Vallées Angevines (Anjou wetlands). Choose your own programme for the day…Embark from the river port of Angers aboard a traditional Loire Boat known as gabare or toue : the river shuttles invite you to discover 11 towns and villages among the tourist attractions of the Anjou region.

A range of different destinations to choose from with family or friends : on the Mayenne, Sarthe and Loire rivers. It is possible to load your bikes aboard (free by prior arrangement), which allows you to enjoy the local heritage to the utmost after disembarkation. You can also return to your point of departure on foot – by following the various walking routes shown on a map that is handed out by the bargemen – as well as by bus or on the river shuttles.

From june to september Informations and reservations : Angers Tourist Information Centre + 33 (0) 2 41 23 50 00 or + (0) 2 41 23 50 02 Prices : €4 / €3 Angers Loire Tourisme, Fotolia, E.Caracciolo, E.Caracciolo, Fotolia, Loire Tourisme, Angers Photo credits : credits Photo Ponts-de-Cé. des Mairie Billaud, JD Lebras, G.